
Middle Ages Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"In their own times, they referred to themselves simply as the Romans, and were the ones who boldly carried its banner into the Middle Ages."
"Our modern notions of democracy come more out of the Middle Ages, when the Germanic tribes believed that every free man had certain political rights, and that the nobility should vote for the king."
"It was after Hattin that Saladin met with the commanders of the Franks."
"Anglo-Saxon life wouldn't have been as bleak and horrible as the phrase 'Dark Ages' leads us to believe."
"Disease was almost impossible to avoid for everyday people in the Middle Ages."
"The first crusade was one of the most spectacular victories of the Middle Ages."
"The Black Death, or Bubonic Plague, decimated the population of Europe during the Middle Ages."
"The Caliphate of the Islamic Golden Age boasted the highest literacy rate of the Middle Ages."
"The Islamic Golden Age boasted the highest literacy rate of the Middle Ages."
"The Middle Ages is what we call the 500-year period that ended just before 1500."
"The middle ages were both a time of incredible inventions, architecture, and progress but also a time of war, death, and a Fascination for the occult."
"The Middle Ages were less barbaric and dark than we think."
"It's just kind of like a matter-of-fact term for the Middle Ages and it just kind of means people are farming. That's what they're doing."
"The conduct of his men against impossible odds would become the standard expected of knights during the Middle Ages."
"Some of the mythology that was written down in the Middle Ages had a significant oral longevity."
"The only continuing formal institution in the Latin West that is subsiding into what we sometimes call, not altogether fairly, the Dark Ages."
"There was very little magic in the Middle Ages. The 16th and 17th centuries were the high noon of magic."
"Braveheart was my favorite film for a very long time and really jump-started my love for the Middle Ages."
"The middle ages were really colorful. A lot of Hollywood movies and TV shows that are set in medieval times portray the medieval times as gray and dark. Back in the day, they were a rainbow of colors."
"If your understanding of the Middle Ages is people were super distant from God and so that's why they went to Mary and the Saints, you're wrong."
"Bernard is one of these folks in the Middle Ages who, while not opposed to rhetoric but not opposed to logic, is perhaps the strongest single voice in defending the claim that if a doctrine is to be believed or taught, it must rest on Scripture."
"Bernard is forever known as Bernard of Clairvaux."
"Well, it's set in the Middle Ages."
"There's an alertness, it's still a church dominated world, but there's an alertness, and Europe is ready to step out of the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance."
"You can't understand European history entirely if you don't study the Middle Ages and Middle European/German history."
"Monastic brewing has been happening ever since the Middle Ages... Monks brewed beer at the time since they were obligated to provide food and drink for travelers who came through."
"I've been enjoying sharing some of my favorite things about the Middle Ages with you."
"Human art, literature, and science prospered as they then prospered nowhere else in Europe."
"Nobody in the Middle Ages ever thought of themselves living in the Middle Ages."
"The West is going to enter a period that's known as the Middle Ages."
"We have the biggest single concentration of scholars of the Middle Ages of any university in the United States."
"...a movement away from what was supposedly the autocratic faith of the Middle Ages towards an idealized and supposedly liberating secular enlightenment."
"It's often said that the life of a woman in the Middle Ages was pretty tough."
"The Dark Ages were not as dark as you might have thought."
"The Arbatel de Magia Veterum... it's one of the most wholesome and uplifting books of magic written in the Middle Ages."
"Perhaps the most attractive feature of the Middle Ages is that they were so intensely human."
"Many of these High Kings were just of legend, but throughout the Middle Ages, there were numerous rulers who were formally declared High Kings of Ireland on the ceremonial Hill of Tara."
"Europe was on the rise, entering a period called the high Middle Ages."
"The Middle Ages isn't gray; the Middle Ages is colorful."
"The importance of Rome is a dramatic thing in the Middle Ages."
"Middle Ages have been moving more and more towards the direction of greater naturalism in art long before the Renaissance ever came along."
"Monastic life became the apex of Christian living in the Early Middle Ages."
"Suddenly in Europe which had spent hundreds of years in what we call the Middle Ages, we discovered classical antiquity and a whole nother perspective on the world."
"The Middle Ages being called the Dark Ages is just not true. There was advancement, there's a lot going on."
"Once again in my effort to look at our past and find things that we can learn from, I have decided to direct my sight towards the Middle Age."
"These three books represent just a tiny proportion of our collection from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance."
"For the setting, Essos is just the Middle East which was far richer than Europe in the Middle Ages."
"The sacramental system of the Roman Catholic Church represents the gospel of the high Middle Ages."
"The fall of Rome in 476 begins for us this period of time known as the Middle Ages."
"The Dark Ages were not actually as dark as people make them out to be."
"These sandals of Christ were one of the most venerated relics of the Middle Ages."
"It's one of the great stories of the Middle Ages, if not all of Western history."
"We try to recreate the courtesy and chivalry of that piece of the Middle Ages."
"These inventions were created or developed precisely by the Islamic world of the Middle Ages."
"In the Middle Ages, cloth could be worth its weight in gold."
"The people of the Middle Ages were not illiterate."
"The medieval priesthood was a much more complex, layered affair during the Middle Ages."
"This is actually a living document that was very influential throughout the Middle Ages."
"The people of the Middle Ages have a reputation for wanton brutality."