
Archaeological Significance Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"It's amazing that such small fragments the size of a stamp can unlock so many important questions."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls...has been crucial to our understanding of the Bible and the nature of it and who wrote it and when and how and why and what."
"In a statement, archaeologist Betsy Bryant described the site as the most important discovery in Egypt since King Tut's tomb was found in 1922."
"From his hilltop home, the Iron Age chieftain who ruled this corner of Anglesey could see the source of his power laid out before him, and he made sure that anyone looking back could see it too."
"Sutton Hoo: one of the greatest discoveries of our time."
"The real wonder of the site is the Neolithic Tower."
"Way back in about the middle of the 1800s there was the discovery of what became the most famous pagan creation myth that had ever been found in human history."
"Is there proof here of an ancient civilization?"
"The Chichen Its a Asuari in Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula is one of the most mysterious archaeological sites left behind by the Maya."
"Could Petra be the mother of all cities described in the Quran?"
"The world's earliest known temple, Gobekli Tepe."
"The Musatil structures date back as far as 5,000 years ago, making them over two thousand years older than Stonehenge."
"These aren't just tombs or pieces of pottery, they're phenomenal finds that permanently change the way we think about the past."
"This rare inscription bears the name Jerubaal in alphabetic script, and it dates to around 1100 BCE."
"The complexity within these alignments is undeniable astonishing and undoubtedly evidence of the past existence of superior ancient knowledge."
"I received a very welcomed email from geologist Colin Reader who could provide the hard evidence to say the runoff erosion on the Sphinx enclosure could only have happened before the fourth dynasty pyramids were built."
"To find this symbol displayed on an ossuary here in the necropolis of Dominus Flevit directly connects it to what is believed to be some of the earliest evidence of Christianity."
"This is why in my opinion Cooper's Ferry it's one of the most interesting archaeological sites in."
"This unassuming piece of pottery, this tiny cup, turns out to be the key to the whole dig."
"Clearly a remarkable artifact left by a remarkable civilization."
"Many consider the Dead Sea Scrolls to be the most important archaeological find of the 20th century."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are actually a first moment of disclosure is what they are."
"Not only reveal who they actually were but explain their religious beliefs their technical prowess and indeed how they built them but most importantly for what purpose."
"What we've got today is absolute confirmation that this place was in use right through the fourth century."
"If this site were to be proven genuine, it would have massive implications for the entire world of archaeology."
"What makes the pyramids of Bosnia so special is the fact they are 15 times more accurate than the pyramid of Giza."
"The sands hold the secrets of Uruk, an ancient wonder and a beacon of human ingenuity."
"King Richard the third was found under a parking lot in Leicester, UK in 2012."
"Ancient cave art: Lascaux Caves, a window to Ice Age animals."
"And these artifacts are the key to unlocking the past, revealing the real history of the United States."
"The ancient Temple dedicated to Zeus Cassius: Uncovering layers of historical importance."
"The secret Sphinx has confounded scientists for centuries, its mysteries lying deep within its ancient stone form."
"If this huge wall beneath Rockwall is man-made, it would rewrite history in the lone star state."
"The carving predates other similar artifacts in the region by at least 8,500 years."
"These skeletons are a hugely important find... take you on a special tour of this extraordinary town."
"These skeletons are more than a grizzly reminder of death and disaster. Like so much else in Herculaneum, they give us a vivid and sharply focused picture of people's lives."
"This is a real breakthrough. The impressive headdress shows that the mummy must have held a high position in his society."
"So this is a real status marker that we've got on our mummy. It really flags him up as an important individual within his own community."
"A remarkable discovery unfolded on the Algerian side of the Sahara Desert."
"With an area of over 100 square miles between and within a series of mountains and hills, Petra was the capital and greatest city of the ancient Nabataean Kingdom."
"This represents the love between Carr and Merit, and in this tiny little object, in some ways, it's perhaps the most important thing from the entire tomb."
"Such fragments from the past allow us to get closer to the real car Merri."
"Despite all the controversy, what we are doing is creating that archaeological story that goes in parallel with the still very profound and cherished biblical tradition."
"This ancient Hebrew inscription is really one of the most important pieces of evidence we have for the rise of Judah as a kingdom."
"For Christians, finding an archaeological match for the biblical pool is deeply reassuring."
"Artifacts like this remind us that historical narratives are not set in stone and that just one new discovery can dramatically change our understanding of the past."
"The discovery of this site has very radically shifted the way that we think."
"Life in China four thousand years ago was obviously more sophisticated than we thought."
"The map of the stars has been located, a big deal, the oldest known map, a remarkable breakthrough."
