
Self-publishing Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"By self-publishing, self-distributing, and finding clever solutions to obtain funding, artists and filmmakers can further push the medium's boundaries."
"I invested all my own money... I was self-published... The biggest reason I wanted to do a book is because I wanted to leave something behind forever."
"Self-publish because you never know where a book is gonna end up."
"When you self-publish, you control the process completely."
"It was largely overlooked because it was just a self-published game, which is unfair, I think."
"There's never been a better time in history to self-publish."
"Self-publishing was so convenient because if I got a show in London, I could just go on Amazon, order the books, and my cost was about $4.50 a copy."
"So if you're thinking about blogging you definitely need to be in self-publishing also."
"With Amazon KDP, you can upload digital files of any book that you create and they will print and ship those books to your customers for you."
"Puzzle Whiz and Book Bolt are all-in-one app combos used to help people create and sell low content and puzzle books on Amazon KDP."
"These days you can actually self publish your book completely for free."
"Once you have the book file and the cover for the book, you can publish it and within 24 hours it'll be live on Amazon."
"If you believe in what you're doing, don't sell it to somebody. Self-publish it."
"I'm sort of philosophically opposed to the idea of gatekeepers. I've written two books, I'm working on the third. Each book is four bucks of which I get three bucks, so if you buy both books, you'll throw me six bucks."
"The project originated when Abe Sensei began drawing a self-published manga about the Haibane of Old Home."
"You can create image-based books... and earn money from it."
"Publish your own books and turn it into passive income forever - explore platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing, Apple iBooks, and Barnes & Noble eBooks."
"You can self-release on the internet. That's pretty powerful."
"You don't need anybody's permission to go make your thing."
"Self-publishing will make you slightly more profitable than being a published author."
"This is such a big win for them and it's self-published..."
"Oh, It's a game I wrote and I've sold several thousand copies of it already."
"The era of gatekeepers is over. There is no reason you can't be a great writer, musician, filmmaker."
"It's amazing to be supported by people who buy the books support on patreon take courses at new St Thomas Institute."
"It's now time to put that all together by uploading it to the Amazon KDP platform."
"You can now make an entire career out of writing very short self-published ebooks with similar looking but catchy covers..."
"It's essentially the go-to one-stop app that can allow anyone to create digital or physical books to sell on Amazon quickly and easily."
"We illustrated our first book for 60 bucks. I think we had 12 chapters, we put one illustration in every chapter, and we were done within a week. We uploaded, and it shot to number one bestseller, our very first book."
"You don't have to build websites, run ads, or do social media. It's that simple: research, write, outsource, upload."
"Make your comic first and then use Kickstarter to print it or fund like merchandise."
"The Snowball Effect really kicks in with Amazon KDP; the more sales you get, the more reviews you get, and the more reviews you get, the more sales you get."
"Corey self-published it on Amazon under the title 'Are You With Me' and right away the book was a total hit with parents of grieving children."
"I hope this video was helpful for everyone looking into self-publishing their books."
"Welcome back to my channel! So today's video is going to be a tutorial, and I'm going to be taking you through the sort of step-by-step process of how to self-publish a picture book on KDP, which is Amazon's self-publishing print-on-demand service."
"If you're gonna be self-publishing a book this year, then this video will be right up your alley."
"That is everything you're gonna wanna know as a self-publisher using an ISBN."
"...all you need is an Amazon on KDP account and a Book Bolt membership. This is such a great way to make side income or maybe even make a full-time income eventually."
"There's obviously still a stigma of sorts in the industry with self-publishing which I understand."
"I just really hope that you can see what is possible with publishing books on the KDP platform when you take the time to build a brand and share it across more platforms than just Amazon."
"So in this video I have gathered a huge list of places that you can self-publish your book if you are looking for other places other than Amazon KDP to publish and sell books."
"I hope that you have enjoyed this video and it has helped you formulate a plan moving forward on how to build a successful self-publishing business."
"The game has changed. The world has changed. This is why we have the opportunity to self-publish and that's why I love it."
"I hope this tutorial helps those looking for a side hustle in 2024 or those thinking about publishing books on KDP."
"...there's a lot of benefit to self-distributing... you're going to make a higher profit off of your book... you have the opportunity to add personal touches like that."
