
Legal Matters Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"Legal matter will go in new ways, and your ability and knowledge and skill set will be recognized and duly appreciated."
"The past is not relevant. Why? Because for one, I beat my case."
"I invite everyone to read it in full to understand the scope and the gravity of the crimes charged."
"I have questions about what made him start looking into this and seeing that this conservatorship is still in place."
"She left the biggest audience she ever had to say 'nah,' one season, one legal bag, maybe one and a half."
"It's important that everybody take a deep breath here this is a very serious matter and it would be better if we could let the legal process play out."
"Kenneth Richmond had not been mentioned at all in this case up until this point."
"The case against Donald Trump is open and shut."
"It's probably better to get it done sooner. What's the total cost of a prenup? How much does it cost?"
"It's our pursuit of justice that has brought us forward to this point."
"Bingo bango, as part of a court-ordered settlement, I've been forced to set up a website: Wanda Jo the Free Psychic dot com."
"I don't think that Lynne has just been sitting on the sidelines allowing this to happen."
"So sure, Johnny Depp is gonna have some problems, but that doesn't make him necessarily guilty of domestic violence and abuse."
"A contract agreement can be an agreement or a contract or a vow connected to third house matters."
"We're all speculating here and these are all just allegations. We'll see what the courts decide."
"Would crush him, we'll definitely have to have a court at the new building."
"Let's wait and see what happens with the US case." - John Campion
"We are in no way suggesting that the hardened ring was organized or endorsed by Watchtower."
"The tour is probably spending 30 to 50 million a year right now just on just on this case Alone."
"There was never a threat, there was never a coercion, there was never a deal cut."
"We're confident we're going to prevail here."
"It ended up being the case that the seven million dollars would be split between the ACLU and the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles."
"You're really serious right now? You're calling me to ask me to drop the order for your child support so you can get a job."
"Judges only two people who have seen this report and that's me and you."
"You're gonna pay this child support with your overtime calculated in."
"There's no basis for someone like Captain Chiquita to be brought into the picture."
"It's not about getting justice for mom and Chip. We got that in 2014. This hearing was about safety for our family and our friends and the community of Davis."
"It's no longer a question of whether this conservatorship will end but simply when."
"These charges are serious, and whenever you hear an accusation that has a lot of specifics, a lot of details, it makes it seem more credible."
"Show me the money honey because that's what the complaint is going to be about."
"The shoes that are yet to drop are going to be the most profound."
"The beginning of it all was when the judge decided to make those court documents public."
"Imagine if this line of thought was applied to real legal matters."
"Hello, Yakov. You no longer need to be afraid that you will be found and accused of something that you did not do. I'm taking care of everything."
"There's nothing proving Kaylee and JJ have come to any harm."
"If Jim Kreindler says it's so, we need to take the issue very seriously."
"Legal contracts around anything that's creative or artistic could bring big success."
"Good luck in court my guy, hopefully you win."
"If Betsy wanted her daughters to have the money... she would have made them the insurance policy beneficiaries."
"She just acknowledged that she did it like as soon as I got the Judgment um I transferred the property."
"I feel relieved about what Judge Lake had to say, you know?"
"Closure isn't about the money. It's about Justice."
"We need to talk about it because we talk about hard things on legal AF."
"Why would he trust them to say we don't want an autopsy if he was guilty?"
"I expressed my lack of trust in her capability to safely and responsibly care for our children given her recent Behavior and the ongoing legal issues."
"Maybe someone changes their mind and decides to help you with something of a legal nature or connected with your educational path."
"Justice is the card of legalities as well, but the King of Swords says someone is thinking about you."
"It's a priceless item, you can't buy it because the meaning wasn't going to him, it was going to the legal fees."
"Wrongful birth lawsuits reflect a troubling embrace of eugenics in our culture."
"We'll get to the merits of Roe very, very soon."
"Justice will prevail and you'll be treated accordingly in all your affairs."
"Despite your very broad claims of privilege, Mr. Meadows has produced documents that you apparently agree are relevant and not protected by any privilege at all."
"I don't think this actual lawsuit... is going to go the way that Logan Paul thinks it does."
"The federal government and sec must offer a buy-back opportunity to retail owners of said xrp property if a ruling was made against its circulation."
"I want people to be aware of what's happening, aware of the lawsuit."
"Things are being made right. If you're going through something legal, it's going to go in your favor."
