
Arrest Quotes

There are 326 quotes

"Gary Leon Ridgeway was arrested and just like that, the Green River Killer was off the streets for good."
"Steve Powell was arrested, and that is where we will pick up next time."
"That police should be given more options at the point of arrest."
"Just stunning video our news Nation correspondent Evan Lambert being arrested in Ohio while reporting at a news conference."
"Just the act of Simply arresting the former president is something that we have gone out of our way to avoid here in the United States for literally hundreds of years."
"I act because if you did what we do anywhere other than a place where they pay you to do it, they would arrest you."
"It turns out these people are here to arrest him for being a pirate king"
"It's more painful to fly to New Zealand than getting arrested for a few hours."
"The prime suspect in the triple homicide investigation was placed under arrest."
"Events moved to other locations like the Beverly Hills Hotel before coming to a halt after Bloom's arrest in 2013."
"If you're ever arrested for a crime, call your lawyer and say nothing to the cops."
"Not only was it a great thing that he was arrested, but you know what comes with an arrest? There's a lot of evidence typically, and that was very true of this case."
"Arrested Pazuzu and two of his female fiances."
"They took Jessie into custody at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of June 3rd."
"A pregnant mom arrested in front of her husband and children for communicating details about an anti-lockdown protest."
"Authorities arrested a drug cartel member during his wedding."
"Charles Moses Jr was finally in police custody."
"He got arrested for doing absolutely nothing wrong."
"Should these guys have been arrested for refusing to leave the store when asked?"
"There is nothing more pro-democracy than arresting people trying to destroy your democracy."
"Sure enough, Thomas was arrested the very next day."
"ICE agents arrested 250 undocumented workers."
"For them to actually have been arrested without anyone getting hurt with the kind of ammunition and the kind of weapons that they had in their person was an incredible feat."
"Authorities say that a 26 year old man has been arrested this week after he allegedly ignited a 60-acre wildfire."
"She got arrested because she refused to stop twerking on her car."
"Three men arrested, Juicy Beef truck seized, following recovery of stolen cows."
"Finally arrested along with his two wives Amber Birch and Crystal Matlock."
"The Flomaton Police Department worked swiftly with Facebook and the FBI to identify and arrest the woman behind it the next day."
"You're under arrest for residential burglary."
"Those people that people were putting out earlier today, they're arrested, they're arrested. It's them, it's this."
"I'm just so relieved by this arrest and I just wanted to call in and ask you a couple of things."
"He's been very aware calm and I did hear something where uh where it appears that when he was arrested Brian had asked the police like am I the only one you arrested or have you arrested anybody else."
"Looks like they're making one person here in custody."
"An arrest was finally made in the Aton Pates case."
"After 33 long and grueling years, an arrest was finally made in the Aton Pates case."
"That storm would finally begin on August 10, 2022, when Courtney was arrested on charges of second-degree murder."
"If you force me to arrest under threat, you violate my constitutional rights."
"Jack was arrested by heavily armed FBI agents in his home in Massachusetts last Thursday and was formally charged with various crimes including violating the Espionage Act."
"A Maryland man was arrested following a failed robbery at a PNC Bank."
"They get a DNA match and to everybody's surprise they make an arrest."
"If they think he's going to be convicted, they're going to put handcuffs on him."
"Well breaking tonight, an arrest has been made and the person who saw her last now behind bars."
"No trying to evade somebody maybe evading arrest okay just saying it."
"The arrest and prosecution was the first instance of U.S. law bringing an individual into custody overseas."
"Prosecutors eventually arrested her husband Barry Morphe, charged him with murder."
"Detective, you better be right about her being here. My investigation led me to this place. I'm sure she's here. Let's make this arrest quick then."
"Why you were arrested? There could be a reason for it, or it could really be pretty arbitrary and random."
"Armed with this new forensic evidence, Osmond Bell was arrested and charged by the West Midlands Police in connection with Nova's case."
"Around 4,000 people were arrested, imprisoned, and tortured by the SA stormtroopers."
"Seeing her get arrested signifies that this is all just coming to an end, and again, probably inevitable that they were going to break this up, but it is finally happening right now in Ottawa."
"John Collins was arrested in charge of the murder of his father."
