
Farm Life Quotes

There are 301 quotes

"May 1st: It's hard to think we've been holed up here on the farm for two weeks, and things keep getting worse."
"Nothing makes me happier than seeing all the wildlife interact with the things we built out here at the farm."
"Daniel's childhood experience on the farm instilled in him a strong work ethic."
"A warm golden sunrise, the natural wake-up call for all farm residents."
"I will not rest until I have a nice farm by the beach and I can live my own life."
"All I ever wanted was a farm... it is so infinitely more than I ever even asked or imagined."
"We've got a cow, we're just doing a little Sunset meditation before the dance party."
"Let me tell you something my dudes who it is stanky up in here man damn I mean we got cow poop pig poop sheep poop and cacti poop all in the same place absolutely disgusting."
"One of the other hardest things we've ever had to face on our farm is the loss of one of our animals."
"The barn is our biggest visitor on the farm, and for us, the barn is home."
"Being on the farm and being with my family is literally like the thing that makes me the happiest."
"Life on a little pretend farm, nothing goes to waste."
"Oh my gosh, we got a cow now, guys! We're improving!"
"It's so exciting to see just how big everything's getting and how lush and green it is."
"Look at this beautiful view, I can see my whole farm."
"That summer the most amazing thing happened at the farm, we had our first litter of baby mini piglets."
"They're always happy. I think the hardest thing with having a farm is just making sure these guys are safe."
"Well folks, there you have it, me and Beat and my pup. This is gonna be another farm dog, Millie. Can you believe that? What made me get another one? I have no idea."
"... move the chickens in their egg mobile and would you guys like to help us do that awesome well let's get to going and let's have some fun with some pumpkin high five nugget"
"... the chickens eating the look at them eating the plants and they'll eat the seeds and they'll eat bugs and just scratch around hey cheese and have a good old time out here in this new area for them just look"
"I have a farm with animals like I have horses, cows, chickens, sheep. I have everything there."
"It's days like this on the farm where we like genuinely have to pinch ourselves with gratitude for everything that we have and that we get to wake up in this space."
"There's something just so wonderful about starting my day, spending time with the animals, taking care of animals, having that responsibility, watching and observing them."
"Honestly, my favorite part about life on the farm is getting up every morning and doing chores."
"Gotta love it that's what the farm life is all about."
"...cottage core is basically a romanticized version of farm life, girls in flowy dresses living in cottages, and growing their own vegetables..."
"I grew up doing was fixing fence and fighting with people on the farms. That was my life."
"When you grow up on a farm, you learn the value of working to earn a dollar."
"I got to come back gather eggs later, I got to get this hay situation handled."
"One of the first things you learn on an American farm is hog calling. Pigs are temperamental."
"Maybe y'all can find me some more cows."
"The three of us are finally living the happy life we deserve on my family's farm."
"Oh, what a beautiful morning we got for working on the chicken Co."
"This is probably the perfect amount of light for the chickens."
"As you can all hear although it is sunny it is windy and those cows are also still missing their calves but don't worry it won't be long until they're reunited."
"...I'm about to go grab all the chickens this is going to be fun especially my mean rooster and I'm going to toss them into their new home here and let's see how they like it..."
"So I pulled in beautiful property, big farm, and saw some donkeys. I said, 'Alright, we're gonna have a time.' Donkeys are already making some noise."
"It's a lot of work being on a farm, but it's fun."
"The reality behind Cottage Corp is actually living on a farm is hard work, it's messy, it's exhausting."
"Do you actually want to run away and live on a farm or do you just really need a break, some rest, some Community Care, some good homemade food, some time in beautiful natural scenery?"
"Thanks so much for stopping by here on the farm doing our morning chores kind of seen what our morning routine is this is what we're gonna end today's video thanks so much for stopping by the homestead take care and God bless."
"A farm should be a place of magic where children want to bring their friends because their friends say, 'Wow, this is the coolest thing in the world.'"
"Welcome back to the farm. It's officially ours, we signed the closing documents."
"Maybe that's what she loved so much about being on the farm, it stripped life down to its utter simplicity."
