
'90s Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"Country music fans talk about the '90s the same way that pop fans talk about the '80s. Blockbuster decade when the biggest stars were Gods walking the Earth."
"The '90s are especially remembered for how powerful the women were in country music."
"Walking into an arcade in the 90s was one of the great wonders of the world."
"If we've lost anything from the 90s, it's that feeling of wonder, the feeling of being so tiny and part of something so mysterious and fascinating."
"Led by his deep voice, the group's debut album 'Ten' became an unforgettable 90s rock experience."
"This album is a masterpiece... the best possible culmination of just about all the sounds that make the 90s such an interesting decade."
"MBV Loveless... defined the shoegaze genre... one of the most unique albums of the 90s."
"Mortal Kombat 2 epitomized early 90s fighting games."
"It's like casual for every day and quite 90s, I like it."
"The 90s films are much more interested in the dark humor of the comics than the bumbling broad comedy of the sitcom."
"I love the feel of these like 90s movies."
"Back in the '90s, the film was a worldwide phenomenon."
"I'm pleasantly surprised, it's so '90s Japanese spec, isn't it?"
"Enjoy the moment under Spotlight, yo go back to 90s."
"I was a teenager in the 90s and this just takes me back."
"Who doesn't love some good old school 90s romance?"
"The '90s called; they want their slangs back."
"These '90s baggy jeans... they are so cute."
"This is an orgy of evidence that this is a boy's room from the 90s. Michael Jordan poster, check. Random sports equipment placed perfectly on shelf, got it. Poster of bikini babe, definitely time of your life board game, you bet."
"I really want to find some crazy cool '90s insert."
"...one of his best works. I mean, this album, for me, kind of defines the sound of classic 90s death metal more so than anything from Death, Suffocation, so on and so forth. Like, it's just so brutal."
"...this album for me kind of defines the sound of classic 90s death metal more so than anything from Death, Suffocation, so on and so forth. Like, it's just so brutal."
"They’re smacking us in the face with the ‘90s, right from the opening, and then closing with a statement about media changing with the times."
"These artifacts of the 80s and 90s, with their distinctive bleepy tones and screens that you're barely able to see, were very much a thing of their time and for many of us, a truly treasured thing."
"This is like my 90s dreams it's just so Chic and just so Timeless."
"The Ultimate Warrior was to be the man of the 90s, the brasher, more kick-ass update to the safer Hulkamania that preceded it"
"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to. I'm a teenage girl from the 90s."
"This palette is gorgeous, I love it. I am a child of the '90s, so this is like my childhood, and I love it. I love the shade names in here; it just brings back so many memories."
"If you are under the age of 30, you are not a 90s kid. There, I said it."
"You kind of had to be there to be a kid in the 90s."
"It's just like the peak of rock music in the '90s."
"It's a very R&B track that throws back to that late 90s sound."
"The Blazers teams in the 90s might have been the most talented team ever to not win it."
"This is the most savage thing I've ever seen. Y'all remember this toy from the '90s?"
"He became an icon in '90s basketball."
"This is like the ultimate 90s movie. It hit every beat."
"a film where some bad people take over a tourist attraction so they can fire gas missiles at a city if their demands aren't met sounds like a great 90s action classic"
"This movie set a new bar for spectacle in the 90s."
"The last miniseries King had in the 90s was, in my humble opinion, the best of its time."
"There's something about 90s cars. I just can't get enough of them."
"The '90s and the early 2000s had so much fashion inspiration to offer."
"When I hear the words cult game from the 90s, I'm all over that like 600 spiders in an outhouse."
"Quantum computing especially in the 90s was a field that was just full of low-hanging fruit and you know and I think really fundamental questions."
"According to Louder Sound magazine, it is one of the most influential albums of the 90s."
"Luger's fate as the man who would carry wrestling into the 90s was practically sealed."
"I'm really inspired by vintage things and I'm obsessed with the '90s and '90s music and '90s pop culture."
"Nothing like a little '90s nostalgia on your way to a vicious fistfight."
"It's like you've gone back to the '90s. I love it. It's so cool."
"I'm dumb pretty the whole brand aesthetic is very like 90s early 2000s lots of cartoons bright colors Y2K aesthetic and I love it."
"Now we're on to our number one who is arguably the most popular character to come out of the 90s, Deadpool."
"No, they were struggling like everybody was, like, during the week, the weekends they would be alright but during the week in the 90s there was a period where it was, you know, it was like...and then there was this comic Louis Schafer."
