
Car Ownership Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"I'm not against you having a nice car. I'm just against your nice car having you."
"This is going to be going in my series of cool cars for young people. If you are about 17 or 18, you're about as old as this car. Trust me, if you buy something like this in this condition, it isn't going to cost you a lot of money, and it will get you a lot of respect from your fellow elder petrol heads."
"Great interior quality. My advice would be to keep it a rather lower spec because then you can have a very elegant and great car for an acceptable price."
"Does owning a car make you feel more free or does it do the opposite?"
"It's crazy to see that's how much it costs to drive a $500,000 car for two years."
"The bottom line: buying a car like this is absolutely a love thing. Love is blind, you know? It doesn't have to add up, and you don't have to rationalize love at all, right?"
"Unlike an investment in the stock market, you can drive it in the interim."
"It's just crazy how quickly this thing picks up and accelerates."
"The GX460 is probably going to be less expensive to keep around than a BMW X5 in terms of maintenance and repair costs."
"Get your car, love it, own it, and vote intelligently."
"If we do have Robo taxis, then we won't have car ownership."
"Ever since I got that Corvette though, it just seems like something's changed."
"The ultimate Flex is not just having the cars, but actually driving them."
"I was ecstatic, your first new car at 23 years old."
"The ultimate luxury is not having to worry about car ownership."
"It's reassuring to know that residual values on this third-generation model are expected to be very reasonable."
"It's not about the car you drive, it's about how you drive it."
"Charger RT but I do just feel like Frankie's got to own a Mustang."
"It's been hands down the most unique and interesting car ownership experience I've ever had."
"Autonomy is going to open up Tesla network for Tesla which I believe will be the beginning of the end for car ownership."
"I just knew for a fact I had to sell that car the second I got it."
"Owning a Model S today is becoming kind of like owning a BMW in the 80s."
"You guys want to see how I almost vandalized my own car?"
"We should all be able to economize on car ownership or get rid of it all together."
"It's sort of, I have this Lotus Esprit and what it reminded me that Lotus used to have usability."
"I just don't like having cars that sit and do nothing."
"If you own a Tesla right now you're crazy to hold on to it."
"If you buy a new car, automatically as soon as you drive it off the lot, you're gonna lose about 10% of that car's value."
"Depreciation is such an insidious covert car ownership cost and here's how you can cut it in half."
"Owning the box Chevy in the hood is like having a trophy. You know what I'm saying? It's like having a bad."
"Buy a used car—it's one of the best financial decisions you can make."
"But the fundamental topic when it comes to a car like this is always depreciation."
"It's a '70 'Cuda. I own it and I can turn the key of it and take it wherever I want."
"We want you to feel positive again about owning a car."
"Whether you're keeping it stock or fucking modded, buy the best one you can. Both want the same fucking nice car."
"You'll be really glad to find this thing in your garage to take out on weekends or even as a daily driver."
"What you really want to know is what is the true cost of buying or leasing your car and being sure that you're going to be able to afford it for the foreseeable future."
"So if any of you guys do own Tesla's and you haven't been upgrading because you want to hold on that free supercharging well there you go."
"That's all we need but then it's also about owning cars, are we really going to carry on owning cars, it's such a stupid waste of time when our utilization of those cars is four or five percent of the year, it's kind of stupid owning it."
"So there's a very good chance you own one of these cars. This video applies to you and you can save a ton of money doing all this stuff at home."
"The first year with this car has been great, and I can't wait to see what the future holds with it."
"They're owned today by those who are few and far between and the people that own these cars love these cars."
"If you do buy this car you are buying into hot hatch royalty and buy in you should because you can pick one of these up super cheap"
"Once you buy a car once you start driving it daily and you're using it week by week by week you're used to looking at it the design becomes something you're accustomed to and you're not admiring the look of it anymore you're just using it."
"You can buy a C8 for $60,000. I mean, that's pretty unbelievable."
"I just like the look of this car it's clean it's a nice simple design it's a two-door and the cool thing about this when I acquired it as I said it's a one owner vehicle from new that's a hundred percent documented."