"Imagine getting everything from your farm directly. Life doesn't get any better than this."
"So it's so nice that while we're here on the farm looking after everything, you get the chance to sit outside and just enjoy being on the farm."
"We live on the farm we're there 24/7 there's no absentee ownership to it."
"We got to build an entire new structure for the pigs, an entire new structure for the rabbits, an entire new structure for the baby goats."
"Wow, wow, like I said, you're probably expecting some like nice beautiful crisp YouTuber mansion. No, I am moving into like a three-acre farm barn."
"This is what farm kids do for fun, beats video games."
"The farm had cows which would meander through the meadow, and one large black horse."
"From the family, from the farm in North Dakota."
"So, there it is. Got those two cows caught, piglets up there with those mamas back where they were, new chicks, man, lot going on."
"do you know the peacefulness and the Tranquility that one would have living on a farm"
"It's almost 70 degrees here this afternoon on the farm, absolutely beautiful weather."
"Two things that are certain on the farm: if it moves and it shouldn't, duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, WD-40. Everybody knows that."
"There are some brilliant descriptions of farm life."
"She loved this house and she loved the farm. I don't know. I think she might have a romance in the works."
"Most of the cats and dogs that we had on the farm just showed up one day."
"Keeping things organized on the farm is super important to me."
"Welcome to the farm and pastor's wife. I'm so glad you're here."
"It's been a really nice week on the farm."
"But that's part of life life on the farm is just like that you got to take the good with the bad you got to keep going"
"He has plans to turn them into like tiny tiny homes a place where people can stay rent out and just stay out here on the farm."
"Good morning and welcome to the farm and pastor's wife."
"It's a little sweaty, it's a little humid, and it's a whole lot muddy because we're doing a lot of farm work."
"It's an absolute belter of a day here on the farm today."
"We are recycling the energy on our farm as much as possible."
"We're gonna have boy goats, girl goats, boy cows, girl cows, boy emu, uh, girl donkey, geese... I mean turkeys, who knows, we may even one day have a zebra or something."
"Good morning, it was really nice to wake up on this farm, it's beautiful."
"We're excited to show you and then we've got some work to do down at the farm."
"We try to be very frugal here on the farm, we try to make our dollars count and stretch."
"You know those projects that you start with the best of intentions? Well, we have a lot of those here on the farm."
"Living on a farm, it's peaceful, it's nice, I loved pretty much everything about it, it's home."
"The barn has turned into a muddy mess, and it's finally dried out just a little bit."
"We've had an absolutely lovely week on the farm."
"Thank you guys so much for continuing to support us and being a part of our Hidden Heights farm family."
"Remember when we first came to this farm about 3 years ago, we stood here in this exact place and we pressed our face up against these gaps here, saw that view, and knew that this was what we wanted."
"It feels good if it wasn't farmy enough for you, one of our chickens comes in here every day into what will be the kitchen into this big box of sawdust and lays an egg."
"Ever since I was about eight years old, I've been doing physical work on the family farm."
"What's going on everybody, welcome back to Hidden Heights Farm."
"Goats will jump on there and then they would jump up on that and it'd just be a never-ending play toy."
"I grew up on a farm, so I knew what it was like to get up and go."
"Living on the farm at those times and just being a kid on the farm."
"I'm perfectly okay living on the farm alone, eating these cherries from the bush."
"We throw feed in all the dry spots every single time, and everybody eats."
"We have about 60 something chickens here on the ranch, and it's a miscellaneous of birds inside of here."
"Because we had been such diligent savers and because we had socked away such a nest egg, we were actually able to buy the farm outright."
"Initially adapting to life here on the farm was kind of tough."
"Living on a farm was literally just the greatest dream of my life."
"We're here to show people what a working farm is like."
"Welcome to the farmhouse, welcome to Roots and Refuge Farm."
"He recorded what people ate on his farm."
"That's the dream, I want a mini cow, I want some chickens, I want a whole farm."
"All I know is that whenever I grew up on the farm, I did not hang around the goats because they were mean."
