
Special Interests Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The biggest problem in America is not the corporations or even necessarily the money for campaigns. The biggest problem is that the American people don't really organize themselves to mitigate the power of special interests."
"What happens is when the special interests have an agenda, if you're an oil company, for example, and you'd like to continue drilling fossil fuel, or you're a polluter, and you want to make sure you can continue to pollute, you go in and you support politicians who believe in your agenda."
"Politicians who will say, for example, that climate change is not happening because of man-made activities. They will promote that publicly because that protects the special interests who fund their campaigns."
"I'd rather lose this election than to bow down to a lot of the special interests that have broken the system."
"Journalists should not act formally or informally on behalf of any special interest, whether political, corporate, or cultural."
"Nonprofits are often co-opted by special interest because they sound like altruistic neutral organizations."
"The insurance industry is a money-making scheme that the government has allowed to fester for so long, it's become a special interest group almost impossible to disempower."
"Special interest groups within a massive corporation."
"Keep our politicians accountable, especially when you realize they're being paid a lot of money to represent special interests."
"We must drive the special interests out of our politics."
"The government is becoming the plaything for everyone with a special interest to get what they want when they can't get it without the government stepping in."
"I won't stand by while the special interests use the same old tactics to keep things exactly the way they are."
"The degree of special interest corruption... is the central problem in American politics."
"The entire purpose of that is to reduce the undue influence of special interests and lobbyists."
"Now is the time to provide healthcare to every man, woman, and child, as a human right."
"Maybe just maybe, we should have the courage to take on powerful special interests."
"With this law, the American people won and special interests lost."
"We have a political class that serves special interests rather than serving the people of California." - Kevin Kiley
"To me, this award symbolizes the growing interest in what I hold to be very special to me: Slim Stone."
"Unfortunately, our Supreme Court ruled in the wrong way. Buckley v Vallejo and also with Citizens United and as a result, we're suffering the consequences of special interests taking priority over the best interests of the American people."
"Autistic special interests don't have to be abnormal in topic; it's the intensity of focus that's important."
"An autistic special interest can be anything."
"My highest trait is hyper fixation. I love my special interests and I can go into what my spouse and I call the vortex and I can go in there for hours."
"My interest level in each one shifts depending on what I'm currently engaging with, so, for example, up until recently, my primary special interest that was receiving 100% of my attention was Bungo Stray Dogs."
"I love my special interests. I love them a lot. I love them so much that the only things that bring me joy are things that relate to them, to the point that if I'm not engaging with that interest for the vast majority of my day I legitimately feel depressed."
"Only public money can be spent in elections, period. Not private money. Not billionaires. Not money from special interests. Period."
"People's special interests are considered disruptive until they're profitable."
"Special interests being really restorative and it kind of breaking most people's expectations of what work versus Recreation and rest time look like."
"Something feels really inspiring to me about autistic special interests."
"I'm proud of the fact that nobody has been subjected to more attacks and had more money spent against them by special interests than me. I know this game, and I'm going to stop this game." - Secretary Clinton
"Special interests hold a lot of value for people on the spectrum."
"Special interests give us this feeling of purpose."
"Special interests are a great way to build self-confidence and boost self-esteem."
"Special interests have important benefits, including helping us regulate and balance our emotions."
"I think public understanding is the greatest accountability against special interest capture."
"We need some form of public funding of elections to block the special interest and corporations from buying our politicians."
"Our political system is unfortunately controlled not by the people anymore; it's controlled by special interests."