
Audacity Quotes

There are 298 quotes

"As the curtains close on this eventful year, join us on a roller coaster of audacity."
"I gained a humility that I needed in order to balance my audacity."
"It's a different scenario where it's all on video. It's very brazen, very daring."
"I guarantee you I could rob a jewelry store today and not get caught."
"It's not just enough to do the thing, but to do the thing so flagrantly that I almost am forced to admire it."
"She's so, oh my God, just the audacity, I can't even."
"I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and I wouldn't lose supporters."
"The audacity! A melt a gun to the face of Fabius Bile."
"That's ballsy man... they started losing the tightness of keeping this under wraps."
"This is pulling off a heist. How does he not get in trouble for this?"
"Hannibal's crossing of the Alps is simultaneously a monumental achievement of logistics and willpower while also being totally metal."
"He literally said that he could kill someone on Fifth Avenue, shoot them, and the American people would still vote for him. And he was right."
"She has the audacity and the composure to do that."
"I just couldn't even formulate the words, the audacity of you to sit here and say, 'What about you?' What about your growth?"
"Could you imagine having the audacity to say this?"
"Audacity is not the same thing as pride. I am not talking about ego. I'm talking about the type of audacity that allows you to step out on water like Peter did."
"Yeah, the audacity of you to walk around in just your undies. It's ridiculous!"
"It was like jumping off of a 50-story building naked."
"If you look at the word audacity in the dictionary, we should have a picture of Robert E. Lee next to that."
"There is a saying where it's 'better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission' and we had no permission but at that point you almost felt like you can do anything because we had just broken every law in the state of Illinois."
"I've decided to do something about this myself and sneak a modern painting into the most secure, most respected, and most famous gallery in the world."
"The sheer audacity of this friend group, like honestly."
"Be a practitioner. That's why I walk with such audacity and confidence."
"Even after reality hit her like a ton of bricks, she still has the audacity to demand an apology."
"First rule of the afterlife: Cut the king, baby."
"This is why you should never give an ugly man a chance. It's the audacity for me."
"Everything about the guy from his hard drinking to his rule breaking screams badass."
"Love them or hate him you gotta respect the balls to go into a base and leave a decapitated head there."
"Speed leans into the extreme, into the stuff that's loud enough to rise above the noise of all the other entertainers."
"The ballsiness, the audacity of the whole thing."
"One of the biggest advantages that Amber Heard has is just the sheer audacity that she demonstrates with the things that she has said and done."
"Ship in Nadler grandstanding? It takes real hutzpah to keep squawking about others' arrogance."
"The audacity to believe that DK Audis is doing the Lord's work."
"You got to have the audacity to go out there and sit with people. If you don't, how can the people that you want to vote for you feel confident knowing you're going to go sit with the enemy?"
"A robbery that draws admiration for its daring bravado."
"I feel fear every day, every day I'm scared of something, but you know what happens? I'll feel about 10 ounces of fear in a thousand ounces of audacity."
"In a moment of breathtaking audacity, she even appointed a female prime minister by the name of Shangguan Wan'er."
"It is the front. It is the audacity of what you are trying to do."
"Because after all, what's the point of doing a crime if there's no witnesses to see just how awesome it was."
"Have the guts to go out and attempt something audacious and terrifying."
"The cheek, the nerve, the gall, the audacity, and the gumption."
"Would you tell Steph Curry to stop taking the 40-footers? I [expletive] wouldn't."
"Building structures so outrageous they defy Logic."
"This whole movie was 'we don't give a.' They just went balls to the wall like crazy."
"Well, it takes a certain audacity to think that you can plant a church."
"There's something about resistance you know and it's just the audacity to think that you can do something."
"It's waltzing into brunch with a fake. That takes hutzpah."
"That feeling of, you know, that the hutzpah, the hutzpah that they're talking about, that's exactly it, you guys."
"It's not for everybody. This is for the audacious few."
"Just the idea that someone had the audacity to say they didn't hate their life."
"...even in our hesitation Even in our uncertainty or the nervousness the anxiety we can still be bold we can still be audacious even when we're not 100 confident."
