
Flavor Profile Quotes

There are 294 quotes

"The lemon is still present and you still get the floral notes of the violet, which I actually like."
"For me, mezcal is in the same category as an Islay Scotch because of that super duper smoky flavor profile."
"And Argentinian chorizo is made primarily with red wine, oregano, and garlic, which gives it a full-bodied, earthy flavor that pairs perfectly with chimichurri."
"Their sauce is award-winning; that garlicky umami fermented soybean flavor is outstanding."
"Love the tartness from it. That is so good. Yes if you're in Key Lime - you gotta try this."
"Cotton Candy Chicks. The cotton candy flavor is complementary to the Peep consistency."
"Roasted porchetta with pork fat, roasted rosemary potatoes, and lemon parsley salsa verde - absolutely wowed us."
"It's really well balanced, you know, as a dish it's got all the components you're looking for."
"The German Hefeweizens and Wheat styles... use a very special yeast strain that gives the beer a lot of banana and clove flavor characteristics."
"Everything about this pastrami is so good, like the pastrami itself is so nice and crispy and full of flavor."
"The savory porky topping on this is like nothing else."
"Sweet pepper sauce with grilled prawns, simply delicious."
"I love tea so much and one of my favorites is lapsang it's so good for you and it's got an amazing smoky flavor."
"The deep sourness of the lemon somehow makes the beef taste both sweeter and more intensely savory."
"There is something so absurdly tropical about a pineapple."
"it's light and refreshing definitely has that yummy coconut flavor so if you don't like coconut this would be a no for you but the topping looks like it's going to be really heavy but it's not"
"They're delicious like crispy coconut rolls."
"It's kind of like chicken and rice soup. It's super comforting and rich and kind of like umami."
"We got the sweetest tastiest roast that was equator's sumatra queen katyara fair trade organic."
"The juxtaposition of the Smoky chicken with the sweet potato and the fresh jalapeno yogurt sauce, phenomenal!"
"The whiskey flavor is stronger in this, but you do get a little bit of that peanutty kind of whiskey note."
"Jalapenos are some of the most popular peppers in the world and with good reason."
"Ceylon cinnamon is typically more expensive than cassia because it is sweeter and less pungent tasting."
"It tastes sweet and it tastes delicious but it's got zero grams of sugar."
"Roquefort has an absolutely irresistible buttery texture, the flavors imparted by the blue mold include kind of creamy fruity peppery and earthy flavors that just combine to make this cheese absolutely unique and incredible."
"It's very sharp, intense. This is as well. This one has a little bit more balance about it."
"Gochujang. People, you know, we're on the big Sriracha kick and there's hot sauces sort of everywhere. I feel like that one has a different flavor."
"It really does taste like carbonara but it also tastes like dessert."
"I'd like to actually have it overflow a little bit."
"Technically it's a snacking chocolate too, but because the chocolate chips are made with the coconut sugar, they have that beautiful caramel flavor."
"It's light, refreshing, just sweet enough, sort of rich and decadent but not heavy."
"A beautifully rich butter-infused lemon curd."
"It's like a very grown up Hawaiian punch. Tart, pineapple, peanutty, chocolatey, cinnamony, all spicy. I mean it's great, it's a fantastic drink."
"If you like Irish whiskeys, I think both red breast and Jameson are going to be a good representation of what the meaty center of Irish whiskey is all about."
"Jameson's the most classic quintessential. What are most people finding in there? Vanilla, shortbread, butter, honey, sweet."
"Watercress grows in water, it is delicious juicy and quite peppery."
"Overproof rums like Lemon Hart 151 and Ray and Nephew 151 offer unique characters despite their differences in color and origin."
"This is the final beer, and he said it's like a mango flavor, so I'm going to try the mango flavor last."
"We want to balance off the flavor of the maltiness with the hops."
"Cherries are a great fruit, both sweet and tart."
"Man, greens out of my garden plus the cucumbers and celery that adds a nice neutral flavor, man this stuff tastes delicious."
"I'll say this if you like key lime pie, if you like creamy lemon custard, those types of things, if you like that type of stuff, you might actually like this."
"I just really find that the dill is the star of the show."
"It's so rich with parsley, which is sort of the star of the show."
"Somebody saying this part of the sauce don't have taste."
"It's meaty and smoky from the peppers and it's savory and sweet from the garlicky tomatoes."
"You want sweetness, you want sourness, and you want the salt to be perfect."
"This zinfandel from Sonoma's Dry Creek Valley is deliciously ripe and fruity."
"The color and flavors also suit warm weather just as well."
"What are you doing to me it's so sweet and Rich."
"The flavors in here just bring such a nice forward mouthfeel... it just makes it explode."
