
Founding Principles Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Our Constitution tells the government what it can and cannot do. Our Bill of Rights, those first 10 amendments, were put in place to further protect the citizens of the United States, to protect the rights that are given to us by God but thankfully enshrined to us in our Constitution."
"Our founding fathers knew the importance of restricting the government's ability to interfere in America's personal business when they wrote the Constitution."
"If the founders had wanted a Christian Nation, they would have said so."
"The government needs to be strong but small, and the founding fathers built that beautiful government."
"Our birthright that was brought into this nation by our founders is the birthright of religious freedom, political freedom, freedom of writing, expressing, freedom of speech as we said earlier, freedom to assemble, freedom to own property, freedom to buy, to sell, to build business. This is all our freedom."
"America is the only country in human history founded on an ideal, a stated ideal, and a good ideal."
"The premise that the founding fathers used to establish the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, they said this is the government cannot grant or remove these rights. They can only exist to protect them."
"For all these reasons, small government was the vision of the people who founded the United States of America."
"We were founded on enlightenment principles."
"That's why this country was founded: to have limited government because the founders understood how flawed human nature is."
"The founding of this country with God and the founders is just remarkable that we have these freedoms now."
"Our conception as Americans, I believe, is that we do think of ourselves as a nation that wants to do good in the world. It's our founding principle."
"I think the average American is actually pretty honest and pretty solid. I think unfortunately, you know, we've got what the founders created, the greatest political system the world has ever seen."
"Making money on the internet is just like making money out in the physical world in at least one key dimension, which is that you have to have some way of providing scarce value."
"Revolution is what this country was founded on."
"Our Founders never contemplated that you would have someone so utterly contemptible present themselves for the highest office."
"Renewed hope... to fulfill your dreams and the dreams of her finding fathers."
"Trump's reference to the Insurrection act isn't just a throwback to an old law; it's a reminder of the enduring relevance of our founding principles."
"Each of these words set forth in the Second Amendment were carefully chosen by our founding fathers and they were not intended to have some sort of false and secret meaning."
"The founders wanted general welfare, not welfare in general."
"Government was there to protect our liberties."
"You need to come together as Americans again and remember why we started this country."
"Everything that he said right there is actually not true at all. The entire reason that America was founded had to do with individual rights, not societal safety."
"The Constitution, our structure of government, the separation of powers between the branches... is the genius of the founders."
"The founding fathers created a government of, for, and by the people."
"It's gonna be up to you... it's time that we stood up and say we're going to use the beautiful system made by the founding fathers to fix this."
"Praise God for the founding fathers for coming up with the electoral college system."
"The United States was never set up under the presumption that the people were wise."
"Our great Founders did not want and would not condone false and fraudulent elections."
"This country was founded on the principle that all men are created equal."
"All men were created equal, endowed by God with inalienable rights."
"We need a new Coalition of decency and respect for the founding principles of this country."
"It is that determination, that fighting spirit, that willingness to lay all on the line for the principles on which we believe that got this country started in the first place."
"Our Founding Father certainly intended free speech to apply broadly."
"America was founded on the premise that faith in God would have to be a key component to the well-being of the nation."
"The constitution has mechanisms by which it could be changed because our founders understood it was a living, breathing document."
"The radical and yes beautiful idea of America from the beginning was a nation founded not on aristocracy nor common region or religion but on words."
"We always come back stronger and better because in the end, we decide to champion the cause for which our founders pledged their lives."
"The intent of the founders is Paramount and should be of most importance."
"This league is founded on the competition, right on the integrity of the competition."
"The Declaration of Independence lays out the principles right... governments are there to secure man's rights."
"The real solution is going to be had when we decide as a society it's time to return to that original founding bargain."
"The founding fathers put it in the first amendment for a reason. It's that important."
"As we enter 2020, one should remember the founding fathers were inspired by the values of classical Greece."
"The founders had a fairly high regard for a well-functioning judicial system."
"We still believe in what our founding fathers believed."
"Our founding fathers bless them had a really really good crystal ball."
"Liberty is the most important thing, and this is what the founders emphasized."
"Our founding fathers really warned us against that kind of thinking."
"This nation was founded under the guarantee of inalienable rights for all people."
"America was founded on the principle of individual and human liberty."
"Our country was founded on the idea of democracy."
"The founders knew this and intended it."
"We the people do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
"America has drifted far from the forefathers' intentions."
"There's a reason the founders created a constitution that sets limits on the powers that the government can wield."
"America was founded on principles of religious freedom."
"The founders' key, the divine and natural connection between the Declaration and the Constitution, and what we risk by losing it."
"That those rights of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, that's what our founding fathers meant."
"The founders of our country believed in individual freedom."
"This country was founded on the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"Our Founders very deliberately choosing the 'We the People' as those first three words, they were speaking to us."
"There's something about this country that does have this sort of rebellious nature; we were founded on that."
"America wasn't North and South; America was an idea, and the idea was embedded in the founding documents."
"We've got to remember the responsibility that our Founders endowed upon us through our founding documents and principles."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were kind of making it sound secular because they didn't want to sound like they were part of a church hierarchy."
"The founders themselves were saying that the word Virtue should have actually been put in there, the pursuit of virtue not the pursuit of happiness."
"A restoration of American education grounded in the principles of our founding that is accurate, honest, unifying, inspiring, and ennobling."
"It sent shivers down my spine to see like, yet this is what the founders were talking about. You can get up and speak for yourself to the jury."
"The rule of law... is the basic principle which animates the Declaration of Independence."