
Local Produce Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"Every British restaurant should be using the finest ingredients we have some of the best meat, fish, and vegetables on the planet, so there's no excuse not to cook with it."
"When you're getting bread, get the fresh bread that comes from the local bakery, which usually has maybe four or five ingredients."
"Brown eggs are local eggs, and local eggs are fresh."
"There's nothing like an oyster to allow you to really taste the scent of place like the oyster that's for sure embodies where it was grown unlike anything else on the planet."
"Very me, we have our local shrimp, same thing, huh? Try to use as much as we can, local, local, local."
"The best honey's are purchased directly from the beekeepers themselves in the communities you live in, sometimes farmers markets are good places to find local honey made from small-scale beekeeping operations."
"You should always use your local produce in season, and keep the food very simple. And let the produce speak for itself."
"I like the idea of getting back to the source of your food."
"Bees don't care for honey as food, it's their strategic survival reserve."
"Local honey contains local pollen, valuable for health."
"Assembling boxes of markdown produce gives you a chance to take advantage of organic locally grown veggies at a fraction of the cost."
"There's no problem consuming vegetables and carbohydrates in moderation, especially if they're seasonally grown within a hundred mile radius from where you live."
"So we have 13 raised garden beds just behind the kitchen and do a lot of harvesting from those garden beds and preserving and and taking those items and and making them into something wonderful."
"It's a great idea to have a relationship with farmers in your area."
"We make sure that we all get fresh, local, and healthy food on our plates whenever we want it."
"We also buy our raw milk from a local farmer."
"Just on the edge of the road, there's a bucket full of potatoes, you come, you pay, you pick up your potatoes, you leave."
"The best part about these wines is it's really about taking these local ingredients and just adding local value, making something completely new out of it. It's really interesting."
"Okay think we got five we got two more it was seven for $49 which we you divide that down that's good cuz these are huge beautiful locally grown mums."
"Food produced and sold locally like this not only provides jobs but is also far less damaging to the environment because it hasn't needed lengthy transportation."
"The farmer's market is such a gateway, it's that foundational tool to get that experience."
"You want to start replacing the things that you are buying from the grocery store hopefully in bulk or from some bulk buy with things that you are buying from your local farmer and preserving it."
"And it's so healthy. And so tasty. And it's local. That's the thing about it. That's just local spinach, wow. This is amazing."
"Our food should be as local as possible and as close to home as possible."
"Literally just walked into somebody's house, and it's a self-service, buy some cheese, some milk, some eggs, everything from the animals just around us."
"It's like little honesty boxes, you can get cheese and sausages and milk and eggs."
"We are trying to formulate a new kind of menu that emphasizes the seasonal and local produce."
"When your local organic farmer calls you and says, 'Do you want some tomatoes at a discounted price?' I'm always going to say yes."
"Utilize farmers markets in the spring. You don't have to necessarily go to the grocery store and buy locally, and that helps as well."
"I think this could be enormously attractive to a lot of families... It would create a much larger local supply of food."
"Try them out in sales from your local farmers markets or maybe online."
"The store itself was filled with their local produce: ice cream, milk, cheeses, butters, gourmet foods, honey, and jams."
"It is truly a foodie's heaven, full of local producers and farms delivering some of the freshest, most delicious fruit."
"Farmers markets. Love farmers markets. Good, that's a good one."
"There's nothing better than a farmers market."
"So if you can get yourself to a farmer's market, do so."
"This place was a chocolate Haven with a variety of chocolate with locally infused produce including sea salt."
"Local honey, it helps build up your communities."
"It's amazing because while we're here, the fishermen keep walking by, they're seeing us, they're like, yeah, yeah, it's like, yeah, we're eating your fresh food, yeah, it's so fresh, super fresh, too fresh, yeah."
"The best thing about everything you eat in Albania is that it's farm to table, straight up."
"I love going to the farmer's market so I'll pick up what's in season."
"You're going to be healthier, you're going to save money in the long run too."
"You don't have to eat the food that the grocery stores are forcing on us that's been trucked in from thousands of miles away."
"In the rolling hills of Cambria, we visit Lin's family farm, which provides the fruit and produce for Lin's restaurant."
"We like being a part of the community and getting the vegetables and fruits."
"It's about creating pies that showcase the best of Yorkshire produce."
"If you're in the growing number of people who are concerned with environmental credentials, animal welfare, and you want to be reassured about what you're buying, then my top tips are to think local."
"We love sour cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, peaches, nectarines, apples, pears - those are all really, really tasty fruits in our area."
