
Ukrainian Resilience Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Most Ukrainians are confident they can win, that's what the statistics we have available to us and what the anecdotal evidence I've seen suggests to us."
"Ukrainians are absolutely determined to continue to defend themselves, even if they have to concede territory, despite the horrific price that they are paying for defending their freedom."
"He met the Ukrainian people... their fearlessness, their courage, their determination literally inspires the world."
"Hopefully, the Ukrainians are never going to run out of that in the near future."
"We are all absolutely blown away by the capacity and the heroism of the Ukrainian people and their armed forces."
"Warm words will not defend the Ukrainian people. Those people need to be able to defend themselves."
"That's the mood of Ukrainians: we are staying all together." - Ukrainian Member of Parliament Solomia Bavrovska
"The Russians would want to have degraded the Ukrainian military much further than has been the case."
"Part of what makes him so particularly extraordinary is that in that courage he's the face of so many Ukrainians."
"Countless times I have seen this on the Chevrons of Ukrainian Defenders: 'Russia is fight and you will prevail.'"
"Ukraine has shown it can achieve victories on the battlefield."
"Ukrainian willpower obviously hasn't broken, and the Ukrainian economy obviously hasn't collapsed."
"The Ukrainian people's fearlessness, their courage literally inspires the world."
"The Ukrainian military and the Ukrainian people have shown extraordinary courage. It's mind-boggling, overwhelming to watch the courage in the fight these men and women have put up."
"Ukraine will win the conflict if its forces mobilize and initiate attacks."
"Ukrainians are delivering reform even under the war."
"Russian troubles have been growing increasingly severe as the Ukrainian Army, which has repeatedly sought support from the United States and the European Union, has started to turn the tables."
"It's never more important to help Ukrainians to remain resilient against Russian aggression."
"Ukrainians have found a way... to keep pressure on Russia."
"Barbaric Venture of Vladimir Putin must end in favor. Ukraine can win, Ukraine must win, and Ukraine will win."
"The Ukrainian morale seems relatively undimmed."
"Ukrainians are not to be blamed; we were just trying to stay and grow as a nation in our country."
"Both sides have suffered heavy losses, but Ukrainians have inflicted way more damage on Russians than was expected."
"There is no way that Ukrainians will submit to some kind of puppet regime from Russia."
"The ukrainians will prevail. It might not be as quickly as some Western analysts expected, but we will prevail." - Ukrainian civilian
"We see the work that zelensky and Ukraine are doing to maintain Focus from."
"Let us have the courage of the Ukrainian people standing bravely to defend their democracy."
"Even though Russia is employing unfair Warfare tactics to try and win the conflict in Ukraine, the Ukrainians have continued to defend their country."
"Ukrainian air defense successfully shot down all of the 18 Russian missiles targeting Ukraine overnight including six kinzo ballistic missiles."
"The Fierce and tenacious resistance of the Ukrainians."
"We are not Russians, we are Ukrainians and human life is the highest value for us."
"In the past few months, Ukrainian troops have taken a number of courageous steps towards the liberation of Crimea, convincing the whole Western world that Crimea can be saved."
"It's wonderful to know that the Ukrainians are still trying to pick up and learn very fast western systems that are being sent to them."
"This was a decisive victory on behalf of Ukrainians. They threw everything they could at probably what is Russia's most backed up position on the entire front line."
"American taxpayers are financing more than just weapons. We discovered the US government's buying seeds and fertilizer for Ukrainian farmers and covering the salaries of Ukraine's First Responders." - 60 Minutes report
"The operation is a significant win for Ukraine demonstrating that it can counter Russian military movements within its borders."
"Aggression will be met with decisive action and the Ukrainian people will not give up their fight for freedom and sovereignty."
"All these negative nuances developing in the Russian army are a sign that our Ukrainian Fighters are doing a good job."
"This war is being carried out in such a way not only to win territory but to try to decapitate Ukrainian society."
"Even if we didn't arm them they would still fight because they understand that this is an existential war."
"The fact that the Ukrainians did not give in to the Russian missiles and face the attacks with their lives caused the Russian army to take a step back"
"This war basically is stole one year of our lives here in Ukraine."
"Ukrainians have launched a series of counter-attacks in recent weeks."
"As the whole world now sees, Ukrainians are fighting enormously with all the fury due for their land."
"The heroism and self-dedication of Ukrainian defenders at this point is legendary."
"If you told me that six months ago this war would still be going and that the Ukrainians had not just survived but started to win, I would have called you a propagandist or just ridiculously optimistic. Yet here we are once again."
"The successful defense against the Russian drone attack showcased Ukraine's unwavering commitment to protecting its territory and citizens."
"The success of Ukraine in the Black Sea war is all the more impressive."
"Despite Russian attempts to seize it with tanks artillery drones and cyber attacks Ukrainian forces have managed to hold their ground."
"The Snake Island defenders who defied a Russian warship captured alive, not killed, confirms the Ukrainian navy."
"Ukrainians have stood strong... because of that, Russia has really ramped up their attacks."
"Let's instead work to preserve whatever of Ukraine is left."
"Ukraine's daring and amazing effort has changed the war's trajectory."
"Ukraine achieved a historic victory in this area when the Russians capitulated and the white flags were raised."
"Ukrainian Fighters have begun to achieve significant success on the front lines."
"They can take everything the Russians can try and take everything east of the river, but eventually the Ukrainians will rally back."
"The Ukrainians continue to try to push forward."
"Putin did not expect that there will be that much resistance and he thought that Ukrainians will welcome the invasion."
"Victory if we give President Zelinski the tools the Ukrainians will finish the job." - Stark and moving story of Ukraine's resilience.
"Since Putin's invasion, Ukraine has triumphed in one of its most significant conflicts."
"Do not mess with Ukrainian women. That is the message."
"Ukraine can and will win this war we just need to stop effing around and make it happen."
"We don't have to find answers, Ukrainians did. They're fighting back, and they're fighting that with great success."
"If we give President Zalinsky the tools, the Ukrainians will finish the job."
"Ukrainian forces remain entrenched, holding the line against daily assaults."