
Passover Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"The significance of Passover is much greater than freeing Yasharel from slavery. It was a prophetic display of our Father's ultimate plan to save His children from the ultimate bondage of sin."
"Passover is significant for two other majorly important reasons: one, it is the first time that Yahuwah, the God of Israel, declared Himself to the world...and then two, it was a prophetic display of our Father's ultimate plan to save His children from the ultimate bondage of sin."
"Yeshua is our Passover. Knowing that you are not redeemed with corruptible things like silver or gold...but with the precious blood of Messiah, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot."
"Yahusha is our Passover. Let me show you, as Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7: 'Indeed Messiah, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.'"
"Because of Yahusha and his sacrifice, our Father can say, 'When I see his blood, I will pass over you.'"
"We all must remember the Passover, pray about this to our Father, show Him the respect and love He deserves."
"Happy Passover everyone. Be blessed. Hallelujah."
"Jesus wasn't just celebrating a meal; he was fulfilling the Passover as the Lamb of God."
"Passover is one of the most important Jewish holidays commemorating the flight of the Israelites from Egypt."
"Let's carry on, enjoy symbolic foods like matzah and maror, and drink wine."
"Passover says we remember the past, we learn from the past, we remember the lessons of the past."
"The Passover and exodus story relates to us even today."
"Passover would eventually slip into winter, then fall, then back to the spring."
"So Christ kept Passover, not Easter. For all the Christians that's watching, it was not Easter. He wasn't worshiping Ishtar."
"The Exodus supposedly took place, there has been a continuous 35 500 years of unbroken Passover celebrations."
"Jesus proclaimed the Passover as the New Covenant."
"Passover, it's called Pesach, a mouth that speaks because the greatest freedom is to speak."
"He was our Passover Lamb...symbolizing that he is the last Passover Lamb that will ever be slaughtered for man."
"We must know the Passover in order to understand the relationship between God and us."
"The Passover is the ceremony that leads mankind to her destined to die forever to the path of life."
"The Passover Lamb is shared among everyone at the table, symbolizing the sacrifice of the Messiah."
"All of this instruction, all of this promise came on Thursday night as He gathered in the Upper Room for the Passover, which He transformed into the Lord's Supper."
"The meaning behind the Passover is full of significance for Christians today."
"Jesus chose Passover as the moment for climactic action... the story of Jesus as the new Genesis and the new Exodus."
"...Jesus chose Passover as the moment to go to Jerusalem... Jesus understanding of his own vocation was to accomplish once and for all the new Exodus for which Israel had longed."
"Jesus chose Passover as the moment to go to Jerusalem."
"If the Eucharist is the new Passover, then guess what? You have to eat the lamb."
"Incorporating Shabbat and Passover into our lives has been an absolute blessing."
"The actual meaning of Passover itself and of this whole holiday, Pesach holiday, it all speaks and just screams out about our Messiah Yeshua."
"We're called to celebrate, and what I'm calling you to celebrate today is the Passover."
"Jesus Christ, our Passover, is sacrificed for us."
"Passover is more than an Independence Day... It's not a political Independence Day; it is being a free person, free to make choices in life."
"whether you're Jewish or you're a follower of Messiah Passover is yours it belongs to you you are saved on Passover it's about your salvation"
"as it was in the original day tonight you me most all of us have been commanded as well to stay in our houses and it's during Passover tonight most of the world has been commanded to stay in their houses as on the first Passover"
"if you're saved if you're born again you have been born again by the Passover lamb the same way as the Jewish people their day their beginning day was Passover so with you and for those of you this is a celebration of your new birth"
"This Passover is the beginning of revival."
"The Passover Memorial commemorates the event when God passed over the houses covered by the blood of the Lamb."
"Every Passover lamb pointed to the lamb that had come and my life was utterly transformed overnight."
"Matzo ball soup is a non-negotiable for any Passover meal."
"Passover was a time of departure, a time of saving from Egypt, saving from the gods, saving from Death, saving from slavery."
"Christ chose Passover to die for our sins. This was a predetermined thought."
"There is more of a reason that a Rapture could happen on a Passover season."
"Passover time, Jesus died for our sins. Big deal. Very big deal."
"This Passover is a season of God giving you victory, endurance, and strength."
"Wishing you all a sweet Passover in the name of Yeshua our Messiah."
"Let's keep the Passover so that we can receive eternal life and go to heaven together."
"Reflecting upon this fact through the Bible once again, let us never regard the Passover which Jesus kept as an example for us as something trivial."
"The Passover is the true grace of God that leads us to the kingdom of heaven."
"And then of course the whole idea of death passing over the Israelites who were there in those homes is just a further picture of our salvation."
"Jesus Christ died on Passover. He is 'the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world.'"
"Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. He fulfilled the ultimate purpose of the Passover."
"The Passover teaches us how to walk in love."
"The Passover is not the Holy Communion, neither is the Lord supper the breaking of bread."
"Passover is relevant to Christians."
"The story of Passover is our story too."
"once you understand that the Passover is the background to Jesus."
"The sacrifice of Christ is a Passover sacrifice; it begins during the Passover."
"The mass is based upon the liturgy of Heaven, which is a New Covenant Passover based upon the Passover meal."
"The Passover season means to pass over, to transcend our challenges."
"Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us."
"The Passover lamb is the clearest and most striking foreshadowing of the cross. - Moses"
"Christ became our Passover, that's the highest sabbath of all sabbaths."
"Passover is alright if you don't take the ceremony too seriously and cut straight to the food."
"Let all who are hungry come and eat; let all who are in need share in the hope of Passover."
"We just celebrated Passover, it celebrates the freedom of the Jewish people from the slavery way back in Egypt."
