
Honey Quotes

There are 227 quotes

"That right there is honey from the 1920s. As you can see, it looks a lot darker than the honey we have here today."
"Remember when we talked about fructose in orange juice? Honey's playing the same game but without any fiber to slow its role."
"Honey is probably the only food that can literally never go bad."
"That last honey, absolutely amazing, it kind of like stings your throat a little bit going down, but they said that's the strongest, that's the most medicinal."
"That's it, the only way to make this day better is by doing my favorite activity: gathering honey."
"Winnie the Pooh might have put honey on the map."
"Raw honey is awesome, very good for digestive enzymes."
"Like wine, the longer you let the honey stay in the hive, the better it is."
"Mead requires up half of the fermentable sugars to be honey."
"And honey just acts as this really great antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory."
"Look at this beautiful amber colored honey. Aren't you thankful to bees for making all of this?"
"We can trace then the honey back to its botanical origin, the plant that it came from."
"Honey is kind of the symbol for the whole food industry."
"Consumers are becoming increasingly interested in eating better honey."
"Sourcing local raw honey is going to be 100 times more flavorful and also be a lot more sustainable too."
"As whispers of the honey's unique healing capabilities spread across Asia, demand for the rare and precious commodities skyrocketed in Korea, China, and Japan."
"Honey supports over 30,000 online stores and has found its over 17 million members over two billion dollars in savings."
"Bees use the nectar they collect to make that delicious, sweet honey loved by kids of all ages."
"We want to taste the honey. You don't want to be the honey. But here, you get to taste the honey and you are the honey."
"Manuka honey has a considerably higher level of enzymes than regular honey."
"The smell from the honey is extremely intoxicating in a very good way."
"Honey is a cure for every kind of illness."
"Purpose of a beehive isn't to make honey, honey is the byproduct of a healthy Hive."
"Now all the people of the land came to a forest, and there was honey on the ground."
"Look what it is, honey, the best coffee in the world."
"Honey really adds to the flavor of it, I think, and it helps it brown. It gives it a really nice golden brown color."
"The maximum limit for this honey is one teaspoon."
"You can try to do that, but honey is very antimicrobial so it already fights microbes, so if you put that in there then it might actually kill the ginger bug."
"Taste the honey, have this bowl of sweetness and goodness. Don't worry about how it's going to be in the future because we're seeing a future that can be built."
"Bees make honey, one of the sweetest foods there is."
"Make sure when you're getting honey that you get the 100% pure, raw, and unfiltered."
"This fragrance is going to be for somebody who loves it sweet, who loves honey, and who loves vanilla."
"The consistency for this is thick. It's like honey."
"Honey supports over 30,000 stores online."
"I used Honey, saved money on the elliptical, which was super nice."
"Beekeepers take care of bees and collect honey."
"Natural beekeeping allows the honey to overwinter with the bees as their supply. What I'm looking for is a balance of lots of bees to pollinate my garden and perhaps a good supply but not all the honey they produce which I'll take in spring."
"Honey has such a cute, fun, fresh vibe."
"Honey saves on clothing, tech, food, furniture."
"Honey is nectar that has been converted into survival food. Pollen is really where the vast majority of the bees nutrition comes from, not honey."
"Pour your honey into that, it will pass through the double sieve, then what you'll get down there is pure honey, without any wax, without pollen, without anything."
"If you guys have never heard of honey before it's basically a free browser extension that scours the internet for you for promo codes and automatically applies them on the site."
"High quality honey will win the day."
"Viagra here comes male enhancement honey."
"It's got a wonderful depth of flavor; it does very, very well in cooking. It's always been my favorite honey."
"It's got that real depth that you can only get in the Scottish moor. It's almost peppery, isn't it?"
"We have already filled a deep super of honey in these locations."
"Just know that's just part of being honey. It's 100% honey, so you want your honey to crystallize."
"It's intense, it's a big note of honey in here."
"How do bees make honey? They get nectar from flowers, chew it, store it in their stomachs, then put the honey in a honeycomb and flap their Wings Over It."
"It smells like honey, it's fabulous."
"They make honey and they help fruits and vegetables grow."
"Bees make honey by collecting nectar from flowers, chewing it, storing it in their stomachs, then putting it in a honeycomb and flapping their wings over it."
"It's about 60 pounds worth of honey in here."
"You can have your honey, that's all you're eating for next month."
"One thing about honey: it is moisturizing, it has antimicrobial properties, it's actually great for wound healing."
"You always want to buy honey that's as local as can be, ideally, if you want to help with allergies, you'll eat honey that's produced as locally as possible."
"There's a lot going on with honey that people don't understand."
"Honey has been found to have over 180 substances in it."
"Honey can be used as a natural sweetener."
"We recommend the use of raw unpasteurized honey in bread making."
