
Meteorology Quotes

There are 615 quotes

"I am a weather nerd. We have a small weather station at the back of our house. I just love it."
"Edward Lorenz is maybe not the father of chaos theory but certainly one of the fathers... he wasn't even a mathematician actually, he was a meteorologist but really he was a mathematician to his core."
"All wind is the rising and falling of hot air in the environment. Once you understand that, a lot makes sense about weather patterns."
"All recorded meteorite impacts in the US from 1918 to 2018: God hates Texas."
"As we're breaking down the science of the storm and the meteorology, we have to stay focused on what's important, and that's the recovery effort."
"The majority of all the tornadoes in the entire world occur in the middle of the United States."
"The most powerful tornado ever recorded in human history... produced exceptionally powerful F5 class wind speeds measured at a staggering 301 miles per hour."
"Lenticular clouds... are stationary clouds that form mostly in the troposphere, the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere."
"The power and intensity of these particular bushfires are causing their own weather phenomenon called pyro cumulonimbus thunderstorms."
"If the skies are clear before these storms hit, there's going to be a lot more energy for them."
"This is a unique wind event. I don't think that we've seen something like this in a while."
"Liftoff of NOAA's GOES-T, our newest weather sentinel in the sky to help keep us safe here on the ground."
"They're all going against the wind. The wind's a hundred and twenty out of the west."
"It's going to be there and at the very least we're talking about some pretty strong thunderstorms."
"Conditions are favorable; the threat for tornadoes will go down the further away you are from the Gulf of Mexico."
"Mother Nature doesn't care what month it is. If the ingredients are there, you will get that same weather."
"The changing of the winds with height creates a rolling motion in the atmosphere."
"Day trading and meteorology are the only jobs where you can be wrong 30 percent of the time and still get paid pretty well."
"With solid meteorological data, field perspective, and a photograph, this may be the investigation's best chance of determining what's in the skies over Britain in the summer of 2008."
"Red sprites, blue jets, elves, trolls, and gnomes are the names of some of lightning's weird cousins."
"We do have a tornado warning that's in effect now in Ohio, radar indicated rotation just to the east of Cambridge."
"The United States of America is a hotbed for tornadoes."
"To keep the most accurate possible check on weather conditions all over Europe."
"Haiyan at that time became the strongest tropical cyclone based on wind speeds in the world surpassing the record set by Hurricane Allen and super typhoon Tip."
"One of the strongest Cyclones ever observed in the world."
"Could this be a manifestation of meteorological rarity, an intricate interplay of air currents and moisture resulting in a captivating vertical display?"
"If it's raining at midnight, can you expect that in 72 hours it will be sunny?"
"The eye wall of a hurricane is actually the most dangerous part."
"You don't have a healthy storm unless everything is stacked on top of each other."
"There's always provision, there's always purpose."
"He finds the previous meteorologist's diary revealing his name as Aldor inside."
"The anemometer is nice to have, especially when you're learning."
"It shows how much meteorologists know and how they can help save residents by being the first to instruct viewers to seek safe shelter."
"The storm, it had it all, just insane amounts of snow, hurricane-force wind gusts."
"A very dangerous storm that is developing very similar to what we just had."
"This hurricane season is going to be very active."
"We all know what meteor showers are and if you don't allow me to give you a crash course on the subject meteors are pieces of rock from space that enter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up as it pushes through the different gases in our air"
"Hurricanes gain their intensity from the heat of the ocean, you know, the science."
"It's going to be a storm we talk about for many years to come. It is a historic event."
"If you love to watch clouds, then you may have spotted these extremely unusual clouds before."
"He who can prove the weather will improve the world."
"Maybe the best way to understand tornadoes is to understand probability."
"The original Fujita Scale was designed to correlate damage to tornado intensity."
"Joplin tornado highlighted flaws in the EF scale."
"Supercell tornadoes may be stronger than officially rated."
"I'm not up in arms about how bad the EF scale is because the select committee is working on a fix."
"The real lesson of this video is that the enhanced Vegeta scale is not as atrocious and an existential threat to tornado sites as some make it out to be."
"Tornadoes are one of the most bewildering phenomena observed on our planet each year."
"I feel like it's my job to communicate all of the possibilities with every storm while at the same time communicating uncertainty and reducing any sort of panic."
"A microburst is a violent shaft of air falling from a storm cloud."
"Let's work together to get some good no-hype no-nonsense weather information in front of as many people as possible."