"Not only were they exceptionally talented but they also had the looks and on top of that they had the audacity to break with convention and do whatever they wanted."
"G's audacity reached new heights as he sought insider knowledge from President Ulysses S. Grant's circle."
"You got audacity bro. Where does that come from? You're audacious bro, I love that."
"That's good though. Where's that come from? You're audacious bro. I love that. Who are you?"
"But that's good though. Where's that come from? You're audacious bro. I love that. Who are you?"
"An audacious Courthouse Escape serves as a stark reminder."
"No I'm going to raid your liquor cabinet steal your horse ride in on it and then bang your daughter this is the best possible ending to this man's epic Saga in World War II that anybody could even come up with and it happened in real life."
"Far-fetch with it, put some respect with it."
"To be foolish is to have the audacity to believe in oneself, to trust in the journey."
"It's hard not to get excited about a motorcycle manufacturer willing to make audacious motorcycles."
"It was as audacious as any heist and yet unlikely material for a Hollywood blockbuster."
"The audacity of faithless men threatens civil society."
"How dare he touched the forest Vol? It seems that his courage is pouring from his ears."
"Boldness and audacity make up for your mistakes."
"He's got some set of balls on him."
"It's better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity. Everyone admires the bold, whereas no one honors the timid."
"The envisioned transatlantic tunnel stretching over 35 miles across the Atlantic ocean floor showcases a blend of audacious goals and Cutting Edge technology."
"One of the things about bullies is that bullies respect people with audacity."
"The audacious notion of flying beyond our physical limits ignites a spark within the daring soul."
"It's like how he asked Natalie Portman to be in the next Star Wars movie that he's gonna make not even knowing that she was in the prequels it's like the guy just doesn't give a [ __ ]."
"Pray life and death, gigantic, impossible, crazy prayers."
"That's the hardest one to defend, I gotta hand it to him, bro. Respect. You gotta be a real shark to just openly state things like that on National Television. He's out of his freaking mind, dude."
"It takes a little more than cowardice to parachute out of a 727 with a suitcase of money."
"It was an audacious move, his position not having much in terms of natural defences."
"I love it when people use audacity."
"This album is so good it almost feels like a flex, you know Nat is just out here trying [__] out just doing what she thinks she can get away with and just getting away with all of it."
"You need to start with an idea that's audacious. You need to be a person that's rebellious because that's how you ensure you are taking almost enough of a risk to be able to actually make this crazy bet that you're taking with your life worth it."
"Just when you think the peak of audacity has been reached, now there's a height, there's a higher peak. Just when you think the limit of cheek has been achieved, no, no, a new limit gets created."
"You gotta have the energy. You gotta be brave. You gotta think, 'Who the [ __ ] does this [ __ ]?'."
"By the way, if you’re wondering what the whole ‘Barefoot Bandit’ thing was all about, the name came from reports that Colton liked to commit his various crimes sans shoes and socks."
"Although simple, the plan was daring."
"You have to have the audacity to use your gift."
"I mean the confidence he has to do this is crazy."
"Trust God if you want to walk audaciously and do great things."
"You have to be audacious when you're taking up space. It's not given to you, you have to take it."
"How does a guy have so much balls?"
"Freaking Shameless man, how very Shameless."
"The cheek, the nerve, the gall, the audacity, and the mother-tucking gumption."
"It was an audacious endeavor... but we did it."
"That's why with all his charisma and audacity and bloody ambition, with all his Martin-esque contradictions, Damon captures us most of all."
"He had the audacity to tell me not to take action because he was afraid of the consequences."
"These robbers just walked out Bold As Brass tanned they into a evening rush hour."
"Unbelievable, like the balls to come out to the big to Hollywood."
"You have the audacity to tell me I'm too skinny, but I can't tell you your bank account is too skinny?"
"Men just really really have the audacity."
"She understands what it means to have tenacity, temerity, and audacity to fight when the odds seem to be against her."
"Men actually have audacity, you know."
"Audacity will always be free and open source."
"wow this is so Brazen that I can't help but be attracted to him not turned her on but it was like that's somehow attractive that this guy on our first date asked to come up and [ __ ]"
"It was one of the most audacious and biggest heists in British history."
