
Framework Quotes

There are 456 quotes

"Having that as a framework is pretty important."
"Feminism is a gives a ready-made framework for identity."
"A lot of you have been asking me to comment on Framework. The fact that they now have Ryzen processors available..."
"But what we'll introduce today is what's also known as a framework, or, more precisely, a microframework."
"This is a good framework for a really awesome deathmatch game."
"The generality of our framework allows it to be broadly applicable."
"The chain is as strong as its weakest link, the premise of the zoom in zoom out framework."
"The final step of this framework is called the experimentation step."
"That's amazing! They're using my framework to develop their software which is supremely more popular than mine."
"There is a broad recognition that a regulatory framework must be in place for innovation to take root in financial services."
"Facts and experiences are never neutral, they're always within a framework and the most powerful framework is a story that is true."
"I'd want to situate it in a larger framework. I wouldn't want to just talk about race and racial inequality."
"Django is a high-level framework and it does a lot of the heavy lifting for you."
"Having a strategy gives you a framework to know why you're doing things and helps in making decisions."
"It's not perfect but it's actually a framework worth believing in."
"HTM X is a front-end framework, Astro is a backend framework."
"In our model for physics, we have a framework for thinking about how systems work."
"The scrum framework consists of scrum teams and their associated roles, events, artifacts, and rules."
"It's such a wonderful framework to look at aging."
"A mental model is nothing more than a pre-designed framework that you can pull out whenever a situation requires a decision."
"If the guy who made the HTML Plus+ framework thought that this is how it worked, that's a fault of the language, not a fault of the individual."
"Framework provides excellent step-by-step guides for replacing or upgrading almost every single component."
"React is the most popular front-end framework in the world."
"So let's go into our layout file and let's get rid of all of the styles that are defined in here because we're going to use Tailwind for our Styles and not use the built-in styles that come with the application."
"Next.js is a comprehensive framework for building fast and search engine-friendly applications."
"Following a proven framework to reduce your mistakes and focus on a good process to scale your account."
"Once you understand a language, then a framework that's built in that language is enormously easier and definitely less frustrating to work with."
"Science provides a framework... necessary but not sufficient."
"You can take any major question of theology and you can run it through those grids: exegesis, biblical, systematic, practical, and historical theology."
"People that follow a framework and live through it, whatever that framework is, show a lot about a person and their characteristics."
"Scrum is a simple framework used by teams to establish a hypothesis, try it out, reflect on the experience, and adjust."
"If the methodological framework is itself colonized, then the mere application of that methodological framework would be an act of recolonization."
"Many developers, including myself, like this framework because of the speed of development. In other words, the reduced time it takes to spin up new projects and build out features."
"Blazor is a framework for building interactive client-side web UI with .NET."
"Blazor WebAssembly boots .NET runtime, loads your assemblies, and then your app starts manipulating the page via the browser's document object model."
"Flutter 2 broadens Flutter from a mobile framework to a portable framework."
"...having faith in God and having a relationship with God and Christ because I think it gives us a pattern, I think it gives us a framework."
"I can say this not only because it's worked for me, but it's also worked for thousands of women all across the world who have adapted the no food rules framework."
"PARA organizes your entire digital life, providing a universal framework for projects, areas, resources, and archives."
"Fast API also uses Starlette, Starlette provides WebSocket support, GraphQL support, progressive background task startup and shutting down of events."
"Fast API is a package of full web framework."
"React mainly focuses on building the view layer of the application. It also has a robust ecosystem and remarkable flexibility."
"A risk assessment framework is a regularly used risk reduction strategy."
"If the result of your framework is that subjectively bad decisions are being made, then something's got to change."
"The well architecture framework gives you fantastic guidance for how I should think about adopting the cloud planning for the cloud."
"That's such a great framework to tell a great story,"
"It was very much creating a framework, choosing to believe the framework and hoping, hoping, hoping at some point my emotions and feelings would line up with the framework."
"Think of this as the actual bones of the dog, so these will instead drive all the systems."
"The Scrum Guide contains the definition of Scrum. Each element of the framework serves a specific purpose that is essential to the overall value and results realized with Scrum."
