
Strategic Decisions Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"Withdrawal was the sensible option, but Hitler would not hear of it."
"America's interest is not identical with the interest of Ukraine. We are going to have to have a pretty strong say in this."
"They Undertaker still means huge money; it's not a stupid business move."
"If Boris Johnson said we are legalizing cannabis, he could be picking the curtains for number 10."
"I think sticking to Classic was the best thing he ever did in this capacity when we're talking about bringing people to the sport."
"It's the big strategic decisions that make the big impacts in our lives."
"Ultimately, what you're willing to pay for a brand will be based on how much uplift you think it's going to be giving to your business."
"Revan rarely ever made decisions that actively weakened the Republic."
"I think AWS is maybe top five business move in the history of the world."
"That's jackpot winner winner chicken dinner because if Jameson Williams is there 39 for the Bears, they need to run the card up."
"Choose your battles wisely, diplomacy is key."
"It's obvious that for the Solomon Islands, recognizing Beijing... was in the Solomon Islands' best interests."
"Every effort, every decision that we're making at the moment is toward maintaining that peace."
"I don't see how he backs down at this point... having gone this far."
"Cost cutting was a big part of that decision making at Tesla."
"You want to pick the lighter areas on the map... where there's more freedom."
"Strategic interests Trump moral considerations."
"Even when we've got the full size of the pot, we only need to win 50% of the time and 67 percent of the time our opponents miss."
"It makes all the sense in the world that they're doing it because of the TV show."
"It's a win-win and it's the right thing to do."
"I think this dude wanted Zucker gone... I think they saw an opportunity and they took it."
"I never wanted AEW to piggyback on anyone's shows, but this is right. That's a Ring of Honor tradition that goes way back."
"Knowledge is power; effective intelligence gathering enables informed strategic decisions."
"Opening up the L-gate is like triggering a weapon of mass destruction on the far side of the galaxy."
"It's like they're purposely trying to piss off these people."
"The United States has worked with 30 other countries to release 60 million barrels of oil from reserves around the world."
"Anything with massive benefits entails massive risk."
"I think the smart play is to have Bill Murray in this, not playing Peter Venkman."
"It's just incredible...for a man that gets a lot of stick, a lot of the praise has to go to Daniel Levy on this one."
"It's all about timing and now is the perfect time."
"He knew exactly precisely what he was doing when he chose Judas."
"How many points would we have been better off if we got Bruno in the summer? We were averaging one point something points per game without Bruno, and it's two point four with him."
"Sometimes eliminating a threat sooner might be the only option to prevent something far worse."
"I think Disney would be a fool to not go the Old Republic."
"We need to continue to broaden it and so we made the choice to go with something new."
"Choose the look of your HQ and the location of your team."
"It really was smart and I'm staggered I'm really really staggered man by Manchester United making the right decision."
"Terra votes to burn $4.5 billion in tokens, leading to price fluctuation."
"He knows what's worth more than a rook - you."
"After the deal closes, future Activision Blizzard projects will no longer release on PlayStation 5 or Nintendo."
"Mason Greenwood played really well. Should have started the game."
"I'd rather put Faith in the team that we've built rather than sign Messi."
"Divide would be the ideal really because that means you can pick one you want to be in a good place."
"It was after Hattin that Saladin met with the commanders of the Franks."
"The most exciting part about this: they pawned off the remake so they can focus on a bigger game."
"Kylo joining up with Rey, that was still an Empire moment."
"I think that's the lesson that Nvidia has learned for 4000 series."
"On paper, this sounds like a no-brainer win."
"That's why when I put him into those cage matches dude it was like so risky for me because I really wanted it because it was like if I didn't if I lost those I would have him now and this would be completely different."
"They just keep finding ways to win and they do make good decisions."
"Let's begin with the original movie: the first Kung Fu Panda as DreamWorks' biggest opening for a non-sequel film."
"We've never got a marquee signing done super fast."
"We pressed the button, Arteta came in, we got the FA Cup, fair enough. Now this season? You're telling me if we sacked Arteta at the same time they sacked Lampard we wouldn't have had a better chance at winning the Europa League?"