"Almost three weeks after little Vicki Lynn Hoskinson disappeared... Frank Atwood Jr was arrested in Texas and charged with kidnapping."
"In the end, without a single shot being fired, Brian Colberg was led off in handcuffs."
"Was it an argument or was it an ambush? The officer has been arrested and he is currently sitting in jail."
"Stephanie's family was further devastated when the police announced a second arrest in Stephanie's case Vincent's twin brother Marcus."
"Got arrested for public intoxication charge."
"David Moseman was arrested for suspicion of murdering his wife."
"The police did find plenty of evidence to arrest Lewis for these particular crimes."
"Just the fact that they arrest you even though the charges won't stick."
"She was arrested on a ton of charges for having the gun, not listening to police, holding me at gunpoint, etc."
"When things go down and you get arrested, it's your family who has your back. I always called my mom first."
"Just 29 days after this whole ordeal... the English police finally tracked down and arrested a 21 year old man."
"How can you pass up an opportunity to watch somebody who is trying to destroy democracy get arrested you can't."
"Pro-democracy activist Tony Chung was arrested on his way to seek asylum."
"Police have arrested a juvenile male in connection with the death of Lily Peters."
"Linley renick and her former boyfriend Michael Humphrey were arrested for Ben's death."
"The arrest of Pete Lat for the murders of the Sherrys."
"Chase Merritt is arrested and charged with four counts of murder."
"Even with three nine-millimeter rounds in it, Mansour continued to struggle as they took him into custody."
"I'm a police officer, and you're both under arrest."
"With Gene Hansen captured and the incriminating ekg strips police had enough to arrest Boggs as well."
"Operators are active means people in the military are probably arresting people."
"eventually Mike was C and led away in the rain as well it's still unclear what exactly led up to this remember just moments earlier he was inside soaking in the Grammy win"
"He might end up being the one getting arrested."
"As regards to the outcome, I waged a struggle to this end, taking into account all possible consequences, and was arrested. I have no regrets."
"Nearly 50 years after Nancy Anderson's murder, 77-year-old Tudor Trulla was arrested and charged with second-degree murder."
"Police arrested and charged Ian Packer, now 49 years old, for the murder of Emma Caldwell."
"My name is Craig McCluskey from the U.S Marshals. I'm placing you into the custody of the United States Marshal Service."
"Police are now pursuing the buyers and several arrests have already been made."
"Riddles Dale inquest: Duke of Denver arrested on murder charge."
"Jesus can't be arrested without Caiaphas."
"David Rademaker was then arrested and charged with the murder of Kim Pandelios."
"Now, are you going to arrest me or is this carnival finally over?"
"Angela arrived and arrested Kurt on charges of murdering Iris."
"...Grayson managed to arrest poison ivy one of the strongest Arkham villains alone."
"In 1983 Barbie was arrested by the new government of President Hernan CES zazo and extradited shortly afterwards to France."
"Leanne was promptly arrested a few days later on felony charges and charged with arson."
"She was ultimately arrested for trespassing and assault and I have a feeling she will get a harsh sentence since she attacked a toddler."
"Anything Could Happen you could be picked up tomorrow you could be arrested you could go through the entire process could be sentenced to some ungodly number of years."
"Ruby Frank has been ordered to be held without bail. Her next hearing will be on September 21st."
"A Gifted college basketball player was taken into police custody on murder charges."
"I don't appreciate being held like this. You are officially arrested and you are in the Clark County Detention Center."
"When you have made an arrest in a crime that so rarely sees arrests, it's a good feeling."
"The very next day a man was arrested for this possible homicide however almost as soon as he was arrested he was released again without any sort of charges."
"Khrushchev adamantly refused and invited them to arrest him."
"Terry had been arrested with the bills piling up and no money coming in."
"So let me know guys what do you think about our dear Zazu, do you think that come on the police took it too far come on this is our joy Giver now our Christmas star why are you arresting him?"
"Hiram frames Archie for murder and has him arrested."
"The police did not disclose the specifics of Michael Turney's arrest or the direct impact of Sarah's social media advocacy on resolving Alyssa's attorney's case."
"Bruce was arrested and charged with the murders."
"So, yeah, arrested me for street racing even though I was driving by myself, wasn't racing nothing."