"One day a moo cow was outside Farmer McCall's barn when suddenly... oh no!"
"I love when my barn is clean, it just makes me a lot happier when I come out here and it's not as stressful."
"Coyotes are a big threat, and the goats are safe. She saved the goats."
"I was raised on a small farm in Australia."
"We are in the middle of winter here in Tennessee, and we finally got to experience our very first snowfall on the farm since moving up here."
"All our best wishes from Moss Mountain Farm."
"I'm a little scared of chickens to be honest, but we really wanted eggs and we have a pond, so we decided to go for ducks."
"Change is natural like the seasons. That's just life on the farm."
"This farm, these animals, and Saer are the most important things to me."
"I never thought I'd see this on a farm," Applejack leveled her eyes at the new arrival.
"I cleaned out the ashes from the old fire pit and the chickens have been enjoying their new dust bath."
"I think if you have your own like family-based farm and you're living a farm life, I love that for you."
"These have the most personality on the farm, 100 million percent."
"It had been standing in the same spot since she arrived with her brother in his pickup, contentedly chewing its cud with its eyes half closed."
"When people see the full circle of the farm, they just gasp."
"I kind of feel like I'm back home on the farm here, it's really nice and friendly."
"So what time do you start milking?" she asked, deciding that she might as well just be bold.
"It always felt like home when she stepped onto the farm."
"It's a lovely farm area here, of course."
"Hey friends and neighbors, welcome back to the farm."
"Farm life is perfect for a little child growing up."
"Everything we did with this whole shed, this life-changing shed that I put up, was for cow comfort and cow welfare."
"I love seeing the animals as I grew up on a farm here in South Dakota."
"We're going to show the farm that we went to here and we filmed the goat farm as well and just kind of really trying to hone in more on like local experiences and support the locals giving the experiences as well."
"My name is Leah. I was born on a farm and raised on wheat."
"They are definitely best friends; they stick around together all day long when they're wandering around the farm."
"Life is busy on the farm, and it can be hard to find time to take care of myself."
"Good morning guys, welcome to Hidden Heights Farm."
"We like to let our animals live happy and try to live out their lives here on the farm."
"Now that is what you call a fun day at the farm."
"It's a semi-nasty, very cool morning this morning, but I think it's going to end up being an awesome day for a lot of our farm animals."
"It's a wonderful feeling when you never know when you're going to come out here and see a new baby goat on the ground."
"We just have four new baby goats born, two sets of twins."
"She has become the queen of the farm."
"You've been such a joy for a whole year and I'm so glad you decided to come and live here at Cog Hill Farm."
"We are a family of six: two boys, two girls, and mom and dad, and we enjoy sharing our life out here on the farm."
"You are a farm dog through and through, aren't you?"
"Good morning, everybody. Welcome back to Hidden Hunts Farm."
"We're going to be bringing home a new animal to the farm today; are you guys going to accept it?"
"I really am an animal person, and if I had a farm, I would probably have all horses and a lot of dogs and cats and rats."
"The sounds of this farm are magic to me."
"Farm life in cold weather is all about the details."
"Good morning, it's Saturday. I always have to stop at the barn first, no matter what the day."
"We appreciate you here at the farm and we'll see you around here soon."
"Some days it's just me and Shirley, she has quickly become one of my favorite animals on the farm."
"Oh, I love our little farm, oh my gosh, this is so pretty."
"There's nothing like growing up on a dairy farm."
"Part of living this way of life and living on a farm is that you basically have to learn how to do everything yourself."
"Just think of this farm as our next great adventure."
"I had a lot of fun, it was good to trail ride and now we have the rest of the day to do what we need to do around the farm."
"I absolutely love it when my chickens are behaving and we have farm fresh eggs."
"That's my farm hand Ralph. How's it going, Ralph?" "Fine, Mr. Arbuckle."
"He's lived here on this farm since he's just about one or two years old, so he's been here 82 years."
"I'm glad I was raised on the farm."
"I think growing up on a farm, I learned a good work ethic."
"Farm wisdom: Donkeys definitely hate dogs, but thoroughbreds, race horses, love goats."