"Josephus records numbers for us... what you end up with coming to that particular Passover is over 2 million individuals."
"Every time they went through this ritual each year, they believed that the original Passover event from Exodus 12 was mystically made present to them."
"When we celebrate the Passover, it's as if we are walking out of Egypt."
"Passover will never be the same ever again."
"Our Passover lamb, Christ, has already been sacrificed."
"My appointed time is near. I'm going to celebrate the Passover with my disciples at your house."
"The essence of the Passover Seder is telling over the Magid, the Torah says that you must discuss the going out of Egypt."
"There are some things in your life that God caused to pass over."
"One of the richest rites of spring is the Passover meal."
"The lamb that's presented at the Passover was symbolizing the work of the Messiah, the Redemption that he would do."
"The greatest joy of Passover is to see the dawn of the day coming and still be discussing God's Redemption."
"Remember the focus is to teach our children about Passover and the meaning of what we're actually doing."
"It reminds us of the power of God and our salvation and bringing us out of Egypt."
"A full cup is a sign of joy, and during the plagues weren't very joyful."
"For that night, I will pass through the land of Egypt."
"When your children say to you, 'What does this service mean to you?'"
"On Passover, we remember the blood of the lamb whose blood was put on our doorposts and allowed us to escape Egyptian bondage."
"Passover teaches on the death of the Messiah which is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."
"Communion was originally celebrated by God's people as the promise of His protection during the Passover."
"Jesus redefined the celebration of the Passover."
"Tomorrow's Easter, so happy Easter to all you Easter people. Happy Passover to all the Passover people."
"Wishing the Jewish Community a happy Passover, a celebration of freedom."
"...this year more than any other year in recent time we have received literally hundreds of emails asking questions about Passover..."
"And the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the Lord will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you."
"...the table should be broad and inclusive, bringing the most people to your Passover table in order to share the message of the gospel."
"Passover is the festival of redemption."
"The message that we need to take away is that Passover is the festival of redemption and he died on Passover to be our Redeemer."
"The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples."
"Looking beautiful, I love the seder plate."
"Good morning, if I haven't said it yet, it's the day before Passover and today is my cooking day."
"Passover's gonna be here in a minute, so I'm really excited to walk you through this recipe."
"Therefore, the tradition that is matzo, unleavened flatbread, lives on to this day."
"It's a Mitzvah to eat Matzo on Passover."
"The meaning of the word Pesach to pass over is explained as to leap over the houses upon which the blood of the lamb was placed."
"Happy Easter Monday for those celebrating Easter Monday, happy Passover."
"Pesa is the word for the Jewish holiday of Passover."
"This week we're celebrating the feast of Passover, a monumental event in Jewish history commemorating the deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt."
"We have a total lunar eclipse of Blood Moon happening on Passover as people are watching this program."
"The retelling of the story of the Exodus would begin as it had each Passover for centuries and still does today."
"He was crucified on Passover, buried on unleavened bread, and he rose on firstfruits."
"Jesus is our Passover, Jesus is our covenant, Jesus is our portion, Jesus is the commander."
"Passover... not a bone broken, there's dozens of specifications that Jesus fulfilled on our Passover."
"Keep the festival of matzah, unleavened bread, by eating matzah as I ordered you for seven days during the month of Aviv."
"Passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh."
"The Passover, that's when Jesus was crucified; unleavened bread, Yeshua is buried; on first fruits, he raises from the dead."
"Passover commemorated the night in which Elohim destroyed the firstborns of Egypt but spared the Hebrew children."
"Spending for Passover... it's part of just showing your love and commitment for what's meaningful to you."
"There's a wide wide range of how different Jewish people observe levels of kashrut for Passover."
"If you can eat rice and beans, that really expands things and makes it a lot less expensive and a lot easier for people to keep Passover."
"I am excited for the Seder tonight."
"Thank you so much for coming along today while I was getting ready for Passover and Shabbat."
"Before the festival of the Passover, Jesus knew His hour is about to come."
"I'm thoroughly convinced that the most important thing you can carry away is the sensitivity that you have your Passover Lamb in the person of Jesus Christ."
"Passover is regarded as the birth of the nation."
"We thank you that you have provided for us a Passover, Jesus Christ."
"Our Passover starts and ends, and even in the middle, is Jesus Christ."
"The Focus of Passover is Jesus Christ."
"Jesus is our Passover, Jesus is the embodiment of the Passover."
"All I can promise you is that this is going to be the most memorable Passover ever."
"The Passover is a vital element of the Christian gospel."
"For also Messiah, our Passover, was offered for us."
"It seems probable that he who fulfilled all righteousness would not have been absent from a Feast of the Passover."
"Passover points to the redemption of Christ."
"Stay with the Bible; it is called the Passover."
"The afikomen is such an important part of the celebration that the entire meal cannot be completed without that second piece."
"I'm a blood for the cause, Passover, if y'all want to see how firstborn in the Lord."
"It's our first time at a national Passover coming from Japan; it's a beautiful thing to see our people gathering together in unity."
"The Messiah came the first time to fulfill the spring Feast of the Lord which all focus around the Passover Lamb."
"If you are of the Jewish faith, Happy Passover."
"The Passover is filled with meaning, remembering how God delivered His people from bondage."
"For Jesus, His last Passover meant so much more. Once again, God was going to provide deliverance for everyone."
"Passover... the crown jewel of Biblical feasts, sacred to Jews and Christians alike."
"The Passover Seder is a monumental observance that was instituted over 3500 years ago."
"Passover is celebrating the Independence that they received from the Egyptians as Moses led them out of slavery."
"Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and first Corinthians 15 all make it clear that Jesus died on the eve of Passover and he rose from the dead on the Hebrew feast of Firstfruits."