"Gloucester was arrested later that day on a dubious charge of treason."
"By late September of 2017, Roy Coons was arrested and charged with the murder of Johanna Artega."
"We'd be arrested before we could say 'How do you do?'" - Mr. Wonka
"So after his arrest, how did Ed explain himself?"
"The county raided the dwelling and arrested the neighbors, the renters, the daughter, and another person all for dealing drugs."
"Three of the most shocking and satisfying examples of when evil Kens realize they've been arrested."
"My cousin has been arrested on several charges for perjury, identity theft, and harassment."
"I was literally arrested for successfully defending myself against an attacker."
"...he was arrested many times, but for some reason, that doesn’t make much sense, the cops just kept letting him go."
"She was arrested outside of her office for first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, and accessory after the fact."
"He was arrested and charged with the murder, but to circumvent jail time by having a medical professional declare him mentally unstable."
"The model surrendered to the authorities after a warrant had been put out for her arrest."
"Miami police caught up with Venegas and her accomplice shortly after and arrested them both."
"Colombian model and TV presenter Paulina Carina Diaz was arrested in 2017 as part of an investigation into an unsolved case of blackmail and kidnapping."
"You're obstructing justice and interfering with a police pursuit! You're under arrest."
"I told you you're under arrest on the car."
"I didn't really know the severity of my arrest, you know what I mean?"
"Finally then, on February 24, 2021, Clear Creek County authorities followed Allen driving near his home in Dumont and pulled him over."
"They were unaware that at that very moment, United States marshals had begun an operation to arrest Randy."
"The Rue and the Mugster get arrested and Trips gets off scot-free."
"I'm going to have to arrest you, Larry."
"I'm arresting you for escaping custody."
"I'm arresting you on suspicion of perverting the course of justice, fraud, and suspicion of murder."
"I'm John Meadows, I'm a DCI from Sun Hill and I'm arresting you for the murder of Robert Edgar."
"Can't legally hold us at all unless they arrest us."
"So, you have Mr. Jordan, you said during that 40 minutes or so from the time that he was arrested until the time that you called for this tow company to come, you say you didn't ask him any questions at all?"
"NYPD subsequently arrested 35-year-old Nashan Walsh, the man believed to have been the focus of James's worrisome text."
"You're going to jail because you're under arrest."
"You're under arrest, this is the police."
"He was taken to the hospital following his arrest after he was found to be suffering from serious lacerations to his arms and legs which police allege that he sustained during the brutal attack."
"The evidence, along with the testimony of the other conspirators, was enough to arrest the wealthy businessman."
"Two men in suits collapsed on her, wrapping her up and taking her into custody."
"After Rhodes was finally arrested by this Arizona police officer on the side of the highway."
"When you're quite finished... you're under arrest."
"After all that, the sick creep got arrested and my crush and I started dating."
"And then they arrested her one day and I don't know what's can you look up like what the latest is with Giselle Jalen whatever her name is Maxwell's like upcoming trial."
"I'm not under arrest you're detained for what until we F what's my crime God damn it we don't know yet."
"In July 2016, Michael Barsman was arrested for threatening and pointing a semi-automatic handgun at a man smoking in front."
"He was arrested for armed robbery."
"Once during surveillance, Dao's partner told him that the last time he arrested the creepy man, he insisted he hadn't touched Mashiro."
"Daigo didn't shoot the uncle, but the uncle and his group were arrested."
"We was able to get him off the street earlier by the crime that he committed."
"One year later, David Paul Frediani was arrested after exposing himself to a 12-year-old girl."
"Nette Kahill was arrested for the murder of Cory Wi."
"Kenneth Robert Stowe Jr. was arrested and charged with first-degree murder."
"After a 2 and 1/2 year investigation, the FBI arrested two brothers, Shannon Wayne Agofsky and Joseph Anthony Agofsky, for armed robbery and the murder of Dan Short."
"Fortunately, they all managed to survive and the kidnapper was arrested a few days later."
"The man was arrested after he blackmailed families in Calgary."
"It's shocking news - Edgeworth has been arrested for murder."
"... now despite passing the polygraph and maintaining his innocence since day one, Quentin was arrested and charged with Jessica's murder..."