"The Cynefin Framework helps us categorize problems or decisions into five different domains: obvious, complicated, complex, chaotic, and disorder."
"You can define your own framework based off things that you care about."
"Liberty within a framework of law, not liberty to do anything at all whatever you want."
"We're going with a two by eight frame."
"The cloud adoption framework really brings together technology, people, and processes."
"The OKR framework cultivates the madness, gives people permission to fail."
"So if you're a life coach, this is the perfect framework that you can use again and again and again to be able to transform anybody's life."
"If you don't know how to use this framework and you're not using BANT properly, it's gonna be extremely difficult for you to close deals."
"The democratic leadership style is a keeper and it's the only one of these to qualify for the Goldman framework."
"One of the biggest common mistakes in the order here is bringing assumptions before the framework."
"you're not alone it's definitely possible to change you just need the right framework and the support to enable that change"
"Autogen is a new framework by Microsoft... it makes it very simple and flexible to create multiple agents, define their roles, and set them up to work together."
"Lang chain is a framework designed to simplify the creation of applications using large language models."
"Stark X is a framework that lets developers build permissionless application-specific scaling solutions."
"Knowing God gives us Focus gives us Focus knowing God gives us a framework the truths about God map the Journey of a man or a woman's life"
"Vest, which is a new testing framework designed for modern JavaScript, has all the fantastic features of Jest as well as out-of-the-box support for ECMAScript modules, TypeScript, and JSX."
"Once you get the hang of one, you can easily pick up other frameworks. Among these, Jest is the most widely adopted and used in many projects."
"The theory of evolution is a conceptual framework which makes certain tests."
"Astro is a leader, bar none, in the space of frameworks."
"...the framework and the ecosystem around Laravel is what allows me to succeed as a developer."
"As of Spring Framework 5.3, the configuration on the enclosing class will automatically be inherited by the nested test classes."
"We only really do so if there is a major Baseline to upgrade to a major uh kind of not necessarily re-architecture but realignment of the framework with its ecosystem."
"I like magic, I like opinions, I like being told exactly how to do what I want to do in the framework that I'm using and I get all of that with Laravel."
"Spring Boot is the most popular Java framework."
"The longevity of a framework is really what matters."
"Understanding the right mindsets and frameworks is crucial."
"The cage system is a hidden, invisible framework and it underlies absolutely everything on the guitar."
"When you upgrade to Laravel 11, you don't have to change anything about your application structure. The framework's been fine-tuned internally to support both structures so that the upgrade process is totally seamless."
"It almost becomes assumed that there should be five files in that directory in every new Laravel application."
"We need a framework that simultaneously thinks about all unconventional agents."
"The arc framework gives energy to your ideas."
"One of the model that or one of the concept that has emerged was a causal erm framework."
"Next is what's known as a meta framework. It's a framework built on top of another framework."
"Gibbs is a nice framework to use for writing reflections and we'll talk through how it can benefit you in your practice."
"The all new framework 16 is here and I am super excited about it. Not only because I invested my own money in this company, but because it has several tricks up its sleeve that are genuinely nutty."
"Sacrificing prior story development in service of a specific framework."
"The framework of any successful outreach: Subject line, personalized introduction, highlight a pain point, offer a solution, call to action."
"Context is the setting or scene in which an idea or event takes place."
"So we can make this data-driven framework more better if you implement the page object model."
"This framework can be used for any position whether it's a program manager a product manager a software engineer an analyst and HR professional."
"Having a framework to help you navigate that process is priceless and it will help you live your life with intention."
"By the time you've read the previous five books, you will recognize all of the framework of the gothic literature."
"What is conspicacy lacking is a framework of ideas within which to interpret all the different approaches."
"This becomes really straightforward because they are using one of the most trusted industry standard frameworks for responsive design, Bootstrap."
"This is a powerful place to be, a very strong conceptual framework which will allow you to be successful in the EP lab."
"The Scrum framework as outlined herein is immutable; while implementing only parts of Scrum is possible, the result is not Scrum. Scrum exists only in its entirety and functions well as a container for other techniques, methodologies, and practices."