"...for me it was definitely worth the trouble I don't regret self-distributing."
"Your self-published book, if it does well, mainstream publishers are watching the sales of these books."
"Is it possible to have a successful career, to make money, to make a career out of your children's book, whether you're a writer or illustrator, by self-publishing?"
"So now we're ready to upload our book into Kindle Direct Publishing."
"But now you can have a hundred copies shipped to your house and next thing you know, you'll have your book in hand."
"In the space of a few years you can create a legitimate successful self-publishing business that sells millions of books."
"Publishing is going the way of movie studios. You have to thread a very fine needle, which makes more sense for people to be self-publishing."
"The thing is that I have self-published a book."
"You can deliver your own ebooks and audiobooks pretty easily with a click of a mouse."
"I still cannot believe what they are doing to our myths and stories though I'm amazed at the success of ripa and Razor Fist in my humble way I am fighting back in self-publishing my first book on Amazon, Spire of the Fifth Sun."
"This video is just for people who want to start with zero or almost no money and get the feeling of what it's like to self-publish on Amazon KDP."
"Treat it as practice, as training to become a better self-publisher."
"With AI, many people are putting so many low-content books on Amazon KDP. But you know what, as Overcomers, we want to stand out."
"You can become a self-published author."
"When you format your own ebook, you get to decide exactly how the finished product is going to look."
"I would say that self-publishing if you go through a print on demand service like Amazon Kindle Direct, you're gonna get 60 minus the print cost."
"Everybody's jumping ship. Dude, all of that said, in the top left there, something to gasp over, there's kind of a new resurgence thanks to stuff like Bone of self-publishing."
"I would be holding out for a little more money, more likely, where I'm like if they're only going to pay five thousand dollars right or even ten thousand dollars like, I'm just gonna get lost, right? Why wouldn't I just self-publish this?"
"Self-publishing offers control over your products and income."
"Get the information about how to write and self-publish your books."
"Amazon KDP is the easiest platform to use by far."
"If you want your book available in their storefront, you need to use a distributor."
"I think those are the biggest things that I did wrong in my first year of self-publishing: just stay in your lane but not too much, do market research, do some studying on branding in your genre, stick to your genre, and I think you'll be fine."
"Reviews are like lifeblood to self-publishing authors. They're really really important to us and they help us a lot."
"I'm going to be showing you the step-by-step way on how you can publish your own book on Amazon without getting any rejection."
"Bone is definitely a unique success in the world of self-publishing and in the world of fantasy and comics."
"You can literally have your first book ready to publish by the end of this tutorial."
"This one is one of the best starts to self-published fantasy series."
"Talented and passionate artists don't really understand that they are by default their very own music publisher."
"Kindle Direct Publishing is a great way to make money for free on Amazon. You do not have to have a publisher, you do not have to have anyone's help to publish a book on here."
"You can make a lot of money off a book self-published on Amazon without having to have a really long book. You do not have to write a novel, you do not have to write fiction, you do not have to go really crazy on these types of books."
"Self-publishing is probably the smartest thing you can do financially and it shows initiative."
"Create a coloring book that you can upload and sell on the Amazon KDP platform."
"I think the landscape has changed for writers in writers' favor with regard to things like covers. And I think the rise of self-publishing has a lot to do with that. Writers have options now."
"I am a self-published author; 'Magic Required' and 'Dominion Required' follow the story of a Celtic demigod trying to seek a redemption he's not sure he deserves."
"Self-publishing is largely a bad thing; gatekeeping is good actually, in so much that it ensures a minimum level of basic competency."
"I self-published a book I called the lost art of steam heating."
"Self-publishing your book on the Kindle Direct Publishing platform is simple, relatively easy, and free."
"I've done a million dollars in royalties from self-published books."
"We ended up creating this EP ourselves and ended up selling quite a few of these EPs."
"These were all self-published, so I went to the local printer, I made them myself."
"It fosters some freedom, right, like, you can put out your own DVD and put out and you reach, I mean, you have a hundred and fifty thousand plus followers on Instagram now, right?"
"You can make a full-time income from self-publishing children's picture books if you are willing to put in the time and the effort."
"You're going to walk away with a higher rate of return when you are using Lulu Express."