"I can't believe I'm saying that 24 hours ago I literally had no clue I would be walking into a dealership and two hours later walking out with the keys to this car."
"This owner has kept this thing immaculate since 1997."
"Owning a car is pretty expensive, not only do you have to buy the car itself but everything to maintain it."
"There is no possible mathematical way unless the car manufacturer made a mistake that leasing a car is cheaper than owning a car."
"It's far better for the environment to keep an old car on the road rather than go out and buy a brand new battery EV."
"Keeping an older car on the road is far better for the environment than going out and buying a brand new battery EV."
"How unfortunate the owner of this current owner of this car that just bought this hoping they will get two three years out of this until the market settles so they can buy something else and how mistaken they were."
"Most people are wasting money on cars."
"When you go on auto tempest and you search for a Ferrari, you buy the car thinking that it's going to change your life and honestly it always will."
"All of the little niggles I've had with this car which is mostly in the engine it all disappears when I know that you drive it and you still have a grin on your face and you still love it."
"A lot of owners have no costs beyond routine maintenance and consumable items."
"Providing you keep up on the maintenance...you really can't go wrong with these cars"
"I drive a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I'm actually paying off my car this August so what is it, it's May now, so what is that four months? I'm paying my car off in four months. I am so excited, this will be the first time I pay a car off."
"I love this car, it's been very reliable and what is it like, five, six, seven, eight, eight years old? It's an eight-year-old car and it's still in perfect condition."
"I want to buy a car like this to keep it clean, to keep the mileage low, to keep it in a garage, to keep the resale value high. I buy a car like this to enjoy it."
"I bought the Carrera GT twice. I bought the silver one, I put a lot of miles, I sold it. I missed it so much, I bought it back in black."
"Just treat car ownership the same way, like how hard is it, dude?"
"First day of being an R34 GTR owner."
"This is a car that I can buy and enjoy for a little while or a long while and not really lose much of any money to depreciation."
"Obviously, we're not talking Japanese build quality here, but as one owner mentioned to us, he simply couldn't find a lower kilometer, more recent, higher equs car with less than 100,000 k on it for the money like a ZB Commodore."
"So, there you have it, guys. That's basically everything. All in all, if I end up paying this car completely off in the full term, it's going to be $144,000."
"The other big thing with owning a Mazda 2 is that the resale values tend to be really, really good."
"...But I just wanted to shed some light on a different way of buying a car and a different way of car ownership from what people are traditionally used to."
"Buying a car driving it for 15 years would be cheaper, but given the situation, given you make lemons out of a lemonade."
"And I hope, I hope at some point in time, Marine buys herself this Audi RS4 back when I'm 45 years old in 10 years time so yeah."
"I'm happy as hell having this car and owning it again, especially a rare version of this car."
"There's this real fear that car ownership and car appreciation has to be tribal. But my personal view is that this stuff can all kind of mold together and it can live in harmony."
"Keeping cars is boring but you know what, I want to be boring because I really like my M5."
"I would say if you own two vehicles and you're looking to replace one of those or you're looking to add a vehicle, I would look to add a Tesla."
"Sebastian Vettel's prized Ferrari F40 was previously owned by famous Italian opera singer Luciano Pavarotti."
"For a man to have his first car is a very big thing."
"This is the power of exotic car hacks, rethinking and reworking finance."
"I traded it in he's already sold it to auction it's gone it's somewhere in Wichita somebody bought it I hope they enjoy Davey Jones it was a really sweet car."
"Taking delivery of a new BMW is the beginning of a long and worthwhile relationship between you and your car."
In the words of James Garner, "At least once in your lifetime, you owe yourself a car like this."
"I own this car because I want an EVO. Always liked Evos. Who doesn't like an EVO?"
"You don't own an old car and a classic from your family because you're trying to get your money back out of it... it's an investment in emotion."
"When you buy an SLS, you just have to accept the fact that maybe someday this $30,000 bomb inside your car may go off."
"Once I got it, I do want to say that it is by far the best car I have ever owned, quality-wise, not so much."
"I don't need a car so I saw the a7 back in june it's currently november this clearly hasn't been on the road at any point so i haven't had a car now for almost five months."
