
Elusiveness Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"No wonder sand cats are called one of the most difficult cats to study in the wild; they're truly elusive."
"She is like the air, you cannot catch the air."
"The UFO subject doesn't behave. UFOs don't behave. There's an elusiveness to this, sometimes a contradictory nature to what they do."
"You can't catch what you can't see." - Sonic the Hedgehog
"You can't hit what you can't see, and you know I'm not the best at what I do because I'm easy to hit. I'm the best at what I do because I'm the most elusive world champion in history. And that's facts." - Tyson Fury
"I'm not the best at what I do because I'm easy to hit. I'm the best at what I do because I'm the most elusive world champion in history, and that's facts." - Tyson Fury
"The little people are much like fairies as they are very elusive and secretive."
"This is a group that for 15 or 20 years has done nothing but practice flexibility and invisibility. You will never find them."
"Bard is known for being one of the fastest and hardest to catch supports."
"Give your enemies no target to attack; be dangerous but elusive and invisible."
"The Holy Grail remained an elusive treasure, even amidst the chaos of war."
"He wasn't only elusive on the field; he was elusive in public because that guy could hide in a crowd better than anybody I've ever seen."
"He's about as elusive as Bigfoot up here."
"He makes people miss in really tight space."
"The internet might be powerful enough and have qualities to it that are sufficiently vast and elusive that they'll never really pin it down. I don't think they'll pin it down too well."
"What's so alluring about you is you're hard to catch, definitely hard to catch."
"Escobar was like a ghost whose presence the police felt but could not see or catch."
"The moments of greatest intensity have, as Elliot presents them, a certain obliqueness, an elusiveness, a controlling detachment."
"I reached out my hands to seize it, slowly it receded."
"Maybe the Bigfoot have figured that out and that's why they're so elusive."
"Undoubtedly the most elusive killer in American history."
"The giant squid is as elusive as the legend it inspired."
"You're hard to find, hard to reach. It's alluring."
"That which you chase runs from you."
"It's very much like a ghost right, like it's almost not there and then you turn your head just the right way and it's like..."
"Peace is very shy. If you mention her name, she runs away."
"He's just so elusive, so nippy, so fast."
"It is said that it's almost impossible to take a photograph of him."
"He was incredibly elusive, reclusive, incredibly private."
"The investigators had done all they could, but the truth remained tantalizingly out of reach."
"The Scottish wildcat is probably the hardest animal to see in the UK. Cats are notoriously secretive and elusive."
"He's like walking between the raindrops."
"Oh beautiful blueberry, how I love thee, yet what an elusive berry you seem to be."
"We've been trying to track down this thing, yet somehow by some miracle, it's remained elusive."
"It's such a kind of paradox, isn't it, that you have an event so grand and yet it's kind of at the same time got an elusive quality to it."
"It feels very much like gold dust kind of slipping through your fingers."
"The Vietnam War itself was elusive for Americans despite the fact that it was on the evening news almost every night."
"The conundrum remains: the tangible evidence for Abraham, let alone the events in Genesis, is as elusive as a desert mirage."
"She was like this light feather just blowing in the wind that was almost impossible to catch."
"The Maori respected these little people who were very elusive, rarely seen, but they could hear them giggling and chuckling at night."
"He was a young man so apparently ordinary that for five years he was able to elude the biggest manhunt in British criminal history."
"Love is quite an elusive thing, perhaps only known by the human race."
"Profits are like eels; how easily they slip away."
"As deadly as they are elusive, the caledus Assassin comes from one of the temples of the officio assassinorum."
"Perfection is very elusive; you're never going to get perfect."
"Wolves are pretty elusive, they're very intelligent."
"You know why I call this ship the Moth? You ever try to catch a moth? Cup your hands, chase after it, catch it—white moth, brown moth, any moth at all. You can't do it. They always get away."
"That's El Matador Taylor Martinez. Now you see him, now you don't."
"The story remained elusive this time, strikes me as incredible and special, a fitting conclusion in some ways."
"The human heart can prove to be as elusive as the most cunning of criminals."
"Truth is like a shiny nymph, always slipping away to hide in a thicket, but somehow she still wants to be found."
"Promises are like birds, taste great but they always escape."
"Peace is shy; if you try and describe it, it will run away."
"I followed happiness to make her mine... But always happiness eluded me."
"I'm easy to keep up with, but I am difficult to catch up with."
"They've always been rare, they've always been elusive, even when they were around in their good numbers, they were rarely seen."
"He was almost impossible to touch."
"Time is so elusive, isn't it? You always think you have enough of it."
"They've never been caught, and they've done it such a good job."
"I think that's one of the reasons that we love poetry; we feel that it's expressing what just got away."
"If a leopard doesn't want to be found, you won't find it."
"Leopards are really elusive, secretive animals because they're solitary."
"Anything is possible; that's what makes the strategy so elusive."
"The reason why I like leopard is because they're super elusive."
"Love is a wild thing you can chase it down as far as you want to, but you just can't capture it."
"She's very good at giving us the slip, that's what leopards do best."
"We all know that justice matters, yet it slips through our fingers."