"The breading is so salty, peppery, spicy. It's amazing."
"It's the best chili, there's something bold and intense."
"This is one of those savory dishes that has heavy cumin, a little bit of spice to it."
"The tartar sauce is fire. Dude, just the flavor's hot."
"The creaminess is outstanding, the crab bisque is really full of deep rich flavor."
"It's nutty it's bold it's sweet it's great for cocktails too I think it punches way above its price point."
"The sweet potato casserole has lovely bits of granola it is marshmallows it is cinnamon it is sugar it is butter it is very good."
"Tender chicken bursts with Smoky zesty flavors accompanied by a hint of sweetness and a subtle caffeine kick."
"Carrots because they add like a sweetness to it that is just natural delicious and amazing."
"Every single bite is sweet, tart, creamy, and juicy."
"2008 Cristal has like really beautiful honeysuckle notes."
"You know what? I dig that spices that they use, amazing."
"This is a nice, pretty whiskey that doesn't get boring."
"It's a combination of the 'Xianglacui' chili chips and the 'Youlajiao' chili oil."
"The Coco Loco Shake kicks things up a few notches since it's made with whipped cream chocolate ice cream caramel cappuccino ice cream mted milk balls and chocolate caramel drizzle."
"It's almost like the eggplant gone all creamy, then you've got like big hits of spice and Szechuan peppercorn."
"Traditional balsamic vinegar has a complex sweet and tangy flavor."
"It's sweet, it's spicy and the taste is phenomenal."
"I love that flavor, definitely get the sauces that you put in, the A1 and the Worcestershire sauce, and the flavor of the steak is just amazing."
"Very tasty, very creamy, lots and lots of lemon flavor in there."
"If you like ambera, give that one a try, it's much more subtle."
"The way all the flavors come together in this beer is just something so special and I cannot explain just how much this whole thing harmonizes together in such a great way."
"Cantonese food is not super spicy, very sweet, or very sour."
"Lovely Smoky yet sweet and sour flavor."
"Rhubarb but a bit of a woody undertone to it, like a beach with rhubarb and driftwood washing up."
"Does not taste like it's not chamoy it is chamoy and it does have like that kick of spice so chamo um more like spicy definitely recommend the one with the pink label."
"The tanginess of the dairy, plus the scallion, plus the, weirdly, the cilantro stem, the chili flake, the salt. It's giving ranch, almost."
"It's just it's kind of a fruity honey honeyed there's a little bit of the Oak in there"
"This cigar encompasses almost every flavor that you can think of. It is damn good."
"Why prefer higher proof? ...Higher proof whiskeys tend to have a lot more flavor."
"As far as tasting notes, '[Buffalo Trace guarantees a taste that is] powerful, flavorful, and intense [with] toffee sweetness and dark chocolate, hints of vanilla, fudge, nougat, and molasses.'"
"I really really like this, the main flavor coming through is the acidity from the pineapple but it's just sweet enough."
"This mostly Cabernet Blends a lot of really peppery flavor and a saw amount of tannins."
"This is what I expected the profile to be like, it's really rich and dark and sweet like dark red fruits, like really black cherries."
"That pandu sauce has a nice kind of tart citrus flavor."
"That is delicious. It is definitely the least practical yet, but the most interesting flavor profile out of all, you guys. I very much enjoy it."
"nothing's been overpowered nothing's been harsh everything is smooth mild delicate"
"And of course the stuff that I think does probably some of the best for them is their daringer uh that stuff is uh that Sherry finished bourbon in Pedro Jimenez Cherry casks you got to try this stuff."
"I think with any finished whiskey, especially bourbon for me, I prefer a finish where the bourbon shines through and the actual finish is a supporting character."
"That was good. The cheese, the bread, the bitterness of the arugula. Yeah, that's a really good... Yeah, all the five flavor profiles all in sync, mommy."
"Jack Daniels single barrel bowel proof is so good oh my god it's so much candy and sweetness banana bread caramel drizzle brown sugars finishes with a really beautiful sweet oak profile the nuttiness to it the caramel oh man could drink that for days."
"The Jack Daniels single-barrel select is an absolutely delicious whiskey it comes across with that quintessential Jack Daniels flavor profile but really amps up the sweetness give you some more layered flavors."
"...go with the bacon Bianca pizza. In case the bacon alone doesn't convince you to try it, this pie is also topped with garlic, black pepper, olive oil, herbs, and multiple types of cheese."
"Here, dry to sweet expressions are produced, normally dry and often very high in acidity, with a huge flavor profile. It's an aromatic grape."
"It's bready and yeasty and then it's caramel sweet and full and then it's bitter and a little bit roasty on the finish."
"It's a soft spice, a good balance of spices."