"What's fantastic is that they're local."
"Tomatoes in Armenia are so full of flavor."
"The most favorite mango in Antigua is the kidney mango, which is our common mango."
"What we are talking about here is not the biodiversity of tomatoes or plant seeds that are foreign, but the local biodiversity here."
"I am having a fine ale from a local farm brewery."
"Any great cuisine grew up around the idea of using what's local."
"The priority is whatever they can actually get and grow locally."
"Living in South Florida means that I get to grow the best tropical fruit in the world."
"The food on these islands is phenomenal, everything seems to be locally grown and naturally organic."
"Getting to taste a vodka that was rated one of the best six in the world was awesome, but the really cool part was that it was made right here in Michigan."
"Everything we're having for breakfast has been sourced from their own little farm."
"You've eaten food tonight that I have never made before, all completely inspired by what I found right here in the valley."
"It is literally make hay while the sun shines, or in this case, make sauce while the tomatoes are ripe."
"The menu revolves and evolves around the four seasons as a hymn to the beauty of local produce and its artisans."
"There's a lot of very health-conscious people here; people buy organic and local."
"The town of Fushimi has excellent waters and thus makes excellent sake."
"Well, thank you so much for introducing us to the most beautiful fresh ginger grown right here in the northeast of America."
"One of the more decadent products that are produced in the Finger Lakes is maple syrup."
"Tasting California citrus, I've realized how much I took it for granted."
"How can you participate in saving the planet? Buy local, find a farm that is close to you that is raising animals in a more natural way."
"We learned on the farm how important it is to get the highest quality foods that you can, as local as possible."
"I take a lot of pride in being able to provide our community with milk from our farms so they know their farmer."
"Using the best of what your community and state has to offer to craft true grain to glass spirits where you can taste the terroir and true spirit of where that whiskey is from."
"One of the best ways to get into it is just by shopping at your local farmers market and getting to know the mushrooms."
"Let's grow food locally and make it affordable for people at the grocery stores."
"If you drive through Stockton, it's like a sea of family-owned farm stands and you get the freshest stuff."
"Our second winery was a success today, much better local wines, good price."
"At least one stakeholder is encouraging exporters to take advantage of a market opportunity in the United Kingdom for local mangoes like Julie and East Indian."
"People like to come especially to seaside places like Whitstable and they can see the oysters being grown here; they can eat them on the beach just over there. There's not a lot of air miles in that."
"Farmers markets are absolutely everywhere."
"I love to make things as local as I can but taste as good as the real thing."
"What they produce is unique to this island and I think it should be celebrated."
"To take these Wisconsin ingredients and be able to be transported to another location somewhere in the world, but knowing that you're still supporting your friends and neighbors who are the farmers and food producers, it's beautiful."
"We have a food movement in America that's rising and getting strong... local food, organic food."
"A Guyanese one punch made with all local fruits, wow, nothing from a can, fresh out of the market, man."
"Our fish here is locally caught, so you're getting fresh quality fish shore to restaurant to your belly."
"Farm one's rise to prominence stems from its unwavering commitment to providing fresh and locally grown produce."
"All around the world, every day, people are tasting a little bit of Carlisle."
"The closer you are to where your food was raised or grown, the better that food is for you."
"Valentine's Day, locally grown, sustainable Valentine's Day flowers."
"We're here in California, and you know we get our produce when it's really, really fresh."
"Come to Somalia, it's very cheap, the coconut is fresh and it's very good."
"The taste of those local, local, local fresh vegetables is just game changing."
"I love their products... they try to use local ingredients and things whenever possible."
"The end product is fresh, local, traceable, free-range meat, and the ground is managed for wildlife."
"Do you care where your food originates from? Do you try your best to go and buy British? Would you pay more for it?"
"It's all meat from a local butcher's."
"Please, you must eat your plums, you must support these fantastic orchards all across Great Britain."
"You've got to find a market for folks that are looking for high quality, locally raised, ethically raised out on pasture, handcrafted farm product and are willing to pay for quality."
"Will people pay more for local honey? Does origin matter if it's right on the label?"
"You always want to eat local honey; it's good for the immune."
"You start looking for a local rancher and a local farmer, you start buying local pastured eggs."
"Looking for some honey, honey? This is the best place to get it in Athens."
"Supporters say growing indoors uses less water and land and permits food to be grown closer to consumers."
"Everybody has fabulous vegetables at a farmers market here because they all come fresh from the farm."
