
Restitution Quotes

There are 370 quotes

"If the thief be found, he must restore sevenfold what he has stolen."
"The only times over which we have any degree of influence at all are the present and the future, both of which can be made worse by attempts at symbolic restitution among the living for what happened among the dead who are far beyond our power to help or punish."
"My goal one day would be to pay back all the money."
"We can recognize these treaties where we can give restitution, give reparations in ways that don't hurt others."
"And while the return of the land by no means makes up for the tribes near extinction, it is an undeniably positive step in the right direction."
"Giving that land back to a tribe that was nearly wiped from the face of the earth is such a pure good, is such a necessary act that must be done for no other reason than it is the right thing to do."
"I don't want any of that money. I want the artifacts to be returned to Israel."
"I love how you went back and paid restitution to your parents. That is absolutely admirable."
"For Britain to enable the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles would not be a humiliating climb down... it would be the right thing to do. It would right a wrong."
"I think that every dollar Mike won on the show should be paid back to all the players."
"The universe is going to give you back what you lost, what you gave up, what you sacrificed."
"Everything that you lost will come back around full circle."
"Great, do the people they scam get their money back?"
"Satisfaction many sins wrong our neighbor. One must do what is possible in order to repair the harm."
"It's not about money, it's about giving Mr. Depp his life back six years ago when she took it away."
"Everything that has been stolen from you... the enemy must return sevenfold."
"I think all just have to be very patient with the legal process... but I do expect there to be some restoration or restitution for those who were victimized."
"I apologize in advance for any problem like ass I intend to repay you."
"The Jubilee is not just about restitution; it's about also Redemption. There was a Redemption going on in these last years that most people didn't even realize."
"The movement in favor of restitution is becoming increasingly strong."
"My goal here is to make the customers whole."
"I think it's a great idea. It's what is owed to them because a lot of years of my life are some [__] ships that you are completely fine with now."
"What might have been, what might have been, and that was taken from us. Most of it can't be restored, but it should be compensated."
"I'm not just gonna give you back what you lost; I'ma give it back double."
"You're about to get the spoil they tried to take from you."
"People who feel they are the victims of some wrongdoing may often seek restitution for the wrongs done to them, perceived or otherwise, and this can in turn lead to victims making other groups feel victimized as well."
"We a hundred percent on it, we take it back, we make those people right."
"White people acknowledged their privilege and gave something back to people of color."
"Imagine the future if these people were given back their minerals."
"I think the money from the book sale should go to the victim's family."
"When you deprive somebody of something, you make it right by paying what you owe."
"You want me to pay you for the return of my stolen property?"
"Artifacts belong to the countries of their origin, to places where they can best be appreciated."
"As part of a class-action lawsuit, the US government paid 9 million to the surviving participants and their descendants for many people though the pain can never be healed with money."
"When the enemy touches something that belongs to you, not only should you take back everything he stole, but you get back seven times all the substance."
"Restoration, restitution, recognition."
"Reparations are like demanding back what was stolen from you, with compound interest."
"I'm getting my diamonds back and my revenge bro straight up that's that man."
"Real and very serious harm was done and M deserves to see me taking steps to ensure I never behave this way again."
"Apologize for it, do some good works for people you might have hurt, that sort of thing."
"He's a good guy, he brought the money back, he brought two stacks back."
"And these packages contained more than $10,000 in cash that we were able to return to their at first very confused but then very grateful owners."
"If the thief be found, he shall restore double."
"Something is going to be given to you, returned. It's going back to that person."
"I think we should be giving land back because not only the 40 acres of the mill."
"He left them like some coins so at least he paid for it."
"Whatever was taken from you is going to be given back to you times 10."
"Some of you out there may be a homeowner here that house you may already be a homeowner but yet you're going to be granted everything back in return that ten of Pentacles this could be more than ten thousand dollars a hundred thousand dollars."
"Pray that whatever the enemy has stolen from you, he must return back seven times in the name of Jesus Christ."
"We declare today that you would send and dispatch your holy angels to go and make sure that the devil returns everything that he and his demons have stolen from us."
