
Historical Memory Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"For the Late Bronze Age is the era of the Trojan War, long suspected to be a half-remembered recollection of real events."
"Military history has a moral purpose. If we know nothing of Shiloh, Belleau Wood, Tarawa, and Chosin, then these sacrifices no longer serve as reminders that thousands endured pain and hardship for our rights and that the departed expected future generations, links in this great chain of obligation, to do the same for those not yet born."
"Between worlds and time, collecting forgotten stories, I bring them back to life."
"Wow, my grandmother's still alive, 95, living in Ukraine, she remembers her little brother starving to death on the way."
"When you build monuments to people, you're not building monuments to their cruelty as a general rule, you're building monuments to the stuff they did that was good."
"If you want to forget, so therefore your children forget, nobody ever learns. The following generations are doomed to repeat the mistakes of our past."
"The reason why we don't forgive awful dictators is because we want to preserve the memory of the awful things they did so it doesn't happen again."
"Do we remember fascism? Do we remember Nazism? Do we remember communism and totalitarianism? Have we completely forgotten the sacrifices of our parents and grandparents in prior generations?"
"It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them."
"Jane has been remembered as Henry’s most loved, most favored, and most revered wife."
"The invasion of Japan would be remembered in the minds of the American public."
"Throughout my life, I have felt a huge responsibility of doing whatever I can to keep their memories alive."
"The worst thing that you can do to a people is to rob them of the memory of themselves."
"Nobody is saying we shouldn't remember who supported whom."
"We are the children of those who could not be killed because they could have killed us, we'd be dead right now."
"We can't cancel our whole history. We can't forget that the North and the South fought. We have to remember that, otherwise we'll end up fighting again."
"If there's one thing most of us half remember about Julius Caesar, it's the ending."
"Clearly the young have not forgotten, not over there or over here."
"Remember those six million souls that were lost."
"History is to the nation what memory is to the individual."
"One does not honor the victims of atrocities with statues of the people who committed the atrocities."
"The world has said 'never again' after the Holocaust. We're not going to turn a blind eye."
"We have a real obligation to the millions of dead and forgotten people that suffered miserable slow painful deaths at the hands of communism."
"You're actually much more likely to be remembered today than if you were existing back then."
"Some say these camps awaken painful memories from human history, how do you respond to that?"
"Every single victim of the 9/11 attacks deserve to have their stories told as Sneha's has been."
"I definitely don't want these events to be forgotten... remembering the lives that were lost."
"A chilling reminder of humanity's darkest moments."
"Refusing to let them be forgotten makes me feel like a hundred years from now, queer people like me won't be forgotten either."
"I think we're gonna remember this year and talk about it for a long time."
"Everybody seems to forget World War I, everybody knows the sequel, but World War II was the sequel after the arms race of World War I."
"Let's make sure history never forgets the name Enterprise."
"Nothing is more certain than that every trace of Hitler's footsteps... will be sponged and purged and, if need be, blasted from the surface of the earth."
"You don't reconcile yourself to history by erasing it, by eradicating it, by whitewashing it."
"Richtofen's larger-than-life persona persisted well after his death, ensuring that his name and deeds will live on forever."
"It's amazing how much gets lost in just a couple generations."
"There's no doubt in my mind that today's guitars are the best they've ever been."
"There's a saying that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it."
"If we forget what happened in the past, we're doomed to repeat it."
"Peace built upon suppressing the memory, valor, and virtue of revered forebearers is not sound judgment."
"A hero almost forgotten and wrongly forgotten except Zulu War Buffs and now to you too."
"History does not remember blood. It remembers names."
"You'll always be reminded by the fact that the Island's victims make up half of the soil beneath your feet."
"The absence of monuments is an accurate reflection of the absence of public debate." - Anne Applebaum
"D-Day veterans sitting across from their younger selves in the same plane which dropped them into Normandy in 1944. Wow, that is wild."
"Valiant defenders of Salah who fought an unequal battle with inferior equipment deserved to be remembered."
"This crime against humanity must never be forgotten."
"The resulting song, Zombie, lives on as a haunting reminder of the human costs of these sorts of conflicts."
