
Negotiation Tactics Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Tactical empathy is calling out and recognizing the emotions of the person you're negotiating with without necessarily agreeing with them."
"You can't negotiate with terrorists, never let them get anything."
"If you don't have multiple offers, there's not money leverage you can pull to get more."
"Even if it's hiring, their initial offer is more likely to not be their best offer."
"You don't want to take their initial offer because it's more likely to not be their best offer."
"The most important thing about negotiation is that you have to have multiple offers."
"The 'Win Without Pitching Manifesto': a game changer in negotiation tactics."
"The threat of using it is actually a big deal."
"Never accept a deal that's going to sacrifice the long term."
"As soon as you give up, that's when they're going to actually start offering more."
"Suddenly, the person who's proposing the most extreme measures is like, 'Oh, that's too much.' So, that was like a very simple technique."
"Listen to the other side and make sure they feel hurt... Those are the magic words 'that's right' according to him that really began to kick off conversations."
"By raising these demands in the meeting, China may see an opportunity to position itself as an opposing voice to what many in Asia, particularly countries with anti-West sentiments, see as increasing American nuclear aggression."
"It's much more effective for me to just say if you don't deal with this I will never work with you again."
"You draw more with honey than you do with vinegar."
"If you've ever been in a negotiation they always are gonna try to lowball you literally the cops coming out saying we love everybody is the lowest ball like it's the lowest offer that they will ever give you right."
"A human negotiator would have never done that."
"Ragnik refused the initial offer unless he got offered that consultancy role."
"You want to get them to move, you say -- you give them an out. You give them plausible deniability."
"Whoever throws out a figure in a negotiation first loses."
"Take all the guesswork out of the equation, and get the best deal possible."
"If you give an inch they'll take a mile and you can never admit that you know anything is inappropriate for a school setting."
"The children card is leverage over the most important person in the room."
"If China has a lot of dirt on Biden, how do you negotiate with Biden? You use it against them."
"Maybe this is all just a big negotiation strategy... right now a lot of people are pissed because we have no clarity."
"Just politely shake hands thank them for their time walk out the door and you've been a proper polite negotiating bastard."
"If you don't need a deal, man, you're gonna pitch better."
"Offers to negotiate which the Russians will undoubtedly reject."
"Negotiations aren't a break in fighting; they're a form of war themselves."
"He's created a situation in which any negotiation inevitably favors him."
"It's all about leverage, and Dak's sitting back right now with all of it."
"I just think we should say no, we are leaving, no payments, no exceptions, and then maybe close would be later on if it suits us."
"Trump's general approach to negotiations is he tries to win you over. He tries to be really nice to you. He tries to be really suave and debonair and charming."
"The purpose was to compel the Ukrainians to return to the negotiation that they walked away from."
"I think Boris Johnson is playing poker because he wants to leave without a deal."
"There can't be a threat without the person knowing he's being threatened. There can't be a quid pro quo without the quo."
"It's a bargaining chip to go between the two sides... that's usually how it works in negotiations."
"They've used it in negotiation processes to get plea deals and put it on trial successfully."
"That's true... there's a financial incentive."
"The minute you step outside of that and say to the other person, 'What is interesting to you?' there's a good chance they'll say a number much higher than the one you would say."
"Do these people not even know how to negotiate? Don't send him letters, make demands."
"If you start the argument with the compromise or even less than the compromise, then all you're gonna do is pull everybody else to your right-wing position."
"I'm not using this as a threat or anything, but I would like you to be aware that is whatever we negotiate here, I will certainly shop."
"If we're at the table, then we're not going to be on the menu."
"How much this could play a part in UFC fighter leverage."
"What Dortmund are doing here is they're putting this into the public arena through the press, through outlets that they can trust, so that the world knows that they are open to doing this deal."
"If the contents are the same, I'll make them trust me and sign a contract with me."
"We were pretty well counting on the fact that they were going to show up or call, that they were desperate for the money, and we certainly reassured them we wanted Amy back." - Unknown speaker
"Well, I could let you use my elevator but what's in it for me? Anything you want, we got." - Miner
"Negotiation is how business is done here so I probably would have paid 15 or 20 dollars for either one of these planes and the vendor would have been happy to get rid of them."
"There are only two kinds of bargaining chips when dealing with people: benefit or fear."
"Negotiations are undoubtedly more intensive this week."
"A well-delivered threat is perceived as, 'Oh, you're not just going to do it anyways, right?' It makes the person receiving the threat go, 'No, they're serious about this threat, but if I cave to them, it'll be okay.'"
"Both people got to feel like they getting screwed in order for it to be a good deal."
"In your negotiation, be fearless. Don't let Democrats punk you."
"When two sides were giving each other ultimatums and the expectation was who would blink first."
"You demand what you really want. You don't start at a compromised position."
"The sooner she can settle, the less she'll have to pay."
"Don't negotiate with terrorists don't do uh handshake deals don't do anything off the paper um don't give her money that you can't trace."
"You walk away, and I'm telling you that's gonna work in your advantage."
"I played it very very very cool in my negotiations."
"They need to be asking you what it's going to take to make this [deal] happen."
"You should be able to just print this out, have this with you when you go to negotiate, talk to a dealer, and life should be a heck of a lot easier."
"The fact that he would support it when he absolutely wants no deal means a vote for the deal was a vote for no deal."
"It's not that I'm asking for more money, it's that I'm asking for a bigger revenue share."
"There has to be a point at which you'll walk away from the table... you've got to have your own red line."
"If you want the player, put the money on the table and then we can talk." - Mark
"I should've said, 'I do not want the wall,' and they would've insisted that we build it."
"At this point, we should begin discussing a little higher than 15, maybe 20."
"You have to always be willing to walk away up to the last second."
"It's important at this stage in the process to be as vague as possible."
"But giving them what they want justifies their tactics."
"My top tip is never to give a final price over the phone."
"Self-decapitation is not a normal negotiating tactic."
"Claim value negotiators go against create value negotiators, claim value destroys the create value guy."
"Always default to the trial. Always default to the tribe. You already are clear about what 'no' looks like, so why wouldn't you play for 'yes'?"
"If you want to close anyone, you must be very good at listening."
"Working to get to the 'no' first; that's when the conversation starts."