
Daylight Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"Daylight is considered to be around 5,600 K; it's the whitest of all the temperatures."
"Whoa, that cosplay is so lit, but again, we would not be able to see this because it's daylight."
"It's very very slow, only three hours, four hours of daylight here."
"I'd like it to be day, that'd be quite nice."
"Daylight is a lot shorter this time of year, with temperatures shifting drastically."
"It's gone 6:00 and it's still quite light outside, which I am so happy about."
"Natural daylight changes your life."
"It's still bright sunshine outside; that's the lovely thing about these lighter evenings, they just mean the days last so much longer."
"The attack on the woman occurred in broad daylight in a fairly populated area."
"Summer in Alaska means 24 hours of daylight; the Sun is high in the sky all day and night."
"It's always good to know how many hours you've got left in the day, and a great and easy way to do that is to outstretch your hand towards the sun."
"It's so nice with the time change because I feel like there's just so much more sun now, which is exciting."
"Look how gorgeous this is with the lovely daylight coming through."
"Do these lights make it look like it's the middle of the day?"
"It's light all the time here pretty much 24/7 in the summer."
"We better hurry up because we're about to run out of sunlight."
"Alaska's extreme daylight hours: averaging about 19 hours of sunlight a day during the summer."
"You have very limited daylight and the roads may be covered with snow and ice."
"I can't believe it, it's 9 p.m and it's still sunny."
"It gets dark at like 6 o'clock all year long. So just something to consider like if you have a nine-to-five job and you get off at 5:00, you're not gonna have a lot of time afterwards to do outdoor activities every day."
"Sun goes down so early nowadays and you really have to make the most of your day."
"We have been so productive, I love daylight in my room."
"We're not gonna have a lot of daylight this afternoon."
"There's nothing better than being in the garden, squeezing out every last moment of daylight until dusk."
"I know some people much prefer natural daylight, but it's..."
"Even if close eyes, it's still daylight, so don't need to peek."
"Summer up in the north is very special as the sun never really sets: that means 24 hours of daylight."
"The sun never went down because this is the Arctic Circle."
"It's 7:00 p.m. and it's still sunny out. Like, who remembers the days in the fall when the sun would set and it would be dark before 5:00 p.m.? I don't miss that."
"...I think it's a really nice way as a landscape photographer to kind of access those shooting hours during the middle of the day that we usually shy away from."
"One of the best things we can possibly do is provide daylight."
"It's going to be light the entire time. We've obviously not had a nighttime here yet so I'm intrigued to see how my body reacts to that."
"I love the midnight sun, it's really something to have that much daylight. It's motivating, invigorating. It feels like you know, work until you drop basically."
"I am loving this Daylight Savings Time change... it is almost seven o'clock out and it's beautiful."
"Hopes run high for daylight activity."
"I'd never been so happy to see light of day as I was now."
"Daytime light is... such an important point."
"It is 10 p.m. and the sun is still out."
"I love that it's getting lighter out each day, makes a guy want to work more."
"People welcome the daylight that comes out of the darkness and long for it."
"Pros is I get to enjoy summer days longer than normal."
"It needs to be bright as if it were daylight."
"Having natural daylight in here has made all the difference in the world."
"Now that daylight savings has started and the days are getting longer, it seems like the sun is out a little bit more. I honestly cannot wait for spring."
"The days are really nice and long now, it's about half six at the moment and it's still light outside, which is amazing."
"It's getting light around 7:45 in the morning and getting dark around 7:45 at night, so we're at a perfect 12 and 12 hour split right now."
"This morning we woke up bright and early; it's 10, and the sun just came up, which is so crazy. We only have about five hours of daylight."
"I don't see people in the daylight very often; wanted to find out if there any difference."
"My mood is improved so much by the sunshine and it's staying lighter longer."
"Since we're creatures of day, let's act like it."
"Hope you've been doing well, glad we have daylight after 5 PM now."
"The cones are responsible for our perception of color, active during daylight."
"Oh, before I go, I want to show you this, look, it's bright outside, I started filming in the middle of the night, and now it's morning."
"5600 K is daylight, one of the more useful ones to know."
"We did it, and it's still light. We've actually completed our mission."
"I cannot believe it is almost 9:00 p.m., and we still have daylight. That's amazing."
