
Planting Quotes

There are 266 quotes

"Plant a good seed in the right spot and it will grow without further coaxing."
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the next best time is today."
"Don't underestimate the seed. What you plant today may grow into something beyond your wildest dreams."
"Some of the most fun you can have gardening is to plant potatoes... digging them up is like a treasure hunt."
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the second best time is today."
"The best time to plant a tree was yesterday."
"It's such a beautiful day today; there's nothing like being out here and getting some stuff planted in May."
"One reason fall is good for planting is because the ground is receptive."
"Sometimes we've made gardening too complicated, it can be as simple as working up the soil and planting."
"Sheet mulching is really popular in no-till gardening and frankly, it's just a really good way to develop new planting space."
"Plant them all over, plant them everywhere, they're wonderful."
"You can do that inside a raised bed."
"...if I had this entire bed covered in straw it'd be very difficult to plant through the straw with a direct sewing method but with a transplant all you have to do is push everything apart and then pop your transplant in and you're good to go."
"The majority of the world's rice is planted by hand."
"You want to create a more dynamic planting."
"One of the first lessons that I learned in gardening was that there's only one way to plant brussel sprout and that's with a pneumatic drill."
"...the squash bugs here last about 6 weeks maybe 8 weeks and then we can plant a second round of zucchini and guess what they don't get squash bugs because their life cycle is over later in the summer."
"It is the most exciting day of the planting and gardening season where your tiny baby seeds that you've grown from seed get to go outside."
"This is a very powerful time to plant seeds. If you don't know what seeds to plant, it's a very potent time to receive these downloads."
"Why not plant some seeds directly in a pot?"
"That's it right there, we're down deep enough that the top of the root ball on the plant is even with the old soil line and we're probably about 1 and 1/2 times the width of the container, that's totally adequate."
"The best time to plant an oak tree was 200 years ago. The second best time is today."
"My land came alive as soon as I started planting all of these plants."
"We planted everything from seed so at the end of that video we still just had buckets of dirt. Now we actually have some plant growing."
"Seeds need to be planted twice as deep as they are wide."
"Remember as you plant the tree, you are the tree."
"The fatal thing for new planting is to just water on the surface a little bit - you know, stand there and water for five minutes."
"Bare root plants will establish faster."
"If you want bulbs to look natural in grass by far the best way of doing that is just chuck them on the ground and plant them where they land."
"Plant seeds, you know the full moons they always correspond six months like basically we have a full moon in Gemini at the end of the year so the seeds that you plant now, there's gonna be action around the end of the year based on what the seeds that you planted."
"This is absolutely perfect for planting."
"I hope that gave you some ideas for your own plantings this year."
"You're here to steal an idea. Why can't you plant one instead?"
"Being that it's the month of July and nearly August, you have to want to know what can I plant at this time of year."
"We're going to go ahead and plant it."
"Planting seeds just talks about taking the first steps by planting something in order for it to grow."
"We can start the process, and in no time at all, the oaks that we plant today will be big enough to assume many of their keystone roles in our landscapes."
"I've planted thousands of bare root perennials and it is a great way to go about it."
"You have to throw it on good ground and bad ground. I like just throw the seed."
"I have planted an acorn which when it becomes an oak God Alone knows what will be the fruit thereof."
"Too many lemons from one tree? Plant one lemon tree, trust me."
"You have got to plant your seeds at the full moon."
"Bare-root trees are the best. They're the way to go."
"When you purchase your perennials, they may come in any size from gallons and quarts all the way down to very small plugs, but the tip for all of them is you'll want to gently loosen the roots for planting."
"That's going to give me five Dahlia clumps in here and we'll see I might plant some like little fillers and Spillers."
"This is the best time to plant out biennials for a great display next year."
"So you can just shove them in and almost like stick it in with your hands. I'm doing this very quickly, but basically, you nestle them in between the moss, and it's the moss that they root into."
"...I hope you're planting something."
"He can plant a seed and grow it into a mustard tree."
"Just plant stuff everywhere, figure out about how big everything is, and just squeeze it all in together."
"I think they're beautiful, so let's put this in first, a little hole here, and I want to put this near the side because it will start to cascade outside of this pot as it grows."
"The best time to plant a fruit tree was 10 years ago but the second best time is today."
"...the best way to combat this is by when you are planting your trees and shrubs if you are planting into existing grassland"
"Goodness will be planted. Goodness will be spread."
"Planting broccoli in rows: space them out for optimal growth."
"So what I do like with the annuals that we plant in May... I just pop them in and they grow."
"The - meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect."
"...potatoes love loose soil rich in organic matter and full sun."
"...potatoes don't like soil that is too dry or waterlogged either. They love soil that is equal to the consistency of a rung-out sponge."
"Beneath the surface lies great bounty. Success is on its way from something you've planted."
"Once they're rooted stick them in your aquarium."