"Hello, I'm Gigazaur, a giant lizard that is legally distinct from Godzilla."
"We decline any criminal charges related to those documents."
"Praying that he'll get off the hook"
"if you'd like your case to be heard on Divorce Court call us toll free."
"If in fact you two decide not to be together, there will be a judgment in his favor in the eight hundred seventy-six thousand ninety-nine cents."
"I pursued the case, and my brother was ordered to repay me five thousand dollars plus my legal fees."
"I suppose if I'm actually arrested you'll let me tell them where I really was on Tuesday night."
"He's just been charged with a warrant."
"The court would appoint an executor to distribute Bill's estate to his default heirs based on a state-defined formula."
"2 years is a statute limitation if I want to take any action."
"There is success in legal matters. Good news will be coming soon."
"My neighbor decided to take me to small claims over his drone."
"My neighbor's main argument to the judge was that I maliciously installed a table to allow my dog to jump high enough to catch his drone."
"In the end, my neighbor now has to pay me two thousand dollars for various vet bills."
"We need to make the case to the IRS that both your purpose and your programs satisfy qualifying exempt purpose."
"Avoiding probate is one reason people set up trusts."
"I would buy a money order and put my ex-wife's name on it for child support."
"Both men consistently assert their innocence."
"I think you can actually sue her too but I'm not certain about that."
"Once they feel they have absolutely no more cards to play to prevent David Miscavige from being deposed, they will make every effort to settle."
"...for my ass to have an EEEOC case, no God, honey."
"He's playing to the camera so it's like did he tell his friend you'll put the camera on like you you see the guy messing with the camera then going so it's like we found a lawsuit"
"They reach a settlement with the state and she surrendered her insurance license."
"After losing the lawsuit, the company went bankrupt within a year."
"Making a will is a perfectly sensible procedure, saves a lot of trouble sometimes."
"Why did that make me smile? All on tape and evidence that she had not only violated the restraining order but had been maliciously destructive."
"He agreed it was a good idea, signed the paperwork, and left. I immediately sent the papers to my lawyer. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders."
"The judge concluded that I was not responsible for injuring my neighbor's kid."
"I take a look at provisions that would be similar to what you would see in an employment agreement... I always looked at the plan document too... all those things should be handled someplace either in your documents or an employment agreement."
"I'm not calling you a lie, you're just gonna need to produce legalsh at that point."
"She was arrested outside of her office for first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, and accessory after the fact."
"Oh, it's so good. Who's yourself? I'm gonna deny it, okay? You can put it in writing. I'll deny it. Um, so let's continue on with this notice to all law enforcement that the Supreme Court case was cited."
"Yes but that ought to also mean that the beneficiaries would have more funding and therefore I could pay off my estate responsibilities and be done with all of this so frankly um I don't really care if we have to leave I just want it to be settled properly."
"See, they try to do it, she gonna try to sue me in two weeks but I got proof."
"...they bonded me out or something like that, yeah."
"That YouTube stuff and other videos and Instagram social media, that stuff is real when they be putting that in the courtroom. They bringing recordings, took pictures of me on my page with Mike Tyson, they took pictures of my jewelry."
"...someone else inside information and he was staring 15 20 years in prison then he changed his story."
"Frank Sinatra's lawyer Mickey Rudin served me divorce papers in the middle of a scene at Paramount."
"Fox is trying to negotiate the settlement down. They're trying to pay out as little as possible."
"How influential and powerful does my dad need to be to remove me from the sex offenders registry?"
"I'm struggling with it too because I can see how some of the things that we talk about in other cases would apply, but I don't know if it applies to Alec Murdock himself."
"My lawyer is out of town, but his partner will meet us at 4:00. He'll take you to the police station."
"Let's just take this to court then."
"Really surprised that there were no heavy legal action taken."
"This is overwhelming for a lot of people, I get it. Like where do I start? I'm talking about my own mortality. I'm talking about these really difficult issues you know, it starts with just making that initial contact with our firm or another reputable lawyer."
"The plaintiff says that he met the defendant on an online dating service, loaned the guy money, and he's moved on to somebody else and now she can't get her money back."
"I'm going to put him on the trust and yeah, as if now you when you list them in the trust it doesn't have to be as a co-trustee."
"It didn't have anything to do with it being my brother."