"This is a very pleasant room to be in because it gets daylight pretty much all day long."
"Daytime shots generally come out quite well."
"Now by God's grace, the shining sun is up, and them that fear not light will surely praise it."
"I'm going to wake up the house by opening up the blinds and get some stuff done."
"The plan was to show you coming up Mont Blanc in the daylight... it's just lovely, yes it's really good."
"While daylights are burning," he said to nobody in particular, "better get to it."
"It's a new day, it is daylight at the Mansion."
"The shadow figures and noises never stopped just because it was daylight."
"This was such a clever scare that was beautifully crafted and managed to be scary in broad daylight."
"Come, Watson," said he, and we passed from that house of grief into the pale sunlight of the winter day.
"It is almost 12 o'clock noon here in Finland in January, and sunrise is at about 11:30 and sunset is at about 2:30."
"The most productive things you can ever do... most of it is done during the day."
"There is so much daylight out now that I can see on those security cameras basically 24 hours a day."
"The most important things in architecture are the organization of space and the penetration of daylight."
"So much natural light in this house, it's so much nicer in here during the day."
"It's now half eight, and look how light it is. Summer's on the way."
"How much of a good time can we have in 24 hours of pure daylight?"
"And in the daylight, everything is back to normal."
"France doesn't get dark until about maybe like 10 o'clock, 10 PM in the summer months."
"It's still broad daylight at like 9:30 p.m., and that's what makes it feel more summery."
"Dreams are made to die with the opening of day, and superstition fades and falters in the sunlight."
"Instead of waking up to a jarring iPhone alarm, you actually wake up to a nice soothing natural daylight."
"Daytime footage is just more interesting."
"It is 12 hours of daylight for every human on the same day, and I think that's very exciting."
"It's daylight, it's daytime, and we are doing Randonautica during the day."
"I want to have some good fun tonight, I want to get in the sunlight, I just want to make up for lost time."
"It's so nice that the sun sets late now."
"Enjoy the bunnies jumping, the flowers blooming, and the sun being up in the sky much longer."
"One of the most notable looks is we're going to use the window van from Promaster, meaning we get all these nice windows along the sides of the coach, give you a lot more visibility, a lot more daylight inside."
"Daylight is this much more capacious form of thinking."
"I was far enough North that the night was short; I could read a book at 11 PM and not need any extra light other than what the sun provided."
"I just wanted to pop here on camera to show you guys what this looks like in natural daylight."
"As long as the sun's up, as long as they could see, they would be out working."
"The daylight outside felt like a safety blanket."
"Daylight exposure in the morning is one of the best things you can do for your body."
"We are not quite at Spring yet, but the days are getting longer."
"It's just getting light now, like mornings are coming back and evenings are back as well. That's nice, really nice."
"It's mostly daylight during the summer season, this is called the midnight sun."
"It's been a while since we've been able to hang out outside in broad daylight."
"It's remarkable how much more comfortable you feel when the light has come up outside."
"Are there not 12 hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in daylight doesn't stumble because there's plenty of light from the Sun."
"Good morning from northern Denmark where it never got dark."
"The days are getting a little bit longer as we get a little bit out of winter."
"The daylight shall expose its brightness."
"I like a little more daylight in the day, it just brings to me a little more joy."
"I'm quite fond of videos filmed during the daytime."
"It's midnight in Iceland actually, and you can see it's bright as daylight."
"I'm excited for spring, there's longer, brighter days which is amazing."
"It's getting light, it's getting light in the room."
"I can say good evening, not good night tonight, that's true daylight outside."
"Winter here in Hawaii means it goes from being completely daylight to complete darkness in about 30 minutes."
"Let's get our pack on and let's get up there while we've still got daylight."
"With long days, you can turn any work week session into a memorable outing and still be home before dark."
"He is named Skinfaxi, Shine-Mane, who drags the bright day over humans."
"We're always saying you want to be able to catch bucks moving up during the daylight."
"But when the sun comes up, you realize there was nothing to be afraid of."
"The sun being out for an extra hour every night takes me from here to here."
"I am absolutely loving this whole 8 PM not even dark stuff yet."
"It's great, I love this time of year, it didn't get dark till gone 10 last night."
