
Predators Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"This footage captures a group of grey whales on their yearly migration journey, but there's more to the scene as a pair of orcas are trailing right behind them."
"These predators were the most formidable living weapons to ever evolve in their place and time."
"Sharks are the most powerful predators in the ocean, but what if they could also roam on land?"
"My favorite dinosaur, it's gotta be the Allosaurus, the apex predator of the Jurassic."
"Alligators have a well-deserved reputation as one of the most amazing predators on the planet."
"Raptors get a bad rap, but they are alpha predators."
"A reminder that quokkas live on an island with no natural predators so they aren't afraid or attack humans since they don't need those survival tactics."
"Predators do not target the strongest among us. They target the weakest."
"The landscape thrives on balance, and if you don't have predators, that balance is disrupted."
"In fact, when it comes to fearsome predators even today, nothing can quite compare to the hulking form of the T-rex, whether in flesh or machine."
"The cousins of our little house cats are some of nature's most magnificent predators."
"It's a well-known fact that polar bears are the largest predators."
"It's the mentor of all the greatest prehistoric Predators."
"A sudden close encounter with one might somehow change your perspective about these predators."
"Killer whales versus blue whales: The ocean's most devastating predator up against the biggest animal to have ever lived in the history of the world."
"Predators are really important because we want to balance the insect pest pressure on all of our fruit trees."
"Wolves are a top predator and like humans are ruthlessly efficient pack hunters."
"Human predators didn't like difficult prey."
"Predators, a hunter race from far away, savage, brutal, and intelligent."
"Predators are seen to be able to imitate noises they hear, such as human speech, much like some types of birds can."
"Super Predators, also sometimes referred to as Super Black Predators or Berserk Yautja, are a subspecies of the Yautja race."
"Knowing that these predators are unpredictable creatures, they remain calm and move slowly to avoid startling them."
"Sharks, possibly the world's scariest predator."
"Giant placoderms like Dunkleosteus were formidable predators of the ancient seas."
"Some predators have an intimate knowledge of law enforcement tactics, and outwitting them can be a difficult challenge."
"That's Humanity undressed fueled with the terror becoming prey. See how quickly we become Predators."
"The pampas cat or Andean mountain cat prey almost entirely on mountain viscaccia which are rodents with a similar appearance to rabbits."
"Saurus, massive predatory fighters exceeding eight feet tall from head to tail tip."
"Cougars aren't in big cities. They're only way out deep in the woods and in the wild and the mountains."
"Deer versus cougar, cougar 100% here always wins."
"Every animal is food for something else until you get to what we call apex predators."
"Sharks are nature's most determined predators."
"Crocodiles and alligators are deadly predators at the top of the food chain."
"The way these people were moving through the dark with no flashlights no lights it felt like Predators surrounding prey."
"Following this the apex predators begin praying on the passengers one after another."
"Anatolians specifically were the answer to a problem. Shepherds needed a way to protect their sheep from all kinds of different predators."
"We didn't want to kill predators. We wanted to live in harmony with the environment. So the Anatolians were a way to allow us to have our farm and animals and live in harmony with the environment."
"Giganotosaurus and its relatives were members of the family carodontosaurids, some of the largest terrestrial predators ever to evolve."
"Size is not a requirement to be a high tier predator though, as exemplified by the next build on this list: the piranha."
"The most awesome predator of the Ice Age was not one of the big cats."
"Famed as the smallest cat species in Africa, black-footed cats are adorable killers that eat at least 3,000 rodents yearly."
"I think if the two had to fight, the alien and the predator, I think if the predator didn't have his little laser guns and stuff, Alien would win."
"Makara dantine, a line of cats, is home to powerful saber-toothed predators like smilodon."
"It terrified me that predators like this seemed to walk among us in broad daylight."
"Here's the story: wolves are master predators, kings of the kill."
"Mantis shrimp are among the most ferocious carnivores in the ocean, and yet curiously, the fastest species among them prey almost exclusively on the slowest creatures like snails and oysters."