"When it comes to the something on the scale of Minecraft being added to Smash, will I be playing it? I won't. But damn is that a good call..."
"The decision to bring back shadow negotiations was to appeal to older fans who felt the negotiations were a key part of the series."
"That's an example of he got like a ton of hate right because they're like 'oh you've got the nerve to do this before speaking.' But in hindsight that was the best thing he could have done."
"If Tuanzebe had been given a lot of game time this season, we might not even be talking about buying a centre-back."
"That's tough if you're C9 and you're Henry G. I don't know how willing you are to just drop a lot of money for an AWPer."
"Even though it made for a really uncomfortable situation, I think it was an incredibly smart business decision."
"Politicians...need to be held accountable, and it's important to push them when we think they're making the wrong strategic decision."
"Thank God that Sony came along with their CD-ROM-based media, making Square an offer they simply could not refuse."
"In the game of Seven Wonders, even the smallest choice can change the course of history."
"His substitutions are the reasons why we won so many games this season."
"I'm going to make a trade that makes this team better, makes us a better contender for next year."
"Development of a battle royale would no doubt have resulted in less content in other parts of the game."
"Sony is officially bringing God of War to PC."
"Perhaps sending Elizabeth away at this time was Catherine's way of cleaning house."
"Varus chose to march against the revolt by taking a shortcut through unfamiliar territory."
"If Bayern wants him, they'll get him because United would sell him."
"Signing a bad deal might actually be a good strategy for some artists."
"Our decisions were the reason why we won the game."
"He's a goal getter, he's not fit, Greenwood put him as a number nine. I think he's good enough to do that, so to play him out wide again, that was the one baffling one for me."
"Data that will allow you to make different decisions and have the best possible chance for a good outcome."
"If you're trying to do both which is what they tried to do in the last several years, one's going to hurt the other."
"India's gonna play it safe when it comes down to that particular issue. India's cooperation and interest in strengthening relations with Russia far outweigh anything else."
"The sooner the club can cut their losses and move on, the better."
"Disney needs change, they need to get some other people on the board who actually want to change things for the better."
"Strategic decisions in operations management are broad in scope and long-term in nature."
"You just, you could blow maybe about a year's worth of investigation now if you move too slow."
"It's why they dove so hard into Marvel because suddenly they were like oh my god we've got all this material."
"The logic behind these moves is crucial; it's not about spoon-feeding but understanding."
"Why does Hange think it's only a matter of time for Eren to be eaten?"
"They're making shrewd signings. The premise changed, bro, it's changed."
"The people at the top of Manchester United privately wouldn't mind losing Ronaldo because of his fees and how much he earns, but the United football people don't want him to go."
"I think logically, Domini should go next but I won't believe it till I see it."
"Kemba Walker going overseas is not some tragic ending to a great career; it is the best decision he could have made."
"If we're in 15th place at Christmas and we're really struggling, how brave would it be to say no, not Ollie out, Woodward and the Glazers out?"
"Their breakup and subsequent choice to go it alone as solo acts has to rank as one of the best decisions ever made in pro wrestling."
"Will Republicans be foolish enough to say, 'Yeah, it was a great idea attacking our closest allies when there's no strategic benefit to it whatsoever.'"
"Only a Madman would sacrifice Boston for Poznan. It's a really good point."
"Every decision they make is a fucking smart one."
"Honestly speaking, there are maybe three or four players that I'm willing to keep."
"In a single turn I sold, I transferred over 1,000 laborers to other branches."
"I would go all in on keeping some bits with the football club if it is the 25 million."
"Choose your battles wisely and have confidence in what you want."
"Industry turmoil is happening, and that means that there’s a case to be made that we’re at that fork in the road."
"Pep Guardiola's got rid of two players that would start for us. That is ruthless, that is progression, that is a team that wants to evolve."
"We're going to put more troops in the border."
"Unohana actions and decisions are very logical and strategic."
"Confronting the Nationalists before we had fully recovered may have been a mistake. Our magnificent recovery in the long march instilled hope in our supporters but now seeds of doubt have been sown."