"Most players just don't have the cojones to pull off something like that."
"The audacity of it. You hear that, public workers? Don't take any breaks."
"The audacity of this man to live happily ever after."
"...being radically humble and radically audacious that feels like it's capturing what I'm feeling in Magic... it's showing you both at the same time."
"Great play Willie with the absolute audacity to go backhand five one nothing game with the season on the line."
"...a level of audacity that captivated the world."
"It's an audacious Vision I know the doubting voices within and around you will say such Grand transitions are impossible."
"The audacity of some people is just astounding."
"...that audacity is best kindled from that spirit of play I think I think it has to be and you have to be in order to be playful you've got a you've got to be your own parent in some way go on you do it it just doesn't matter and then you rob them..."
"The dude was so confident in his abilities that he filmed himself fighting a lion on film."
"Be more sexually audacious, sexually playfully audacious, and just express with your eyes, and your voice, and everything that you are a man who likes the shape of women."
"You can't be broke and audacious."
"Literally the audacity of people to say, 'Listen I mean her husband was most likely just murdered and her children either didn't make it or their virgins themselves so they're going into the sex trade.'"
"The one thing I love about the internet is that it gives you the bravery and courage to say what you want to say, and it gives me the audacity to say what I want to say back. So keep it above board, okay family?"
"It's the audacity of you. You and then you would be wrong in quotes if you had said the audacity of y'all to be in here and drop anchor."
"It's the audacity to confidently name something that you did not create."
"When we describe audacious people, they've taken a bold step typically that the rest of the world is like, 'Oh, okay, you're just gonna do that?'"
"The most audacious people in life are those that dare to ask for things."
"Those who execute this over time consistently, we actually stop seeing them as audacious; they've just become the person."
"It's a really interesting evolution of audacity, where you just become that person and it's no longer a move that people no longer expect from you but it is just who you are."
"Son with the audacity to try that on the biggest stage."
"Kendra's a free spirit she was literally on a solo backpacking trip across Spain when she got her audition call back"
"It's okay to give effort, it's okay to work hard for a goal, it's okay to set audacious goals, it's okay to go to work every day and put out."
"Imagine the audacity of Faith, amen."
"The gall of this lady to come up and act like she owns that place is absolutely disgusting."
"It's not a once again it's these these were the guys that were people people they were guys that had audacity and humility and who offered something to somebody who didn't need them and as a result got to jump in way at the top of where they liked."
"...American audacity at its finest."
"The emergence of the Boeing 307 Stratoliner wasn't just a technological milestone, it was a testament to human audacity amidst the economic recovery of the post-Depression era."
"Be that fearless person that gives that outrageous joke, and everyone's like, 'Did they just say that?'"
"When you see a man with that much audacity end up with a baby mama that looks like this."
"If I could be so audacious, I will consider this the first installment in an ongoing conversation."
"No wonder Mom named you Audacity."
"...an audacity Advantage an evolutionary Advantage."
"I could do that. Yeah, I put my feet on his couch, rich [ __ ] and buy another one [ __ ]."
"Yo, the audacity of this guy and how is anyone defending him? This makes no sense to me. What fantasy world are they living in?"
"The audacity of some people right."
"You might consider that this was a completely crazy thing to attempt in ancient Greece."
"God's looking for somebody that's got the audacity to believe for something that never has been done."
"I'd be like, 'Hey, do you like full-figured men on those sites? I'm into bald fat short men. Can you send me $15 so I can pay six months rent?' And then, [__] came over, I'd be like, 'You like [__]?"
"The chance to insult the entire world."
"I just genuinely can't believe the audacity of this woman"
"the audacity of that woman to kick out her daughter's roommates because hotels cost money some people right."
"Yes, absolutely. Having the audacity to try to have me killed for doing my job is just a moral outrage."
"It was a brilliant campaign characterized by audacity and courage."
"Oh damn, he went there, he just really went there."
"It was an audacious plan, it was a risky plan."
"Have the audacity to be daring, to be authentic, and leave a positive impact on the world because only you can leave your mark on humanity."
"He had more nerve than any man we knew."
"The pure audacity of this woman is beyond words."