"For the Rolls-Royce owner, it would be a tragedy of biblical proportions if the best car in the world were to ever break down."
"If you happen to own this generation Palisade, let me know how your ownership experience is going and how you're liking the vehicle as a whole."
"Any car on the road is better than a car sitting here in a paddock."
"From that standpoint, my insurance would probably be more affordable if I had more twenty thousand dollar cars."
"So about eight months ago I sold my car, which also enabled me to move to a more attractive part of my city which I had wanted to live in all along, but I couldn't afford it as long as I was paying for my car and a parking spot for it."
"I calculated how much I was spending to own my car, and I was kind of shocked to find that it was well over ten thousand dollars per year."
"...a used car doesn't truly feel like your own until you've given all its cracks and crevices a good going over."
"I didn't buy my car to dog it and then I want to stay safe at the end of the day"
"It's a privilege to own a car, never mind race one."
"All the coolest cars here are yours. That's my problem, that I love cars, so when I get something really cool, I never sell it."
"My second car is the 2005 Mazdaspeed Miata and I absolutely loved that car and it's the quintessential driving experience."
"Simplicity just makes car ownership so much better."
"Yes I would absolutely buy another mark 6 GTI if I had to do it all over again."
"This is the kind of car you can own for a long time and just enjoy driving it in that quietly satisfied way every single day."
"I love this car. I bought this car. I really coming from where I come from, I never really thought I could afford a car like this."
"I think this is definitely the best car I've ever owned."
"I think this is probably going to be one of the best cars I've ever owned."
"Buying a car is the second biggest investment Canadians make right behind a house."
"I have just got a car and I'm sitting in it now. Bought my first car in the UK and it's very exciting."
"You're not buying this car because you need a car to go back and forth to work. You're buying this car because you want a really nice car to go back and forth from work."
"So you're telling me you that you have to pay more because of where you live? She's like, 'Yeah, and also you drive a red car.' So I'm like, 'This [__], this [__] isn't real!'"
"If you are someone who buys the vehicle and wants to keep it a long time, I think the Hyundai or the Kia are going to be the top picks for that reason alone."
"I'm not in a rush to get a new car in terms of my life because I've got this and it's super cheap."
"However, many people don't view cars as an emotional purchase. They don't love them. They don't think a car with personality, what are you talking about? Many people view a car as a tool."
"I don't know how long this video is going to be, but I hope this kind of gave you a good insight of what owning this car has been for me over the last six months."
"...the joy in owning a car like this is driving it..."
"I get enjoyment out of it and, you know, I daily drive this thing so at the end of the day I have to love it."
"If you're going to buy this car and go to car shows and cruise in the Fourth of July parade and never take it above 55, perfect. If you have any intent of taking that car anywhere that is a closed course, get the track insurance."
"Life updates: I had a wedding, you had a kid. Did I tell you I ended up owning the car that I was leasing? You leased to own?"
"I'm gonna walk out of here with a Honda Civic, you already know what it is, man."
"...it's not about zero to 60 times, it's about your ability to live with a car, enjoy your car, and more importantly grow with that car."
"What the automobile allows is personal freedom."
"They're both phenomenal cars to drive and own."
"What's the point of keeping low miles if you never drive the car and never get to enjoy it?"
"As long as you're happy and you love the car, the cost doesn't matter."
"Welcome to Car Health Corner, where we help you the consumer master the process of car buying and car ownership."
"The fact that a female actually owns this car is to me that's just the coolest thing."
"Owning a car in the Netherlands is very expensive; Netherlands is the third most expensive country out of 22 countries to own a car."
"Remember that whenever you buy any second-hand car, maintenance, repairs, insurance, road tax, all that stuff is important to remember."
"It's not a supercar, it's not a crazy fast car, but I feel like for what you pay for, for what you get, I still just stand by this has been the best car that I've owned."
"This is a vehicle which isn't really bringing out all that many innovations, however, its ability to nail the basics... makes it a car which pulls together to be a very tempting ownership proposition."