"Everything they tried to take away from you is coming back to you like quadruple tfold. Wow."
"My own story, I still have regrets, some of the coins and furniture I have in my possession were illicitly gained, yeah. But I decided that the only way to repent for my sins was to give it all away."
"Father, today let them return my opportunity even better than what it was before."
"These relics deserve to be returned to their rightful descendants."
"Everything that was stolen from them, they will get it all back."
"There could not be any justice until there is proper respect, restitution, and repair."
"I pursued the case, and my brother was ordered to repay me five thousand dollars plus my legal fees."
"I decided to give Greg's family a vacation as a way of making up for the trouble we caused them."
"Restitution means restoring what you've taken from someone else."
"Made to pay millions of dollars in restitution for this but it is still referred sometimes to as a bomb hoax."
"Justice is waiting for many of you whose quality of life was diminished by the injustice to your parents or grandparents."
"I'm going to give them the opportunity to make it right."
"And I want to do something to make it up to them."
"Reparations and acknowledging past wrongs are steps towards true repentance and reconciliation."
"Return, return, return if you have done wrong."
"if the interest in these cases can fund restitution and can fund repaying the citizens for money they've spent because of horrible actions of defendants is that a good side effect from the technology and the interest and the streaming of these trials"
"Everything that was lost shall be returned unto you everything that was stolen shall be restored unto you."
"This is bigger than reparations, this is the return of your rightful inheritance to the Earth."
"If I have an accident and break something at someone's house, usually I'll replace it."
"I want reparations. I want my money for what my ancestors went through."
"He who laughs at 1 cent will weep for 1 cent. This reparation is for the mental anguish you caused me."
"This wand was yours. Things haven't been right since my family took the kingdom. The best thing I can do as queen is return what my family stole from you."
"The money's due would be five hundred sixty dollars. The court shall award recovery of double the amount of said monies."
"He not only gave back the money but stripped off his clothes... in front of the crowd that had gathered."
"They want to make it right with you."
"Psychosis is an attempt at restitution and compensation."
"He's going to repay you for the years the enemy has stolen."
"Are you going to take responsibility? Are you going to make this right?"
"It was a sin, and we acknowledge it. We apologize for it, and we must do something to help repair the damage."
"You are called now to put the past right if you can; that's a very important point of repentance - repentance involves restitution, putting the past right."
"We have to tell Ferran he lost his bike, but maybe we can make it up by giving him something new."
"They've stolen our wealth, they've stolen our land."
"The sister is contemplating coming in, being remorseful, saying that she's sorry, and maybe even giving back something that belongs to you."
"I never meant to steal the money, sir. I meant to give it back to you."
"Reparations are due, restoration is due, restitution is due."
"Well then, my brother should pay them back."
"The restitution like I said, they kept it under a hundred thousand. So, I think it's like ninety-six thousand some odd dollars that I gotta pay back. They don't make it easy to bounce back, man."
"Am I the bad guy for suing my parents for my college money? No, because it was stolen from you and they need to give it back."
"It's about closing that wealth gap and making people whole."
"I'm ordering the defendants to repay the plaintiff the sum that's left over which is 780."
"I will make this right for you. I will do everything I can to make this right."
"More than anything else, it is forgiveness, it is restitution, it is love that is the second mile."
"...a genuine effort to address those harms is always meaningful."
"So much of that repair comes from what is best for [the harmed person]."
"When somebody treats you, when somebody steals from you your happiness, your joy, do not ever think that God will not pay you back."
"The only way to right those wrongs is by offering reparations and some way of originally recognizing those wrongs and then doing something about it in forms of restitution."
"I swear if there was anything I could do to make it up to you, I would."
"I think we are seeing a trend that's going to continue in the next 10, 20 years where many, many objects are going to go back to the rightful owners."
"Any money that was stolen from you, you will get it back times 10."
"The Bible didn't say God is going to do this, He says we must demand that the thief must return unto me, at minimum sevenfold of what the thief originally stole from me."
"Back in the present civil gives POA a necklace telling him to accept it as compensation for the damage he caused"
"I am so sorry about this. I cannot tell you how sorry I am. And if you want me to pay you back one day, I will. When I earn six thousand dollars, I'm going to pay you back."