"this book would be an excellent framework for the Five Nights at Freddy's movie"
"Svelte.js: Everything is just native JavaScript."
"Svelte.js: Animation and transitions out of the box."
"There's such a framework that breaks down complex problems into smaller sets, and it also focuses on people. It's just not deliver the best product but then also make people better every day."
"The value add to my channel is giving you the conceptual framework to understand what you're trying to do."
"With React Native, we are working with a framework that promotes lots of component reuse because it's a component-based framework."
"For the first time in the history of science, string theory gives the framework for an explanation."
"Our brains developed with genetics providing some kind of framework."
"People said, 'What about core security things? What should we be doing?' So I created the intro to security class and based it against the MITRE framework."
"If all of them are German, then your framework is white. You're just moving in circles."
"From our point of view, we care a lot about how this is organized by the surrounding framework."
"Mental models are in essence Frameworks that we can use to make sense to the world around us."
"Rails is one of the best Frameworks ever created."
"I have the answer! It's a nine-step framework to monetizing innovation."
"Scrum on the other hand is a really powerful framework for teams."
"Hopefully this three-part framework plus a little bonus gives you guys a little better structure, a flexible framework on how to take all that you're learning and doing and start to think about it in the context of what we need to accomplish on day one."
"Go doesn't need a framework. The easiest way to understand was just looking at the package documentation. It's very well written."
"...a series of experiments that people can try out with what I hope is a sensible three-part framework behind it."
"I'm thrilled to spend some time with you today to talk about maybe one of the most important Frameworks that I use personally to manage my own motivation and my own Drive."
"Risk management is an iterative framework: assess, respond, monitor, assess, respond, monitor."
"Security control frameworks such as the ISO/IEC 27000: a very broad, flexible, and mature framework focused on information security."
"We need an appropriate governance framework for responsible AI usage."
"Iconify is by far my favorite icon framework."
"Layouts provide a customizable layout framework."
"A framework for ongoing dialogue was established."
"The MERN stack is a powerful blend of MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, providing a cohesive framework for efficient web applications."
"Conceptual frameworks provide the Wow of research. It's that kind of light bulb when you're looking at your data, you apply the conceptual framework and then suddenly you can see what this all means."
"The conceptual framework is the perspective that frames your study."
"Conceptual frameworks shape the entire project, providing rationale for core concepts and guiding the study."
"Conceptual frameworks help us explain, predict, understand phenomena, and extend existing knowledge."
"Assumptions within conceptual frameworks are accepted without proof and shape our understanding."
"It is a very cool framework that is updated quite frequently."
"And what you probably want to start and look at for a kind of an end-to-end framework to build around is either Bevy or Fire Ox."
"It's a framework built to build highly scalable event-driven and streaming microservices."
"Spring is an integration framework designed to take lots of different technologies and allow you to combine them in ways that feel natural."
"This gives you that architecture, that framework to do it."
"We'd prefer to be more declarative with our security."
"A framework is comprehensive, typically more than 20 diagnoses for most symptoms, signs, or lab abnormalities, whereas a differential diagnosis is focused, about four to six diagnoses is typical for most presentations."
"A framework is organized by organ system, anatomic region, or physiologic mechanism, whereas a differential is listed in descending order of probability."
"A framework is static over time, whereas a differential is iterative, meaning that it is updated with each piece of new data."
"So if you see all this here and this you can understand how magical the Django REST framework is."
"...a good architect looks at every framework with a cost-benefit trade-off in mind."
"We need to frame our discussions and ideas around the social model so that we can create change."
"If a framework doesn't help you write styles, if it doesn't have an opinion about how to do that built-in, then it's kind of incomplete."
"DLT is the first ETL framework that uses a simple declarative approach."
"Your imagination is like your skeleton, it's your frame."
"A production-grade framework requires incredible observability and deep Insight."
"We're using Trevor Perrin's Noise Protocol Framework for solid crypto."
"PYMCMC is a proper probabilistic programming framework for fitting arbitrary probability models."
"Paradigms are philosophical and theoretical frameworks used within a discipline to formulate theories."
"Scrum is a lightweight framework within the agile methodology."