"It's pretty easy to set up on Amazon through KDP, the creation process, but it's also easy to get a listing up on Amazon for your journal or notebook or planner."
"They also will give you the option of creating an ISBN number on the spot."
"Designing and creating a book, you are taking advantage of Amazon doing all the printing for you."
"The best thing that I did for myself is start publishing even when I wasn't perfect."
"For the past two years, I've been creating videos that teach people how to navigate their way through this sometimes confusing world of self-publishing."
"Zines are just self-published booklets that can be about anything you want."
"It's our right to be country, it's all right, stop dreaming to be on a major label, go do it yourself."
"KDP is an online platform that allows you to self-publish and sell your own books online."
"As a rapper, if you don't get no record deal, put on a mixtape."
"I've just had my very first book published on Amazon."
"I actually got out of my comfort zone, reformatted the book, and uploaded it to Amazon."
"I got to create content, watch my own books, get a manager, and build my audience myself."
"You don't need a record label, you can put music out yourself."
"You could self-publish eBooks and paperback books for free with Kindle Direct Publishing and reach millions of readers on Amazon."
"KDP is Kindle Direct Publishing, and it's basically Amazon's self-publishing route for authors, but what's really cool in this case is that artists can use it too."
"It's a self-published standalone and it's just some of the best character arcs that I've read in a really long time."
"A zine is a self-published booklet that artists and makers will create themselves."
"Self-publishing your first book can be a great experience."
"I'm breaking down the ten easiest ways to save a buttload of money, while self-publishing your book."
"If you want to write a book, you can just make it; you can put it on the internet."
"The more books you publish, the more money you can potentially make."
"Creating yourself an e-book is one of the easiest ways of generating passive income over time."
"Make the book you want, don't make the book you think anyone else is going to like."
"For the first time ever, I decided to make these covers myself."
"Self-publishing is still it still has this stigma of being secondary, that it's being less than, and in my opinion, I feel it is on par with other things like traditional publishing."
"I have a massive respect for any author that publishes their own work; that is artwork."
"It's bigger than YouTube; you can have your own on the actual network."
"I'm always a big advocate of self-publishing because then you control everything and you reap the rewards."
"Story Forgers? Yeah, that sounds like a game though. Wordsmiths? You know what, my very first self-published poetry collection was called The Word Smith."
"A zine is an independently/self-published booklet made by a single person or a collective and typically it's printed on a copy machine or with the ethos of DIY/low production value."
"If you're entirely new to the whole idea of self-publishing on KDP, then you're going to want to download my free guide three steps to publishing your first low content book."
"If you're interested in learning more about how you can self-publish low content books, such as journals, planners, guest books, activity books, coloring books, and more, then subscribe to my channel."
"Kindle Create is very simple, it's very easy, it's free, it's low-cost, it's hassle-free, but it's very limited."
"If you're talented, just put it out yourself and let the public decide."
"That's it, cartoons! I'll make my own comic book."
"One of the great things about being an artist in our time and age, is that you can build your own audience."
"That's great because it means that you can write stories and you can self-publish."
"In today's video, I'm going to walk you through on how to easily format your paperback book."
"Songs of Innocence was illustrated and printed by himself which also added more interest and more value to this particular work."
"This cookbook, even though it is mine, is the best thing I ever decided to do."
"If it weren't for past me being ballsy as hell and putting stuff like this out into the world, I probably wouldn't have improved."
"I'm self-publishing because I turned down my agent who wanted me to change the race of people in my book."
"If you want to make your own comic, there is absolutely no reason to even look at working for a Marvel or DC."
"This is how you do Kindle Direct Publishing."
"I'm also a self-published author of eight novels."
"I'm self-publishing and that's when I launched the Kickstarter."
"I'm not waiting on a record label. I'm gonna put my music up and out to the world."
"This is a self-published book of hers, and it is just gorgeous."
"I encourage self-pub authors to chase your dreams, shut out the haters, do what you do."
"You don't need to go to a publisher; you can just go publish it on Kindle on Amazon for nothing."
"This is one of the best ever self-published books I have ever read by far."
"You can self-publish your ebooks and paperbacks for free and sell to millions of people around the world."
"Niche research is a huge part of my self-publishing strategy."
"I am no one special... I just went and started making my own comics."