
Business Survival Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Good customer service is important because without it, a business cannot survive or reach its full potential."
"Fighting for your life, fighting to stay open, fighting for every customer, every dollar, and you cared like I've never seen you care before."
"Worker cooperatives...are more resistant to price shocks and significantly more likely to survive their first five years of business."
"In 1973, the founder of FedEx, Fred Smith, was facing bankruptcy. So he bet the last $5,000 the company had on blackjack and he won, keeping the doors open and paving the way to an $85 billion empire."
"We want American business to be kept intact. The incentive is these are loans that turn into grants."
"The reason we're giving this advice is because we just want our companies to survive and we don't want a zero."
"Remember, businesses get killed by forgetting to market themselves."
"There's no business that's going to survive without hard work and constant adaptation."
"I think it was just the perfect time to let people dine in. That's going to help a lot more in staying in business."
"Streaming services live or die by their content library."
"Restaurants in the best position to survive."
"I really genuinely do hope both companies are successful. I also think that they both have less than a 50% chance of surviving the decade."
"Glad that's over, thanks for saving my business."
"Data is as important as the customer. There's nothing more important for the survival of a business than to see where the world is going, not where the world has been."
"Most of them are ultimately going to die out."
"Incubator programs actually do help, with a survival rate of 87%."
"I genuinely think if they don't do something new to innovate, they're gonna get left behind."
"Polygon is surviving on venture capital money."
"Maybe it will be a much smaller company when it does survive this."
"Hollerith had avoided bankruptcy and now had more work than he could handle."
"With all of that now being said, it is now time to see if we can survive."
"Most of our early competitors at LinkedIn are companies that don't exist anymore."
"This cold is going to flush out weak companies and only the strong will remain."
"Your business is only kept afloat... if you make sales."
"My favorite pilot has to be Nova. She's a streamer, she's also Korean, she's a pop singer and she's a badass Mech with missile weapons."
"Managing cash is critical for the well-being of your business, and cash management does not happen by chance."
"This staff need leadership, and this salon will not survive unless Josephine steps up."
"He didn't have the money to keep developing us. He had to find a fallback solution in order to make ends meet."
"For the truly dedicated builders, nothing can stop them."
"The best companies will survive, and that's cause for optimism."
"Unfortunately, this is potentially an extinction event for small businesses."
"Maybe Signature Valley Bank was meant to go under because massively unprofitable startups don't deserve to survive in a recession."
"You're in survival mode and you need additional 35 days of savings to allow you to grow your business."
"You have two choices: evolve or die as a brand."
"At a restaurant, if everything on the menu sucks, they'll close."
"It's doubtful that your company will survive all the same stuff that people told Elon Musk when he said he was going to start a car company."
"At the end of the day this is what's going to determine if a company can live another year or if a company's going to go bankrupt right."
"Survival as a number-one priority. I wanted Kitfox to exist in five or ten years and now it's been five years so goal one achieved."
"Most small sellers who do not get more efficient over time are going out of business."
"A little more interesting than what's inside these places is the story of the struggle they have to stay in business."
"I think it's gonna get worse, brick and mortar stores know that they are in a situation where they have a limited amount of time remaining before they are absolutely destroyed."
"Boeing's talking about making some moves, some financial moves that will allow them to stay in business."
"He's going to do everything in his power to get this company through."
"I hope this company makes it man, I really, really do."
"The S had to be a grand slam home run to give the company a chance to continue."
"Profitability and cash are fundamental to how you survive."
"If they didn't have that TV money from TNT, there very likely would not be an AEW right now."
"The only way for you to make a profit is to reduce your cost. Okay, so you have to become more efficient. It's just the way it is or you don't survive."
"In 250 years, the number of companies that survived technology innovation by keeping their business the same is zero."
"Now she's got the basics right, she moves forward, and this place does have a chance of surviving for the next 30 years."
"When it's clear that your business has been disrupted, also innovate and don't keep pursuing the same business model which clearly does not survive."
"Fight bureaucracy with a vengeance; it can kill a business."
"It was sink or swim time, and only the larger, more professional put-together companies survived."
"The first duty of business is to survive, but the guiding principle of business economics is not the maximization of profit, it's maybe the greater term is the avoidance of loss."
"If you're a business owner, the first duty of business is to survive."
"50% of businesses fail in their first two years, so today I'm going to teach you how to not be one of them."
"If you're not changing and adapting, then you'll get stuck behind."
"Leadership is very, very important; if the leadership is not good, your business won't survive."
"In a competitive market society, you either innovate or wither away."
"Loans can be approved, or at least application submitted, exponentially faster and that can make a huge difference for businesses to survive."
"Everybody needs to have a brand... it's gonna happen for Mom and Pop laundromats too, or they're going to die."
"If it wasn't for Jenny, I don't know if the business could have survived."
"If you're not delivering a superior experience, you won't be around very long."
"This ensures the business will have a positive net cash flow, leading to the ability to pay running costs; therefore, the business survival is ensured."
"The survival of any business depends on its capacity to reinvent itself in the light of changing trends and times."
"Profit is one very important thing; you should have regular profits then only your business can survive."