
Spiritual Vision Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Lord, open up my eyes. Don't ask Him to give you eyes, ask Him to open up your spiritual eyes."
"If you have eyes to see, you will see this: that God is doing something so special in this house."
"Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God."
"We shall run with the vision, we shall see it with our own eyes, we shall experience God."
"I see Jesus on a glory Throne clouds around him Seated on a throne as the King of Kings and the Lord of lords this was the most profound experience."
"Through the eyes of faith, faith sees the end from the beginning."
"Mary had a vision of the Lord in which he said to her, 'Observe all the laws of a spouse and holiness, purity, and all perfection.'"
"Now after this, I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven."
"I obey, I got, I have a perceptual problem, and then suddenly Christ's vision comes."
"Father, look not on the things that are seen, but the things that are not seen."
"If you look at what you see in this dimension, you'll see a boy looking for a donkey, but God sees a man who can become king."
"For us, the greatest pleasure and the greatest vision on that day of judgment is to see God Almighty with your own eyes."
"As his eyes opened, he saw the fruits of Jannah. He was in a place that we don't know yet. May Allah grant us paradise."
"Owning what you're worth, what's going to expand is your compassion for yourself and in the world and your spiritual vision."
"Every Samson, beware: pornography aims to cut off your eyes, your vision of God."
"I'm believing God that before I die, we'll look just like heaven."
"There's always a reason why God opens our eyes."
"If we were to catch just a glimpse of Heaven, we would see countless angels exalting and worshiping the Lord God Almighty."
"The reveal is connected to a release date. Every time God gives you a vision, it has a release date attached to it."
"You can see beyond the physical. All-seeing eye, bird's eye view."
"Last night the crying of the children kept me awake and I had a terrible vision. I saw the fall of our city, religious bones under a harsh sun."
"I had a dream once... after the dream, they all bowed down to the figure of Christ."
"Don't be expecting any miracles now if you will not think you are pardoned till you get a vision you will have to wait many a year."
"You really do have to have the spiritual eyes to be able to see these kinds of things."
"God wants you to see, and he wants you to see especially that He loves you very much."
"We would immediately be beyond the body, beyond the sun and stars, past everything you see and yet somehow familiar is an arc of golden light that stretches as you look into a great and shining circle."
"Jesus said, 'I came to this world that those who are spiritually blind could receive their sight.'"
"We're not just having visions and experiences for their own sake... we're seeing things the way he sees them."
"May your life change like day and night. I declare the vision that you need for your life and your destiny. In the name of Jesus, tonight may God reveal the blueprint of your destiny for you."
"And that's when I see the gates to heaven the shining light at the end of the tunnel."
"Your young men shall have dreams and visions."
"God's throne room is a glimpse into the Eternal, where worship never ceases, and God's sovereignty reigns."
"Life changes when we see the divine in all beings."
"Our vision is far too small, God has something so much bigger in mind."
"You are now on that in-between point between us being able to see angels, see the plasma beans, and begin to get into the flow and of the remembrance of who we really are."
"Open our eyes to that realm that we can only see by the Spirit."
"Imagine a world like that, from continent to continent, men are going to know the Lord."
"When God is giving us a dream, He's literally showing us the end from the beginning."
"The Holy Spirit gives us new eyes to see... so we can see Jesus and our lives transformed."
"Excellence is when I create in the earth what I see in heaven."
"We will witness these promises come to pass now in the natural, the manifestation of them, however with spiritual eyes we will see this double portion, double-acting agent first as we then see it develop in the natural."
"The world's largest tree house was built because a minister had a vision."
"This praise right here, it's about what I see God doing in my next season."
"Despite all of the issues and the flaws that we have as human beings, Jesus is able to look beyond the dirt on your earthen vessel and see the hidden treasure in you."
"Joshua and Caleb could see through the Lord's eyes what the promised land looked like."
"Set your mind on the things above... look to all the blessings in the Heavenly places... see it, you can have it."
"Holy Spirit, I ask you that you will enlarge our vision."
"God has a vision and a purpose for your family."
"Every time that God births a vision on the inside of you, every time that God gives you something that is a promise, a seed of something to unlock your destiny and take your life to the next level, there will come something to challenge it."
"When disappointment and discouragement strike—and they will—you remember and never forget that if our eyes could be opened we would see horses and chariots of fire as far as the eye can see riding at reckless speed to come to our protection."
"Young men would be able to see in the spirit, they'd be able to perceive in the spirit things that are not known in the natural."
"In the realm of the Spirit I saw the hand of the Lord upon you and when I saw the hand of the Lord upon you I saw you standing among the Twelve Apostles of Jesus."
"Looking through the eyes of unity is like looking through the eyes of God."
"You're going to write a book and it's about seeing in the spirit and it's going to impact the east."