"So when studying, create some mental imagery if you need to remember who the Axis powers were in World War 2. Maybe you imagine Hitler reading manga and eating spaghetti."
"The world thanks to these films will never forget the tremendous effort put forth by all people included in the big battles."
"The memory of millions of innocent victims was erased from history."
"The most significant thinker the world somehow forgot."
"Pinochet's ghost haunts them as he rightly should."
"100 years from now what they'll remember is not the false solemnity."
"This story ends with a stark reminder of the cost of war not only to those who lived through it but to the memory of those who lived before and to the knowledge of those who will come after."
"The momentum of memory is what we're going to need ultimately."
"Would we tolerate a statue of Hitler for even one second? I think everybody knows the answer to that."
"His story like that of the countless other war horses who served in the Great War should never be forgotten."
"Individual memories are the greatest weapon against the return of such darkness."
"Remembering the events of Karbala are a way of remembering the human vocation to be the servant of God."
"It is worth commemorating, it is worth sanctifying, it is worth memorializing the sacrifice that other people have made."
"Ultimately Emmett Till's story will be kept alive, his life remembered, a legacy."
"A win is a win, and history generally won't remember the details."
"6 million Jews were killed outright by the Nazis, and it was my hope that they would have a Homeland where they could operate."
"Seventy years after the tragedy, what remains is the memory of the people."
"The city, however, does not tell its past, but contains it like the lines of a hand."
"Black folk took power and said let's convert moments to national holidays to remember our struggle."
"Miami may be a sunny beach city but for so many Cubans and Venezuelans here the memory of the regime our families fled hangs over like a dark cloud."
"It's been centuries since I took on my power. No pony would remember me without it."
"The memory of its vital contribution to the war lives on."
"May we never forget the individuals who put everything on the line for freedom."
"Those who forget history are bound to repeat it."
"There are still people who are here with gray hair who remember public lynchings."
"Before I say goodbye, I would just like to dedicate this video to all the victims who lost their lives on the night that the RMS Titanic went down."
"History deserves to be remembered... We have to choose to remember history."
"Throw it in their face and tell them, 'Look what you did, we remember.'"
"The memories of Dunkirk would linger in the minds of both sides as a great victory."
"We've got to free our minds with the truth and not become angry but become empowered to begin to restore our historical and cultural memory."
"The fact is nobody remembers Oppenheimer for being the guy who dropped the bomb because he didn't drop the bomb."
"If you take away words, you are desensitizing people to what had occurred in another time."
"The ravages that have been visited on civilizations only slightly more backward than we. We remember Columbus and the Arawaks Cortez and the Aztecs even the fate of the Tlingit in the generations after la perus. We remember and we worry."
"Memories in the Middle East are long, and although the Crusades may have been forgotten in the West, they are still vividly remembered where they happened."
"Don't forget your history, just don't the bad parts."
"Most of Savannah's squares are named in honor or in memory of a person, persons, or historical events, and many contain monuments, markers, memorials, statues, plants, tributes."
"We will never forget the Holocaust and we will carry forward her life's work for generations to come."
"There really is an obligation to remember what occurred and to memorialize so that others can be educated and we can stop that kind of activity."
"The memories of the time of the Hyksos may well live on in the Old Testament."
"Those who experience the Great War firsthand are gone now."
"We're only two generations away from our grandparents fighting in World War II, and they fought for our freedoms."
"The idea of Vimy Ridge will continue to resonate, asking us not to forget."
"Recovery of historical memory means integrating ancestral wisdom into our understanding of trauma and healing."
"Americans are notoriously selective in our exercise of historical memory."
"What society chooses to remember says as much about history as it does about its present time."
"After the battle, we were left with gruesome after-battle scenes, a litter of bodies, junk, discarded weapons."
"You have made it impossible for us and for future generations to forget the story of Americans."
"It's like Jerusalem for the Maya; that's the place they remember."
"They are marching to honor relatives long past now; the aim of this Association is to preserve and continue the memory of the anzacs and encourage descendants to participate on Anzac Day."
"Lest we ever forget what they endured for Canada and all Canadians."