"Things are really ramping up out there in the weather world."
"Weather affects all of us, our daily lives, and everything, so I take this seriously."
"A quickly swelling wildfire produced a pyrocumulus cloud..."
"It blows from west to east with sustained speeds exceeding 100 miles per hour..."
"The only way to get this information is to measure it inside the hurricane, inside the eye."
"We have had a global weather explosion you know what the Bible says."
"These meteorite fragments are a carbonaceous chondrite, a spotless remnant of the solar system in its early days."
"The principles upon which it works are pretty much precisely the principles by which a thunderstorm is created."
"Water lies at the heart of our weather, but not just as rain."
"This unique formation of clouds and lightning changes its frequency throughout the year."
"Atmospheric effects are gonna be rather significant."
"Accurate weather prediction has come a long way in the last 20 years or so using a whole variety of methods."
"An uptick in lightning will normally indicate that we are going to see a stronger or a strengthening storm."
"I see a silver rosy... It was right on the surface. Well, you can see that when it rains hard, it washes away a lot."
"Most ocean waves are created by wind and the strongest winds occur in and around storms."
"The direction of rotation of hurricanes is a direct consequence of the Coriolis force."
"Clouds turn gray because they get thicker."
"Microbursts are invisible but they generally emerge from storm clouds."
"Directional Shear would be this wind right here which is changing direction with height so think of the Starship going up and the wind hitting at different levels as it's going up."
"Snow Donuts are one of the rarest meteorological sites to see with perfect weather conditions needed just to create them."
"It's been a really interesting couple of days here in Las Vegas. We've had some incredible thunderstorms coming through and, right now, it's kind of the lull afterwards."
"A supercell storm is the granddaddy of all clouds. It's the mother of all thunderstorms."
"We know that the warmer the ocean water, the easier it is to sustain a hurricane and to develop a tropical system."
"Every thousand feet of altitude causes the temperature to drop by two degrees Centigrade."
"Mountain Wave is just what it sounds like as high velocity winds up at altitude flow up and over rugged terrain."
"Stratocumulus is actually the most common cloud type on earth."
"A dangerous cloud is a cumulonimbus. It's a cumulus cloud with the suffix Nimbus which means rain and Latin or something."
"A sea breeze can be described by the way warm, dense air over land heats up and rises only to be circulated and replaced by the cool air that's brought in from the flowing wind over the ocean."
"Meteorology happens to be a very fascinating branch of science."
"Forecasting technology in severe weather science improved dramatically between the 1990s and the 2000s."
"Radar can't see the air itself, so the only way it can determine what the winds are doing is if there's precipitation that it can see being blown around."
"Now, not all meso vortices within QLCSes produce tornadoes."
"So we moved on a few hours here our cold front situated somewhere in here."
"Low level shear should remain weak out across this region."
"We had a very well defined bow Echo."
"Like a lazy river, the jet stream is wandering all over the place."
"Rotating thunderstorms could lead to tornado formation and that a tornado vortex signature often appeared about 25 minutes before the tornado."
"You can always tell by the cloud, you know. Take that big job up on the hill, that there is a strat cumulus Opus."
"Tornadoes are measured using the F scale, F for Dr. Theodore Fujita who classified tornado strength by estimating wind speed based on devastation."
"That is a strong area of rotation over Williamstown no no CC drop yet but that is strong rotation."
"Our scientific fascination with tropical cyclones is essential for better predicting where and when the next big one will hit."
"Hurricanes always start as storms in the middle of the ocean. When the temperature gets warm enough, winds start pushing the air up and out. The air keeps rising because it's so warm and humid, forming this enormous donut-shaped storm."
"You'll notice right before a cold front comes through, it's warm and muggy, and all of a sudden, this cold front comes through, gets windy."
"Temperature and dew point are given in degrees Celsius."
"All weather that we have is due to uneven heating of the Earth's surface."
"Warm air rises like steam from a boiling pot."
"Unstable lapse rate would not do that, it may increase or fluctuate as we go up."
"A snowflake starts as a particle in the air and collects ice crystals as it gets colder and colder, eventually forming a unique snowflake."
"Contrail: Short for condensation trail."
"QLCS tornadoes have been in the news the last few years."
"Not all mesovortices within QLCS's produce tornadoes; however, the stronger, long-lived, and deeper mesovortices are more likely to produce tornadoes."
