
Unsettling Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"The most unsettling aspect of this encounter was not her terrifying appearance but the eerie incantations she muttered as she walked by."
"But before the video abruptly cuts off, something unsettling is caught on camera. Watch. The ominous silhouette of a figure can be seen."
"Impressive not because it looked like it would change the world but because it was really weird and borderline upsetting in a brand new way."
"Session 9 truly gets under your skin and into your head."
"The unsettling blend of the alien and the mundane."
"Annabelle's demon in The Conjuring Universe is inherently unsettling, drawing from the supposed true story of Annabelle, a doll that the famous ghost hunting duo, the Warrens, came across."
"It’s a world that looks much like ours, but the rules of the world render it almost unrecognizable as if we were seeing a disturbing, heightened, offsetting parallel Universe of ourselves."
"A deeply unsettling encounter with the unknown, leaving us with more questions than answers."
"It's really creepy that this individual was studying criminal justice to the degree that he was."
"Sarah Paulson is able to transform and deliver performances that are unsettling and creepy."
"Hello, child. Come closer, child. Number one child. I am hungry. Child, no more worry. Child, hello, child. Dollar fear. None screaming. Cease. Stop, child. Under. Try click. That it did. I died. That was the first ending."
"It's up to you to decide which story you believe, but either way it certainly makes for a very unsettling photo."
"What the ghost doing to the baby? That's messed up."
"I found the very last scene in this movie very disturbing."
"Even investigated as I began my investigation it quickly became apparent that there was a disturbing nature to these disappearances."
"That's definitely creepy, bro. You can't really explain it."
"That's one of those scary stories where like it's not like something jumps out and says boo it's just really unsettling."
"Whether it's the bird's symbolic significance or its particular spine-chilling voice that makes this video so unsettling, it's likely that your next encounter with the wild raven will evoke a different reaction."
"There was something incredibly unnerving about the way it just stood there with an unconcerned look."
"The unsettling encounter that still haunts my memories."
"Any ending involving being kidnapped by Unknown is unsettling, especially with his unnerving dialogue and actions."
"Run, little rabbit, run. That's so creepy, I'm so confused."
"It's a really creative concept and I love how creepy it is to have the eye on the floor watching you."
"I like all of the choices that are made, are so specifically deliberate and unnerving."
"It sounded old, but not as some ancient evil; it even sounded melancholic, but not as a voice of some necromantically raised thing."
"The Ring was one of the most unsettling creepy horror movies of the 2000s."
"It was by far the creepiest thing I had ever seen."
"It's the eyes, I reckon, they unnerve some folk."
"When I knew that was open, I was okay with it, until I saw a woman wearing a white dress floating beside the tree in front of me."
"It's industrial based music that's more frightening and provoking, that there's more of like experimentation you can say but in a way that's just very unsettling."
"Navajo folklore is among the most famous and unsettling in North America."
"At first, it was spooky to see a deer with fangs look right back at me, but then it got kind of cool and unsettling."
"It's an unsettling reminder that all of our grasps on Humanity are looser than you think."
"The Disappearance of Branson Perry stands as a very strange and unsettling mystery."
"It was the most unsettling thing I have ever seen."
"Wow, this is so disturbing on a completely new level."
"The Joker's philosophy of chaos for the sake of chaos is deeply unsettling, yet fascinating."
"The police said he was just sitting in our bathtub, just staring at the drain."
"It was unreal. This told me this thing was calculating."
"The experience was undoubtedly unexpected and potentially unsettling for those involved."
"But the scariest part was she was just standing there like a statue smiling at us."
"Saltburn: A very disconcerting, beautifully made film."
"Part of what makes this screen so unsettling is the creepy music and sinister laughter in the background."
"The film is very soulful horror that is disturbing at times."
"So yeah, very interesting deck, very disturbing in certain ways, but at the same time, it makes you think."
"Last night uh Nick said he saw like a seven-year-old girl with a knife."
"While most authorities write these cases off as alcohol-induced accidents, anyone caring to take the time to look more closely at the details of some of these cases will undoubtedly find they paint a picture that is quite unsettling."
"Many of these discoveries have been quite unsettling."
"Few authors have struck me as so eerie, have made my skin crawl in a manner that's so unsettling. It's beyond horror or weird or experimental fiction."
"I mean, that was a great performance of a death that's so twisted and unsettling to watch."
"The words chilled me to my very bones."
"His work isn't just beautiful, but also achieves the feeling of being inherently wrong or off in some way."
"This scene is actually horrifying. It's shot so badly that it's actually unintentionally unsettling."
"An unsettling occurrence was captured on camera as the reporter showed the surroundings, a chilling figure emerged from the flood waters in the background."
"There's something just so eerie about it."
"The house unsettled the priest from the moment he laid eyes on it."
"This is creeping me out in the greatest way. Holy [__]! I wasn't expecting like a schizophrenia vibe."
"It's unsettling. It's terrifying."
"It doesn't sound too scary but it definitely sounds like really unsettling."