"If we're not married, you're not on child support."
"Diddy has not filed a lawsuit against anyone. He's not even sent out cease and desist."
"Thank you for the information I've started looking for lawyers now."
"If he did restrict your access to the property it gives a weight to your argument that he took it upon himself to cause this problem for you, making him personally liable for the situation."
"Just sign these papers and leave my house."
"...so I wrote up my own contract with super lenient conditions making sure to protect my own butt had a lawyer look at it and notorized it and now I live with my cat and roommates at the original cost."
"You lived out your dream on stage for a couple minutes, and since there were no charges filed, they can never take that away from you."
"Woodstock Ventures Incorporated hired a bevy of lawyers to descend on White Lake ready to handle any potential Fallout from the festival."
"...I'm happy that I no longer have to legally see my dad again."
"The judge ruled in my favor, declaring Janet had grossly overstepped her role."
"So that same July 1997 default was in both of the Spencer foreclosures unlike ours where again that argument is premised on a deceleration because there can't be a second default after an acceleration."
"Therefore there's a great burden on the estate here because there's no other forum available."
"Ballerina is our child legally, but I never signed any papers."
"That would certainly strengthen the state's case, but we don't need to go that far here."
"If Edgar is dead, Mr. Freeborn, do all rights to this patent revert to you?"
"Things were a complete roller coaster as she found herself in and out of her conservatorship."
"The minute I get out, I'm going to get me a smart lawyer."
"He's offering to reduce the driving suspended charge, and he is offering to dismiss the felony charge and reduce it to a charge called attempted resisting obstructing a police officer. That's a misdemeanor."
"I call it season desist guys because Louis Vuitton hit us for the season assist."
"The surviving spouse will inherit the entire estate."
"If there are no surviving parents, the descendants of the decedent's parents will inherit the entire estate equally."
"If it's not in her name, it's not yours yet."
"Why is this a suspension thing? Why is this even on the table for some clean record?"
"You're not going to understand the terms and conditions. It's very risky to actually sign a contract where you don't know what you're signing."
"I represented myself and I won the case."
"He wants $86 billion in damages. On top of that, he wants triple the damages of $172 billion."
"But more important than any document you can come up with, I think, is to find someone that you trust and that you are willing to hand over some of those critical hours of your life."
"I'd be less concerned about making a good impression on the police officer than I am about trying to convince the prosecutor not to charge the case."
"You want to give that a good shot... but always be prepared for the possibility you may end up in court."
"I think I just heard you right. You said you have a really good lawyer and you'll be out of here by morning?"
"The whole point of a really good contract is so that you never have to go to the contract."
"There's no legal difference between the business I'm conducting and my own personal affairs."
"Wow, this is elite. Email that shows legal correspondence from Republic Records, Drake's label, trying to block the 'Like That' from getting radio play. That's not hip hop."
"Having dual citizenship would make life a lot easier."
"The recording is crucial evidence of Lincoln's innocence."
"...that living trust avoids probate. That's the best reason to do this, and that is to avoid probate."
"...no probate, all of this takes place in your or whoever's controlling your estate, in their office, in their house. You don't need to bring in any type of legal representation."
"I've been summoned to Boston to testify in a trial against my old boss."
"...it wouldn't have required us to comply we would have thought that that judgment was entered an error we would have pursued our appeal rights and I think that DHS would have been free to continue to apply the guidelines in the interim while the case was proceeding..."
"No Cousin Eddie is at the Lexington County Jail in protective custody and right now Alec Murdock is being held in the Colleton County jail and he is apparently given no special treatment not in PC."
"All the news, the information, a lot of my clients are from the United States, they talk to me about a lot of things regarding school, their daily problems, law, you know, Family Law."
"I definitely think that your wife has grounds."
"He refuses to be taken advantage of and is suing him for the $2232. He's owed."
"So it can't be a text message for $1,000 to sell off a piece of land without all the boxes being ticked right after May of 2021 when she wrote that piece for his detrimental Reliance on the statement."
"I know nothing about Selig's illegal business. I'm the manager for his restaurants and clubs. I just manage his restaurants."
"Pereira says two different documents that add up to all the notice required under paragraph one is still not a paragraph one notice."
"...according to Georgia law now that the court is aware we're getting a divorce he has to pay child support $1,000 a month for each child and $500 a month in alimony for me."
