
Societal Advice Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"We including me, need to go outside and touch some grass."
"Don't fall into the hate, don't fall into the sides and the hatred on each other. We can't be like that, or we're going to be screwed."
"We're going to have to learn to enjoy life... the pleasures of food and drink, the pleasures of sex."
"You need to be informed about firearms... It's a jungle out there."
"Don't just go along and be afraid. Don't be scared of the government. The government should be scared of the people."
"If you want to participate in our society fully, you've got to get vaccinated. You gotta move to another planet immediately with all your belongings."
"The answer isn't to curb free speech, but to do some introspection."
"Be ruthless with institutions and kind to each other."
"Be kind to people and be ruthless to the institutions."
"Mental health is important kids, they're right, they're not wrong about that."
"Be smart, be safe, be cool, but always be excellent to each other."
"Everywhere in your everyday life... please do not show hate to anybody."
"All I'm asking really at the end of the day is for people to think for themselves."
"That's not something that is American... I think we need to learn how to be adults in the room."
"Telling a woman that she shouldn't need to defend herself because we'll just tell men not to rape is like saying, 'Oh, well, there's no point in locking your doors because people shouldn't be robbing you.'"
"Finally, a collapse is not going to solve any of China's problems."
"Do you think people who live in cities should escape the cities right now?"
"Humans should always focus on the positive things rather than attacking one another."
"Pick better heroes, people. Pick better heroes."
"People really need to take off the rose-tinted glasses from time to time."
"Two wrongs don't make a right, let's try to get it right in both contexts."
"A girl like you shouldn't be walking home alone at night."
"The most sane activity that we can pursue is to educate people."
"This is something that needs to be said, this is something that I want people to know."
"We need more than civility or tolerance, we need to love our enemies."
"The best way not to get shot is not to be black."
"What I'm saying is in 2024 let's just cool it off a bit Yeah focus more on what you have in common and less on what makes you different."
"If you move here, respect the culture. That means you, Karen."
"It's time for America to unite... leave politics out of it."
"Go out in the world and be excellent to each other."
"It's stupid to be prejudiced and discriminatory because you're cutting off so many potential people who could help you."
"If you go with nature and what's natural for us, people would be happier."
"You're not doing anything wrong. The problem is that a lot of people will do something wrong, and it's preventable."
"Maybe we should be telling our boys not to rape them."
"This democracy only works when people are engaged, right?"
"The best thing you could do to celebrate pride month is just shut up."
"The only way to truly protect our freedoms is to stay informed folks."
"In order to be successful... graduate from high school, don't have a kid before you're 20 and get married before you have a kid."
"We first just have to learn to love each other."
"We've been telling people to pull up their bootstraps forever, and that hasn't resulted in anything."
"A gentle reminder: Chauvinism down, empathy up."
"The answer here is not less democracy, it's more democracy."
"We all need to start respecting each other a little bit more and being a little bit kinder and nicer to each other."
"People must pay attention. People must watch."
"We do need to take this seriously... but we don't need to panic."
"Shut it down and turn your attention toward real human beings."
"The road out of poverty goes through a college education these days."
"Be respectful to all people no matter their backgrounds especially when chances are you know nothing about their life experience."
"We must operate in the interest of our people as a whole, not based on what some white ideologue has told us is best for black people."
"It's easier to raise strong kids than to repair broken men."
"Listen to the children and listen to the adults right who said I used to be that child."
"People should start loving each other people should start to accept each other more."
"Maybe the rest of the continent should follow that simple truth."
"We need to get smarter on crime, not dumber."
"Why not encourage family for the blacks? Why not say hey black people get married, earn your way, save your money, invest?"
"First thing we should do is love. That's what's not happening."
"Question everything you just I mean I'm going by."
"Richard has been on the forefront of biosafety and pushing back against this vast behemoth for decades."
"Multiply there and do not decrease. Be fruitful and multiply."
"Nobody should relax on it, but everybody should take note of themselves."
"There's one way to win the culture War effectively decisively and all be all and it is for you to have like 10 children."
"People telling you eat less, move less, do less, have fewer children, consume less — they are real scientists."
"Do the right thing do the right thing do the right thing."
"A better strategy for our society would be to take relations with extraterrestrials outside of the military intelligence threat scenario."
"The most disastrous idea probably in the last 300 years is: don't judge a book by its cover."
"Quit bickering and fighting and start unifying."
"I think ultimately that is a recipe for disaster."
"Please just stop and listen and try to understand each other."
"Too many people are not speaking the truth, too many people are not telling these young folks out here to be careful. It's not about victim blaming, okay? It's about being careful and not letting your guard down."
"If we don't start having more babies, we are doomed."
"Don't idolize the individuals and don't forget your community."
"What's really important is how we connect as human beings."
"Love is the answer, you have to love your fellow man."
"I don't think people should idolize other people."
"The gardeners have to go to the jungle; Europeans have to be much more engaged with the rest of the world."
"We should all be taking care of each other in one way or another."
"Just do honest inquiry, read, and I think if everybody did that a bit more we'd be better off."
"Men have to turn off games and have to turn off porn."
"Going to therapy is infinitely important; seeking professional medical treatment is something that I highly recommend for incels and for depressed people."
"Some women need to learn to value themselves."
"We must show love and empathy to each other."
"People shouldn't trust institutions proportionate to the accuracy of what those institutions have said in the past."
"The best thing you can do for this and pretty much for anything else that matters is to make sure the Democratic game is not broken."
"Our country needs less pluribus and more unum."
"Be good to each other, be kind to each other."
"Everyone needs to be a little bit nicer to each other or just understand reality in context."
"Facts or feelings, get out your feelings black people, no more."
"We need to actually stop living in the past and live in the future."
"It's important to look at things with a more critical eye."
"If everybody just stopped what they're doing and chilled out for a smooth two to three weeks, we'd be past it."
"Human beings really should be paying attention to this."
"You gotta stop trusting these people, you gotta get it out your head."
"Don't try and grab every single piece of information you see because we'll all go mad."
"Proclaim the Gospel and live it out" - emphasizing the importance of sharing and practicing the Gospel message in the midst of turmoil.
"Military age men need to avoid the idiot box. All men need to avoid idiot box content, specifically mainstream media."
"If you give the boys enough space they'll become men it's so real guys please please world please hear us right now..."
"Question everything people, not just the government, but question the businesses you do business with."
"This is the best we can do to have one of the best societies in the world. There's more to life. Go camping, go fall in love, go do something, go read a book, go love."
"We need to become a lot more loving towards each other and extend a lot more grace."
"We're simply asking people to get past their biased preconception and ideology and look at some facts."
"People need to have more respect for each other. We have got to have a little bit more respect for one another."
"Just what a damn good audience you all are and so I wanted to say before we got started how much I appreciate you."
"We gotta start appreciating each other while we're here and I think that's basically what it is."
"They should be able to be honest and have a conversation with us."
"We all across the board just need to take a fat ass chill pill."
"Both sides keep your side, don't try to engage and fight other people for having different beliefs."
"Do not utilize historical grievances to explain your present behavior."
"Stop trying to tell Japan what their culture should be."
"I think we should all just try to get along."
"Wisdom that comes with age is needed now."
"The world would be a way better place if people just mind their own business."
"The best thing we can do as Americans is just literally just a little bit of common sense, man."