"You have to be a bit cracked, a bit daring, a bit audacious, maybe even in need of some personal spiritual transmutation to even take up the great work."
"Audacity is a really useful software for beginners. It has some Advanced features."
"Audacity is a really useful software for beginners."
"Thank you Nikki for having the audacity."
"This wasn't just an adventure, it was an audacious challenge to Nature itself."
"Would you just make it crazy? Just audacious, so that when it happens we can say it had to be the hand of God."
"The audacity of people seems to go through the roof, and that is including, but not limited to, some of our favorite online influencers."
"These guys don't care, they'll just run in anybody's house or anybody's apartment."
"The audacity from this man," she exclaimed.
"The Christian truth claim, the Biblical truth claim is far more audacious than most people, even Christians understand."
"The dude had the audacity to call me a sovereign citizen."
"You ought to pray something so big that you're not even sure God can answer it."
"Robert Plant had no idea that his audacious choice to leave school at the age of 17 would lead to his being one of the most recognizable voices in rock history."
"France had no need of prudence, only of audacity and victory."
"They know that this man's out here, alright? And they've got the balls to do it."
"You have to have a bit of an audacious sense of self to even attempt these things."
"The sheer audacity is just unfathomable to me."
"You're either one confident ass dude or one dumb ass dude cuz bro you're spitting This Much Game to the [__] who clapped the galactic and Fortress."
"This home is so left field it could easily have just remained a romantic fantasy but Neil and your land have the audacity to bring it to life."
"It takes a special kind of person to take an ambulance, you know, vehicle typically used for transporting the sick or injured, and instead use it as a getaway car."
"My greatest achievement is that I had the audacity and the nerve to make a bid for the presidency of the United States of America."
"The fact that RF Kuang wrote this book about the publishing industry and criticizes it is just so bold."
"This is an audacious and a very unusual move for the opposition and backbenchers."
"The brazen Biggs was soliciting all of England to fund his life on the lam."
"Nobody cares about the middle. Audacity is what gets the attention."
"If you can conjure up a meeting with someone successful in your field based on sheer audacity, you might just have something special."
"Nothing ever bothered me. Like, if I've... I mean, I will literally ask people to do crazy things all the time."
"...audacious and unapologetic move ever... she made the boldest, the most audacious and unapologetic move ever."
"He's just going to take shots from almost any position."
"That's the sexiest thing you could possibly do: fart and own them. Unbelievable, dude. Are you kidding me?"
"They were violent armed robbers who had the dash and cunning to escape from prison."
"But in any case, what was going down was quite audacious, and even though he was meant to be impartial, he was actually kind of rooting for the little guys of Earth for them to finally put down Frieza, the being who had ended billions of lives for all these years."
"He's hitting back in the most outrageous way against Congress."
"This may be the whackest prank of existence, but I don't give a [__]. I'm still doing it."
"If somebody had the audacity to turn around and say that they deserve double 20,000 pounds that they weren't even expecting a single penny of just because of how you've gifted to other people what is wrong with people."
"It was time to get out of Dodge and so he did just that in some style it must be said by stealing a Lieutenant's jacket, a Remington pistol, and most audaciously a two and a half ton U.S army truck which had been left unattended outside Reading railway station."
"Americans have a love affair with audacity."
"Some criminals are so brazen in their actions that they seemingly don't care whether they're caught on CCTV footage or not."
"The audacity of that Karen to just wheel you away from your family without a single word of explanation or even acknowledgment is beyond me."
"The audacity to plant a flag on the moon... it's ridiculous."
"You really do have to have the audacity to believe; that's the power of dreams."
"I can't imagine having the audacity to invite the mistress to the gender reveal."
"You have to have a certain amount of just audacity to express yourself, to have the willingness to present yourself in honesty."
"Well if you want to get to heaven, you got to raise a little hell."
"History doesn't favor fearful people; history favors those who are audacious."
"The messiah will come in a generation where there will be much chutzpah."
"The Audacity Of This 10 year old to do what she's doing."
"I have to respect the audacity, I have to respect the bravery."
"Because of your shameless audacity, he will surely get up and give you as much as you need."