"90s fashion trends have left a big mark on our outfit choices for these last couple of years."
"This collection was heavily inspired by 90s garage rave."
"These are cool. I just watched a whole documentary on the 90s and took me back."
"The Simpsons defined much of the 90s and could have once upon a time been considered the greatest shows of all time."
"Getting some cool stuff here. It's not all '90s image junk."
"This just gives me '90s, early 2000s, like I'm a little bombshell."
"Only 90s kids will remember this."
"You know I was a kid of the 90s and going back and watching like the old TV shows old movies whatever from the 90s, from when I was a kid, you know it's like in your head."
"If I had to pick one album to define the 90s skatepunk sound it would probably be [Suburban Teenage Wasteland Blues]."
"Strung Out's story starts off in early 90s Southern California, and specifically in the city of Simi Valley."
"...for this to be a low-budget movie from the 90s it's really not that bad"
"The 90s was a great decade. The only thing launching more frequently than URLs were footballs."
"This volume is just '90s nostalgia at its finest."
"This storage unit was an absolute throwback to the 90s growing up."
"For what it was, for that little snapshot in time in the 90s, I think that this movie is still pretty entertaining."
"I think it's harder now for someone to really stamp their authority and pull away than it was in the 90s and 2000s."
"This is such a great show for 90s kids."
"This is the one, welcome to For the Nostalgia where we review 90s classic movies and shows from a millennial big age perspective."
"It was like walking into a time capsule. If you grew up in the '80s or '90s, you'll love it."
"Luscious Jackson would be hailed as one of the most unique bands of the 90’s."
"...just to me this was the first pop punk band in video to like really capture the feel of like a '90s Teen Movie..."
"With that said, let’s jump into the video and talk about some moments that flew over the heads of many 90’s kids!"
"Pearl Jam persevered and became one of the defining acts of the 90s."
"I think this song is great, so if we were talking specifically about their '90s output, I would say that they deserve a solid B tier."
"In the 90s Pokemon was pretty much the biggest show there was."
"If you grew up in the 90s, then we can already feel the nostalgia flowing through you with this one."
"Jawbreaker doesn't look like every other 90s teen film."
"Dimension a new element that is 90's horror i love it right [ __ ] scream dude you know scream is 20 years old."
"This entire aesthetic really, really is indicative of that desktop publishing weird magazines of the '90s."
"What a way to kick this style of 90s awesomeness off."
"90s action guys I kind of can't get enough of these 90s action flicks."
"Ninja Turtles was the most successful property of the 90s."
"It's like doing shows in the 90s, that sort of energy where it's like that unbridled energy."
"...just because it's in the 90s a lot of people overlook this time period but it is a solid storyline a lot of things change for batman."
"Even though it takes place in the 90s, it's just gritty and it hits different."
"The 90s ushered in this economic period of peace and prosperity."
"Minimalism was something that had multiple resurgences in the 90s."
"The essence of 90s minimalism and the sublime has never been authentically replicated."
"The 90s were undisputedly the Heyday of Nickelodeon."
"The perfect segue comic to enter into the 90s with its blend of darkness, griminess, and overall sadness."
"...it's not that bad it's just the most mid-90s song to ever mid-90s in the history of mid 90s it is exactly what you think it is."
"There were just certain things in the 90s accessory set that really made it amazing."
"It really makes me feel like I'm at an arcade in the mid 90s."
"I love that he's got metal arms and legs you know like like this is a hardcore cyborg it's a 90s baby but he's got chest hair."
"Oh, I forget this movie is made in the 90s so that means is we're going to get that 90s grain I don't know why there's something about the 90s grain of like movies that I love."
"Teletubbies did a little more than kill a few children's brain cells back in the 90s."
"There's a lot of great stuff that came out of the 90s that still holds up."
"...getting those vibes already man, getting those old school 90s vibes. Taking me back, taking me back."
"Sometimes I'll almost get a great tattoo and then they'll tack on a lot of text around it so it looks like a t-shirt design or something. Well, exactly, yeah. And that was the thing with the 90s. It was like, you know, everybody's pushing crazy ideas and it was risky, you know?"
"In the 90s, it was more about the unexpected, different parts and sounds."
"I think the 90s were actually a really special decade for music because in my opinion the 90s is when modern music sort of began to exist."
"I think the 90s were a damn good decade. A lot of the stuff that sort of cooking in the 80s came to fruition in the 90s in a superior form."
"It's called time max, the best martial art exercise of the 90s."
"It encapsulates a lot of what was weird about the '90s."
