
Facial Expression Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Eyewitnesses reported that her face took on an angry expression and for a moment or two, there was a look of a ghastly stare."
"The best part of the drawing right here I think you can do more with his face here."
"Let's check out that face there, well, that face there is looking like it's had a little bit of chocolate distress."
"Her face is moving, that's never happened before."
"It was the first time it reminded me of the term bald-faced lie, a person will tell a bald-faced lie which refers to a person having no facial hair and still being willing to be deceptive."
"That look on your face is like a spitting image."
"I see from your expression that you have grave news."
"Wild chad face, yeah, wild. This is really cool."
"That was pure fear on his face, that was fear that he could not hide."
"What even is abstinence? That's that face right now. Beautiful."
"Hold beautiful and inspiring thoughts in your mind, and they will weave their magic on your face."
"It's hard to keep a straight face. Fart jokes never get old."
"He looks fierce, he looks hard, but he doesn't look scared."
"A smile is the best we can do in a time of trouble."
"It's sort of like a sad or like a disappointed or unhappy expression actually."
"Smiling triggers certain facial muscles that can trick your brain into feeling more positive."
"I was very unsuccessful in my attempts to keep a straight face with Lon."
"Dude, it's my gaming face. I'm sorry to say I have a gaming face."
"The woman turned and looked at me and gave what I could only describe as the most sinister smile that I've ever seen."
"It's been two minutes but this is just... look at the face."
"This face is expressing pride and prejudice, correct? Good gosh, this is... okay, surprise."
"You can't see my face, I know, 'cause we are afraid you're gonna ruin the dance with that face."
"Why does your mouth look bigger than mine cause I'm happier than you."
"I let her deal with it, and as the guy sees us approaching, his face just falls off a cliff."
"Seeing her beautiful face light up fills my chest with warmth."
"There's something that's so kind about your face."
"Her face was full of tiredness, grief, and despair."
"He gave me a little crooked smile where only the left half of his mouth curled up."
"That is the face of instant regret right there, dude."
"You literally ask, 'Are you a Christian?' and they can just tell you're Christian by simply by the way your face is bright when you greet them."
"Look at the face. The face is what does it."
"Your heart is always lifted up. You're always smiling because it's raising your muscles up in your face."
"This is actually starting to dry on my face and I can't smile properly it's like having severe Botox"
"Just absolutely love him yes yes yes just the face though."
"A smile plays at the corner of his lips."
"A sinister smile turned up the corners of his mouth."
"You're not that bad, I don't think I've seen you that facial since like 19 2000 and [ __ ]."
"The expression on his face changed instantly."
"His enthusiasm glowed in his face."
"Everything a man thinks, everything he does, shows up in his face."
"He recruited some volunteers from campus and then painted the lines of their facial muscles black and then he exposed each participant to different stimuli in order to photograph their reactions."
"the face he makes is one of the best acting moments of Damon's career"
"...a look of panic came across Wendy's face."
"Sarah now has a content smile on her porcelain face."
"Look at her face. Look at her eyes."
"Showing a real smile or neutral is better than a fake smile."
"When you say three, your face automatically smiles."
"That one misplaced eyebrow changed the whole course of what I was doing."
"When our face is at ease, the emotions also calm down."
"The smile on your face doesn't lie."
"I think the figure also perfectly captures Chitoge, I love her face in this so much, it's just so good."
"This is the face of an extremely happy person."
"When I look at your face, man, I feel a lot of peace in my heart."
"The facial motor nucleus gives rise to axons that innervate muscles of facial expression."
"Let a big warm responsive smile flood over your face and overflow into your eyes."
"It's commonly said that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile."
"Just because someone isn't smiling doesn't mean they're having a bad day; they could be completely unaware of how their face looks, introverted, or just tired."
"The eyes that almost look half open... they read as tired looking."
"Melt the expression in your face and let your shoulders drop and relax down away from your ears."
"You will see from their faces the glow of delight."
"I love this from his facial structure to his eyes, I love his expression how stern he looks."
"Brilliant, what a funny monster face."
"The face was thought of as kind of like a window to the soul."
"It makes your whole face just light up."
"We're expressing with our eyes rather than our forehead, which is a good tip for day-to-day life."
"I can't even properly describe the sadness on their faces."
"The expression on his face, which was once of happiness and excitement, quickly transforms into that of dread and grief."
"I'm pretty sure that the expression on my face was ridiculous."
"The facial nerve innervates the muscles of facial expression."
"I'm not impressed, Emily. Take that smile off your face."
"Don't let the smile leave your face."
"I can tell by the look on your face that you just love Pokémon."
"It takes more muscle to frown than smile, that's a big fact."
"Expression's very difficult because the slightest amount of change to your eyes and mouth can make a huge difference to how your character looks and feels."
"I really like how the face turned out; I think it has a really soft grace to it."
"Feel the shoulders melting, your expression soften."
"Relaxing the expression in your face, so your jaw feels unhinged, you can sense your breath moving in and out through the nostrils."
"Here we are with our look, even out the gate, right, he starts off with that slightly raised eyebrow."
"Nothing is more beautiful than the natural expression of your face."
"You could immediately see her face drop, tears constrict rise."
"Only takes 14 muscles to smile and it takes 48 to look like that, a whole lot easier to smile."
"I think her face looks a little cuter, a bit more expressive."
"Eyebrows usually stay symmetrical when the reaction is involuntary."
"I love to draw and color and render the face the most."
"A smile is the most influential of all facial expressions."
"The zygomaticus is your smiling muscle."
"The orbicularis oris is the muscle you use to kiss and whistle."
"Muscles of the face soft, joy is released."
"I've got the biggest grin on my face right now."
"We look at the face so that we can try and gauge the emotional state of that person and relate with them on an emotional level."
"That was a very cold, very obvious face, that was just amazing."
"As Homo sapiens became a more social species, our foreheads became less prominent, freeing up our facial muscles to better express our emotions."
"She has personality in her face that Poison Ivy sorely lacks."
"It's not despair you see in that face... it is Terror, sheer dark Terror."
"Elizabeth's expression was beyond description."
"That's the face of a man you can trust."
"Smiling is in the eyes and in the eyebrows mostly."
"You could see the emotion on his face through his mask when his eyes changed."
"I love the facial expression that Sunman has; he just looks really pleasant."
"When I tell you I was shook, my face was cracked like the pattern on this outfit, honey."
"Sometimes on my streams, I get really sore cheeks from smiling so much."
"Keep a smile on your face because over time, that smile will become your usual face."
"Keep a smile on your face, remember your face position will also impact your mood."
"We're going to be focusing on the face because I want to talk to you guys about the importance of capturing greatness in your sketches."
"I mean look at that face, it is amazing."
"When you're drawing, I really like to focus a lot on the face and eyes and just the expression."