"Badgers are vicious, and if this Badger wasn't familiar with this fox, he would have already jumped him."
"Big cats, snakes, and birds of prey are just a few of the predators that will hunt and feed on primates."
"We don't just fear our predators; we are transfixed by them, prone to weave stories and fables."
"Anacondas: some of nature's most vicious predators, equipped with razor-sharp teeth and powerful muscles to crush their prey."
"Wolves are amazing predators, found used to be found all across the US until we basically destroy their habitat."
"Big predators that are elusive hide somewhere super deep where no one ever goes."
"Sharks roam the seas in search of prey, be it peaceful fish, unsuspecting players, or even other hostile mobs like drowned and guardians."
"The biggest predators in the ocean. Who knows what they could be protecting us from?"
"The story of Little Red Riding Hood isn't the story of one little girl. It's the story of thousands of young girls from all around the world, each facing their own dark woods full of mysterious predators."
"You are not going to hunt your way out of a problem with a predator on a farm."
"Here we have one of the greatest Predators Nature has ever produced and one of the greatest Defenders Nature has ever produced sparring off with some truly awesome Weaponry."
"Predators really don't like the combinations of bright colors such as red, orange, and black because they know that creatures colored this way can taste awful."
"Inside every cat lies a predator, and just after sunset, they're the most dangerous."
"For any of the larger bodied animals, Tyrannosaurus was the only animal going after them in the Hell Creek formation."
"Everywhere chickens just get demolished by Predators but we don't have any Predators all we have is like a house cat here that can like Mongoose but they're not really killing full grown chickens chickens are kind of narly dinosaurs."
"I guess to me, the way I'm able to get through life is to go, 'Oh, child predators, like...'"
"This is a great place to learn about the ocean's top predators."
"They said I'm going to remember you humans the first chance I get I'm going to eat you and it just they thow all this just Chums like blood and guts in the water and then they put a piece of wood that looks like a penguin how cruel is that."
"Next up are the Midrange players. These theropods aren’t above picking on small prey, but are more than capable of taking on megafauna."
"...millions of years of evolution have kind of come to this point in time that have just made this almost perfect killing machine."
"Predatorial pedophiles don't come dressed with pointy horns in a red cape. They come dressed just like you and me."
"I told you, keep chumming, the Cudas are gonna come."
"Mind-boggling how a predator's Warrior clasp it for such deep bonds."
"Predators existed to specialize in death and brutality."
"It's like, no the predators have been around for god knows how long."
"The role of top predators in our ecosystems around the world."
"It's a shame the great white shark is going out so early because they're incredible predators."
"These little guys like shade and they're like rocks and they just ambush their prey as it comes out."
"History's deadliest predators: Homo sapien, the deadliest predator of all time."
"Predators definitely would love to make a nice hiding spot underneath this truck."
"Pike and musky are all business. They're at the top of the food chain and as predators are designed to easily capture prey items using their razor-sharp teeth."
"Oh uh a polar bear. Polar bears are the scariest predator on the planet for me. I'm more scared of a polar bear than any other creature on earth."
"Ultimately, the Sharks did indeed manage to hold on to their claim as the top ocean predators throughout the Cenozoic."
"Velociraptor, whose name translates to Speedy Thief, was a common predator on the Sandy Dunes of ancient Mongolia."
"Barracudas are honest saltwater ambush predators."
"Lions aren't exactly the most skilled hunters out there."
"It terrified me that predators like that seemed to walk among us."
"Velociraptors were renowned for their exceptional agility and speed, making them dominant predators."
"Anything that has teeth and has claws can be a killer."
"Once you locate the bait fish, you're on the right path to finding the predators."
"Master Moulders stop at nothing to create more dangerous and capable predators."
"Orcas are sophisticated predators operating like a wolf pack."
"Wolves are predators and once they roamed wildly across Europe and North America."
"Crocodiles are a dangerous animal to deal with because they're an ambush predator."
"Most predators are territorial to some degree or another, but with lions, territory is everything."