"The food, the wine, and the brewskis... there's wineries all over."
"So many people are so used to getting their fruit and veg from the big supermarkets now, but they forget about the experience of coming to these places."
"It's really great, the eggs... are actually eggs from here, so the yolk you might notice it's a little bit more orange than your typical egg."
"Simple, wholesome ingredients: bacon that's boiled at home, Irish bacon, local lettuce, local tomatoes, the tradition will live on forever, I think so."
"Let's be cultured, I got a glass of red wine from the local area."
"Look at the farm surrounding the inn, how can you not have a stunning country pâté?"
"First and foremost, buying locally and seasonally, you're getting the best ingredients."
"The more you become aware of your endangered food systems, the more valuable your local food connection becomes."
"If you want food that's just recently harvested or recently picked, I would go and buy it at a farmer's market."
"If we can grow it locally, it's usually a lot cheaper."
"That's pork we grew right here on the property."
"Make sure you go to your local grocery store and support your local melons."
"So good, me and Corey have been buying strawberries at the local produce stand this year, but they can't beat that one."
"They have freshly picked local strawberries, oh these look amazing."
"Sweet fruits, juicy vegetables, skullcaps, warm climate and, of course, Eastern hospitality."
"I want to start eating seasonally, I want to start eating locally, I want to support small farms and local farmers."
"We've made a commitment to have at least 25 percent of our food be local, sustainable, and fair."
"People want good food, they want locally sourced food, they want the story behind their food."
"Sun Seekers, I know that farm to table is super important to a lot of you, buying local, and it can't get any more local than this."
"The syrup that was served with them was local Ohio syrup, so it's very, very tasty."
"We sustainably harvest the leaves for our teas locally from organically certified property."
"It's full of local producers and farms delivering some of the freshest most delicious fruit."
"I have found that by putting an emphasis on consuming more fresh local produce, I'm eating more simply and to the contrary of what you might think, it's actually so much more flavorful and so much more delicious."
"Go on Google, type in 'grass-fed beef near me', and it'll bring up butcher shops, local farms, it'll bring up everything that's near you."
"Local, seasonal, sane, sustainable, environmentally friendly food is the way to go on."
"The honey that each one produces comes from the beautiful pine forest surrounding you, it gives the honey a distinct flavor."
"I'm a big fan of local; I love my local farmers market."
"Eating local is better for air quality and pollution than eating organic."
"You're actually getting the food from the farmer, and it's so cheap."
"Getting people to know more about this amazing fruit, the dragon fruit, the mystery fruit, cultivated right here in Jamaica."
"We should feast every day seasonally, enjoying what's available to us in our backyard."
"We have food miles of only 12 miles from this field to the factory, that is far more sustainable than using an airplane from bringing sugar cane from the other side of the world."
"Movida aims to shine a light on the best of Spanish cuisine using the finest produce Melbourne has to offer."
"You can come here and get local honey. It's good for allergies."
"Everything here on this table has been homemade and actually grown right here in the valley."
"Whatever's local in your geographic region, whatever's in season right now, that's what you want to be eating."
"In Hawaii, they have a thing called apple bananas and they're way sweeter."
"Food should be good for our bodies, it should be nourishing, it should be tasty, seasonal, and local if possible."
"Riverside also produces a lot of citrus, and it's just a very beautiful little city."
"Jersey tomatoes, truly nothing better."
"Keep it semi-local; we love mushrooms in this house, and they all taste different."
"Going to farmers markets is so important."
"In Cyprus, we have a lot of fresh figs around this time of year and they're really sweet."
"When I go to the supermarket, I try and pick stuff that's been grown locally and is in season."
"We're trying to make local farm fresh foods, healthy foods more available, accessible, and affordable to everyone."
"We pride ourselves on the quality of our food, and all of our vendors use fresh, healthy ingredients from local farms."
"I just love using my local fibers and getting them spun like this."
"It's as sweet as the trip to the local apple orchard."
"We're going to eat what is available out there during the season."
"We have so much frozen fruit from this past summer, mostly from my parents' farm, which was still cool, grown locally and organically."
"Food which is locally sourced, well-stored and naturally ripened tends to taste better."
"Buy your food locally from your trusted farmer."
"Supporting British Growers and organic produce, Daylesford are the masters of that."
"It's going to be a little gift shop and we're going to have honey and things like that from your farm."
"We've got some local honey here, which is great."
"We are going back to local food, we're going back to organic food."
"It's always best to use something that's in season, that is local if you can get it because it tastes the best."