"What if you were told you had to continue paying your car maker even after you already paid off your car?"
"I'm not just this car's owner; I'm its caretaker."
"Once you purchase an Accord with the V6, you'll honestly know that you just made it in life."
"Once you have an Accord V6, you've clearly made it in life."
"It's not about being able to afford the monthly payments on the car, it's about being able to maintain it."
"You're getting so much car for the money."
"It's a tool which I plan on using for any future car purchase that I make to ensure that there's no hidden secrets."
"The best driving car that I have driven and owned."
"I bought a Highlander... we drove that car for five going on six years, and when it got totaled, we got a check for it was only like a six thousand dollar difference from what I paid."
"If I sold this now, I'd get about four thousand, meaning I've done 15,000 miles in this car for free for a year."
"Don't lease a new car, don't spend £300-£400 a month leasing a car to get you to work, buy a beautiful old Jag."
"It's not going to be an expensive car to buy and it could be a fabulous car to own."
"Car ownership once a dream for so many became affordable and so widespread."
"I'm pretty just set on just driving the car and appreciating it for what it is and just owning it and not having any issues with it."
"I'm happy for you, Lisa. Buying a car is a big milestone."
"Absolutely, now you can enjoy the freedom of having your own car."
"I give Tesla all the crap in the world, I also own two of them and love the cars."
"I never thought I'd be a Corvette owner, but a car like this turned me into a Corvette owner."
"There's definitely something to be said for the familiarity you get with a car you've owned for such a long time."
"Britain cannot hold a candle to the United States when it comes to car ownership."
"Just one of the most enjoyable cars I've ever owned to drive, to enjoy."
"If the first owners of new cars just kept them for five years on average instead of the current three, then car production and CO2 emissions associated with it would be vastly reduced."
"I was just happy to not have a car payment."
"If you just put that money aside instead of giving it to Turo, that could almost in itself pay for a car eventually."
"Your car loses about 10 to 20% of its value the minute that you drive it off the car lot."
"Do you want to own a car that'll make you smile no matter where you're going?"
"All you need is 10 grand in your pocket, and any of these cars on this list could be yours."
"It's the car I've owned the longest and loved the most."
"You can definitely get these under $25,000 and they will last you a long time as well."
"I always tell people like don't start chasing the latest model cars."
"The excitement I first had when I bought this car has not worn off at all over the last couple months."
"It's impressive to have a car that is achievable in price."
"The real cost of a car isn't just your monthly payment, it's the lost opportunity of what you could have done with this money."
"My year of owning this car has been flawless so far, and I look forward to many more."
"Cash cars are better than finance cars, and leasing should never be an option."
"You appreciate the car way more if you enjoyed it for two years when it was NA."
"It has been 10 months since I got my Tesla Model Y long range 2023 model in all black."
"It's just part of our lives, so, cars every petrol head should own, probably whatever car you're thinking of next."
"You ever sit on a crowded bus and wonder why all the other people don't have a car?"
"I bought this car because I really wanted to own one, I wanted to attain my dream."
"They always say buy cars at three and sell them at five because that's when you'll suffer the least depreciation of the car's life."
"It's very understandable that Tristan, the previous owner of this car, really loved it."
"Pay cash for cars, that's another good rule right there."
"99.9% of the people who have a car payment could get by without a car payment."
"I am very, very, very happy and excited to have this car on the road finally."
"Taking delivery of my Ford Mustang Dark Horse, driving in a very short time 62,000 miles, we're now ready for it to begin again."
"At the end of the day, you buy a car, you need a title."
"Paying for this car on time monthly is going to boost my credit score a lot and help me grow a healthy credit score over the next couple of years."
"We did it, we took the delivery of our new C8 Corvette."
"It's not about the car, it's about the person that's driving the car."
"It's been an absolute amazing adventure with this car."
"My GT500 is in the UK, and it won't be too long until it's time for the first drive."
"We just thought if you buy a car, you have to finance it; is there even another way to buy a car?"
"I bought this car for $100, dead serious."
"Car as a service will change the concept of car ownership. We're not going to need to own cars."
"It's a one owner, dealer maintained."