
Fan Service Quotes

There are 301 quotes

"The fan service pays off, it keeps you engaged, and it's really cool."
"We all got excited when Endgame gave us the fanservice we had all been waiting for by showing Captain America wielding Mjolnir in the battle against the purple chin psycho Thanos. Man, that was epic."
"It's all just pure fan service of the best kind."
"The Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC is the Michael Jordan of adorable fan service DLC." - Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC
"Every chapter, every scene, really is there for this amazing fandom and the world in general."
"Do you know why? Because they did what the fans wanted... give the audience what they want and they're going to be happy."
"Excellent story mode, copious amounts of fan service, and redone mechanics that laid the foundation for subsequent games to follow."
"WWE should have Sasha hold as many title reigns as Charlotte."
"The movie finally gives Wolverine fans something they've been wanting for eight movies: berserker mode, and it's freaking awesome."
"Fanservice is neither a bad nor good thing, it all depends on how it's handled."
"The show got fan service right then it decided depth."
"The Hobbit wasted time on unnecessary fan service."
"That is the cutscene that plays at the end of the first level of Halo Combat Evolved. That's some fan service, and I'm here for it."
"It's not like deep cuts where you can't enjoy it but fanservice because if you're making like a number two or three or four or five of a movie they say it about art anymore it's about fanservice."
"Falcon go like on your left I just wanted to kiss the Russo brothers that is [ __ ] top-notch fanservice right there."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home is a fantastic experience for Spider-Man fans, respectfully bringing together Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and their villains."
"Battlefield Portal sounds like the ultimate fan service and every Battlefield fan's dream come true."
"With any fanservice in general, it can go terribly wrong."
"We wanted more Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and we got it."
"BTS gave the fans what they wanted when Life Goes On topped the charts."
"Honestly, there was so much fan service with The World coming back in part seven."
"A reunion of the original cast, an original score, and a new adventure purely done to make the fans happy."
"Ultimate Custom Night served as an extended night 7 custom night."
"There's a lot of fan service that isn't shoved in your face."
"Force Awakens is like where an artist gave people what they wanted."
"It's nice to see some cameos from older properties or non-canon interactions."
"The decision to bring back shadow negotiations was to appeal to older fans who felt the negotiations were a key part of the series."
"High Moon Studios made it their mission to avoid throwing the player experience under the bus for the sake of fanservice."
"It’s a deconstruction of fanservice in anime!"
"I think these people are finally like the people in charge understand how to do fan service right."
"The anime has certainly dished up a fair bit of fan service for longtime viewers."
"Why not give the fans what they're asking for?"
"X and Y had so much gen 1 fan service it was Unreal."
"When fanservice is done brilliantly, it's called payoff."
"It was so much fan service as well, I enjoyed the hell of it."
"Fan service is like any tool in a filmmaker's belt. It can be used for good purposes or it can be used for evil."
"Tony Gilroy's mandate: no fan service in Andor. Faces are there because they're essential to the story."
"There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it; this is pure fan service at times."
"Journeys take advantage of returning characters, one of the biggest selling points of this series."
"It was the payoff of both eleven years of buildup as well as the follow-up to such an excellent film in Avengers infinity war that they'd earned the right to just go all out on the fan service and have it really work."
"You want more matches like this? You want more celebrity Schmoe downs? Well, that's what you're going to get."
"This is a game by Bethesda for Bethesda fans."
"The perfect blend of subtle and clear fan service."
"The Sonic Forces custom character creator... it was honestly what a lot of fans had always wanted."
"I gotta give the people what they want, I gotta do my genshin polls, I gotta do them, that's what people have been asking for!"
"They totally got right the victory poses. The end of the movie freeze frame is a great callback to the game and a nice little shout-out to the hardcore fans."
"They did a really nice job of acknowledging The Gamers and servicing the story."
"Plans change, enough for the better. Remember when we got Kurt Angle in The Shield?"
"anime and manga often have elements of fanservice within them and there are whole genres of the two focused on that kind of thing anyway."
"Remakes both in video games and in Pokemon specifically are often brought about because the developers want the fans to be able to play some of the older games in their franchise."
"22 days as a specific reference to the number of Marvel movies and the MCU counting one day for each movie."
"It's the best kind of fanservice emergent ball."