"I mean, this is really freaky if you think about it."
"The most unsettling to me is friendly creepy, something which at first glance looks fun inviting colorful but then quickly you realize that things are off."
"Scariest motel in America: Clown Motel."
"The last house on needless Street by catriona Ward... deeply unsettling."
"That was seriously one of the creepiest things I have ever watched."
"The typing thing had just been something weird and a bit spooky, not scary."
"That smile sends chills down my spine."
"Sensational headlines aside, the prisons issue is deeply unsettling."
"Suddenly there was a rustle and a large crow flew into the light of my torch from nowhere, the absolute size of it was unsettling."
"This whole incident wouldn't have been as eerie or unsettling if it had ended there."
"It was quiet but too quiet, it was uncanny."
"That dead-eyed stare he gives as he addresses the ant as 'my queen' is something that sticks with a viewer in the worst of ways."
"That's the spookiest thing I've ever seen."
"It's just unsettling. I don't know if she's hitting some type of chord, some pitch that psychologically your brain feels, but I feel like it's making my brain itch."
"His story though unsettling compels us to confront the complexities of the human psyche and the importance of understanding and addressing mental health issues."
"One child says to another: 'Child hunt tomorrow, Fanny.’’"
"There is something about Raider that genuinely chills the soul."
"There was something eerie in how calm the sky and sea looked."
"It's creepy, it's unsettling, and it sticks with you."
"like an old nightmare that you know was frightening but whose details you can't remember"
"It was like as soon as the snatching of the yeah, that was a little creepy."
"Embracing the unsettling... can contribute to your dark aesthetic."
"this image has always been unsettling to me"
"Change is unsettling but it's also super exciting."
"Equal parts disturbing and alluring."
"It will make you feel sick...allegations of child abuse."
"I thought this movie was super good honestly I thought it was very unsettling a lot of the scenes to watch and um just how I don't know just a lot of the stuff about this movie I just really enjoyed."
"Abaddon... the most visually unsettling performer in wrestling today."
"Unraveling unsettling enigmas of secluded existence."
"Creepy road sign in the Philippines: 'No schools nor houses nearby, waving children please wave back.'"
"I never saw anything so sinister in my life as that procession of burning rafts jamming against buildings."
"...there's something upsetting about bodies found in the unlikeliest of places."
"It's spooky. It's like a liminal space."
"This crematory was probably the scariest, not just scary but just very unsettling. I felt the most uncomfortable here."
"The music of this movie was so good and I think the music of this movie ties very well to just the overall unsettlingness of the story."
"It's sad that 'home is where the heart is,' a place where we can lay down our worries, take a rest, and find comfort. But sometimes, as these places have shown, a house can be filled with horrifying things happening inside them."
"...it's very atmospheric and creepy... it's unsettling and it's sad... I just feel this heavy weight in my heart after reading it."
"The head moving on its own with the hair just oh really really got under my skin and I really enjoyed it."
"The true power that literature has in unsettling or, you know, messing with our minds."
"It sounded like Grandma, but it chilled me to the bone."
"But this is where things start to get properly creepy."
"For those who have experienced the paranormal, there's something truly unsettling about feeling like you're not alone."
"There's something uniquely and incredibly disturbing about people seeming to vanish into thin air."
"The thing was staring right back at me with a nonhuman face."
"Creeped me out the first time I watched it just that diaper, yeah you all know what I'm talking about."
"The popularity of the skinwalker Legend isn't terribly surprising. The idea of a powerful and malignant being who can change form at will is definitely unsettling."
"I honestly don't know how I haven't seen this one yet but I've heard it's very very creepy very unsettling."
"It was definitely an unnerving experience."
"They were pale human-like eyes, staring into what felt like my very soul."
"There was something uncanny about them, their eyes always seemed a little too real for me."
"It's not really an album that will catch your ear with hooks, it's really an album that's just overall unsettling."
"Even if some mysteries prove too unsettling for the truth to ever be accepted."
"The footage he captured is deeply unsettling."
"There's something about the old woman's face, something off, something that disturbs her."
"If any of these things were seen in a movie, people would be like, 'Wow dude, that was creepy.'"
"Something's wrong and then just barely out of focus in the background you see these people in the most frightening mass I've ever seen in my life."
"I always hated when grown-ups told me that the house was just settling."
"The whole thing really creeped me out a lot."
"'The Nighthouse' is praised for its exploration of themes like grief, loneliness, and the unknown, maintaining a deep unsettling tone throughout."
"Midsummer is as unsettling and disturbing as they come, despite its seemingly idyllic setting in a Swedish village."
"...the site would make anyone's hair stand on end."
"Something very shady was crawling around us"
"This was probably the creepiest story we've ever seen on the channel."
"You've got a little boy he shows you his butterfly collection plus the killing jar I take him to the doctor she's so robotic but she must be human."
"You can't deny the fact that the image itself is unsettling."
"This image is titled 'The man on the ledge' and while there are many different variations of it, this one is definitely the most unsettling."