"The best paying honey comes from this area because of the multi-flora."
"Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb."
"The darker the honey, the stronger the flavor; the lighter the honey, the milder the flavor."
"Unpasteurized raw honey... to get the full benefits of the nutrients and all the goodness that God created there."
"It's definitely got a honey forward with a nice peach tone to it."
"As long as there's a delicate fruity floralness to your honey, this recipe should work pretty well."
"Honey works like pineapple juice; it breaks down meat like there's no tomorrow."
"Honey is pretty important to me. It's important to all bees. We invented it. We make it. And we protect it with our lives."
"Nothing is better than having feed that has been processed by the bees themselves or better yet honey."
"Honey has five to seven times more protein than beef."
"Raw local honey... is known to help with inflammation and other problems that cause allergies."
"The best dipping sauce for McDonald's chicken nuggets is pure unbridled honey."
"Raw honey is really high in antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, so it's really great for when you have some sort of thing going on in your body."
"Honey's the only food on Earth it never ever goes bad."
"Manuka honey's one of my favorite honeys."
"Then next is the super sweet kind of gooeyness of that honey."
"There's nothing like Greek yogurt for breakfast, with some honey and berries."
"If you eat local honey, it will help with your allergies."
"That honey really stands out and makes this an overall sweet fragrance."
"We love to just drizzle some honey on top of this when we serve it."
"Raw honey here, and literally God made any honey to be shelf-stable."
"It's sweet to me as the honey from the bee."
"The flavor of that honey is insane; it's so flavorful just by itself, it's such a rich, deep dark flavor, almost more like a molasses than a honey, which is interesting to me."
"Inside the hives, the bees are very busy making honey."
"Honey is able to do this... for its immediate effects on exercise performance as well as its testosterone regulatory properties."
"Honey is antibacterial and has amazing properties."
"As long as it's stored in a sealed container, honey can last indefinitely without spoiling."
"The Hadza consume an incredible amount of honey, accounting for about 15 percent of their calories each day."
"They take it back to make honey in the beehive."
"I've been having a little scoop of this every single morning: raw honey. It's full of antioxidants; it's great for immunity."
"The Pitcairn honey is considered to be one of the best in the world."
"All of our flavors are very flavor forward, but do obviously contain that really nice honey back end to them."
"It's healthy, 100% natural and raw."
"Honey is anti a lot of stuff, antimicrobial."
"Honey is sweet food that bees make for their hive."
"Honey is such a game-changer for moms when they're transitioning into the pushing phase of labor."
"The majority of it is honey, the bees have imparted things onto the sugar syrup if there is any."
"It has this very soft powderiness to it, it has this gorgeous honey note that I just find addictive."
"Honey is one of the few foods that never ever ever goes bad."
"The spiritual benefit of honey is millions, let me put it that way."
"Hello, hello, hello, come see my bees, have you? Yes, want some honey? Well, yes, we just thought we'd get a pot really, but this is much more exciting."
"I really like bees; they seem to be small yet they're portable and they enjoy honey."
"Bees don't just make honey, they do a very important job with pollination."
"Wildflower honey straws, everybody knows that honey is very medicinal."
"Honey, a golden elixir cherished for its natural sweetness and diverse culinary applications, confronts potential challenges in production."
"Mead was an expensive beverage even back then, honey is not cheap."
"I wish I had a pot of honey. I really wish I do, for if I had a pot of honey, my tummy would have honey too."
"Honey, fantastic, made in nature obviously, right from the nectar of flowers by our friendly bees."
"It's very thick honey and extremely, extremely sexy."
"I never get sick of watching the beautiful flow of honey directly out of the hive."
"It's very light, it's surprisingly light, and I tell you that smoked honey is amazing."
"I actually learned an interesting thing about honey the other day; apparently, it's the only food by an animal that never goes bad."
"Local honey helps fight hay fever."
"My preference is the very light spring honey, and that's exactly what this is here, very very light, very very almost clear looking spring honey. That is my favorite right there."
"Take a piece of jaggery or honey as you're leaving the house, Jupiter is in the second house."
"The flavor of the honey in that one is the star."
"It's just so quality, if you love the note of honey, it's so uncanny, it's like literally somebody poured honey in here and mixed it."
"Wow, this is thick, absolutely thick with honey."
"Honey doesn't spoil; it just might be a little harder to mix, that's all."
"Peanut butter and honey mix in the jar together are good."
"Honey is the natural sweet substance produced by Apis mellifera bees from the nectar of plants."
"Sixty-six percent believe that locally produced honey is better quality than imports."
"Our heather honey is thixotropic; it's a fantastic comb honey."
"Honey never expires; that's the beauty of it."
"The whole idea selling comb honey is pretty; you're trying to make a pretty product that's almost too pretty to eat."