"Hyenas are probably one of the most underestimated predators in the carnivore society."
"We're transfixed by predators that can kill us; this fascination is the inspiration for the holy grail of shark dives."
"They possessed unique features and traits that made them formidable predators in the ocean."
"The ocean's apex predator... killer whales also known as orcas."
"Great white shark versus saltwater crocodile: two apex predators that'll hit you with that jujutsu tsukuyomi into an early retirement from life."
"They have different alarm calls for different types of predators."
"They are the ultimate apex predator of the ocean."
"The grizzly bear is a fierce predator and should be avoided at all costs."
"On land and at sea, alpha predators watch over the balance of the cycle of life."
"Predators have always been a source of fascination; they frighten as much as they captivate."
"These extraordinary predators tell us a lot about the evolution of living organisms and their descendants."
"Dear traveler, welcome. Today we're going back in time to follow in the footsteps of the most incredible predators the Earth has ever known."
"The case of Yellowstone in the USA is a fine example of the positive impact of apex predators."
"The alpha predators of these ecosystems were essential to their preservation and the maintenance of that same balance, fair and harmonious."
"Sharks are predators just like we are; they're out there looking for a meal."
"From every nature documentary I've ever watched, the only time predators leave food is when there are bigger predators around."
"These creatures, these predators are real, and nobody for whatever reason is allowed to talk about it."
"Polar bears are the largest predatory land animals."
"It's nature, people think... it's cool to see like apex predators do their thing."
"A good sign of a healthy fishery anywhere is large predators."
"This usually indicates predators nearby."
"They have massive canines, claws that grow up to 6 inches, and jaws strong enough to crush bowling balls."
"Predators are notoriously shy animals and can have a very low confidence when confronted."
"Tiger fish are by far the number one predator fish in the world."
"Their formidable size intimidates many of their predators."
"It's unbelievable how some of these predators can show empathy to other species at times, especially when they're babies."
"Just like any other predator across the savannah, they are a crucial part of the ecosystem."
"They are fearless hunters and attackers."
"Parents beware, there are 500,000 predators online looking for their next young prey."
"With so many predators relying on Pacific Herring, they really are foundational to the marine ecosystem."
"They are among the world's largest and most effective predators."
"All predators are the same, it doesn't matter what you're talking about, what animal, what fish, virtually all of them act the same."
"I love lacewings, they're generalists, they're ferocious."
"Nature has given modern predators like big cats a precious gift: specialized vision."
"They're fairly strong predators out there on the island."
"The savannah is a striking yet brutal place; predators include lions, cheetahs, hyenas, African wild dogs, and giant crocodiles."
"Killer whales, also known as orcas, are apex predators who hunt in groups and will prey upon seals, other species of whale, and many species of fish."
"Saltwater crocodiles are the largest of the crocodilian order, measuring up to 20 feet in total length and weighing almost 3,000 pounds."
"The great white shark preys mostly on marine mammals and has no known predators other than the orca."
"We absolutely can save animals that people think are scary as long as people recognize and respect them for what they are: perfectly evolved predators."
"Many predators, including wolves, bears, and big cats, are instinctively triggered by fleeing prey."
"Spiders are some of the most common and important predators that can be found in a landscape or garden."
"It terrifies me but it also fascinates me. They're an amazing animal, they're an apex predator, they're the top of their food chain."
"In every ecosystem they inhabit on Earth, big cats are the apex predator."
"The shark's Keen sense of smell honed over millions of years has helped make these fish super predators and assures their Elite position at the top of the food chain."
"The dominant predators in this area include cougars, Grey Wolves, lynx, Bobcats, coyotes, and black and brown bears."
"Sharks are the most harmless predators on our planet."
"Fun fact about wild dogs: they're one of the most successful predators in the entire world with a success rate of almost 96 percent."
"Sharks are creatures that capture our imaginations; they are incredibly historic apex predators."
"Predators are numerous here, powerful and ferocious."
"I love predators, every collector needs at least one predator."