"Now, because of all of this circumstantial evidence but very strong circumstantial evidence, Steve Pankey was arrested in his Idaho home and charged with first-degree murder."
"Arrest the spirit of trauma in your life."
"I'm arresting you on suspicion of fraud. It's probably best if you don't say anything now. You can talk at the police station."
"Jesus was arrested, tried, and convicted of treason in the Roman Court under Pontius Pilate."
"She's wife, so they hold up you know Bege's wanted poster and they're just like hey, you know you need to come with us because we have reason to believe you know you're allied with the Fire Tank crew so it looks like Chiffon is going to get arrested."
"Had we not been able to identify him and arrest him, he would have continued with this course of conduct and was well on the way to becoming a serial killer."
"Apparently, the Blood Hunter is not only hunting blood but he's hunting a rap sheet because now he's been arrested again."
"You're under arrest for murder. Murder!"
"I'm gonna have to ask you guys to have a seat. You are under arrest."
"Arrest kobashi on live television."
"The intensity of the arrest and the subsequent media frenzy put a spotlight on the need for systemic change within the criminal justice system."
"The circumstances of Watts's arrest would be comical if it wasn't so serious."
"The police nevertheless booked Hayes into custody on suspicion of resisting arrest and unlawful possession of a weapon."
"The police obtained a search warrant to go into Joseph James DeAngelo’s home and arrest him."
"So, when I was arrested, I had no idea what I was being arrested for, and although I had my brushes with the law and I knew that I was involved in criminality, I knew when guns were pointing at me on that particular occasion that this was far more serious."
"Within weeks, Texan authorities arrested Liz at her home."
"Any chance they get to see a superhero in handcuffs, they're going to take."
"Finally, Nicholas Dunn, you're under arrest for the murder of your wife, Amy Elliott."
"The evidence collected at the house proved to be sufficient for a warrant for Roger's arrest."
"Just after midnight, Roger Caldwell was arrested for the murders of Elizabeth Conden and Velma Ptil."
"He was arrested for soliciting a prostitute who turned out to be an undercover cop."
"I'm arresting you on suspicion of committing arson with the intent to endanger life."
"My father was arrested, 4 September 1941."
"I don't have to. You're under arrest."
"You're going to jail. You're under arrest too."
"Authorities in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh say that they have arrested a couple this week after they allegedly carried out a twisted murder plot."
"This is not a cop just trying to talk to you, just trying to ask you questions. Okay, you are being arrested at this point. So you should literally say nothing."
"In this situation, it's already over. You're not going to talk your way out of it. There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It's not an investigation. You are getting arrested."
"The police arrived, entered the house, and approached Lisa's bedroom. Sabrina was ordered out of the bedroom. She walked out still holding a knife. She dropped it on the command of the police and was arrested."
"Authorities in Western Australia say that a 6-week Manhunt has finally come to an end this week after a 49-year-old accused drug Smuggler was busted by his craving for takeout food."
"Eileen Wuernos was arrested by the Florida state police."
"...there was no denying what police had caught him doing that night looking in the woman's window."
"The long-awaited day arrived... when 55 year old Michael was finally arrested... to face charges of first-degree murder in connection with the death of Opel."
"'If you've got a felony warrant for your arrest and you pass gas so loud it gives up your hiding spot, you're definitely having a day.'"
"You can't arrest a guy because he's so hungry."
"I got arrested for a piece of peace."
"The 28 year old man has been arrested for the murder and abduction of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman."
"...no arrests have ever been made in her case which is now more than a decade old."
"No one's injured and we're all going to go home at the end of the day, including the people arrested."
"This morning, the police arrested two men in connection with her killing. The suspects are now being questioned by detectives."
"The Fourth Amendment applies to seizures, what police have to show before they arrest a person."
"On February 28, 2005, 59-year-old Dennis Rader was charged with 10 counts of murder."
"He complied with my commands and was taken into custody without any issues. He walked off casually."
"Hands behind her head, interlock your fingers. Flex those biceps, you're under arrest for murder."
"The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have arrested Ryan Jason Love for the murder of Lucie Turmel."
"Theodore was finally arrested on the 3rd of September 2019."
"She was arrested in Florida and charged with first-degree intentional homicide and hiding a corpse."
"You're being detained, you're not under arrest."
"You are all under arrest for murder."