"Great again I thought this was a great decision to do the Punic Wars people love Rome there's a lot to learn."
"Sometimes the safe play is the one that you have to make."
"I think if someone does swoop them at a value... the board would vote to not sell it for less than a lead asset value."
"Was it a good shot? Absolutely not. It's just objectively not a good shot considering the circumstance."
"Jody knew what he was going... caught everyone out and that's brilliant." - Embracing surprises in the transfer market.
"Thanks to Bill Gates's dad, the other investor backed down."
"I feel bad now because I have to let the Shikota T-56 fall in this scenario."
"Before you even consider the job change, make sure it's the right career."
"Politics begins not with any kind of mutual recognition but with the choice of an enemy."
"Are they planning for the summer? They're not going to panic buy, which tends to be quite a good thing."
"I think everything Bran's doing is for a reason. He's not going to do anything that isn't for a greater purpose."
"So it's the truth, that's probably the bigger play."
"Maybe the smartest move they've taken in years."
"How do we make a move that will create the least ripple?"
"Magic being in that spot instead of me being in that spot was the right thing for the basketball community."
"If Ripple literally turned down a settlement last year, everything makes sense now."
"Someday all of these will be just memories... cherish it and be thankful."
"Getting rid of OEL's terrible contract is a win in itself."
"Can't keep this up, need to kill teal or orange. Can you snipe?"
"If you can get that player to reside with you, you take Kawhi Leonard even if you have to go Jalen Brown plus the leg you spit because it's freaking Kawhi Leonard."
"If I wanted to milk it, wouldn't I just sling him in the biggest fight possible?"
"It might be a fatal mistake to start a full-scale military operation in Ukraine."
"Supply structures are a repeatable structure that creates interesting decision points."
"Taylor Swift is re-recording her albums to gain more control over the final product."
"It's better to get rid of the player one year early than one year late."
"You can't die on every hill you come to; sometimes you have to pick your battles in life."
"Since Sir Alex Ferguson, this is the most sensical decision they've made around the managers."
"What appears to be risk taking is often the most intelligent course to follow."
"Connor McDavid gets chosen first overall and now we have two and three to use our draft picks."
"If Dignitas isn't gonna make a play like can't make worlds with sneaky and they're already paying a bunch of money well then do something else with your roster probably."
"It hurts the publishers, it hurts the developers... However, it works."
"He decided to split his force... seek out a new home, a unification center."
"You know, from my point of view Disney basically paid Rupert Murdoch to go start another Fox as a competitor."
"Putin's decisions have totally altered the situation for a long time."
"Garbo might have actually won the Allies the war because if he hadn't talked Hitler into turning those tanks around they might have completely thwarted The Invasion."
"I've literally never ever eliminated anyone without everybody thinking that I'm a fool for it."
"Consider new networks and make prudent financial decisions."
"Timing is everything though. Yeah, perfect timing."
"What will leaders be tempted to think about doing when they have only one card to play?"
"Either two things happened: The Branch Davidians were not allowed to leave the bunker, or they didn't want to leave until it was too late."
"Why would you turn a loss in a war that is tolerable into something which could potentially be absolutely catastrophic?"
"It's the way I see it: Walmart saying 'go F yourselves' to Portland."
"They sack a manager that's not doing well. They go for their number one target, the number one target's Gerrard, who says I'll take the job but you better give me money. They're giving him money and they're doing well."
"Kane now has the power, Kane goes, 'Okay, I'll tell you what, I'll leave for free.'"
"I desperately don't want the situation where, short-term pain, long-term gain. We've done it too many times."
"The bid is there from Qatar. They can take it when they want. It's right to go. Why have they not taken it?"
"He focuses on buying the top companies in the world... they must see these companies as extraordinary."
"Finally, Fulham in hopes of avoiding the inevitable purchase Portuguese international Joelinton for 20 million."
"If you really know where you want, you point your ship in that direction, and successful people start saying no to all the things that don't serve them going in that direction."
"The sheer numbers of wounded, the overcrowded hospitals, the choices commanders have to make to save their men... all coalesces into a haunting image of the toll the conflict is taking on both sides."