"This eggplant is awesome, nice and juicy just covered in that spicy nummy Citron sauce."
"My biggest complaint about these ribs though is that the Blues Hog barbecue lump charcoal just had too much like mesquite flavor or something to it."
"North American Fried Chicken you guys can learn a thing or two from this chicken right here this is called complete flavor."
"We're going for light lemon loveliness."
"the patty is juicy all the toppings are fresh and the barbecue sauce isn't too sweet it's nice and smoky i like that."
"That flavor was a crashing wave of savory and salty and smoky notes."
"Wow, it has a subtle pepper kick. It's very creamy, dreamy. It's fruity, sweet, with this gentle heat tang."
"The coffee flavor just pops, the pastry cream is beautiful smooth and velvety, it really is incredible."
"...I love the contrast of the silky smooth almond and vanilla pudding with a tart and zesty Cherry sauce."
"That's unmistakably cod for that beautiful fish flavor, a little bit of egginess from all the scrambled eggs, you can taste the potato, it's just a nice little combination, so good."
"Somewhere between like a garlic and a leek and an onion and a green onion and a chive and a shallot, okay somewhere in there you get the idea."
"It's got a little kick, a little sweet, little garlicky."
"This drink really relies on the little bits of sugar from the ginger beer and the pineapple juice to get its balance."
"It's amazingly sweet, tastes like the cashews."
"It's very nice flavor; it's got that smoke off the bacon and it's got the really nice of the herbs that we put into the meat plus into the sauce."
"The flavors with basil, chili, and garlic come together and it is just like a bowl of heaven."
"It should be garlicky and spicy and herby; that's what this dish is all about."
"I just ate a tablespoon of coconut sugar; it's delicious caramel but it also has kind of a nutty praline kind of flavor to it."
"It almost has a salty character, there's a little bit of tang, there's still that tiny little bit of buttery flavor to it."
"It's a very earthy flavor, a lot of nice seasoning, not over-seasoned, it's juicy, it's not dry, nice flavors."
"The BJCP description is a pale, refreshing German wheat beer with high carbonation, dry finish, a fluffy mouthfeel, and its distinctive banana and clove yeast character."
"It's not too sweet, it's not anything but blueberry and wheat, and it's very flowing."
"Cinnamon is one of those spices that if you boil it, it's going to get really tannic and harsh."
"It's a strong, malty, caramelly beer but incredibly drinkable."
"It's definitely got a honey forward with a nice peach tone to it."
"These noodles are the bomb, and the flavor of this... it's kind of a delicate light flavor but also packs a good punch."
"Floral aroma, caramel, anise, chocolate, cherry flavors make vanilla from Tahiti unmistakable and highly prized."
"Packed full of flavor, it just really makes that roasted broccolini jump off the plate."
"It's smoky, it's spicy, it's vinegary, it's sweet."
"It also just has this amazing dried fruit flavor you find in really well-aged red wines."
"I really like this because nice big thick chicken fillet, beautiful smoky turkey bacon, and you've got the sweetness of that ice glazed donut."
"That flavor is so strong and spicy, yet it's so well balanced and so herbaceous."
"It's very citrusy up front and very spicy in the back."
"The avocado adds this like nice rich creaminess, jalapeno spicy, salt accentuates the flavor, pepper accentuates the flavor, Tequila's present, it's bomb, super delightful."
"We're going for something that's a rather sessionable beer, hopefully under five percent by just a hair, and it really should have just a whole ton of flavor, lots of roasts, lots of body, but still high drinkability."
"French curry sauce does not have the strong mouth-searing quality of Indian curry; the French version is more a flavor than an experience."
"This is Drunk Beauty Xishi mooncake. Its filling is salty and sweet, sweet and umami."
"Very sweet, peppery, watermelon, little bit of kiwi sort of taste to it."
"That lime juice in this is just incredible; it just boom, lots of flavor."
"Dark chocolate with lots of passion fruit, so it's a fruity take on the chocolate."
"I've never tasted a Teckon Fita like that, that is so creamy, a bit salty of course, sweet with the Panan layer, no sweet with the coconut layer, the Gula Malaka, wow."
"It's nutty, it's caramel malt body with sweet red fruit notes and a gently bitter finish."
"The coffees are incredibly juicy, incredibly clean, incredibly sweet."
"Fresh rosemary, garlic powder, and cumin - so simple yet so strong."
"It has these lovely notes of grassy chamomile and juicy mango."
"It is a little sour, but the buttermilk is giving it a little sourness."
"There's something about Indian food, it's so much flavor, it's unreal."
"The lemon kind of hits you first, there's so much going on in the spice blend."
"Sweet and sour, you need to have a little bit of sour note in the back of your throat."