"This site stands alone as just jaw-dropping proof that something well beyond our understanding was happening and it was happening deep in antiquity."
"Inside the cliffside cave, Adam found ancient paintings going back 44,000 years."
"Experts now believe that Gobekli Tepe, the world's oldest known temple, was the handiwork of hunter-gatherers."
"Around 1200 BC, hundreds of soldiers fought at what's considered Europe's oldest battlefield along the Tollense River in northern Germany."
"A large and sophisticated temple complex unlike any other in western europe until it was excavated experts were under the impression."
"The archaeologists called it the Sistine Chapel of the Ancients... as giant sloths and Ice Age horses."
"The Indus Valley Civilization, one of the oldest Indian civilizations known to have existed."
"If any of these theories are indeed right, it would make for the greatest discovery in archaeological history."
"So by excavating Buckmill, we hope to learn just how this powerful mill would have shaped the lives of people around here, possibly for a thousand years."
"If they uncover a mill dating back to 1086, it'll be a major discovery because of the 6,000 water mills recorded by the Normans in the Doomsday Bull, only a handful have ever been traced."
"Ship burials are always really, really fascinating."
"The excavation caused the sensation. The Mary Rose was Britain's Pompeii, a moment of life frozen in time."
"Machu Picchu is one of the last surviving links to a great vanquished civilization."
"This discovery not only confirms that Phil's located the hall's kitchens which would have put meat and grog on the table of the Norman Lords but the roof slates suggest that this could be a building that predates the Norman Hall."
"The lack of written records means that the physical objects in this time are incredibly useful to help interpret this little understood period."
"Tutankhamun's tomb is more than a treasure, for amongst the gold and glory lies the story of a forgotten time."
"Auten: the most important find in Egypt since the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb."
"The scale of our mystery structure implies that it was something rather important."
"A 7,000-year-old artifact tells us about the actual development of the inhabitants."
"Gobekli Tepe is the world's oldest center of worship, predating the Egyptian pyramids."
"What made these sarcophagi so impressive is that they were all found together, making this the largest bulk discovery of sarcophagi in several decades."
"When Black Patch was first dug in the 1920s..."
"Otzi's copper ax rewrites the history books."
"The Pastoral period: domesticated cattle and stone monuments."
"Nabta Playa could be the oldest example left behind by the civilization that eventually became ancient Egypt."
"The Sahara holds secrets that may reveal missing parts of the human story, buried under its sands."
"The find was of national significance and it was a hugely valuable site with incredible potential."
"The cathedral will now recover and preserve this burial here with the newly found knowledge of his link to one of Salisbury Cathedral's most ambitious and powerful bishops."
"Humans have only been in the Great Smoky Mountain region for at least 12,000 years."
"Her remains now serve as an essential key to unlocking secrets of the earliest Native Americans."
"This is the biggest archaeological find since King Tut."
"The discovery of the Aris Cemetery was unexpected and extraordinary."
"The excavation of the Terracotta Army in Morum changed everything we know about ancient China."
"The Terracotta Army opened the door to a lost world."
"This exceptional discovery will help archaeologists understand the evolution of burial practices in ancient Egypt."
"How is this not the most significant archaeological discovery of all time?"
"They are relics not only overlooked by the thousands of people who visit italy each year but as we have previously discussed are overwhelming evidence of an ancient civilization far more capable than any of the well-studied ancestors."
"It doesn't prove a great city of gold once existed. But it shows that the Amazon was, once, a bustling place home to a city that contained about 60,000 people."
"Settlements from the Neolithic era are not found often, and so it's exciting for archaeologists to find such a structure."
"The tomb found by Constantine and long thought to have been destroyed may still remain beneath the present day edicule."
"The Nabta Playa is much older than Stonehenge, dating back over seven thousand years."
"What makes an archaeological discovery incredible? Well, it has to be interesting, it has to teach us new things about the lives of our ancestors, and it has to stand out from the crowd."
"The earliest occupation levels with actual architecture visible on Cyprus are about as far before Stonehenge as we are after it."
"If the age can be verified, the entire history of the Americas will have to be torn up and thrown out of the window."
"The richness of the Ice Maiden's burial suggests that she was a high-status individual, possibly a priestess or a tribal leader."
"Staring at these petroglyphs is like gazing back in time, not only to the history of Azerbaijan but of all humanity."
"Mycenaean Greece was the first civilization to emerge in Greece and is the direct ancestor of the later classical Greek civilization."
"This Camelot, this original city at the beginning of the Maya creation."
"It spreads over an area the size of 10 football fields and dates back to precisely the period of history from the 4th to the 15th centuries when Istanbul was called Constantinople."