
Adulting Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Adulting: growing up. One definition of maturity is learning to delay pleasure."
"We are really trying to cut down our expenses this year, paying off some debt and just adulting stuff."
"I still feel like a child, I feel like everybody else is an adult and I'm still a child."
"I had to teach myself how to cook in my 20s I had to teach myself everything once I became an adult I'm like wait why didn't I learn any of this stuff it was because you're at the school you almost a little sponge brain."
"I feel like adulting—hashtag adulting—is learning these lessons the hard way."
"First off, I want to give a big shout out to Magic Spoon because they're an adult cereal making me feel like a kid again."
"That's adulting, right? Have I for am I adulting at this point? I think you're doing it when the way that you express the freedom in your life is, I got to unload the dishwasher slightly earlier and that's like a victory."
"Even if you're in college though, adulting doesn't magically bump up the maturity ladder."
"Treat yourself because you're killing it at this whole adulting thing."
"It's about teaching someone to be an adult, to be the best version of themselves."
"I'm so excited to be adulting in here and actually decorating."
"Your real-life responsibilities, you should probably do some of that."
"That's how a grown man handles his business. That's how an adult handles his business."
"ADHD impacts every aspect of our life... this thing we now call adulting is much harder to do when you have ADHD."
"I'm so happy that we were able to get our freaking adult Happy Meals."
"How to make friends as an adult: Say we should hang, do not hang, say we should hang six months later, cancel, reschedule, respect their cancellation, reschedule, actually hang, say we should do this more often, die."
"Adulting is getting excited over things like trash bag organization."
"For me, having a day off and having nothing to do except adult things is actually pretty relaxing."
"Any adult who's found themselves exhausted after hanging out with children."
"Yeah, it's a bit like lawn mowing for adults."
"It's a bit like lawn mowing for adults."
"That's the coolest thing about being an adult, you can get your like dude friends a gift. No one expects a gift, but everyone's like, 'What's this?'"
"This is the adult version of crossing streams."
"Adulting should not be a verb. It should be a state of existence."
"Adulting is not all it's cracked up to be. Remember when you were a kid and all you wanted to be was an adult so you could do whatever you wanted? Not so, huh? You're an adult now, you just want to be a kid again. It's hard and I don't like it."
"Can an adult sit in the middle seat?"
"Making friends as an adult is already difficult."
"It's pretty dope. It definitely feels like a kids pool party for adults."
"Adulting is so nice because we've never had that. Like, 'Oh, I'm adulting!'"
"Late night used to mean the kids are in bed, this is for adults, for grown people."
"This one's another great one, really, you know what's wild, is I know a kid didn't do this, this is absolutely a red blooded adult."
"...makes the Disney cruise so much more enjoyable for those who are traveling with or without kids but just want a few minutes to sit back relax and be an adult."
"It kind of gives adults that one restaurant experience that they can have, that total quiet relaxation feel."
"everyone has a butt butt yes I don't know I just I'm just I don't ever want to be like inappropriate and I always like inappropriate we're adults okay true yeah you got a bump I touched that bump that's how we got here that's how you got that bump."
"They should come out with Lunchables for adults. Classy Lunchables, clenchables."
"Every guy should be able to cook like if you're an adult you should be able to cook you should be able to take care of yourself."
"Home ownership, everyone who owns a home, you know how it is."
"We need to glamorize adulting, like chatting with health insurance for an hour, that's what my morning has been."
"Scary hour is the only reason anyone in my life thinks that I am a functioning adult."
"Work life balance and peace of mind is very much part of adulting."
"Don't let me start getting on my credit score."
"I raised my sons in the 90s and I wanted them to be capable adults."
"We love an adult timeout, yes we do."
"How do I explain that I feel two adults each gainfully employed should share expenses?"
"Adulting is where you wake up feeling like [expletive], but you go to work anyway because you need to earn money to feed your cats."
"Darling, I'm paying my own rent, my own car note, my own car insurance, my telephone bill."
"Life is just life, life is happening, and you're adulting."
"It's like the Saturday morning cartoons of your childhood, upgraded with a grown-up twist."
"I'm so thrilled by stationery, I mean that's peak adulting."