
Breakups Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"Understanding breakups: if you don't understand attachment, how can you understand detaching?"
"It's like when you really love somebody, and you think maybe you want to spend the rest of your life with them, but then you break up for some tertiary reason."
"It's their loss if you go through a breakup or if you're dating somebody and they don't see it in you."
"If someone leaves you and they don't want you, it's their loss."
"Every breakup doesn't have to go down in flames. You can just decide to break up and still be friends."
"When does someone have the right to say I no longer want to be in this relationship?"
"The most famous teens on TikTok just broke up: 'Keep searching, boys. We gotta find who the hell asked.'"
"Women are mentally more stronger than us...that's why you guys end up getting over breakups easier than men."
"Just to decisively actually break up with that thing that's that's a that's an all too rare experience and it's it's uh it's very positive when it happens."
"It takes two to tango... to maintain that level of being best friends post a relationship."
"You shouldn't be dating him. End of sentence. Game over."
"Everybody knows that a breakup is better when there's someone to hate."
"Relationships work for as long as they work, and when it's over, it doesn't have to be a bad thing."
"You know, some people deal with a breakup by having a glow up or a ho phase. Not me. You choose looks, I choose books. Thank you very much."
"You learn a lot about someone after you go through a breakup. That's who they really are, how they treat you, how they talk about you."
"If somebody stole your partner, just know that they're supposed to be gone."
"Major breakups... a painful time in your life but such a beautiful time where you get to return to yourself."
"Breakups are tough but it's one of those things that like honestly you look back and you're like [ __ ] that turned me into a man."
"If your ex doesn't find someone new or date around at all, even after a few months apart, it's usually a relatively positive indication for your chances."
"No problem with Lauren's new guy, and I wish them both happiness. And yeah, no bad blood. It's been a great breakup. We've had no arguments, all is well, and we're still friends now."
"A breakup is not the end of the world, it's a learning experience."
"Just remember that there are better things out there, and don't let a breakup hold you back."
"Stay classy. A breakup is not changing you as a person, it's making you grow."
"I messed up and she had every right to break up with me for that."
"I'm gonna drop this guy faster than my ex Shelley dropped me for that elf banker."
"I think the relationship was over before it actually ended."
"I think breakups help you write music. It makes you look at things in general, think about things you could have done or should have done. You learn from your mistakes."
"You wouldn't even really be that sad over that guy."
"I've known a lot of women who dumped guys and I've never had one tell me... he was just too vulnerable."
"So which would you prefer the bad breakup or the amicable?"
"Most of them have been nice yes there is there is such thing as nice breakup."
"There was basically a breakup if there was not a full breakup there was a in the past here there seems to be an ending."
"Trust that if that man isn't coming back, or you keep breaking up with him over and over and over, there's a reason."
"Something could be great, great, great, great until it's not, and then you verbalize it and then you decide you want to end it."
"Life doesn't end when that relationship ends."
"She's happy they're no longer engaged because she knows she has better options."
"You have to really look at yourself and assess the situation and the relationship and realize why it's not working."
"Breakups are never fun, but they always get you to where you're going."
"Breakups are so necessary because if it wasn't for that decision, I wouldn't have found myself again."
"Breakups teach you so much about yourself; you realize you are so much stronger than you ever thought you were."
"No good comes from sticking around in a limerent relationship. It is soul draining and soul killing."
"Every relationship ended on my terms" - a claim to authority.
"If a relationship doesn't last, maybe the universe is telling you it wasn't supposed to."
"High school relationships teach you how to break up, how to hate someone you used to claim to love."
"Heartbreaks should teach you to be selfish and trust yourself. Focus on why the relationship ended and why it's better off that it ended."
"At the end of the day, it's all about you. Breakups happen, people move on, people end up with someone else. Bound to happen, it's meant to happen."
"Ghosting is the most cowardly way to break up with someone."
"You are your own person, and you were fine before you met them. You are gonna be fine without them."
"Maybe it's for the best that Dylan dumped me."
"Losing friends is the worst breakup in the world... honestly, this felt worse than any breakup I've ever had."
"If you can't receive my honesty, then maybe we're better off apart."
"Friendship breakups are tough, but sometimes necessary for personal growth."
"Congratulations, you managed to somehow make a goal stay with you after breaking up with her 10 times."
"I feel like friendship breakups are definitely a thing and you just need to deal with them in the same way that you would deal with a breakup like a relationship breakup."
"When you over pursue after a breakup, you beg and you plead and you try to stay in contact... they start fighting for the breakup."
"You will never take him back because he shattered the trust. His current relationship status has zero bearing on that shattered trust."
"Your ex isn't always going to be upfront and honest with you during a breakup."
"They do miss you too and they are having a hard time with the breakup also."
"They're feeling that loss too, they're wondering how you are."
"Just know that whether they're gonna admit it or not, they're thinking about you too."
"I realized in this moment that breakups or uncoupling isn't a reflection of personal failure."
"Your skin is holding on to that reminder and not letting go, kind of like when you break up with someone and you still have their pictures, you know?"
"You're moving on from the past relationship, it kept you stuck."
"Just say what it is, like okay, we've been dating for three months, I used to like you, I don't anymore, it's over."
"Can we normalize wanting to break up with your partner in a long-term relationship?"
"It always haunts you; why? Any other breakup, and I'd be cool; I could forget about the person."
