
Irreversible Actions Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Once you open Pandora's Box, you ain't never going to be able to close it."
"You can't unring the bell of mixing this UK, I'm ready to ring the bell of life women getting raped."
"Once you pulled the trigger, you can't actually stick the bullets back down the barrel."
"There's no second saving grace, there's no redo here."
"Those words you can never take back, you are crossing a bridge you can never back up from."
"If you reveal your secret identity, that's it, you can't take that back."
"You can't turn back the clock, you can't put the bullet back in the gun, it just doesn't work."
"Sacrifice means once you give up something, you don't get it back."
"Listen, once you've lit something on fire and the fire department comes, I don't think there's going back."
"I am sorry for taking our parents and our sins... I wish I could take it back... reality is that we can't."
"Those are things that you can never take back and I wonder, how do you govern after that?"
"You can't put it back in the box when everyone saw it online. The person he killed was a terrorist."
"Tommy, you've made a decision today that can't be undone and you know what? I respect you, Tommy."
"There's no coming back from what she's done."
"That's just my grandpa: 'There's two things in this world you can't have back after they're gone - time wasted and the words you speak after you speak them.'"
"There's no turning back once Justin opens up that Poppy case."
"Once the genie's out of the bottle, you can't get them back in."
"It's an irreversible decision when you push me out of your life. You don't get me back."
"You can't put the bullet back in the gun, it just doesn't work."
"This is why privacy matters and you can't take it back."
"There's no way back. People can't make mistakes without being handed by Twitter mobs."
"It's a happy ending after all, we can't go back in time and change how we did things."
"I regret it to this day, but anyways, we can't turn back time, we can't undo these things."
"There are no second chances in life. We cannot return to what has already transpired."
"AEW have been actually much better at converting their audience into buying their products."
"The two men become stuck in an endless cycle of wrongdoings that lead them down a path of no return."
"Once you've said your truth in front of millions and millions of people worldwide and you have criticized your family, you can't ever take that back."
"Once you've done something, there's no going back in time."
"You can always take off hair but you can't put hair back on so you want to be as cautious as possible."
"There's just some things you can't undo so folks do yourselves a favor and never miss anything from world-class bullshitters."
"Now that this rubicon has been crossed there is no turning back they are not going to give this up."
"Pandora's box has already opened and once it's opened you cannot close it."
"Admitting to have crossed the Rubicon was tantamount to admitting what he tried to drum into my head: that what was done was done and couldn't be undone."
"No regrets, Jeff. That's the thing about history. You cannot change the course of history in your life."
"Gaspard in desperation was about to do something completely irreparable, which made him regret it."
"You could never let them know until it's completed, because then nobody can undo it. Nothing can stop it; it's already done."
"She lay with her face to the wall, muttering low, but muttering always: 'Alas, alas, what is done in youth can never be undone in age.'"
"Filming myself and putting it on YouTube, there's really no going back. It's happening. It's real."
"Once we've crossed that threshold, there's no putting that Genie back in the box."
"People can reach points of no return. It's a very serious matter."
"It would've been better for her to just go ahead and call an Uber. She will live with it for the rest of her life what she did, taking this little girl away from her parents."
"He had done something he could not take back. He had done something he could not fix."
"Once you spend it, you can't get it back."
"You can't unring that Bell, girl."
"Once you make that first cut into the stone, it can't be undone."
"Once you start, you're committed, you can't undo it, it's just like the bullet on the gun, once you pull that trigger, you're committed."
"We only got one life to live, baby, and some mistakes we make are irreversible."
"You can't put a bullet back in a gun once it's been fired."
"Words are something you will never be able to take back."
"Once you give it, you can't knock the toothpaste back in the tube."
"Once you let the toothpaste out, you can't put it back in."
"There are some things that you do that sorry doesn't fix."
"You can't unring that bell; once you say something, you can't take it back."
"When you ring that bell, you can't unring it."