"It's an acidic flavor, it's something that complements the harshness of the onion, brings out the acidity in the lemon, and it's just, it's one of those things for me."
"The interesting thing with using onions and apples together is that when cooked, the onions are almost sweeter than the apples."
"That is so sour, that's definitely going to give this cheese the tanginess."
"You get the vibrancy of the lime, you get the coke flavor, but you also not missing any of the Agave notes of the tequila itself."
"The French bouillabaisse is about temperament, big bold flavors, but the Bergen fish soup is about balance, about fine-tuning nuances."
"It's a little bit of a peppery-ness in there but it still has that like brown sugary sweetness."
"It's exactly what I would expect from a Johnny Walker, very sweet, very vanilla."
"Crisp, complex, and the depth of flavor is spot-on."
"The Knob Creek is super interesting."
"It's really round and mellow, much more than I expected it to be."
"It's still sweet, caramel, vanilla, oak, classic bourbon, very traditional flavor profile."
"It's going to be sweet and savory."
"This is more than a bowl of soup; the flavor component is fantastic."
"Toasting mellows the tannins in the wood as well as changes the flavors the barrel might impart from raw wood to more spicy vanilla notes."
"The flavor of that honey is insane; it's so flavorful just by itself, it's such a rich, deep dark flavor, almost more like a molasses than a honey, which is interesting to me."
"Romesco sauce... it's nutty, sweet, a little bit spicy, and full of complexity."
"Where it really sings is in stirred cocktails that are heavily reliant on its flavor profile."
"Acidity gives the sour taste in the wines, but without acidity, the wine loses its freshness."
"You'll taste that prominent citrus flavor."
"Butternut squash is very sweet, and I like to counterbalance sweetness with a little bit of spice."
"For most wash coffees, a full medium roast results in a cup that showcases the unique origin flavors and bright acidity of the coffee."
"Thai food is so popular because it's sweet, it's sour, it's citrusy, it's bitter, all at the same time."
"The concentration of the coffee, called TDS, affects your ability to taste subtlety."
"Very flavorful. Wow, there's tons of flavor."
"Umami is that elusive flavor that kinda floats around your palate."
"This is such a wonderful spice cookie; it has really nice subtle caramel notes and a very pronounced spice flavor."
"It's a little bit meaty, it's a little bit sort of um, uh, rustic."
"It's just so nicely balanced, it has these nice big rich flavors."
"The ice cream, also known as the Java banana, has a hint of vanilla flavor."
"For those who may not know what paprika is, it's actually dried, crushed red pepper. Very fruity and fresh, in a way."
"We got caramelized onions, crispy garlic, we've got the kashk and we've got the mint oil, like, damn, damn, it's pretty good."
"It's like the perfect mixture of sweet and spicy and savory."
"It's very barbecuey, but that's what gives it great flavor."
"The flavor is fantastic; that orange and the dark Puerh really mixes together well."
"The beef brisket is a little on the under downside, possibly another 10 or 15 minutes and it would have hit the sweet spot, but the flavors rich, homey, big bold flavor to it, absolutely wonderful."
"The unique sweet and savory flavors come from the high concentration of amino acids in the tea."
"You've got the sweet heat with the balance of the vinegar, and oh my gosh, absolutely wonderful."
"It's cooked on a wood fire, so that's a totally different flavor profile than what you would get on a gas fire or a gas stove."
"That duck skin, oh my goodness, has so much flavoring in it, it's crazy."
"For the ingredients that are in here, this is surprisingly a very complex flavor."
"It's light, crisp, the aromatics are enough in the nose that let you know you're drinking something tangerine."
"The predominant flavor character you should get out of a Vienna Lager is just toastiness and biscuitiness along with a nice subtle German malt background."
"Salty, sweet, chocolatey, and a crunch. You know salt and chocolate are underrated."
"This is called a cherry melomel, not a mead cherry, so you want the cherry to really come forward."
"They managed to balance all the flavors of each meal really well."
"Oh man, dense chocolate coconut, ah beautiful."
"Milk provides a mild yet slightly sweet taste which creates a neutral base perfect for ice cream."
"It's a wonderful salad, look at that, it's got the olive oil, the sumac on top, the pomegranate molasses, let's give this a taste."
"I have the Podi Dosa, and that has like a dry spice inside of it."
"More vanilla, woodsy with the toasty notes on this one."
"I'm hoping the Maris will add a little bit of a bready note to this and it will add a little bit of roundness to the overall feeling."
"Russell's Reserve Single Barrel... it's got a lot of cinnamon flavors, pecan pie-ish type, it's just an exceptional bourbon."
"It's not super sweet, it's bourbon vanilla."
"Ripe berries, delicate caramel, vanilla, real easy good nose goodness."