"Soon the night will give way and pass to the light of the day."
"We've come up with improved metrics like daylight glare probability."
"The daylight hours are getting considerably and noticeably longer, and that is good news."
"Medical services chief Kit Latura has to save a group of people trapped in a New Jersey tunnel in this 1996 disaster flick. Daylight, that is correct."
"The sun rises at 6:53 and it sets at 4:53, so that's a really nifty feature of Node-RED."
"Daylight is just a few hours of beautiful, fragile light."
"It's so crazy how late the sun goes down though, it's so different."
"How fabulous is it that it is almost 6:30 in the evening and it's still light out."
"I love when it stays light for very long in the summer."
"It's 7:12 right now, and it is still light outside, like I just love this for me."
"We're maximizing the natural daylight that we can enjoy."
"It's 8:30, and it is so light outside, and this is why I love the month of June."
"Sunlight hours analysis calculates the number of hours an area will receive sunlight."
"It's still crazy how short the days are, this close to midday the sun's still so low."
"It's so nice to be able to drive home and have sunlight."
"I'm really, really enjoying these brighter afternoons; it gets to like four or five p.m. and it's not dark, and honestly, it is just life-changing."
"Utilizing as much daylight as I can while it's there."
"We are going to try to ride Expedition Everest first because we want to ride it while the sun's out, while it's bright and beautiful out."
"I'm so glad that it's daylight and we get to actually see it this time."
"The coolest thing that I think is possible is to see the planets in the middle of the day."
"It's shady, yeah nice, it's gonna be real nice, and it's high noon right now."
"There's nothing more emboldening than the light of day and a good night's sleep."
"Queensland Country Bank Stadium bathed in sunshine, a rare day game for the North Queensland Cowboys."
"Impalas give birth mostly during the day because to them, that is the safest time."
"It's very nice light; sun has crested whatever cloud we had earlier, and it is already scorching, really got nice and warm."
"Who will do such a thing in broad daylight?"
"It's going to be very interesting tomorrow morning as we get the light of day to actually see what kind of damage it's been done."
"It's so good starting a vlog in the daylight."
"It's after 10 o'clock at night, and it's the longest daylight hour day of the year."
"The sun's just barely touching the horizon now... it looks as if it's absorbing all the daylight as it falls."
"This house looks absolutely gorgeous during the day."
"The sun needs to stop going down so early in the day, I'm about over it."
"It getting dark at 5:00 p.m. is really kicking my butt."
"I'm not a huge fan of daylight savings time, but I love the extra hour of daylight."
"It's currently quarter past five and it's still pretty light outside."
"With daylight scenes, everything is visible; you will have to worry about the details even more."
"I love when the sun stays out past eight o'clock because for some reason, whenever it goes down, it seems like the day is over."
"With a smile I stepped forth into the daylight."
"I'm loving how the Sun is staying out longer."
"I like the daytime because I get to see people."
"It's 7:30 on a Tuesday evening, the clocks have gone back, and what that means is that we've got an additional couple of hours of sunlight every single evening."
"It's really nice to finally see the sun out for most of the day."
"We know that tinted mineral sunscreens with iron oxides can offer protection against the majority of which come from the daylight from the sun."
"It's finally day, very happy about that because I love when it's bright and light outside."
"I love the front window from the inside and the outside because in the daylight it makes it feel so open in here."
"The light is staying longer into the evening, and so the sun's setting at like 8 p.m. right now, which is nice."
"The sun is now up, it is absolutely beautiful."
"How nice is it that it's seven o'clock and it's still light outside?"
"Let's ride in the daylight, okay, towards something worthy."
"There's nothing better than getting outside and making the most of every daylight hour."
"When that daylight hits, it's a whole different story."
"The vibes are high, the temperature is low, daylight is slim."
"I'm losing sunlight here, but I'm really happy with how it came out."
"The extra daylight during the day is going to be so nice."
"The best part about that is, it's happening later and later every day, our daylight hours are getting longer and longer, fast."
"I love when days are long and it just feels like you have more of a day."
"It's like 4 o'clock and the Sun isn't setting yet; I feel so good."
"I love when it stays bright until like 9:30 p.m. I wish it was like that year-round."
"I'm optimistic that we're on our way to spring because it's not quite dark outside yet."