"I just love being at the farm, it's just like so peaceful and so beautiful."
"I consider myself an outdoorsman, growing up on a farm with my father; we were either working on the daily chores or we would be hunting, fishing, and camping."
"This was my farm, an enchanting tapestry woven from the threads of the earth, water, and life, and every morning brought fresh delight, every dusk a serene close."
"He grew up on a farm, he has it, he's got like eight brothers and sisters."
"A farmer could definitely separate a dog and a chicken, I 100% believe that."
"They help you by giving you eggs, and you help them by giving them food and a safe place to live."
"We have new baby pigs, the first animals that were born on our new farm, the first of many."
"If you've got roosters on your small farm or homestead that you don't want, I'm here to give you a few ideas of what you can do with those roosters."
"The cow is snoring, the day is done, tomorrow there will be time for more farm fun."
"Like most jobs on a farm 400 years ago, chimney sweeping wouldn't be left to an expensive outside specialist, instead it was just another of the basic tasks that the farmer's family did themselves."
"I love the moments like when we go out to dinner with friends and we have to come up and isolate the cow or move baby goats."
"He's such a cool rooster, you guys, he's pretty friendly."
"Mojo is about as perfect as a dog you can get for just a regular livestock guardian dog, farm dog."
"This is a new journey for us, and he is going to have a wonderful life here on our farm."
"There's always something, there is never a dull moment here on our farm."
"It's Mating Season here at Hidden Heights Farm, and everybody has lost their mind, right Kevin?"
"The gator is almost like a peaceful thing to the cows."
"It's just something for me that it almost makes you feel like you're at home when you're in the gator, you're on the ranch."
"It always prepares me for a bigger storm that's still to come in life and on the farm."
"We knew we needed something to alert us to any future coyotes, so we brought in a pair of geese to keep a watchful eye on the farm."
"I'm so excited to feed our goats, our chickens."
"It's a beautiful thing, it's awesome to see that bond between your livestock guardian dogs and your little baby goats."
"We thank you for all that you've given us: the blessings of family and a farm."
"We've had 8 baby goats this season."
"He seldom, it is true, sent either his eyes or his thoughts beyond the boundaries of his own farm; but within those everything was snug, happy and well-conditioned."
"Everything is beautiful and as it should be here on the farm."
"We've kept one male puppy for ourselves here in the farm and we still haven't given him a name."
"I actually love our little farm, I'm in love with this place."
"We get up, we get the eggs done, feed the animals, and then we head out to the river to go kayaking and canoeing."
"I hope the piglets will like the milk, the apples, and the chestnuts just as much as straw."
"Super entertaining though, like at least we have some fun stuff going on on the day by day farm."
"Now you can hear the quiet peaceful sounds of IAG Farms."
"I want sheep, goats, donkeys, but I want them to be like rescue animals."
"This is one of the best investments, best things I've ever bought on the farm."
"We've already moved the books, the boy goats, the geese and ducks, Nugget the emu, and the girls, the does."
"The girls live a typical life of girls who live on farms in a rural area in a place that was very Catholic."
"We appreciate you guys being a part of our Hidden Heights Farm family."
"For when Dwayne Johnson wants to have more tranquility and contact with nature, he can enjoy his amazing farm of over 46 Acres located in Powder Springs."
"To see Hope licking the new calf is a wonderful thing that really does mean that she's taken him on as her very own calf."
"I'm excited to have some new babies on the farm."
"I was born and raised in Montana, grew up on a farm there."
"Soon we're hopefully welcoming two new sheep friends to our family here on the farm."
"We have a little baby sheep on the farm, and the boys had the idea to name her Misty."
"One of my favorites is spring and summertime, going to the farm, Southern Belle Farms, where you can pick strawberries and peaches."
"Last night we had some excitement on the farm."
"The Heston Farm lay drenched in a torpid lethargy for which it was obvious more than the July heat must be responsible."
"Life was stirring normally about the farm now, as if a ban of enchanted silence had been lifted."
"I feel like today was my first day actually living on a farm."
"There's always plenty to do on the farm."