
Michelangelo Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Michelangelo's David, a symbol of strength and resilience, triumphantly survived, a testament to the power of preservation and the indomitable spirit of artistic genius."
"Michelangelo's works and frescoes there on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel...in terms of scope and importance, all of these pieces are second to none."
"Do you think Michelangelo quit painting the Sistine Chapel when his arm got tired? Of course not."
"When he was three, Michelangelo returned to live with his family in Florence."
"When he was 14, Michelangelo went one step too far."
"Michelangelo's frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel are now considered among the greatest achievements of Western painting."
"In the panel 'The Creation of Adam,' Michelangelo included a textbook anatomical illustration of the human brain in cross-section."
"Michelangelo believed Christianity could learn a lot from the more matriarchal traditions of Judaism and the Pagan world."
"Nothing else that I've seen like actual artwise physical artwise has compared to standing in the 16 Chapel."
Michelangelo sculpted David in 1504, stating, "In every block of marble, I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me."
"Why did Michelangelo make you? Because you're a piece of art."
"And in the exhibition, we are exhibiting it with Michelangelo's drawings."
"I think who wins in a fight? Stephen Che or Michelangelo? And keep in mind that Michelangelo has whipped ass within the last two hours."
"It's Michelangelo's Madonna and child and it's the only piece of art that has left Florence while Michelangelo was still alive."
"And you see the innumerable figures that were a part of it - this is on the end of wall of the Sistine Chapel."
"And that's not like Michelangelo - he drew and drew and drew."
"And Michelangelo was just such an incredible genius doing that."
"I will leave it to you to decide just how many secret messages Michelangelo Left Behind for those who might see them."
"Michelangelo's cysteine ceiling is particularly noted for the bright clear colors that Michelangelo used."
"After the completion of Michelangelo's Sistine ceiling in 1513, we have these words written by the art critic Fasari: 'When the chapel was uncovered, people from everywhere rushed to see it and the sight of it alone was sufficient to leave them amazed and speechless.'"
"The ceiling became an Academy for Young painters both during his life and after, painters and sculptors flocked to Rome to view and learn from the master."
"Michelangelo as a narrative artist and how brilliantly he uses the fact that his figures often do not look out at us, they are withdrawn."
"It's a poetry of sadness and longing, as you would expect, but Michelangelo had the distinction of being an artist, a sculptor, and a poet."
"Michelangelo himself designed this building and we still have some of his original drawings."
"Michelangelo actually signed it; it's the only sculpture he ever signed."
"If you love the way Michelangelo's drawings look and you wish you understood what gets in this phenomenal sense of form, then this video is for you."
"What's my favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle character? I mean, kind of basic, but I like Mikey a lot."
"Michelangelo was the first crazed artist. He was just so into it."
"Michelangelo's statue of David was meant to show David before his battle with Goliath, which was quite strange for artists to do in the 16th century."
"Michelangelo's decision to recalculate the weight of the dome to lift it high on top of a drum... as if the dome floats."
"All of the characteristics that we associate with the genius artist... come from Vasari's description of Michelangelo."
"Florence was the birthplace and burial place of Michelangelo, the greatest artist of the Renaissance."
"Michelangelo knew what he was doing and did it; Michelangelo had such a sense of purpose."
"The gala uniform... thought by many to have been designed by Michelangelo way back in the 1500s."
"Michelangelo's paintings... depict nine different stories from the book of Genesis are some of the most revered pieces of Art to have ever been created."
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." - Michelangelo
"The paintings of the Sistine Chapel existed inside the head of Michelangelo before he expressed them on canvas."
"I am still learning. - Michelangelo"
"Michelangelo famously painted the ceiling of which chapel? The Sistine Chapel is what we were looking for."
"Michelangelo once spent four years on his back painting the roof of the Sistine Chapel."
"This is the work of Michelangelo."
"This is Michelangelo's 'The Genius of Victory,' which was originally intended for the tomb of Julius II."
"The famous moment where God's finger reaches out to Adam and their fingers almost meet but don't actually touch."
"Later it even makes an appearance in the heart of the Vatican in Michelangelo's painting in the Sistine Chapel."
"Michelangelo's Dome crowns that space."
"The ambition of this project was to scan the statue at a sufficient precision to be able to discern the chisel strokes of Michelangelo."
"The four of them bring out the Michelangelo in him."