"You can't honestly think that it's righteous for them to just hold on to this stuff that they stole from these people even though it was their grandfather they did it."
"I don't care if this land was stolen 400 years ago, you're not going to keep oppressing. You're going to give it back to the people you stole it from."
"It's not enough for him to resign from the Cardinal, he should tell the Pope he's sorry he should resign from the priesthood he should turn over every dime he has in the bank to the victims he should repay those diocese I mean his soul is important."
"Restitution means acknowledging, admitting, forsaking, and not doing it again."
"If it takes the rest of my life, I'll pay back every penny of that stolen money."
"I am trying, and all I want is for the people I hurt to just have a final sense of culpability, that justice has somewhat been served in any capacity that they can recognize it with."
"I broke down crying and I called their mom. I tell her that I need her key back and I tell her what her daughter did. I then tell her that she owes me about $1,500 for this and that's me being generous."
"God said, 'Whatever stolen is getting ready to be paid back.'"
"It's the universe paying you back for something you lost before."
"Victims often never get any restitution. If I get put on the case, I'm going to try and extract as much money as possible from that bad guy before this even hits the FBI's desk."
"I want to at least do something to make this right."
"I'm gonna order you to return the fifteen hundred dollars to her, that's my verdict."
"I am going to order you to return the 1,150 that she paid for the car, which means the car goes back to you."
"I'm going to make sure that she pays it back."
"Whatever they say goes and we we have to just fall and the people who suffered under your reign as prosecutor you owe them an apology."
"Maybe tell your museums that we're not allowed to hold this stuff by law for some [ __ ] reason and give it back to the countries that you stole them from."
"Crime as restitution for injustice."
"Either he pays off or returns the necklace of the Countess."
"Part of reparations is repairing... the moral, political, and economic damage."
"Actions have consequences. You must pay the price of making amends."
"What vindication. It means I make retributions. It means that I'll go to the people that I've wronged and make it right."
"Only one way to make restitution, and that is, you must pray father, you must pray as you have never prayed before."
"Real repentance bears real fruit. Zacchaeus kind of fruit. If I have defrauded anyone, I will restore it four times over. That's real repentance."
"Returning stolen goods to their real owners is a good thing."
"I decided I should give the money back."
"Returning what was once stolen back to its true owner is simply the right thing to do."
"If something was stolen from me, the least I would want would be to get it back."
"What can I do to make it up to you?"
"Restitution is a payment the court orders a defendant to pay a victim to compensate for physical injury, monetary loss, property loss, or other distress."
"Unless you're going to give the property back."
"All I want to see is black folks get repaid and we get our dignity back."
"If anyone has wronged you, they must pay it back plus a fifth thereof."
"I'm going to take the money I made over the last 20 years, I'm going to go back to all the venues I played on that Irish tour, yeah, and buy them and destroy them. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, raise everyone."
"A nation that believes in the rule of law cannot possibly be debating whether to return stolen goods. It just returns them."
"Restitution is always the final component of forgiveness."
"They want to come back and make things right."
"Bottom line here is people are going to get their property back."
"They owe you pain and suffering and an apology."
"The loss of his property is punishment enough."
"I will contribute the income to the compensation fund for his victims."
"I always felt funny about the whole Bill Cosby situation because, you know, like, they were taking his honorary degrees away and, you know, disassociating themselves from him, but ain't nobody giving no money back that he gave."
"The story of Yokoyama's Harley-Davidson resonated with many, offering a small yet significant restitution amidst his tremendous losses."
"Maybe we should give America back to the Indians, give Britain back to the Celts, give Australia back to the Aborigines."
"We know historically that we have family members that were displaced, and we have a responsibility to bring them back."
"What would make me feel better? You know, that basketball goal you took from me?"
"If you are committed to change, then you also must be committed to do what you can to repair some of the damage."
"Show the others what you've earned and what you've taken back which was stolen from you."
"Bottom line: she wants her money, and if she has to sue her co-worker to get the $1035 she's owed, then so be it."