"...so we have that and we've like planted around, around that which was really great because now that area that we call the interstitial area between the meadow and the forest, we have a lot of fruit and nut-bearing trees, a lot of them are native..."
"Hostas come in every color, shape, and size. It's the perfect time to plant hostas."
"Every time you plant seed, you're scheduling a harvest."
"Now that I have irrigation and hose access, I feel like I can really start planting things."
"How do we sew good seed? We have to intentionally sew it into loose fluffy soil without threat of competition from other plants."
"You can't combine switchgrass with Egyptian wheat or some type of screening blend because what happens is even if you plant the switchgrass early, it'll shade out the switchgrass and kill it."
"Evidence might have been planted."
"Ninety percent of the battle when you plant a tree is planting the tree properly from the beginning."
"Now this is planted with bio-intensive spacing so you can see that it's really dense in here. The canopy of all these plants is covering the bed and shading it."
"Potatoes planted on April 1st will take at least 20 weeks to mature."
"I've planted a lot of seeds this season."
"Soils covered all the time and you're just planting into and through that."
"July 5th is one of the best new moons for you. Plant seeds as if you have never planted seeds before."
"Seeds do not have to be planted very deep."
"The roots will actually grow four times quicker in pumice than in standard planting soil."
"Not everyone's gonna pop up, that's why I suggest over planting."
"Adding legumes... veg peas beans clovers."
"I planted a tree, I planted two trees in my backyard."
"Trees in the ground and honestly I can't think of a better feeling than knowing that you're planting a tree."
"For every purchase, they will be planting one tree."
"It'll be nice, good onion planting weather."
"...I'm so excited it's making me want to plant more perennials today."
"So come with me and let's open up our winter sewing containers and get ready to plant them into the garden this year."
"...to have more plants to plant the season in my garden is just really exciting."
"It's wonderful though. It's so pleasant to be out, and it makes me feel recharged to plant a whole bunch of things again."
"What you plant will always be the very thing you harvest."
"Eggs are such a symbol of fertility... they are representing the seeds that we're planting into the Earth."
"Plant these and add a streak of sophistication to your garden."
"The trees are here and the equipment to plant them just showed up, so it's a very exciting day."
"I really wanted to get some plants in today because I have a ton of plants to plant, and I'm just excited to get them in the ground."
"Look at that, the way you planted that was fantastic."
"I'm going to plant two rows per bed and I like to plant two rows of these guys because you don't have to actually stake them or trellis them or anything."
"Oh, it feels so good to get quite a lot of the plants now in the ground."
"So what we've got here, we've got all of our java fern all where we wanted it and boom."
"Planting direction matters and in those cases, plant in the direction that's going to maximize the amount of sunlight those plants are getting during the day."
"I can plant over 60,000 crops at once."
"From October through May is really when we like to plant things like fruit trees and trees and shrubs and plants."
"I think original plantings, they just planted by making a small hole, probably used dynamites or something in the old days."
"We're not planting some of these trees for us to eat from."
"You plant them nice and gentle in the hole, and then you give a nice warm hug with the compost."
"It's ready for some spring planting, we're gonna have tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergine."
"It's time to plant seeds into the soil again, it's time to prepare for a new harvest."
"Right now is the perfect time to plant these potatoes."
"A discerning person simply plants a seed when it's obvious God would want you to."
"Help us to plant trees for the shade of the next generation."
"First, make a little hole, then I put the seed in and cover it with earth."
"For every box set we sell, we do plant a tree, and that's our commitment."
"Don't judge every day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."
"We plant our seeds certain time of the year, like come May, we will be out there in the field planting."
"Plant that seed of gratitude so deeply in your heart."
"We're going to plant trees today and I've got them all out here."
"Anytime you plant trees, you feel like you did something."
"The world needs more chestnut trees."
"When we plant a tree, we sow the very seeds of our future on this planet."
"It gives me great pleasure to plant this tree here in this place where it will grow strength and flourish."
"Fall has cooler temperatures, right? So what happens is the roots, whenever they feel the cooler temperatures and there's less daylight, it stimulates new growth, which is why you plant in the fall."
"Be very generous in your planting, have the biggest possible borders and the fullest possible borders that you can have."
"It's a good looking plant in the container, good looking plant in the ground."
"We plant not for ourselves but for the future."
"The best time to plant a tree is 7 years ago. The second best time is now."
"This is the perfect size stock to plant out, three to five inches is what I'm looking for, friends."
"Make sure that when you're planting your trees and shrubs that you don't have any kind of air pockets."
"Yeah, if you haven't guessed, we're planting today, and I'm pretty excited."
"If we plant faithfully, then God will bring the harvest!"
"When you're happy with the set out, now you just fill the soil in for everything."
"Planting a tree is a gift for the future!"
"It's the right tree in the right place that counts."
"You got to plant seed and expect them to grow."
"At the beginning of the growing season, we plant our crops; at the end, we harvest."
"The best time to plant is during rainy season so it could really get established."
