
National Wealth Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I think any rich nation ought to have a social safety net that expands a little with its wealth."
"It's our stuff. We're the owners, the shareholders of the richest, most advanced country in the history of the world."
"It should be a right for every American in a country as wealthy as ours."
"We're supposed to be a wealthy country, why should we go backwards?"
"America's wealth has increased by seven trillion dollars since the president was elected."
"This is setting a huge precedent for a huge Nation with millions of people with a lot of money I mean Brazil of course maybe it's not the richest country in the world but damn it's got a lot of money and it's got a lot of financial power."
"The wealth of any nation will be redefined in terms of its sustainable systems."
"In a world without corruption... Sudan could have been an incredibly wealthy, thriving democracy."
"We are now the number one energy producer in the world... I'm not gonna lose that wealth."
"It's abundantly clear that there is more than enough in this country to finance all the expectations we do have."
"Israel is still one of the wealthiest and most advanced economies in the world."
"The national wealth fund is essentially the piggy bank of Russia."
"This is the richest country in the world. Our problem isn't a lack of money, it's a lack of good priorities."
"The more the wealth of a nation comes from the productive citizens of the nation, the more the power gets spread out."
"Every country in the world with mineral wealth or mining wealth or oil wealth should have the money spent the way Botswana spent its diamond money."
"We can absolutely afford this... we have plenty of money, we're the wealthiest nation in the world..."
"Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world."
"Countries with a huge foreign reserve are the most economically viable."
"Free trade is almost always a good thing for the overall wealth and prosperity of nations."
"We’re winning. Because we’re the piggy bank."
"Nobody can convince me that Ghana is a poor country."
"The United States of America is not perfect, but we are the richest country in the world."
"Nigeria is not poor. The leadership of Nigeria is poor."
"Nigeria is rich beyond people's expectations."
"The only like large Western European economy that looks similar in terms of its sort of makeup to the US and could compete in terms of wealth used to be Germany but they've fallen off."
"South Africa is considered to be one of the richer countries."
"It would only make our country wealthier, it would save lives, it's good, and we should do it."
"The country has a wealth of natural resources and energy."
"At the end of the day, this is an investment in our economy that should grow our wealth as a nation."
"In America, we are the richest country in the history of the world, and we can do so much better."
"Nigeria's wealth is the Commonwealth of all, it belongs to everyone."
"This country is so rich that we can afford to send crutches and wheelchairs to our enemies."
"Bitcoin provides a new source of national wealth for America. National wealth is categorized as produced capital, human capital, and reserve assets."
"The governments of the largest countries realize that their national wealth depends more than anything on having large numbers of relatively happy creative communicating educated people."
"The goal of economics is to promote the power and wealth and the fullest development of the productive capacities of nations."
"It seems genuinely appalling to me that a country, the size of this country, with the wealth of this country, that we have this city that figures so significantly in one of the great moments of our country, that the buildings were scarily in run down condition."
"The nation attained wealth through its visionary leaders, productive citizens, seaports, and strong reserves."
"The wealth of this nation has been largely responsible for the greatest period in human history."
"The wealth of nations lies in its people."
"Ireland now wealthy with immense soft power, can actually advocate for itself."
"America is the wealthiest country, not just in the world, but in the history of the world."
"Russia has a fraction of the debt and nearly twice as much potential resource wealth in the ground."
"Jamaica could be making so much money they can abolish income taxes."
"We have such abundance in this country."
"Sometimes a country's wealth is determined by the amount of natural resources they have."
"A sovereign wealth fund focuses on an aspect of the national finances that receives little attention."
"No nation will ever compete with us on this because we can just grow wealth so much faster."