"I loved growing up in the 90s. I thought it was such a great era."
"You've gotta love the 90s Vibe when it comes to music right."
"So that's what's nice about the 90s."
"The matrix and fight club perfectly represent this 90s version of the everyman character with the cubicle workplace being integral to both stories."
"That's the thing about growing up in the 80s and 90s..."
"Nothing feels more like a 90s girl than this."
"This is that green little tank I feel like it's very 90s and cute."
"An iconic Wes Craven movie from the 90s, not a lot to say about this one either; absolutely love this film."
"It's definitely giving some sort of a 90s grunge moment."
"...Go, this is a 90s freaking insane drug trip of a movie... it is an experience... I love it, I love it so you guys need to check it out for sure."
"Turn off the Sony Walkman, put down that Tamagotchi, and get those pogs out of my sights because we're going on a little trip back to the 90s."
"The Cranberries with 'Linger', easily one of the greatest songs of the 90s."
"I grew up in the 90s; the Nintendo 64, Game Boy, GameCube — all those consoles were some of my favorites."
"It reminds us so much of the earlier Days of Our Lives because we grew up in the 90s."
"It's so good, I would have worn that in the 90s."
"Catching a kid on the run in rollerblades is the most '90s statement ever."
"Before We Were Strangers, this takes place in New York City in the 90s."
"House party represented such an incredible coming of age for black teenagers at the time in the early 90s."
"I sometimes don't realize how much of an impact we had on people back in the 90s."
"It's a pretty fun visit to the '90s, this thing. All I need is a hyper color T-shirt and a Nirvana tape, and I've got the whole package sorted out."
"I love how they're bringing back the 90s."
"The cinema brat turned auteur has been warping our movie-loving brain since the 90s."
"The spirit of the 90s finally captured in a console form."
"RoboCop, Total Recall, Basic Instinct, Starship Troopers, what a decade."
"I was like the 90s NBA kid through and through."
"Sound of White Noise is probably one of the best metal albums of the 90s, easily."
"I'm so glad I'm so blessed to have been born in the 90s."
"I missed the '90s a lot, it was such a simpler time, everything was going great."
"The Full House house attracts regular visitors who come to soak in its 90s nostalgia."
"Tommy Boy is a fantastic movie, it's very endearing."
"It is super nostalgic and takes me straight back to the 90s."
"Shout out to the 90s for bringing flower garden to Epcot."
"Oh my God, do you guys remember Tamagotchi?"
"I've been inspired by a lot of 90s aesthetics."
"I love Army of Darkness. One of the best movies of the 90s for me."
"It was wonderful for me to step back into like the 90s frame of mind and like watch this movie and be like, this is awesome."
"I raised my sons in the 90s and I wanted them to be capable adults."
"While the 90s teen horror craze has not always been regarded as highbrow cinematic fare, it should at least be recognized for the post-modern revival of the horror genre."
"It's Ren and Stimpy, Saved by the Bell, all those wonderful things."
"It became a classic of the 90s era."
"The supermodels of the 90s are real women."
"I did enjoy it, it was one of my favorite comedies in the 90s."
"The 90s took us to the edge of the new millennium; it was the decade where pop culture became part of the mainstream."
"It gives me kind of like a '90s vibe."
"I'm also obsessed with all things '90s."
"We grew up and we still lived in the 90s, like, we know what life was like."
"Most talented singer to come out of the 90s, you think is Shania Twain?"
"The 90s cars really knew how to make a really comfortable vehicle."
"The 90s were so fun, the 90s were a good time for me."
"Baywatch was a phenomenon in the 90s."
"The 90s are calling me, they need me."
"The fact that they played the 90s flash music as well was really cool."
"Growing up in the '90s was awesome because of the TV show that you guys produced."
"Everything about this is just giving me those 90s vibes."
"The '90s certainly brought us a lot of good cartoons, but they also had their fair share of bad ones."
"I just love this; it takes me back to the '90s."
"I really would love for 90s to become more of a focal point."
"It is giving me all the Clueless vibes."
"I love it, 90s no one ever talks about how cool the 90s are anymore."
"I'm pretty like nostalgic about the 90s now that it's been, you know, like I feel like now is the time to be nostalgic."
"The '90s is just an era of those very timeless pieces that prioritize polished, elegant, and quite smart dressing."
"I really like that contrast of it; it does feel quite '90s but it's doing it with a little bit of a twist, making it a bit more my personal style and making it a bit more elegant, really."
"I feel like a spice girl, like some kind of 90s Y2K icon."