"Mario Party Superstars gives loads of hope that Nintendo is really willing to revisit fan favorite franchises."
"It's just a big Smash Brothers fan service explosion celebration and that's just that's so awesome."
"Alleria and Turalyon have also been a fan request for years and apparently this expansion is all about pleasing the fans."
"I can see a good chunk of these IPs eventually getting some filmic fanservice."
"At a time when MCU fans were really starting to miss Captain America, this Cameo served as a fantastic pick-me-up."
"Fortunately though for all of the mother heretics out there, they have recently released it in English on the Nintendo Virtual Console."
"It's made for fans it does what the fans want."
"Fanservice is totally fine when it serves the movie, and this scene did Big Time."
"That's what legacy is all about, getting those characters that haven't had good updates in a long time."
"This has been one of the most popular skins of all time i just think it deserves to have at least one more edit style."
"Our fans deserve to have excellence put into these movies."
"Marvel Studios engages in a difficult balancing act... adapting source material into films... give all of us fans... what we want while still finding ways to surprise us."
"The developers might have at least considered to add this Easter egg back in the game in some shape or form."
"New Pokemon Snap cares more about Pokemon than Pokemon has for the past 10 years."
"I try to give fans and nerds and all of us that have been told fu by Hollywood to give, you know, you guys what you want and what I want which is staying true to characters."
"The vision for him is essentially fixing star wars lore."
"Every once in a while, what about 'Are you there, Satan? It's me, Margaret'? She's a Satan worshipper, yes, dude. Flip the script."
"Overall, I think this is awesome for fans who either missed out on the originals or want the originals again."
"The fan service is the most deserved I think DC has done for all sorts of fans."
"You wanted more of the do, you're gonna get more of the do."
"They give the fans everything they want. You can't fault them."
"It's a little things the fans and that's what the advertised as and for that it's fine it's not terrible it's not even necessary forgettable or mediocre."
"I think this show is in large part a love letter to those comics."
"Maybe just maybe we can give these fans something to make them smile."
"This new movie was always gonna go even harder in that respect. Both spider-verse films are Love Letters to the many different iterations of this character and his many different fans around the world."
"The film could have just been a whole heap of fan service and it probably would have appeased many fans, so I appreciated deciding to tell a wholly original story."
"He's backed up by Master Chief, oh my Master Chief, look at that, that's by made by Dave's game majestic!"
"This version has every single Kingdom Hearts game and the ones which aren't included have all of the cutscenes readily available to watch."
"They didn't have to add a playable Metal Sonic, but they did. The absolute mad lads."
"Super has been a lot of fanservice, and right now one of the biggest things people want to see is some Gohan's return to greatness."
"This movie really balanced between giving an epic fan service and developing character arcs."
"Holy freaking crap, they didn't have to just give us a trailer for the new Mortal Kombat movie, they were gracious enough to make it a red band trailer just to let us know how gory, bloody, and true to the video game this thing actually is!"
"Instead of Turning Away shows just because they have fan service, think of how easily we could be recommending them because they have good fan service."
"It's 100% fanservice but there's still character to them and there's still this chemistry between them."
"This is so creative, guys. Wow, they put all the Disney princesses in here."
"The Silver Centurion was my favorite suit in Iron Man 3, full of fan service."
"Daisy doesn't come to a lot of character meals so if you've got a daisy fan this is the one to go for."
"Sakurai and his team are pampering us with this Smash Brothers."
"It's more than featuring things I remember and going 'Hey, we're fans too,' it's using them in ways that show an understanding of why they worked for the source."
"I think that this film in its entirety is better than any kind of fan service in any other show."
"I'm not at all against fan service, as long as it makes sense."
"Fan service is a core part of Skullgirls's identity, and removing it basically rips out what made Skullgirls fun."
"It knows what the fans want and it's not trying to dress it up or rethink the genre."
"Just give the fans what they want, and nine times out of ten, you have a successful product."
"I'm gonna give this a full price, and I'm doing this mostly for the fans."
"...if you gonna do fan service, do it like that."
"They're giving the fans what they want. They want a good love story."
"That's fan service at its finest."
"When people can type something into an AI and get all the fan service they want, they're going to get overexposed to it and that'll stop them from caring."