"The data collected by these radars has revolutionized our understanding of tornadoes and lengthened warning times."
"The system helps separate high-level Stratus from convective weather."
"We're going to see an active jet stream across the Ohio Valley the Mid-Atlantic down into the Tennessee Valley."
"Streamwise vorticity is much more favorable than crosswise vorticity in aiding in tornado Genesis in supercells."
"Scientists can measure how fast the wind is going with a special tool called an anemometer."
"Ball lightning is a rarely occurring type of lightning that presents as bright balls of light."
"Colourful clouds are caused by the sun illuminating the underside of them just before it disappears below or appears above the horizon."
"What is far more useful, in fact essential, if we want to predict a good sunrise or sunset, is to look at the forecast at a location to the east if it's at sunrise or to the west if it's at sunset."
"Aqueous clouds which are sometimes referred to as mother of pearl clouds are considered to be very rare and very spectacular."
"The importance of understanding high and low-pressure systems."
"High density altitude refers to thin air while low density altitude refers to dense air."
"So, that's the motion of a mid-latitude cyclone."
"Differences in air density are the basis for the movement and circulation of the atmosphere."
"If you fly between them in this configuration with a low pressure on your left and a high pressure on your right, you're in Tailwind City. You can have Tailwinds all the way."
"Cold front weather looks like this this is what happens when a cold front passes you get this you get this cumulo cumulonimbus towering cumulus cumulus clouds I call them Simpsons clouds because they kind of look like the clouds from the intro to The Simpsons."
"Weather is a large subject. I mean, it took me six months to learn what I tried to tell you guys in an hour and 20 minutes."
"The hurricane Hunters track storms as they cross the Atlantic Ocean and enter the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico."
"We have plenty of instability in the atmosphere there's plenty of what we call wind shear to work with there's plenty of uh heat there's plenty of of moisture to work with."
"Satellites will give meteorologists round-the-clock reports on worldwide cloud patterns and trends."
"The shape that each snow crystal takes depends on what the conditions were like as it formed in the cloud."
"Clouds reflect almost all the sunlight it receives."
"There's debris that was ejected into the upper atmosphere, debris ranging in size from almost microscopic to pebble-sized bits of molten rock thrown into the upper atmosphere, cooling and solidifying because it was melted, raining back down to Earth."
"We can now track global precipitation, wind currents, cloud cover, and ocean temperature."
"Between July and September 2001, people witnessed one of the strangest weather phenomena in recorded history. The rain was red."
"Atmospheric rivers are relatively long, narrow regions in the atmosphere, like rivers in the sky."
"It's only about four or five miles wide this is a very compact tight woven storm and that's why the winds around that storm maximum winds now at 175 miles per hour and unofficially with a millibar pressure of 884 millibars that is the lowest ever on record in the Atlantic Basin"
"...in terms of the atmosphere of meteorology, this was truly an atmospheric bomb that occurred overnight last night..."
"Tornadoes really are a real life version of a monster."
"Astrosphere gives you detailed cloud cover information like ground fog, high clouds, smoke."
"When it rains it pours and the weather in space is even crazier."
"Constructive interference can lead to remarkable outcomes, like the birth of a supercell from storm mergers."
"Textbook supercells, like the West Liberty storm, epitomize the violent potential of severe weather."
"The fire creates its own wind sometimes."
"...the mesocyclone's starting to tighten up."
"...we start to see tornado genesis."
"Stay tuned here for more forecast discussion videos."
"Given the historic nature of what we saw... producing strong to violent tornadoes."
"...this event became a clear example of why upgraded Doppler radar was a necessity."
"...there was a clear point where the supercell transitioned from outflow dominant to inflow dominant signaling the onset of tornado Genesis."
"...the outflow boundary initially surged slightly out ahead of the supercell making it outflow dominant but then it started to ingest that outflow boundary allowing it to become inflow dominant and consummate tornado Genesis."
"...the only F5 or EF5 to occur in August in the United States since records began in 1950."
"...instability had continued to skyrocket... considered extreme... just for context, 2500 Jew per kilogram is considered strong."
"Climate is defined as the average weather conditions over time. It encompasses myriad factors from temperature to sunlight to wind."
"Areas that have different densities, when you have something like this in the real world, for instance when you have a warm mass of air going against a cold mass of air, you have what you would call a weather front."
"Roll clouds are a rare natural phenomenon; their appearance in the sky precedes changes in the weather and looks very ominous."