"And there's something rather unsettling about the whole premise with a system where those deemed morally inferior are imprisoned in a ghetto away from polite society."
"SCP 965: Unsettling and unyielding, it leaves no peace."
"...and let the rest eat everyone the flesh of another."
"This movie is so unsettling and just raw."
Now the doll is in a museum and no longer says the phrase "dream with me." Instead, it has been replaced with the much more terrifying phrase "die with me."
"One strange fact is that it has rained blood before. Yes, you heard that, it's rained literal blood."
"That's the stuff nightmares are made of."
"This doll has to be the stuff of nightmares."
"So at this point it’s been about 5 minutes since the woman walked into the woods when things started going from weird to absolutely unbelievably scary, strange and the most reality-shattering thing that has ever happened to me."
"This movie has just left me very unsettled. Just like the way it just ends there's no closure."
"How about a little nightmare fuel for you?"
"The desire to disconcert, to cause discomfort, is never entirely absent."
"...a mitten on my son's left hand flies off in a way that it might if someone had ripped it off of him hastily."
"it was like somebody had moved my entire wardrobe across the bedroom floor."
"It was as though some force was lifting the bottom half that wasn't nailed and dropping it like a door knocker."
"When I was a kid I would always feel watched from a very young age."
"It was like the car was its own place. It was really odd and creepy."
"It looked at me the whole time and slowly dragged the meat over to itself."
"The Powerpuff Girls is more disturbing than you remember and it honestly caught me off guard."
"The whole thing is just so unsettling."
"It was hands down the most disturbing and unsettling experience of my life."
"The universe in which Local 58 takes place is ever so slightly off."
"...my mom heard herself call my name and then say I'm back from the store come help put the stuff away."
"I can hear it even when I have headphones on with the volume all the way up. It sounds like something is trying to get out."
"It was really, really creepy nonetheless."
"This video is both unsettling and hilarious."
"There's something inherently unsettling about police sketches."
"Their fear... a disturbing and unsettling sensation grew inside me when I realized that the creatures had fled from something strange and ungraspable."
"Laurie Metcalf's eyes get so wide and it's so unsettling."
"In a world where cameras document our every move, unsettling moments caught on film have become a shared experience."
"The similarity was unsettling, and it added to the sense of confusion that had been looming over him since the morning."
"It's really unsettling, very short, very subtle, very quiet, very blunt, but like so creeping."
"That music slayed. It really made me feel both spooked and unsettled."
"She has gorgeous prose, she has the ability to write very creepy, unsettling, disturbing atmosphere that you just sink into and feel uncomfortable along with these characters."
"He's the right amount of like unsettling and like intimidating and calculating."
"I have had a few what could be considered paranormal experiences in my life, but this was the most recent and unnerving."
"There's something unsettling about coming to realize that the person who stands at the center of the Christian faith, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph and Mary, was not a Christian but a Jew."
"How this movie unsettles and disturbs the viewer is nothing short of genius."
"Footage like this is especially unnerving since it puts us directly in the shoes of the people that were actually there."
"Our evidence is mainly unexplained noises that mystified and unnerved us all."
"The object was even more disturbing as it appeared to be a flame, generating a bright orange glow which seemed to flicker and dance across its surface."
"From the beginning, the house they lived in just didn't seem right."
"I know this story might sound mundane, but after thinking about it for a while, it is actually incredibly unnerving."
"It was just so much more creepy this time around with those crazy arms."
"That damn blood moon music, man. Why is it so unsettling?"
"This cartoon is a perfect mixture of unsettling and funny."
"The strange airless quality of a dream but one that's quite unsettling that you never forget."
"I feel like Eric laroka is just so good at writing horror that just really gets under your skin and feels so creepy."
"That has got to be the most unsettling image I have ever seen in my entire life."
"I immediately began to regret my decision though, as I discovered how unsettling the energy in my basement is."
"It sounded so joyful and carefree, which made it even more unsettling given the situation."
"Individually they are unsettling, together they begin to form a picture that is truly horrifying."
"Some things just are unsettling, you know how you like find out something and you're like what?"
"I thought it was deeply unsettling but also satisfying."
"It was hypnotizing and disturbing and the single most beautiful thing I'd ever seen."
"It's almost like a game to them and it can be unsettling, but what I've learned is to take it as it is."
"It's just very unsettling at times, and I really loved that about it."
"It is, it has to be said, a fascinating and unsettling story."
"The Christmas display once merry and bright, now oddly disrupted, an unsettling sight."
"It's really truly one of the most deep and rich and disturbing things I've seen in a very, very long time."
"It's one of the most unsettling, disturbing horror books I've ever read."
"FNAF was always something nostalgic and familiar to a lot of people, that's a big reason it was unsettling in the first place."
"It's a really uncomfortable, creepy, unsettling film."
"That movie does such a great job making you feel unsettled."
"Has there ever been a marriage more unsettling?"
"It's the most unsettling book I have read in so long and I could not stop reading it."