"This is TNA, this is the promotion that gives the fans what they want."
"The reveal of Hangar 12's contents at the end of Vox marking the biggest instance of nostalgia and fan service that Star Trek has ever attempted."
"There's so much I didn't mention that you have to watch the movie for yourself to see. It's a great way to spend 80 minutes and has a lot of fun stuff that Arkham fans will absolutely love."
"This felt organic, this felt like fan service the way it's supposed to be done."
"It really brought it back. It's what the fans wanted, I think so. It's in the continuity of one and two, and that's very important to me."
"I want to give those fans a smile."
"Fanservice is what's gonna make your longevity."
"Sometimes it's okay to just give fans what they've wanted forever."
"It's rare that fan service can pull what they pull off here because what they do is sure they're putting stuff out there for the fans man that's no denying but the things that they do with them, the writing they do with them is so clever."
"Every time there was a huge fanservice moment, the theater just erupted."
"...the fact that I don't know if you're going to like it is kind of a good thing because it again shows that this was made for fans... it's nice to see that you know they aren't just shilling for the kids..."
"If they did it today, they would do it that way and it'd be a massive success, and they could have kept in all the little things that they left out of Lord of the Rings that the fans really wanted, stuff like Tom Bombadil, etc."
"Fan service but relevant storytelling, and that's pretty spectacular."
"There is a necessary amount of fan service that you have to do to make it good."
"The video itself is a huge love letter to fans of Godzilla."
"We deserved all of the fan service."
"It's an Easter egg for fan service, but I think if you want people to judge this show on its own without the baggage of Game of Thrones, well, you just connected the two in a big way."
"I'm just hoping to make my fan happy, and if he's happy then I'm happy."
"This is peak giving the fans what they want."
"It takes a certain level of Genius to not give the fans what they're asking for but to give them what they didn't know they wanted."
"This is the one where they're saying, 'Look, you approved, you already like our direction and now we're going to give the true fans out there what they want.'"
"Shanks put him in a room, oh my God, bro that's fan service right there."
"It feels like someone was finally listening to the fans who lamented how much they wanted to see cool moves like these coming back to the show and I really love it."
"When we first saw Darkwing Duck appear in the new DuckTales, he was exactly as fans of the original might remember him, as a television show, specifically a TV show that Launchpad grew up watching and is an ardent adult fan of."
"Just give the best show to the fans. Everybody's gotta love that."
"These toys were made for collectors. The first wave of figures wasn't too different from other toys at the time as far as the overall builds go, Spawn stands around the 5-inch mark and features basic articulation at the neck, shoulders, hips, and knees."
"Warners need to understand that and correct these mistakes so the fans are given the films they cherish so much."
"Dragon Ball Fighters has so much fan service, so much style, it's everything you imagined the show was in your head but finally you get to control it, you get to really feel it."
"Marvel proved if you give the fans what they want you can literally print money."
"They really went to great lengths to make the fans happy."
"This is fan service, and a lot of people are excited about this."
"During the Shibuya Arc, Gojo and Nanami were drawn with extra attractiveness, intensifying the fan service."
"At the end of the day, this is about pleasing the fans."
"It takes extra work and it takes a little more time but hell it's none of my name that's doing something for the fans that I enjoy doing anyway."
"I always say when you have so much fan service and so much nostalgia baked into the premise, you don't really need to do any more. Let's do as much new stuff as we possibly can."
"Details like this just make us so happy. It just makes it feel so immersive, like it's 100% fan service through and through, and we're here for it."
"...we wanted to give our fans a really honest way to hear these songs..."
"Marvel has been listening to the fans."
"That's Peak fan service in the best possible way of just like, 'Oh yeah, you love these characters right? Let's have them try on outfits.'"
"I loved the Haunted Mansion, I thought it was a great movie and I loved how they did so much like fan service and Easter eggs, everything from the music to the pictures, the statues, everything."
"This movie already has to get you on board with its characters, with its story... then it says, 'Hey, are you invested? Cool, alright, here's all this [ __ ] awesome [ __ ] you remember and we're going to take this and use it for our finale.' That's the way to do fan service."
"You're getting a lot of fan service while also getting something original and exciting and new."
"Knowing that there will still be some more to cover should be a nice present for existing fans."