"Racism can never be fixed until those who have been perpetrating the crime admit to the crime and repent of the crime and make restitution."
"Civil law is about restitution, not punishment."
"24 hours of your life in return, you'll get back what was stolen."
"It's one thing if a thief apologizes after they've gotten caught; it's another thing if a thief voluntarily returns the thing he stole and admits that he had done wrong of his own volition."
"Everything you lost will return twice over."
"...when you do wrong, you forsake your sin, you repent, you make restitution, you strive to do better, and you admit your problems and grow from it."
"I want my piece of the pie, I want back my piece of the pie."
"It's okay to want restitution. It's okay to try to hold people accountable for the wrong they've done."
"My family didn't earn it; it needed to go back to where it belonged."
"My amends is to give back to what was freely given to me... the more people I helped, the more amends I felt I made to society."
"Whatever's been stolen is about to be returned."
"Amends must be made, this is our covenant, my son, my only son whom I have never known but to whom I have brought such sorrow; abide by it, honor it, for it is an honorable thing I ask you to do."
"I owe you a horse and an apology."
"Proverbs 6:30-31 - If the thief be found, he must return sevenfold of everything that was originally stolen."
"Property should be returned to its rightful owner."
"I'd like to spend the rest of my life making this up to you."
"Anything you feel that they took from you is going to be returned to you tenfold in a new form."
"Swear fealty to my clan, and I promise to give you back your daughter, your lost lands, your stolen dignity, and make your enemies repent for their actions against you," promised Naruto.
"God is keeping a record of everything that should have been yours."
"Justice is not simply saying I'm sorry, but justice is saying I'm sorry, now here's what I'm gonna do to give back what was taken from you."
"The second coming of Christ as the time of the restitution of all things."
"The children should be entitled to a share sufficient to provide restitution for any and all ongoing expenses that they incur as a result of these crimes against them."
"No, I took back what was rightfully mine, the ocean. Let's end this."
"Lord, look, half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I've taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore him fourfold."
"Henry gave back the money of his own free will. Doesn't that make a difference?"
"Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold."
"When the thief is caught, he shall repay, and you shall have seven times the amount of thoughts of creativity."
"Please forgive me, I realize my mistake, I am willing to pay any price."
"Thousands of people are about to get checks from Robin Hood."
"Is it enough?" Richard asked. Darcy replied, "With this Bible, Mr. Bennett's map, the Venus we had returned from Lord Havisham, and the Golden Bowl from Miles Brownlee, we should be able to make a sizable dent in the Matlock's coffers."
"Future earnings for the company will go to paying the fines and penalties, and that will in turn be used to combat the opioid crisis in our country."
"The embargo is lifted, let your stolen goods be returned."
"Whatever the enemy steals, he must return seven times."
"People lost their lives, their liberty, and their livelihood, and they've been waiting far too long for the truth, for justice, and for compensation."
"Not anymore. I gave you your lives back since they were taken so wrongfully."
"I am so sorry I can't give you back your lost years, your lost lives, but maybe I can make some smaller amends."
"The time of the restitution of all things is exactly what Peter called the second coming of Jesus Christ."
"I apologize for taking your head, but the things he put out should be yours as well."
"Send it back to them. Claim the reward and release your people."
"I am sorry about the car, I will pay for it."
"Everything the devil took from you, he's got to give it back."
"Returning money to victims is the best feeling in the world."
"Every 50 years you have a year of Jubilee, a year not only of blessing but also of restitution."
"The Jubilee can be a form of judgment, it's restitution, it's nullifying everything."
"Whatever they took from you, it's coming back to you double, triple."
"The thing with apologizing to somebody is that you should always say, 'I'm sorry, I won't do it again, how can I make this up to you?'"
"Hear me, I did the crime, I paid the time, and I paid every penny back."
"I'm not proud of my actions and regret what I did, so here's what I'm gonna do to make up for it."
"Debts are repaid, restitution for wrongs are made, the accused are protected, crimes are prevented, and God is honored and the community is blessed."
"It's beautiful to have a legal system that's based more on restitution than on punishment."