"When you wipe the tears of other people, you will see my son's face imprinted on your heart."
"I wanna see him, look upon his face."
"You need the Holy Spirit to open up the eyes of your heart and enable you to see."
"When we come to the vision and fruition of him, all these cease, and the love only remaineth."
"Moses climbed Mount Nebo, and he was able to see the inheritance of the children of Yash for a possession."
"Blessed is he who has seen together with them."
"The seeing eye directed at God is not a visible seeing, but is rather a seeing of the invisible within the visible."
"His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire."
"Our parishes should be windows on the kingdom, a place where love is real."
"He carried me away in the spirit to a great, high mountain and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God."
"The vision of our Guru is so powerful, all our previous lives, all the pain, everything can get wiped out just by seeing Guru Nanak."
"We're all called to walk in the fire, we're all called to fulfill God's desire and vision for our lives and for others."
"Now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face."
"The greatest reward of paradise is to see God."
"He said he felt the power of God all around him and could see a golden river in front of him, passing through his body."
"The light is present for all those who may see, who become willing to be seen."
"Your eyes shall be enlightened of your heart, and you shall be able to see the eternal."
"Sanctify their eyes and even the eyes of their spirit, that they will be able to see spiritually from this day onwards."
"When the third eye of the Bhairava opens, we are still seeing this universe, but everything is dissolved in the light of Shiva."
"Lift your spirit eyes, Paul prayed like this: 'I pray that the eyes of your heart would be open'."
"Greater is the person who sees with his spiritual eyes than the one who sees with his physical eyes."
"I'm sure it was some holy bishop or some man of renown from the number of the faithful that I saw born to heaven in the splendor of that great light and escorted by so many bands of angels."
"One of the greatest things that you and I need in our lives is spiritual vision to be able to see the unseen."
"Lord, give me vision, clear my vision, help me to see things like they really are."
"God gives vision and then He brings provision."
"Give us eyes to see Jesus dancing and rejoicing around us."
"You open up the heaven, and I can fully see all the angels come down and then you stand by me."
"Lord, now let thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation."
"Blessed are all the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
"For he endured as seeing Him who is invisible."
"The Word is our vision and our guarantee of the future."
"We could have 20/20 vision with our physical eyes and be in complete darkness spiritually."
"I'm going to live holy so that I can have God's favor like Simeon, so that my eyes can be opened because I want to see my God."
"Holy, holy, holy, I want to see You."
"May my spiritual eyes be open; may my spiritual understanding be unlocked."
"I had a vision of heaven and in my vision I saw a radiant Archangel."
"Everything that presents itself to their eyes derives a kind of translucence from that light."
"A door was opened in heaven... Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter."
"In the spiritual realm, there were horses and chariots of fire completely surrounding them."
"It's time now to live in the truth; look with your spiritual eyes what's going on."
"The consciousness in your body is the nectar of Krishna's feet, or is it the pure form of vision of Shri Krishna Paramatman? It is your own true form."
"Krishna says do the most practical thing, which is in your own life develop spiritual vision and then try to give that spiritual vision to as many people as possible."
"Lift up your eyes to the heavens, look upon the Earth beneath."
"Jesus loves us so much because he looks at us and he sees us as God intended for us to be from the beginning."
"All that you see is the whiteness and the glory or the remembrance of Allah."
"The spiritual eye... represents the consciousness of God himself, and we are a manifestation of that to a larger extent than most people can imagine."
"I need to be pure in heart in order to see God and understand what He wants from me."
"Embrace these visions with an open heart and a receptive spirit; they offer a deeper understanding of the soul bond that exists between you and your twin flame."
"If our eyes are single, our whole body will be full of light."
"And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven."
"For now we see through a glass darkly, but then we shall see face to face."
"She is someone to see; she's glorious, and when you see her, you see Him."
"Establishing Zion isn't simply a matter of converting others to our way of seeing, so much as more deeply converting ourselves to seeing more of the whole."
"I love being able to see the Lord."
"If you anoint your eyes with the pulp or the salve of love of God, then you will be able to see Krishna face to face."
"Be careful for the vision of the believer for he looks with the firasah (spiritual vision) of Allah (AJ)."
"Close those big eyes and see with your spiritual eye."
"Through the eye of knowledge, see the universe pervaded by Brahman."
"One should direct one's vision to that alone where all distinction of seer, sight, and seen ceases."
"I had a vision of heaven, of the saints in heaven, and what struck me was that they all knew me and they all loved me."
"If thine eye be single, thy body will be filled with light."
"When we have darshan of Krishna even once, that is the definition of successful life."
"In my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another."
"Lord, open the eyes of my servants, that he may see that they that be with us are far more than they that be with the enemy."
"See yourself and others through the eyes of the angels."