"Find the hottest and sunniest place in your yard, and that's where you want to plant your pomegranate."
"A seed has to be sown today and only then it will grow into a big plant."
"Choose a location that has full Sun, which would be six hours of Sun a day or three hours of hot afternoon Sun a day."
"We're very hopeful that it takes and really likes it in this spot."
"I'm just so thrilled to have it in because I can plant things next spring."
"The entire melon patch has now been completely planted out."
"We just think about living what we want to do now, planting what we want to plant, enjoying."
"I look upon myself as a planter of seeds."
"It's beautiful outside, and it's a perfect day to get out there and get my garlic planted."
"You start associating plantings next to the waterway so that each time in the future when you harvest a nice shovel full of silt that dropped into here, you can put it as a mulch or as a feed for a plant that's nearby, and then you're creating little ecosystems around it."
"What can I plant that can take the heat?"
"One way you can test your soil and see how good it is, plant something in it."
"Well, I wish you'd asked permission, but it is a pretty good spot for a tree."
"Trees beautiful trees, I'm planting a forest of majestic oaks and pines and whatnot."
"Every tree you see virtually has been planted."
"Hope abounds where there's an opportunity to plant."
"You got to surrender to planting a tree."
"By the end of this program, I want all of you planting at least a tree in your own home."
"...Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called on the name of Adonai, the Everlasting God."
"I'm so excited, I'm going to be planting some broad beans today."
"We're doing good, planter's doing a good job, we're closing nice, seeds placed in a good spot."
"I'm going to put soil in it, I think I want to do vegetables or herbs or anything of that sort."
"You plant it just so it's sitting out of the soil, that's all you need to do."
"That's 'afforestation.' Not reforestation, where trees are restored to a depleted forest, but where trees are planted in a place where no trees existed before."
"This way we can get our greens right up next to it."
"We're going to plant mostly lettuce and a little bit of bok choy."
"I'm a very big believer in early planted soybeans."
"Spring is officially here, and now is the perfect time of year for most of us to plant our bare root fruit trees."
"If you're ever confused about when to start the seeds, when to put them outside, how to put them outside, how many to plant, this is the resource for you."
"The main thing I'm going to be planting over the next few months is trees, trees, trees because they take the longest to grow."
"Figs are some of the fastest growing trees that you will ever plant."
"We want these to get into the ground when you're still developing leaves, the roots are ready to take off, the plants are going to be healthy."
"Plant heavy when you first set up your tank, it gives you a better chance of success."
"It's time to kick off our spring seed starting season."
"You really want to plant your corn in blocks, you really want to have it densely planted so that it will pollinate with the other corn stalks around it."
"All done, all the seeds are planted. Soon we'll have a garden full of lovely carrots."
"It's a good time to plant shrubs and perennials in the fall once it starts cooling off in your area."
"Planting seeds, oh I love this game."
"We've got six different species as well as some trees going in."
"As you walk through these challenging times, remember the seeds you're planting now are the beginnings of a future filled with joy."
"I feel like I waited a long time for this, but it's finally time for me to plant my spring bulbs."
"I even had some pots that I decided to just take the flowers out of and just plant it directly into my flower beds."
"We are not planting this tree for ourselves; we are planting this tree for our great-great-great-great-grandchildren's use."
"So we are out in the garden today, planting all of my seedlings that I planted about a month ago."
"Planting a tree is a great way to make a positive impact on the environment."
"You want to plant it at the same level that it was planted in in the nursery."
"Let's get started and we will start planting some trees."
"You plant it once, it will continually produce for you for 20 plus years."
"I'm not rushing to plant things out which are frost tender; however, this week I couldn't resist it."
"The seeds you plant now will be the trees that your grandchildren sit under."
"I'm going to plant another very cold hardy Mexican avocado back here."
"I'm excited we're getting very close to having this garden planted out."
"I love this thermometer because it just is like a good reminder of what the soil temperature needs to be to plant different things."
"She planted the seeds in little rows all over the garden and watered them with her watering can."
"The only way we're able to harvest anything is to plant enough to cover all those obstacles."
"Plant seeds, it is such an auspicious new Moon."
"Then everyone would plant them and we'd probably save the planet for free, too bad we only need them to breathe."
"Just quietly plant the seeds of peace and joy, quietly plant the seeds of harmony."
"I can't wait to get all of this in the ground."
"We're going to be planting an alfalfa, orchard grass, and timothy grass mixture."
"I got squash and cucumbers planted, I got lima beans planted earlier this week."
"A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted."
"For every pound of seed potato you plant, you can expect roughly three to five pounds."
"There's distinct advantages to be planting in the fall."
"Plant something that you can have generation to come."
"We definitely emphasize ecological plantings, natives."
"If you can put your plants in the ground, absolutely do it."
"Growing plants in pots doesn't have to be seen as second best to planting them out into your garden."
"Spring is here, spring has sprung, and it's time to plant our seeds."