"These storm spotter programs were effective in contributing to a steady decline in the number of tornado deaths in subsequent years."
"A convective storm is a storm formed when surface heat causes moisture to rise into the atmosphere, forming single-celled localized storms that often generate thunder, lightning, significant winds, and sudden temperature changes."
"This is the ninth storm of the season, but it's unique for covering all corners of the country."
"I'm not just a weatherman, I give people peace of mind."
"Wind is simply air that is moving."
"The rainshadow effect on the Big Island of Hawaii, rain shadows are dry areas on the backsides of mountains."
"It's actually a really rare weather condition called polar stratospheric clouds."
"Medium cloud is best for fire skies because you're more likely to catch the sun beaming through at sunrise and sunset."
"Fire skies occur when you get the underlighting from the sun."
"Currently, he is the staff meteorologist for the Arkenstone."
"What we get out are time series for the temperature, atmospheric pressure, and wind speed for the city of Odense, 24 hours into the future."
"The potential for the tallest waves, as high as 100 meters, occur for swell."
"Some waves called chop or sea are produced by winds locally, but most of the waves you see at a beach called swell are coming from winds and far-distant storms."
"How does a rainbow get its colors? Position the clouds so the sunlight shines through the water droplets."
"Few will deny, I'm sure, that weather and climate play a great part in our lives."
"Lightning and thunder, they come from static electricity."
"Weather is how the atmosphere changes day-to-day and month-to-month; climate is the long-term trend of weather over decades and decades of time."
"Every single storm is different, and that's why on this channel, I track it storm by storm for you."
"The atmosphere is not heated from above; it's literally heated from below."
"Rising air cools by expansion, sinking air warms by compression."
"The latent heat of condensation is a warming process, the heat released when water vapor condenses to form liquid."
"The latent heat of evaporation is a cooling process, the heat used to change liquid water into a vapor."
"Let's find out how the air masses of the world bring with them predictable weather when they approach our location."
"Anticyclones can be very large in size and are some predictable ones formed by something known as the Hadley cells."
"We can forecast weather skillfully, which means that when we put out a forecast, it would be more informative than just regurgitating the average conditions."
"For the most part, the storms behaved themselves."
"Wind is actually the atmosphere’s way of smoothing out pressure differences."
"The size of the swells of the waves of the ocean really depends on how for how long and how far the wind is able to act on the ocean."
"I'm not here to tell you that wonderful story of chemistry, instead, I'm here to tell you a story of atmospheric science, of meteorology, and a human story really about the people that were first in this remarkable land."
"This is a much more favorable significant tornado hodograph at just at a surface glance."
"Extremely strong streamwise vorticity, a very rich streamline vorticity rich environment for the supercell to work off of."
"The pressure gradient force is a force that acts from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure."
"The stronger the pressure gradient force, the faster will the wind blow from high pressure to low pressure."
"The gradient wind is a wind which blows parallel to curved isobars."
"Sea breeze is stronger because of the bigger pressure difference between the land and the sea during the day."
"The föhn wind is a warm, dry air that's blowing on the leeward side of the mountain."
"Lightning storms are twice as likely in shipping lanes as in the rest of the ocean."
"The water vapor then condenses out to form the beginnings of clouds."
"Weather is a fun subject of mine."
"It's nice to be reminded about how complicated and fascinating the weather system is."
"The moisture in the air can act like a prism and create a rainbow."
"From high pressure to low pressure, look out below; from hot to cold, look out below."
"A microburst is when you get a huge cumulonimbus cloud that extends way up 40, 50,000 feet."
"A front divides weather patterns, usually two different air masses of high pressure and low pressure measured by a barometer."
"Wind shear is defined as a sudden, dramatic change in wind direction and speed."
"The storm starts with rising air, making the towering cumulus clouds in that developing period of the thunderstorm cycle."
"It's got ultrasonic transducers up top in here that detect the wind speed and the wind direction."
"I think it's cool because I'm a Skywarn weather spotter."
"This Sunday marks summer solstice already, then the heat will get even stronger next week."
"There's this zone of winds along the equator that are coming from the east, maybe northeast, maybe southeast, and so we call these winds the easterlies."
"This loop is called the Hadley cell, and this is one of the general circulation patterns on Earth."
"Winds of 74 knots or more: a hurricane."
"To have snow, the layers of the atmosphere below cloud level must be cold enough to keep the flakes from melting."