"They've got their little bag of fan service goodies that they hold on to to keep people coming back."
"With all this fan service, the shippers are eating really well."
"The season itself was a love letter to Ninjago fans bringing back a lot of things about classic Ninjago."
"The fans want what the fans want and I'm going to deliver."
"I like how they're still trying to give the old fan some love too by giving us these fantastic classic alien force and omniverse skins to use."
"It would have been a disservice to the fans to not include Korg in this film."
"We're literally doing it for the fans."
"Fan service is okay when it's done right."
"now this man is the epitome of fanservice for any gender and any sexual orientation you have like scenes on YouTube of the cute girls working out so they have like 5 thousand views and then."
"This was a great fan service to get these to people who want one at a pretty fair price."
"What is enough fan service when you're talking about something as legendary as Avatar? Is there such a thing as enough fan service other than giving them exactly what they had before just in a different medium?"
"Pay tribute to the heritage without falling into lazy fan service."
"Dan Levy scattered easter eggs throughout the final season as a love letter to fans, including finally revealing the famous creek."
"The fan service is tasteful and actually serves the plot in a meaningful way."
"Everything else is pretty much spot on this year and they're definitely checking all the boxes on props that a lot of fans have been wanting to see for a long time now."
"It's gratifying to see, it's a little cheaply contrived, but come on man if you're going to give me fan service just do it give it to me."
"As long as they do right by the fans who want to attend it."
"However, the final story titled 'The Others' is a treat for any longtime fan of The Simpsons."
"It's pure fan service in the absolute best way possible."
"This is a film where it truly is fan service done right."
"It really did feel like a breath of fresh air because they drip feed you the fan service."
"Drawing like what fans and editors want to see is only to your advantage."
"But gave fans a sense of how Han became the character we all know and love."
"Kong pretty much comes with everything that the fans asked for and more."
"If y'all want me to stream bro, I'll stream 3-4 hours a day for y'all."
"I'm doing it for you guys because the last time I did this, you guys absolutely loved it."
"It was a good form of fan service where if you've watched the movies, you've read some of the books, you've read 'Clone Wars,' you get little things that other people won't get and it still makes sense to the overall story."
"Marvel has really been delivering in terms of fan service."
"Big Finish coming in to cleanup the end of the Sixth Doctor era with an extra run of four stories running up to his regeneration was a great idea."
"One of the many roles the Big Finish have carved out for themselves is Doctor Who Canon fixer."
"A lot of us, this whole project, everybody involved in the sequel did it because they just wanted to do it for the fans, because they thought this will be fun."
"We're giving you what you've been asking for: a light-up PG Unicorn."
"50 Cent has no doubt made this happen because he knows what the Power fans want."
"We're always looking to give our fans more ways to enjoy the classic menu items they know and love."
"Spider-Man No Way Home, it was all fan service from start to end, and I loved every minute of it."
"We're really going into Karate Kid mythos and nothing's off-limits because everything is canon in this timeline."
"We respond to the fans; they beg, and we reciprocate."
"We're just putting it out trying to please the fans that really love my music."
"We're excited to do that for you guys."
"I'm literally making this video for the whispers because I know you guys like them."
"I love how they do this for the fans."
"This fan fulfillment is turning out to be a very lucrative business model."
"We wanted to do something really for the fans for the 25th anniversary."
"If you are even the slightest Cyclops fan, there's a lot here for you to be excited about."
"We do this for you guys, you guys are the fans, and we want to share videos that give you guys value."
"Making you guys happy makes me happy."
"Brawl was Melee but with even more stuff and fan service."
"Gohan is one of my favorite characters from the series, so I was more than happy to make this one happen for you guys."
"BTS gave the fans what they wanted with 'Life Goes On'."
"Our top priority was to put fans first."
"I will type you a letter from any celebrity that I will sign how I think that celebrity should sign their name."
"I feel like films are moving in a direction of pleasing the fans more."
"For Ghostbuster fans, there is going to be a lot in here for you to like."
"I like the fan service as well, and I like the quirkiness about it, but I also love that it does kind of like have its deeper moments where it's digging into the characters and what they're thinking behind the scenes versus like how they're being perceived."
"He's always tried to include a little bit of everything that people love about his music."
"It's a fan service; we love them."