"I give a fair amount of comb honey away to people that I think will enjoy it."
"Looking for some honey, honey? This is the best place to get it in Athens."
"It smells like honey combined with a lemony scent."
"It's normal for honey to crystallize when the temperature drops; it's a sign of freshness."
"The white beautiful full cappings, that's really where it's at in marketing your comb honey."
"Our guajillos are actually some of the best honey that you can find."
"Oh dear, now I don't want you getting in a frenzy, but I'm afraid some honey has gone missing."
"It's a dreadfully sticky situation."
"We just have to protect our sweet and precious honey."
"Honey don't expire. It doesn't. That's amazing."
"I recommend Honey, it's manually searching for coupon codes."
"You haven't seen or tasted honey like this before."
"The cool thing about honey is that it never expires."
"Carlos, you want to smell that? Very sweet, smells like honey, right?"
"Bees are so nice that they make honey that we all love to eat and they help with pollination which brings us all the fruits and vegetables that we love to eat."
"Honey is the only natural food that never goes bad."
"Honey is more than just a condiment."
"Every drop of honey is incredibly valuable because it represents the life of that worker bee."
"It tastes exactly like you would expect cinnamon honey, but the texture of it is what makes it so much better."
"Mead is honey wine, an alcoholic beverage technically made from honey."
"This is a very happy, sweet honey fragrance."
"Honey is a remedy for every illness and the Quran is a remedy for all illness of the mind."
"One thing is evident, and that is the majesty of honey."
"It had notes of honey and orange."
"Honey never goes bad. That's incredible, is that true? Never goes bad."
"The Quran says that the bees eat from the fruit, and honey comes from their belly."
"Honey has been shown to protect the brain."
"The jars are nice if you have kids; my kids would just go pull them out of the fridge and squeeze honey right in there."
"Everything's work, and she did what I think Japanese people did, which is you take a jar of honey and you cut these into thin pieces and submerge it in the honey."
"Honey is the only type of food that never spoils when stored properly."
"The first taste that you get is honey. Wow, pure honey."
"I just like the aesthetic, to be honest, and getting honey is fun, it does make money, and you get to grow flowers. I feel like it's nice."
"Every cassette is completely drawn out and full of honey."
"This is completely untouched by human hands, combed honey."
"Bees store their honey from the center out."
"Honey is going to be the best one for people of a Kapha nature."
"Who plays Honey Daniels in 2003's Honey? Jessica Alba."
"Honey never goes off. You could eat honey from 3,000 years ago and it would still be good to eat."
"Look at the color of that honey though, that is beautiful."
"Manuka Honey is actually like a super honey."
"Honey has absolutely every single substance that will sustain life, including water."
"For me, honey is more than just a sweetener."
"Every morning I take a spoonful of honey."
"Honey supports your brain health against Alzheimer's and Dementia."
"It's incredible for immune support, this is literally medicinal grade honey."
"It's called Brighton Honey. I'm right outside of Rochester, New York."
"I think honey is great, and I would use a nice honey with some oatmeal and some fruit."
"It's the creamiest, nicest honey to put in your tea."
"I stirred the honey about every 10 minutes and smoked it for two hours."
"Honey doesn't spoil, it's like one of the things that doesn't spoil."
"Honey is a very good antioxidant, free radical cleanser."
"What we're trying to achieve is to produce a creamy soft set honey that has very very small particles of crystallized sugar."
"If you follow the right method, then you end up with a pale Creamy Honey that's very smooth."
"For us, we believe that honey has antidote to ailments; it fixes the stomach."
"Just because it crystallizes doesn't mean it's gone bad."
"Manuka Honey is impressively rich in antioxidants and prebiotics, 100 times more in fact compared to regular honey."
"That honey is a healing for mankind."
"The only edible food that never goes bad is honey."
"I'm loving anything honey right now."
"They make the absolute best honey; it's very, very sweet."
"Honey is very, very moisturizing, so it's really going to retain your moisture."
"Honey never expires, so this is really good to keep in your pantry."
"It's really tasty, the aftertaste of honey is awesome."
"One tablespoon of honey just makes it doesn't make it sweet, it just adds like a good flavor."
"I'm a firm believer that honey can help you with allergies."
"Honey is an absolutely incredible ingredient in skincare."
"We just strain our honey and that's it, so it's considered raw and unfiltered."
"Honey has wonderful antibacterial properties, so it's always a good thing to have in your pantry."
"Such a good authentic pear scent with that sweet honey, it's just oh, it's divine."
"It's apples, it's cranberries, it's honey, it's sweet, it's really wonderful."
"I've always had this sort of fascination with bees and with honey."
"Honey is amazing. It's antibacterial, full of antioxidants, and super moisturizing."
"We've got some local honey here, which is great."
"Olive oil is just extremely hydrating... and honey is packed with vitamins."