"A true paradigm provides a framework of understanding that guides research into understanding the subject that it addresses."
"You may notice a distinct shift in subject and you can stop there that's fine but understand what's around it make sure that whatever you're going to be doing is within that framework."
"I'm gonna give you a video ad framework that's been used to generate millions of companies all over the globe, and you're getting this completely for free."
"Patterns are ultimately a framework and a springboard, a jumping off point for us to tweak and make things more our own."
"In my experience, it's the best conceptual framework that I have found for really understanding what's going on with people."
"Operational design is a construct and a framework to come out with an operational approach to solve a problem."
"In conclusion I think pi test is a great test framework for testing flask applications."
"This technological framework includes Amazon Lex, AWS Lambda, Amazon Connect, Amazon DynamoDB, or even RDS if you want, or S3 for storage."
"Understanding the different buckets from what you operate and knowing the framework really is helpful."
"It's the ability to be able to say to hold your ground and say I'm not just saying this out of religious faith. I have a framework. I have a way of looking at the world."
"Now the basic framework to start a Tkinter app is to create a Tkinter instance, and we do that by creating a variable."
"So the basic framework to start a Tkinter app is to create a Tkinter instance, and we do that by creating a variable."
"The book falls to the Wayside; it's just more of a framework."
"At some point things have to change and you have to have a framework for delivering this information if you want to."
"Strive to put it in the STAR framework: Situation, Task, Action, Result."
"Pixie.js is a very powerful framework."
"A conceptual framework allows for understanding the likely solutions that may exist in relation to the research problem."
"The process involves identifying relevant theoretical frameworks and selectively choosing concepts from them to create a new conceptual framework."
"The NIST cybersecurity framework is made of three main components: the framework profile, the core, and the implementation tiers."
"The framework emphasizes risk management by building security and privacy capabilities into information systems."
"Your habits create the framework of your life."
"Our challenge is how we develop a multidisciplinary, multi-tier framework to analyze social-ecological systems."
"I'm only giving people a framework...take what I give you, make it your own."
"In the causal inference world, one of the most useful frameworks is the counterfactual framework."
"If we lose our moral framework, we will be defeated."
"When you have a project framework, then you understand the motivations for why those things exist."
"So Playwright is a fantastic framework for testing your applications."
"There is a framework by which morality works."
"This last example before we illustrate a scalable framework for radar engineers to easily reuse and share the radar system models."
"Jest is a powerful and widely used testing framework."
"We can build on this framework to deliver more investment in jobs."
"The Windsor framework restores that balance."
"This is what it means that Svelte is a disappearing framework."
"The whole point of the framework is to enable integration of otherwise disparate services and data sources."
"We're going to use Gin. It's the best web framework."
"Results may vary, but a sturdy framework allows us to build the house that best suits our needs and desires."
"Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework designed to make getting started quick and easy."
"You can think of Crossplane as being a framework that you can use for building your own cloud native control plane."
"It provides a framework for organizations to develop an effective health and safety management system."
"The only way you can square that circle is to return to a broadly Aristotelian framework."
"A STRIDE is actually a very good framework, especially for threat modeling."
"I want you to get an understanding of the six key components of business that the EOS talks about."
"TEACUP stands for Technical, Environmental, Commercial, Operational, and Political."
"A very useful framework for that is these weighted finite state transducers."
"The moment you have a framework that allows you to absorb, understand, comprehend, and deploy knowledge, you become unstoppable."
"They provide a framework for Muslims; they are the beliefs and actions that unite Sunni Muslims."
"The Four Noble Truths taught by the Buddha as a framework for practice are dukkha, samudaya, nirodha, and monka."
"A strict regulatory framework is important."
"It's better to have a regulatory framework in place so that we can do what's the responsible thing to do."
"We have to find our self within it, based on this framework of knowing who we are."
"Evolutionary psychology provides the only cogent metatheoretical framework for all of social science."
"A lot of [threat modeling methods] are quite systematic, so they try and give you a framework and some structure to try and identify and understand the threats that exist."
"One of the most valuable things that anybody can give another human being is a new model or a framework to look at the world."
"Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications."