
Iraq Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"I went through the Pentagon, and one of the generals called me in. He said, 'We're going to war with Iraq.' I said, 'Why?'"
"Our commitment continues; we will not stand idle while the corrupt officials make the Iraqi people suffer."
"The purge of the Ba’ath Party and the manner in which Saddam seized power in the summer of 1979 set the tone for his period as ruler of Iraq."
"Adam and Bruno became recognized as one of the best dog handler teams serving in Iraq."
"A 3,400-year-old palace resurfaced from the Mosul Dam reservoir in Iraq, offering insights into the little-known Mitanni Empire."
"Saddam Hussein was a bad guy. He became president of Iraq in 1979 and stayed in power as a brutal dictator until the US overthrew him in 2003."
"So much confidence in Prime Minister Me is because of the role he’s been playing as a regional leader beyond just his role as a leader for the country of Iraq itself."
"They see Iraqi Prime Minister and why they want to empower him at this moment is because he they believe is a strong political player."
"If you invade Iraq, the fall of Baghdad will not be the beginning of the end, merely the end of the beginning."
"The challenges facing Iraq require all political blocks to join hands."
"A war with Iran would make the war in Iraq look like a cakewalk." - Tulsi Gabbard
"Iraq is fertile for investment because of the success of the program rate."
"Saddam was tried for crimes against humanity and hanged in 2006."
"The US government sold and transferred deadly chemical and biological agents to Iraq."
"In January 2022, archaeologists restoring a temple in Iraq discovered carvings of what they believed to be a previously unknown species of camel."
"The tribes represent the people of Iraq and the populace represents the key terrain of the conflict."
"Abu Tahsin al-Salhi, an Iraqi veteran sniper who is credited with killing over 384 ISIS members during the Iraqi Civil War, receiving the nickname 'Hawkeye'."
"The idea that attacking Iraq had something to do with the war on terror is just mendacity."
"Allied Forces considering a timetable for withdrawal of troops from Iraq."
"Iraq was ruled between 1919 and 1932 and invaded again during the second world war."
"As my time in Iraq comes to an end, I feel a lot of emotions."
"He idolized himself and told the populace he wanted to make Iraq the strongest country in the region, and sacrifices would need to be made."
"He claimed everything he did was in the best interest of the Iraqi people."
"We all desire a just War, especially when so many young men and women served in Iraq and over 5,000 gave their lives in the pursuit of Victory there."
"If, in fact, the Middle East is a place that, instead of Saddam Hussein, finally has an Arab democracy in Iraq, that will be a fundamentally different Middle East than we found."
"In 2010 because the oil was used for the benefit of Iraqis, GDP per head was three times as high as it had been in 2003."
"Iraq joining the Global Financial system will enhance the world's confidence in the Iraqi financial and banking system."
"Iraq's steps to engage in the international financial system contribute to enhancing economic development."
"Iraq is moving to the stage of revitalizing the economy and consolidating sovereignty."
"This attack on Iraq and its subsequent occupation is a crime yes but it's worse than a crime it's a blunder."
"The vast majority of Iraqis are against the American and British occupation of their country."
"You couldn't have bombed any harder, but Iraqi people don't really bomb, turns out, like the actual Iraq."
"I've been all over the world. I've been a leader of troops in Iraq."
"Do you think our operations in Iraq are preventive or preemptive and um do you think that our operations in Iraq are just or unjust?"
"We broke al-Qaeda in Iraq now they're coming back but it's for reasons of internal to Iraq."
"Obama might not win this was the interviews with neighbors of this family they never said that she was from Iraq."
"Anyone who believes that the Iraqi regime has not now demonstrated material breach of a unanimous Security Council resolution has all the explaining to do."
"No topic is higher in the public consciousness or more prominent in the media than the imminent decision about initiating a war in Iraq."
"We will help you to build a new Iraq that is prosperous and free."
"America pulled out their troops. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over."
"These Iraqis are just hugging these Rangers, you know, they're so happy. It's like you don't see this very often."
"Assalamualaikum from beautiful Iraq."
"Assalamualaikum guys, 7:30 in the morning here in beautiful Baghdad, Iraq."
"I've personally kind of given up on seeing a stable prosperous Iraq during my lifetime."
"The people of Iraq are generous by nature, and they are willing to give everything for Imam Hussain."
"A 3,500-year-old discovery makes headlines after it emerges itself from the waters of River Tigris in Iraq."
"The destruction of Babylon... it's talking about a literal Babylon in Iraq on the banks of the Euphrates."
"I definitely recommend coming to Mosul when you come to Iraq."
"The city is being called the Venice of the Fertile Crescent because of its unusual makeup."
"Lebanon and Iraq are the other two that are at least somewhat positive because they do have democratic competition."
"The vast majority of Iraqi people are normal people that want to have a job, raise their kids, let their kids go to school, improve their lives, do better."
"Christianity was in Iraq first, it came here before Islam."
"It's definitely not the Iraq that I've heard my whole life on the news."
"The state of Iraq is an extremely young state... on a piece of land that has had civilization for over 6,000 years."
"Because of our troops and civilians -- and because of the resilience of the Iraqi people -- Iraq has the opportunity to embrace a new destiny."
"Despite this turbulent history, many of the ancient sites for which Iraq should be known have persevered and still stand today."
"Somebody was trying to destroy the cultural life and the cultural civilization of Iraq."
"The Americans will leave Iraq, must leave Iraq, and can't leave Iraq, and what they're looking for, I suspect, is moral grounds to say it's okay."
"Imagine this: they are attempting to create an entirely new police culture in Iraq."