"This is how a predator should look like."
"This is as close to as a perfect predator as you could get."
"That's their best defense against predators."
"Sharks, one of nature's most deadliest predators, lethal to sea creatures and lethal to man."
"Aside from humans, lions are the only predators powerful enough to kill an elephant."
"The vast expanse of the deep sea on the light side of the planet may serve as a playground for some apex predators."
"It's the new stranger danger; your children are exposing themselves to online predators."
"I hope that whatever I saw was a full-grown adult because if not, the idea of any land predator growing that large or larger chills me to the core."
"I'm amazed no one's hurt because these guys are normally one of the most efficient killers in the animal kingdom."
"Let's hope that will keep the predators from snatching our ducks."
"It's chilly, it's overcast, it's windy — perfect predator weather."
"It is good hunting weather for the predators."
"Now despite their terrible reputation, spotted hyenas are probably my favorite predator."
"Hyenas are actually very unusual for predators."
"I don't think they're gonna cross, not with this many crocs right there."
"They are tactical, apex predators, intelligent, tactical, well-armed apex predators."
"When the sun is going down is when the predators such as the leopard are starting to become much more active."
"You wouldn't say these floppy lazy cats are actually quite efficient killing machines."
"Keystone predators... have a positive effect on the ecosystem, not a negative one."
"Look at those massive canines, you definitely don't want to tangle with this fearsome creature."
"Predators will be more active; this is when they get up and they start to move around."
"All predators are competitive and competitors to one another."
"These creatures have got a very, very high success rate."
"Top of the food chain here in Africa would be the lions."
"The hyena definitely the real long-distance runners of the predators."
"The biggest enemy of the Zebras are the Lions."
"It's a lovely morning and because it is still very, very cool, I do think we should see some predator activity."
"We're in a predator-rich environment like the Sabi Sands, a number of different predators that are here."
"When these giraffes see predators, they tend to watch them intently."
"The buffalos are kind of a special preference when it comes to the large predators such as the lions."
"The bigger predators, hyenas and lions, are very very important when it comes to opening up this carcass for scavengers like vultures."
"Hyenas are more efficient hunters than large cats."
"Elephants... protect themselves from predators... the big ones are pretty much immune to predation."
"These are very smart predators, and they're born to kill. That's what they do. They're the top of the food chain."
"There can't be two apex predators in the ecosystem at the same time."
"This is a form of camouflage called disruptive coloration which is confusing to predators."
"It's a lovely time of the afternoon, and you do get some predators becoming a bit more active."
"I love it when you see what can be one of the most ferocious animals on the African plains being so gentle and delicate with one another."
"Most predators rely on the element of surprise; it's not the case with these five though, they don't rely on the element of surprise because there's five of them."
"A day like today with all this very strong wind is a very good day for the predators."
"Leopards are actually one of the more successful predators compared to most."
"The rain is good, the rain means that there should be some activity coming from the predators."
"I love them, they are my absolute favorite predator and they're just incredible."
"They're actually more sort of relaxed animals and animals that kind of try and go after their natural prey items rather than people."
"Night is upon us; it is the time of the predators."
"We do have our predators and your predators are the lions, leopards, wild dogs, and hyenas."
"Manatees are gentle giants because they have no natural predators."
"For the better part of a million years, the mammoths of Arvel enjoyed an easy life without predators."
"We the orcas are the top predators of the ocean."
"Impala are very good at alerting other animals to predators."
"Leopards are probably the most resilient of all the predators."
"Honestly, as much as the predators are incredible, I don't think it's easy for them."
"I've always considered hyenas more successful than all the other predators."
"Predators do their natural selection of the weak and the infirm, the sick, picking them off one by one."
"Whenever predators go for them, they also have to be worried because those tusks can inflict big wounds."
"Cheetahs are in fact the most successful predators per chase."
"We've got a hyena spotted tonight, one of Africa's super predators approaching us."
"They've proven it to be a very good means of attracting predators if you wanted to do a count of predators in your area."