
Film Marketing Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"The first trailer was very much about introducing Shang-Chi as an ordinary guy with ties to an extraordinary world, but this trailer is all about taking us deeper into that world."
"It's all feeding into a larger narrative... it's all about going the first weekend and wearing your shirt."
"A number of lingering questions are answered in this trailer."
"From a marketing point of view, these films were expertly timed and rode the wave of the hype over the last few books perfectly."
"The real win for the studio here isn't about who wins. It's that neither monster loses."
"No one showed up brie Larson got what she wanted and while it sounds cool and progressive and fun right now a lack of receipts at the box office are gonna piss people off at the top."
"That trailer made the last ten years worth wait."
"That trailer was dumb. I thought it was cute. I thought it was great."
"My idea of a perfect movie poster is one that captures the spirit of the movie in one frame."
"Marvel had announced they were going to release this trailer."
"Good trailers are like magicians who use misdirection to make you feel rewarded at the end of the show."
"Fox should have just named the movie 'untitled Deadpool sequel'."
"Stop insulting the male audience. You're not going to insult your way to box-office success."
"Seeing him pop his head out of a storm drain is more than enough to hook us. From there, the trailer crawls under our skin with eerie echoes, red balloons, and a projector gone haywire."
"If they drop the trailer for Black Panther two with 'oh [ __ ] that's Storm as a big surprise... people are gonna go nuts."
"If you put the right pieces together, including a financially reasonable budget and the right sort of release, you could absolutely find an audience and get people really excited."
"That's the thing about the Blair Witch, if there's one thing you can say about her that she did good she got some great marketing."
"The Blair Witch Project, it was a movie where they did the marketing behind that was so well calculated that a lot of people that they led a lot of people think was real."
"Casting a star name just to kill them can be the path to turning a script nobody wants into a franchise that lasts for years."
"This movie is about one guy, sure there will be other characters involved, but this trailer had to sell one thing to fans: Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal."
"The future of Omega and James Bond partnership is bright."
"If you treat a movie like it's something special, people will react to it like it's something special."
"You give it a theatrical release, you get that positive word of mouth, you get that buzz, you get that people excited and you make that money." - Chris
"That alone would probably drive a lot of people to go see that film."
"The Unrated thing is a very interesting thing... very similar to the original."
"I love the idea of the announcement of the title in the form of a teaser."
"Top Gun Maverick is benefiting from having the broadest appeal possible."
"I don't know how many analogies we can come over but fuck this trailer was fantastic who's Greg Kot trailer great fuckin positioning in terms of like let's get that out there now you know and it's insulin use experiment."
"It's tangible evidence that the movie is coming."
"Amazing trailer, and they clearly know the audience."
"Marvel and Sony pulled off a 'Far From Home' trailer that doesn't overtly spoil anything for Avengers: Endgame but features just enough little Easter eggs and cryptic clues to keep us guessing."
"A trailer is an advertisement designed to sell a movie... you are cheating the audience, you are duping them."
"The train sequence at the end of the film, that entire sequence, I'm really surprised they never really showed any of it in much of the marketing."
"The theatrical poster of Animal House featured this wacky cartoon illustration which I actually really love as it delivers the spirit of the movie and has become iconic."
"Aquaman appealed to both sexes, and that's an important thing."
"Audiences will turn out if you can sell a movie, market a movie, and make a movie that they're excited to go see."
"It's marketing, you have the biggest superstar in the world right now in your movie."
"Captain Marvel's ticket sales broke many records."
"He's the one that's gonna be the perfect anchor to get people in who did like the original movies or those recent trilogy to get people to get on board."
"Queenpins hits theaters only, but in just three weeks, it'll be available on Paramount Plus."
"Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water."
"It's just surface level. We keep making fun of like bad movie posters."
"It's fine, which is why when Suicide Squad announced that they're doing a sequel before the movie comes out, we weren't surprised."
"I like the fact that audiences are being rewarded with seeing something not revealed in the trailer."
"The re-releasing of the original 'Avatar' would be the best marketing money they spend."
"I'm just really curious if suddenly a lot more women are going to be interested in this movie."
"Last I saw, Joker's tracking between 90 and 110 million dollars as opening weekend."
"It's not gonna be our most highly viewed trailer but it needs to exist as a record that this happened."
"Titles don't matter, they don't tell us they will not make a bad movie good they will not make a bad movie or a good movie bad they are more than anything else just a marketing tool."
"You put out a magnificent movie with a great marketing campaign leading into it, even a great marketing campaign isn't gonna deliver a 150 million dollar opening weekend."
"I think part of the reason audiences now can be put off by the Oscar bait release slots is because it's kind of telling you it's going to be a great film, Oscar-worthy even before you even see it, and people don't like being told what to do."
"What we got from Sonic in the end, his final look, the way that he was marketed, Ben Schwartz as Sonic, we had a fantastic little production here."
"This trailer has made a lot of fans including myself sold on this movie."
"This poster could very well be a sly hint to the number of variants that we will see in the movie."
"It's not even like an expensive car, I'm basically just marketing the movie for these dudes."
"The most exciting future-teasing MCU post-credit scenes followed memorable films."
"Let us know what you thought about this first trailer for Black Adam."
"You know Ryan Reynolds is very cheeky...I think it was his way of both...maybe just maybe you might see your submission featured...don't worry guys...we haven't forgotten Deadpool 3."
"I wish studios would put the focus on trailers more as an art form. It's just as much of an art editing a trailer as it is a feature film sometimes."
"The reality is, the film doesn't represent the woke marketing. But even with the woke marketing, you're hurting the opportunity to put asses in the seats."
"It's not the movie star that sells the movie; it's a slice of the pie, not the whole pie."