"It's not Karma for him as a person but it's like you employ those kinds of strategies you are liable to end up in a bad place as a consequence."
"They gave them an option to... end the game... they all went back home and realized [__] we're probably better off doing that."
"Does that mean we have to move to Real Madrid in the final year?"
"Marvel Studios appear to be at Crossroads about the future."
"This was like the emotional, like you can say well theoretically it doesn't make sense for America to be in the end game."
"No I don't think Tony Blinken was wrong in the sense that we're all together now moving very very fast and seeing the something that perhaps three or four weeks ago we would never have considered is now very much on the table."
"Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, sometimes you need to do a little bit of an unorthodox maneuver."
"...I still think WB Montreal made a lot of smart decisions..."
"Magos secured an alliance with the Etruscan League of city-states, strategically defeating Greek colonial forces."
"The enemy has a vote, and Putin is pushing a confrontation with us."
"It's fantastic that Arteta's gone, 'I don't rate this keeper, I want my own keeper,' and he spent 25 million to bring him in."
"Morale rolls traced their roots back to war games, where armies would regularly check for morale after taking massive casualties."
"Sanji made the cake, you don't see in what way it helps them right now, but if the Straw Hats are defeated then this arc is not over."
"It was a really good call because this song stormed the charts and it was the rocket fuel that helped their album become the biggest selling debut in history."
"Honestly, like, think about what a big deal this is. Was it not smart to do it? Like, everyone is talking about it, you know?"
"Mitch McConnell believes it will make it easier to purge Trump from the party."
"This is the year, there are a ton of key decisions to make in the offseason and they went all in for the first time in about an age."
"It is our belief that this was done intentionally to prevent us from being able to rebut their decision."
"Knowing when to hold them, knowing when to fold them, knowing when to walk away and know when to run."
"Churchill still ironically held the balance of the future World Order In His Hands."
"I don't want to light up the other farm because that would require me going into a place where there's lots of death."
"Like Russia, China risks losing it all if they pick the wrong side."
"It almost immediately showed that that decision was a good one, because McLaren haven't won a race since 2012 since Lewis left."
"This is quite a smart move by the authorities."
"It's crazy, but they're doubling down on Battlefield and they're bringing in the goat."
"While it's not a huge splashy headline, this could be something that people look back on and say that this is where some of the theaters started to make a stand."
"The progressives have not only not folded like a lawn chair, they've ordered more patio furniture."
"Every action in Siege must have a reaction and every decision must have a consequence."
"Someone higher up the food chain got involved."
"So, they were gonna take me number seven regardless, but the Cavs didn't know what the Bulls were going to do."
"Bold statement: Rudy Christensen and Lukaku out, Kula Bali aka Kim Pembe and Sterling in."
"So long as it is more beneficial to earn money through escorting, guarding, and performing operations, the Gunners will refrain from just coming in and taking what they want."
"I like the way Complexity handled their business. I think this is a super good pickup."
"Nerfing requisitions is the right move in my opinion."
"Manchester United are not necessarily in a rush or an urgency to sell [Maguire]."
"How is it necessarily more fair for you to just accept your loss, giving another team Cadarius Tony, which launches their team on into a playoff run? It's an unknown."
"I would be staggered if Manchester United spend the Lion's Share of their budget on a midfielder rather than a striker."
"Xbox cannot afford to take Activision's games exclusive without undercutting the basic economics of the transaction."
"The idea of Charles III hit upon came in two stages."
"Every person that Lebron wanted, Jared Kraus went in the opposite direction."
"You don't sack ranyak and then think you can go and do a deal to get in kunku."
"The future for Overwatch is bright... definitely making the right decisions."
"The only option is to send her out into the field."
"I like to make money, alright? Of course, selling Paul Pogba means we'll be on the hunt for another midfielder."
"If WWE lets him walk to AEW... catastrophic blow to WWE."
"We had to find the ones that really intended to go the route."
"Ballsy calls like that are the reason we're able to beat top 25 teams by this much."
"It's not about top-down, it's about making strategic decisions."
"He strategically made every decision possible to just be the biggest thing whenever possible."