"This is not like any other breakup ever, not even."
"Breakups are valid, everybody. You're okay to break up with other people."
"There's no good way to break up with someone right away."
"He's the sort of person who ends a relationship with you."
"Breakups can be an opportunity to have a breakthrough as to who you are."
"Stand up for yourself, even if it means ending things. Know your worth."
"It's a time of breakups, personally and professionally, as Pluto brings buried things to the surface."
"People have to go cold in order to break up when they feel they have to."
"I think it's pretty reasonable to not want to be friends with your like ex-fiance."
"Big breakups are really hard to move on from."
"Sometimes breaking up isn't sad... breaking up is oftentimes the beginning of a really [__] fun solo vacation."
"Having been broken up, I think it adds a really cool dynamic."
"Regardless of the breakup, you'll come out in a good place. New beginnings await."
"My girlfriend dumped me to date my friend who's a girl, oh what you gonna do?"
"Diddy bought her boutiques, all types of stuff, but when they broke up, he took it all back."
"Sometimes we have to create the tower, sometimes we have to break up with a person, sometimes we have to quit a job."
"If things are like this and they're not stable, then you start to kind of pull away or you start to get into this place of 'okay, well, you know what, we might as well just end it because it's not consistent.'"
"Realizing your worth and walking away from a broken heart."
"There's nothing better than a great breakup album."
"I just love when I see a real breakup where people are really salty because that seems authentic to me."
"Cutting off contact won't make your ex forget why she broke up with you."
"I want them to break up because I want the world to get the message that this is awful."
"Breakups are always going to suck no matter what."
"Rule number one: never get back with your ex. Rule number two: never break rule number one."
"Breakups are hard, giving someone a second chance is equally as hard."
"Those people are not friends, they are liabilities, and you have to break up with liabilities."
"I want to be single and I don't want to get you nothing, you know what I'm saying, I have to cut you off."
"There's nothing better than a clean break when you're young enough to go on and do your own thing."
"Even John Cena has breakups, you know? So it's a part of life."
"...there's like what's the point? There is validity to that, you know, there are people that say, you know, a break is just kind of a cheap way of easing into a breakup while trying not to hurt the other person's feelings."
"Relationships are messy and breakups are messy. It wouldn't surprise me if they get back together and try to make it work again."
"There's an effort being made to win the breakup."
"...why would you play in [__]? It's a reason why you walk away from that person. You don't break up with people by mistake."
"If your man has to tell you 'I need a break,' he don't like you."
"Breakups are hard and you shouldn't expect yourself to be perfectly fine and back to normal the very next day."
"Sometimes people break up because they want to find out if they can find something better."
"Breakups are messy, but somehow one way or another, that intense dance of jealousy and punishment and pushing people away and pulling them back in, it has to stop if either of you is going to heal."
"That's how a lot of people break up, you know? I mean, they stuff start switching up in a relationship."
"80% of women initiate breakups or divorces, or whatnot, innit? Like, and that's when I realized I wasn't a normal brother, innit? Because fam, everything that I've been in a relationship with, I've left."
"Relationships end, people break up, people are not compatible anymore."
"Breakups are very challenging and you know we're grieving this is really what it is it's it's a period of grief for a lot of us especially in longer-term relationships."
"Breakups are a symptom of a relationship that wasn't working."
"This breakup hasn't turned around yet, but I'm going to be ready when it does."
"I would much rather a breakup than to be lied to."
"Every relationship is unique, every breakup is unique."
"Breakups happen differently based on attachment styles because people have their own way of bonding and having long-term relationships."
"You can't imagine your life without that person through a breakup, and then somehow, someone else comes in."
"The breakup was more realistic than them getting back together."
"I think breakups are like often times an opportunity to refind yourself."
"No one breaks up with people that make them laugh."
"Breakups suck, but you learn from them."
"A lot of self-growth happens after the breakups."
"There's certainly no guarantees for that, but on some level, they are probably going to regret the breakup at some point to some degree."
"When people break up, they're like, 'Well, what the [heck] happened?' They genuinely want to know."
"The quality of the breakups is really at the heart of how people start the next relationships."
"Most men don't abandon women in relationships; it's usually women who end relationships."
"Chalk this up to a life lesson; it'll hurt for a while, breakups are tough."
"Actually, friendship breakups are the worst."
"A lot of exciting stuff happening, a lot of exciting breakups, and a lot of stuff to be really, really grateful for."
"Do whatever you feel is right to help yourself get over somebody."
"Too many couples break up... it makes sense."
"Incompatibility between people's values and schedules are the two most common reasons that people break up."
"People lose attraction for others; breakups happen every day, but cheating on them, that is wrong."
"I'm grateful for every relationship that ended in my life."
"If both of my public breakups can hopefully inspire you to leave an unhappy relationship, I hope I do."
"A genuine person will never want to remain just friends after a breakup."
"When a relationship doesn't work out, you learn a lot about yourself."
"It's a beautiful goal to have, and some people can stay friends after a breakup."
"Unexpected breakups... how to deal with them and how to move forward."
"When you experience a hard breakup, that's an indication that that person was hiding something."
"If you guys are always arguing and falling out every time you try to come back together, the next breakup is just gonna be even worse."
"Take your power back from breakups, to be okay if you're in a relationship and you're not so happy, to be okay with letting that go."