
CO2 Emissions Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Air travel produces 915 million tons of CO2 every year, accounting for two and a half percent of global emissions."
"If cement were a country (a really drab, gray country), it would be the world’s third-largest CO2 emitter behind China and the U.S."
"Emitting CO2 at this rate causes near-term abrupt planetary mass extinction."
"If nothing else is done to curb the rise in CO2 emissions, the scientific prediction is for continuing sea-level rise into the future."
"Our production of carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on earth systems."
"The only thing it releases is CO2 and H2O, so the good news is that the CO2 can be recaptured in the atmosphere. So, yeah, that's true."
"This is an adverse effect because Germany, for example, the biggest adopter of solar and wind in Europe, is now back to producing the same amount of CO2 levels as it was producing 20 years ago."
"Every gram of CO2 that we add to the atmosphere enhances the possibility that this extremely high impact catastrophe will occur."
"Somewhere around sixty percent of all the increase in CO2 emissions since Greta Thunberg was born are due to China."
"We are currently knocking on the door of a climate catastrophe, and we need to be reducing our CO2 emissions instead of greatly increasing them."
"The burning of Brazil's rainforest, also known as the lungs of the Earth now emits more CO2 than its trees and plants absorb from the atmosphere."
"In fact, if concrete production were a country, it would be the third largest CO2 emitter in the world."
"Loss of rainforests would be catastrophic for the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere."
"Human activity is clearly affecting the monotonic rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere."
"The production and consumption of this new biofuel reduces CO2 emissions by 80 percent compared to petrol powered vehicles."
"Public transport is the future of travel if we want to cut down our CO2 emissions."
"So, how much CO2 does it save? It saves loads of CO2."
"So, if you just install now, running it until 2030, it'll reduce CO2 emissions by 90%."
"We need to find ways to limit the emission of CO2 and go beyond, aiming for net negative CO2 emissions."
"River Transport thus emits four times less CO2 than Road Transport."
"Leaders of some of the biggest countries globally have signed up to agree to a limit of CO2 emissions."
"The only thing that matters about climate change are the CO2 emissions that build up day in, day out."
"Concrete is one of the largest CO2 emitters in the world."
"Urbanization has led to a significant increase in CO2 emissions."
"Coal has been the main contributor to the emissions of CO2."
"The Japanese cars are getting a lot more popular now over the Land Rovers just because of the CO2 attacks on the Land Rovers; they seem to have gone through the roof."
"Burning gasoline for transportation is responsible for 30% of all CO2 production, and CO2 causes climate change."
"I'm in favor of replacing our current energy sources with ones that don't release CO2 into the atmosphere."
"Each passenger was now responsible for 28.6 grams of CO2 emissions per kilometer."
"If the first owners of new cars just kept them for five years on average instead of the current three, then car production and CO2 emissions associated with it would be vastly reduced."
"The earth's climate is warming, a warming climate is dangerous, we're causing the warming by emitting CO2 from burning fossil fuels, so we need to prevent dangerous climate change by eliminating CO2 emissions."
"One of the biggest sources of CO2 from an electric vehicle is from the mining and manufacturing side of battery packs."
"Here we are pouring enormous quantities of CO2 and these other gases into the atmosphere every year with hardly any concern about its long-term and global consequences."
"Scenarios of the 21st-century climate that only depend on CO2 emissions are oversimplistic and will leave us open for surprises."
"We have known for a long time, probably as early as the 70s, about the impact of carbon dioxide emissions on climate change."
"There's a perfect and irrefutable correlation between CO2 and the temperature."
"There's no question that the atmospheric CO2 is increasing global warming."
"The rate of carbon dioxide emissions has increased so strongly."
"The total warming you get, the temperature you end up at, is determined by the total amount of carbon dioxide you release into the atmosphere."
"Carbon dioxide hasn't always been the initial cause of the warming, but in every case, when the CO2 levels did start going up, they amplified the heating by setting up a feedback loop."
"We're really seeing a dramatic increase in carbon dioxide and in temperatures."
"The unprecedented land clearance released vast quantities of carbon dioxide."
"The largest reduction in man-made CO2 emissions in history was in the United States based on the availability of cheap natural gas."