
Transformative Love Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Love lifted me, when nothing else could help."
"You are ready for a transformative, deep love."
"Love has to be big enough to transform itself when the person you committed to makes a change."
"Love is the only thing that's gonna turn this thing around."
"This person is going to just like transform you so much with love, I think they're gonna love you in a way that you've never felt before."
"The love that you have together has and is meant to change both of your lives forever."
"Strength of two together, you're meeting your match, someone who's going to challenge you, someone who's going to love you for you."
"It's going to be a love that transforms your life, okay? But you get to decide."
"Your love has completely wrapped this person around into a new way of living."
"He realized he had no past, he wanted to change her future."
"This love is going to send a shockwave through the planet."
"Your inner circle loves you enough to challenge who you used to be while giving you grace to become."
"Seven of Nine was brought back from the brink because Janeway loved her and then Seven of Nine went on to save even more people."
"This marriage changes your perception completely on love."
"Love does that. It changes you. It makes you a better person."
"The power is in the people, and love will change everything."
"Love is an energy that really can change the impossible to possible...show up with love...let them know I care about you and it would mean the world for me to see you happy."
"Take a chance on love. When we start to love, our lives are changed forever."
"Someone's love will make you glow up just by the way they love you."
"How do you get eternal life in Jesus Christ? You believe in him... His love comes in, it begins to change you, begins to change me, begins to change everything."
"Real love changes you into something else, something much higher, something much better."
"Love all you can. In your life shall be transformed."
"Life-changing, a different happiness, a love you never knew."
"You're entering a cycle of new; this love will transform your life."
"Love really turned their life upside down... deeper love than they've ever experienced before... threw them for a loop."
"A love that changes your perspective on life, a tower moment type of love in a positive sense."
"Love is a law unto itself, a channel of miracles because it can transcend the law of cause and effect."
"This is life-changing love right here right like seriously, the old ways of thinking expired they're done."
"Women are the stronger sex but in that way women must rise up in ways that show the world true love can change the world."
"Love cannot be contained in Hell; love would utterly annihilate Hell."
"Your love is one of those that changes you. It makes me fly."
"Jesus will meet you wherever you are, but he'll love you so much that he won't leave you there."
"Religion says if we change, God will love us, but the gospel says God's love changes us."
"Real love takes you as you are but does not leave you as you are."
"The fire of love melts the heart and then we dissolve into that which we have longed for."
"May our love for one another be a testimony to the world of your transforming power and grace."
"Through her love, he attained something that you or I will never experience."
"I've encountered a love and a mercy that blows my mind."
"The power of their love allowed Gabby to take that step off that cliff."
"That kind of unfailing love is what changed everything."
"Grace is fierce love, dogged love, determined love, and it won't stop until it hurts you just enough to wake you up."
"Just as water is able to make a rough stone become smooth... the power of love... will gradually melt away the defenses, and the soul will be ready to accept that love."
"Love kind of just melts the fear away."
"The Jesus kind of love has never broken a home; it has never wrecked a life."
"Love changes homes, marriages, houses, churches, communities, and ultimately will change the world."
"Love can break down the hardest of hearts."
"If you just keep loving on, they'll thieve no more, they'll lie no more, just keep loving."
"Love can do things that condemnation cannot."
"Ginny's a small dog with a great and unique gift; a love of others that's transformed the lives of those around her."
"This love is going to awaken something completely different for both of you."
"I believe if we become love, it'll change things."
"Your love was so pure that it was life-changing for him."
"This love that can just light up the whole earth and light up both of our lives."
"That's the kind of love that changes you to your core."