
Purpose In Life Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"By seeming accident, but because I don't necessarily believe in accidents, that everything in this life and what we call reality serves a purpose."
"Money can make you happy up to a certain point... what truly makes you happy is purpose."
"In Okinawa, there's not even a word for retirement; instead, there's one word that imbues your entire life, and that word is Ikigai."
"Men got an incredible amount of purpose from starting and maintaining a family."
"When all is said and done, what will matter is what we did for eternity."
"Give a man a purpose and the ability to achieve it and he will crawl over broken glass with a smile."
"As long as I had her, there was a purpose to my life."
"Purpose is the meshing of passion and compassion."
"Human beings are born to find meaning, and if you don't have social institutions that provide that meaning, people lack purpose."
"You have a purpose... you need a purpose in life... because without a purpose you don't feel any positive motivation."
"It's self-defeating to say that there is no ultimate goal or purpose."
"What are you living for? I'm living to fulfill His purpose and His plan for my life."
"One of the tragedies is that so many people live their lives with no purpose."
"Purpose may be great in the eyes of the world or seemingly small... it might be in the help you give others."
"There need to be reasons to get up in the morning."
"I've come to understand that God is love and light that's where purpose comes in in our lives and we learn Purpose By serving others and understanding how we're all connected in this web."
"Once you remove purpose from life, you remove life from people."
"I like to look at bigger purposes and bigger points of focus because that's really why we're here."
"I think the meaning is to do a little bit more of the good things."
"Every man needs a purpose, a mission, and a team."
"Without purpose, you scatter energy. Purpose conserves and directs."
"Having purpose gives us motivation to wake up in the morning, gets us out of bed, and purpose always has to do with in some way giving back to others, being of service to others, uplifting others."
"Now that I have fulfilled my purpose I don't know what to do I guess you have to find your way like the rest of us sunny that's what it means to be free."
"People need purpose. Most people die after retirement, like around 55 to 60, because they're not working anymore."
"People who don't have a purpose in life, their happiness level will never be as high."
"Animals and people who don't have a purpose are miserable."
"You're not here by accident. You're not space goop thrown together by some stardust."
"This life is not purposeless; there is a creator."
"If there are not reasons for living, life is likely to end or become useless."
"Everyone really finds their own purpose... two things can help people find meaning in life... community... and service."
"It's not the religion that gives people purpose, it gets the credit for it, but they're the ones who are actually giving their own lives purpose."
"If you're breathing, there's a reason for that. If you're here, there's a reason for that."
"Men need purpose, purpose is Direction, it's not necessarily about being made to feel powerful, feeling productive, useful, having a sense of control of Our Lives"
"There is always a higher calling in your life."
"The crisis today is that people suddenly don't have a purpose when before the only purpose of life was to keep living at all costs."
"There's no doubt in my mind that we were all made for a purpose."
"All things work for good... if you're in his purpose."
"But don't look for a purpose because if you look for a purpose, you're seeking madness. If you find one, you are sure mad."
"Everybody has a purpose... it can be simply that you raise your children in a way that impacts them."
"When you know within yourself that there's something you want to do, and I believe that all of us were born with a purpose."
"Having a purpose in life is a fundamental human need and it's the other cornerstone to a successful retirement."
"If you're alive, you still have a pulse and you still have a purpose, and that means God needs you to share His message of love with others." - Kathie Lee Gifford
"Go do the work, it gives purpose and significance to life."
"There's no true purpose in life, but you can still find purpose and happiness."
"Humans tend to need to feel like they have a purpose."
"The greatest tragedy in life is life without a purpose."
"What's the reason of my existence? That's one of the questions everyone on this planet asks."
"What is my purpose? You serve butter. Oh my God."