
Emotional Reflection Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"As I get older and removed from the unit, I get more emotional thinking about that."
"The journey we just went to was fascinating. It triggered some old emotions, some thoughts, some youthful thinking."
"Love is the afterthought... it sucks that that's where we are, that that's where we've allowed ourselves to be conditioned."
"I glanced with teary eyes at the moonlit trees, the gradients of autumn leaves warming the scene with tranquility, just above those unimaginable horrors below."
"Well, the freshness, unconcern, need for love and strength of faith you possess as a child ever return."
"For the rest of the day, I go through everything that happened over the past two months... I just get more and more upset."
"That love he felt for that person... it doesn't have to end there." - "Would I even want someone who didn't want me?"
"The no contact period has given them a chance to reset."
"I miss my mom. I miss our stupid fights. It's all so meaningless now."
"How unfair it was that he chose to change Morgan's life and how unfair it was that Ryan chose to negatively affect so many other people's lives including mine."
"Thank god for these moments, thank god for the pain."
"They're reminiscing, thinking a lot about times you share together."
"This album feels very nostalgic, like looking back on your childhood."
"He starts crying and thinks about Ria's smile and his time playing with her in the game."
"If I am in a Zen mode, if I am peaceful, and then the music which comes out mirrors it."
"But as I am meditating, I realized that the true emotion I actually felt was sadness because I didn't miss him as a person, I just missed like what could have been."
"I actually recently had a higher level of that I started having fomo of people from the past that I'll never get into like I'll never have a conversation with like historians people change like the way."
"All the outer reality is, is a reflection of the inner emotional state."
"I believe my granddaughter, and I miss them. Our family has been torn apart, but it was never like people think."
"Happy in their life but feeling like they missed out on the one with you."
"Sometimes when I'm at home alone and I think about everything that I've had to lose in order to actually live again, I get very emotional."
"Look at all of us, these are all of our memories together. They're a little sad now, but we should be happy that they happened at all."
"You're not happy about the way the situation is and you keep daydreaming about that either about filling the cup back up with your person or you can't get that third cup out of your head."
"It's weird that it's a bittersweet feeling. Like it's the last character there... I mean, no matter what, it's an exciting thing, but it's also the end of a road."
"It's a case of quiet resignation and thinking of the people you're going to leave behind."
"It's hard to count yourself lucky when you're one of the ones that got away."
"Love is oftentimes thought of something that's sweet, it's so stupid when you think love."
"Just know that whether they're gonna admit it or not, they're thinking about you too."
"Can we just take in the moment? Are we taking this moment in? Because I feel like we are all moving through a monumental shift for 2021. How do you feel? How are you guys feeling?"
"Unconditional love, peace. Six of cups energy. Someone from the past. Some of you maybe are having memories of the past. You're feeling lost, eject could be."
"It was reminiscent when I saw that and that's why I was smiling to myself inside."
"I'm positive that I made the right decision. But there's not a day that passes that I don't wish I had made a different choice."
"I feel like this is the first time I've heard someone wish me. In my past life, I did not get wishes or gifts."
"Your chat will reflect you. If you are sad, angry, or upset, then they will not be into it."
"Art is pouring the Human Experience onto a canvas."
"As I look off into the distance, I wonder how people can be so heartless."
"You reflect on your mom on this album 'til you basically say what she would say to you if she was here."
"Whenever I see families now I sort of smile to myself and I think it's absolutely lovely, but it's also very bittersweet."
"The Stillness and reflection of the moment as the credits begin to roll make this one of the most poignant tear-jerking and memorable scenes in the entire series."
"I just lost my people. That makes you thankful."
"I just couldn't be proud of it oh just read my mind I just think Mum would be so proud of you."
"Through all the bad situations, I could just picture him saying that he was there for us." - Clint Scales
"I felt like I hit the ceiling in terms of happiness."
"It's very real, they're thinking about you as much as you're thinking about them."
"You become part of the art because however you feel with no expression, you paint that on there."
"There's a lot of memories, feeling nostalgic about situations of the past."
"I still, I'm still thinking about the three brave souls who survived the crumbling of the wall."
"You dress how you actually really want to feel."
"Your connection with this person is so organic, it constantly leaves you reminiscing."
"Fear can't co-exist with [love], it can't. How can it? Just think about that for a moment."
"I know every time you guys ask about the baby, I'm thinking about what happened."
"What feelings come up for you when you think of me?"
"You deserve love, you deserve to be loved the right way, and this is what they think about late at night."
"I am just feel so blessed to have children this has made me this is really humbled me and made me just so grateful."
"This brings me back man. I'm getting all nostalgic and shit. Ahh"
"If I'm feeling that, I feel like I must be at least remotely right here."
"When I think back to the last two years, it's hard to not get flooded with emotions. It's easily been the most consuming two years of my life."
"You're gonna miss this, you're gonna want this back."
"Man, my father didn't give me anything. Why am I missing him so much? Then I realized, you know what, he did. He gave me a lot."
"Emotions are a reflection of the fact that we've lost our boundaries, we've lost our way, and we're suffering in silence."
"They're missing you and thinking about all the things that they've done."
"I knew I would never leave him if they had more time."
"They feel like they're missing an opportunity with you."
"We're gonna end it here before we keep reminiscing about our past and wind up going past our expiration dates."
"Her songs reflect who you are and pretty much what you've been through in some type of way or another."
"The world can be really, really cruel at times."
"That's the thing, man, the good thing about almost dying is it makes me very emotional to know that I won't be here, but it also makes me realize how important being here is."
"Some people go through life never finding love, never knowing what love feels like."
"Woe is me, once I was a simple breeze."
"I'm going to miss having an opportunity to look at the fragility and the humor and the beauty and the insanity that is humanity."
"It's an amazing feeling, and it was an amazing year."
"Life can sometimes feel like it revolves around relationships."
"Innovation... reflects the true feelings."
"A friendly smile has turned into it so quiet and peaceful, look how peaceful it is right."
"Gratitude, three minutes roughly a minute each, three different moments you can feel grateful for."
"Dogs are amazing little barometers, little reflections of our lifestyle, our emotional state, our mental state."
"When someone breaks up with you, no matter how angry they sound, there's no thought that they don't think about you."
"How did you feel on the day? Did you capture the vibe?"
"It's just a thought of you, the very thought of you, my love."
"I really feel I missed a powerful soul mate connection."