"A title free from defects and legal encumbrances. Merchantable title or marketable title refers to a property title that is considered clear and free from defects, liens, or other legal issues that could affect ownership rights or transferability."
"Never fear truth. This concludes the Amber Heard saga."
"Jessie Smiles did not want to get the fans involved. In fact, she told Gabby Hanna, 'Let's just sue me and we'll take it to the courts and we'll deal with it that way, so it can be the most fair situation for both of us.'"
"Come down to the courthouse with me."
"I don't recall that we had cases before. I learned that, I believe, through our vicar general who handles these things about the list you know required to produce that list."
"'Max waits until the moment the renewal option on the contract expires then slaps this new factory with an injunction for patent infringement. Well now the scheisse has hit the fan.'"
"They're old enough to have their say. We can take it to court if necessary," Michael continued, and Karen couldn't respond to his words and just looked down.
"When I'm asking you to help Johnny I'm asking you to help yourself because this is you fulfilling your responsibility so that you can get that reward in the legal judgment so help Johnny by helping yourself by doing it in as generously as you can."
"They've been calling her repeatedly to apologize, I'm sure Tisha didn't answer the phone 'cause she's on the phone with her lawyers."
"She was always very eager to talk to the Press... really wanted to fight the charges from the beginning... and I think she also really thrived on the attention."
"I was right in my thinking there because yeah, I found out from the property manager that the landlord had basically a team of lawyers."
"We want to make sure everyone understands that this is not an attorney-client relationship. This isn't legal advice."
"Do you understand of the things that CPS is asking you to do that if you do not complete these family plans of service they could ask that the court terminate your parental rights or severely limit your parental rights, do you understand that?"
"I don't have any felonies thank the Lord so I can go to the UK."
"I've taken the week off from work to get my head together, have an appointment with a lawyer tomorrow, canceled the marriage counseling appointment but got a referral to an individual therapist who can do an intake session with me later this week."
"The good news is I'm now divorced. The final decree came through a few weeks ago. It actually all went very smoothly."
"There's a pretty good chance of him getting full custody of the kids."
"But no when I turned 30 I'm writing my will up and I'm gonna go get it notarized and everything."
"Netflix will have to face Queen's Gambit defamation suit judge rules."
"I don't want to do that, and I hope I still couldn't even do that, but if the money runs out, I'll let the SSI attorneys beg for even more money."
"Bad faith claims arise when insurers fail to act in policyholders' best interests."
"Fighting for what's owed is crucial in bad faith cases."
"Never buy a car where you can't get title. Right there, if they can't give you title, don't go through with the deal."
"But you testifying in court and going into witness protection for six months is our only realistic option."
"I got all three of your cases dismissed"
"Nothing needs to be done right away. Take care of the personal affairs including funeral and burial and then contact me in a couple of weeks and then we'll get into what needs to be done."
"Contact an estate attorney to handle legal issues relating to the death of the family member."
"Good news coming involving the law. It could be related to paperwork, taxes, or documents."
"The Trudeaus who have been married for 18 years and who have three children have signed a legal separation agreement."
"It is in the interest of both parties to solve the divergence in interpretation in an amicable way outside of the courts."
"Credibility is like really important, especially in court."
"What's going to actually happen with this legal settlement and what does this mean for realtors, home buyers, and sellers?"
"I'm glad things ended so well and no legal action had to be taken."
"It's all just for copyright issues."
"The safest thing to do is to get a rental contract that is registered with finances."
"I wouldn't admit I was wanted in Jersey if I wasn't telling the truth."
"We need y'all to meet us at Rachel's lawyer's office."
"The spotlight for this eclipse is going to be placed on partnerships, marriage, coalitions, alliances, the law, fairness, justice, and the legal system."
"Anyway, I wanted to let legal advice know that it has all been resolved due to a huge misunderstanding."
"I can't bear the suspense of waiting for the result of a ticket or a summons."
"Jupiter brings a lot of growth, the ninth house can also be dealing with legal matters, but the Jupiter brings protection."
"I'm super super careful when I sign any kind of contracts."
"I was so struck by the power of the detail of the statements... that I knew that I had to go back and go through the statements of the women in the first lawsuit."
"Our firm mostly handle estate law."
"The ongoing legal dispute with the SEC signifies a critical juncture."
"A piece of good news from a legal advisor is very possible to make its way to you around this time."