
Celebrity Impact Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"Her popularity transcended borders in a pre-internet age; her impact and outreach were astounding."
"I started to regret not being a real kid with a real life," she said, as reported by Life and Style. "I felt like I had no childhood, and it made me sad and angry."
"The thing about a guy like Harry Styles is somebody who is defining culture; if he wears something, it's cool."
"She understood the power of social media, she absolutely understood the power of celebrity, and she came in and blew it up."
"We don't care about Michael Jackson because he's dead, and his music is way bigger than him."
"Taylor Swift has transcended her role as a mega-star and emerged as an economic powerhouse."
"Just look at what Elizabeth Taylor did with her life, that's the role model."
"It's definitely familiar. Even if it were just Kanye, it might still be worth writing about because he's such a singular figure, but it's obviously not just him."
"Taylor Swift, one of the most politically influential personalities in the world."
"I think Kanye is important. I think he's very flawed like the rest of us... but uh I actually think he's important and I think mostly he's creating a conversation that's necessary and healthy."
"They're rolling out their very biggest gun, Jon Stewart is back."
"I think she loves Taylor Swift more than me."
"Boxing sometimes needs a leg up, and Jake Paul is that leg up."
"It just sucks to hear about this. What are your fondest memories of Bruce Willis' career?"
"Britney did this... Britney speaking in court on June 23rd and saying no I want this open impacted Britney being able to hire her own attorney."
"Every time Hogan does something, you see the flash bulbs."
"They acquire this weird responsibility to be a sort of a public voice, it's utterly bizarre."
"My favorite thing about E3 was also Keanu Reeves, you're breathtaking!"
"Felix's influence, reach, and stardom were immediately noticeable, arguably spawning the notion of popular culture."
"Most people seem to either dislike them or are totally ambivalent and it's done nothing to hurt their careers or their bank accounts."
"What Martin Bashir did to Diana was wicked. What he did to Michael Jackson was wicked. Had Martin Bashir not been involved in the lives of Diana and Michael Jackson, who knows, they might both still be alive."
"The premiere brought with it an introduction to the nascent hip-hop culture a discussion about race in class and introduced us to a star in the making with will smith."
"Literally surrounded by A-listers and steals every single freaking scene."
"There's a reason we know Winona's name because she's awesome and she turned whatever weirdness people thought she had into a prolific film and TV career."
"Parenthood isn't glorified or platformed enough... it's significant for someone on Drake's level to be platforming that as well."
"When you can't even decide if the person's at the highest level of the industry now, and you're comparing them to people that... brought out royalty to their concerts, closed down entire cities... okay? Have museums built about them."
"Timothée Chalamet marks a milestone in the gender fluid sex symbol's journey from subversive rock and roll all the way to mainstream Hollywood."
"For LeBron James to sit and watch a series about my life there's no I I mean that guy."
"It's Bob Iger, it's not Jesus, it's Bob Iger."
"Who's the biggest f***ing star in the world?"
"Elvis mania was in high gear... Broadway hadn't seen anything like it since Bobby Soxers had jammed the streets waiting to see Frank Sinatra over a decade earlier."
"Her story serves as a reminder of the complexities of Fame and the importance of supporting individuals during difficult times."
"Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of Fame, the dangers of untreated mental health issues, and the importance of seeking help in times of need."
"There was nothing more phenomenal than Diana, an absolute phenomenon that the world hadn't ever seen before."
"Magic Johnson's revelation about being HIV positive shocked the world."
"Hagman's performance as JR earned him widespread acclaim and made him a household name around the world."
"The Drake curse is a lot worse than the Kardashian curse."
"He was without question one of the greatest stars the world has ever known."
"We respect what he has done and the path that he paved for others to follow, putting Schwarzenegger at a legendary status beyond legendary."
"Ronaldo brings a lot of eyes to Manchester United."
"Kanye has the ability to potentially bring millions of people to Christ."
"Will Smith stole the show single-handedly. I get it."
"Elon didn't just break Twitter, Twitter broke Elon Musk."
"It's emotionally true, it has never bothered me once to see Samuel L. Jackson appear on screen."
"Geffen broke the spell on Hillary Clinton being inevitable for the presidency after soured relations with the Clintons."
"For the first time ever they invited BTS and it just completely shut the whole thing down."
"When Jimmy Kimmel walks out on stage crying about gun control after paddock gains villainy status on the strip all Vedic eyes are the average viewer is going to catch the bug just as much as any gay man is about to catch the bug."
"I think for me to say that I'm not inspired by RuPaul or Lady Gaga would be like a slap in the face to their art and their work."
"Most of us in the Western World don't even realize the impact this family has had on our lives."
"Keanu Reeves reveal. I don't think there was a more hype announcement than that right there."
"He made golf so much bigger than it ever had been before."
"John Ritter's Legacy endures through his contributions to entertainment and the impact he had on audiences worldwide."
"I'm curious about the film because if you're into Charlie's Angels, you've got to have high-action elements as well."
"That's the face of the MMA community when Jake Paul keeps knocking out our stars."
"Peterson's primary goal is to neutralize the political right."
"He will go down as the biggest superstar of this generation in WWE whether you like it or not."
"If Oprah raises a stink that leads to media interviewing Oprah on this, which puts pressure on the Kentucky attorney general because, make no mistake, a lot of times criminal charges come because of a story getting bigger in the media."
"That's the clip right there... that's the clip."
"Adele was tearing it up everywhere she went and quickly became the it girl of the decade."
"Chuck Liddell is one of the reasons this sport blew up. He was like one of the first proper Superstars."
"When Kobe Bryant passed away, it wasn't just about sports or movies, it was a reminder of the transient nature of life."
"Kobe Bryant may not have been my favorite basketball player, but his impact on pop culture was undeniable."
"Kobe Bryant's influence extended far beyond basketball, leaving a significant mark on pop culture."
"Bruce Willis will forever be a beloved actor to generations of moviegoers."
"BTS and ARMY, I feel like now like the people have been telling us."
"The mental stress of all of a sudden having millions of eyes on you overnight."
"A single tweet from Elon Musk can change stocks within a day."
"Absolutely, and I think Kylie was the biggest. I went to her and was just like, 'How are you?' and she was so brave about speaking about it."
"Her candid statements struck a chord with a wide audience, igniting a broader conversation on the responsibility of public figures to speak out against injustices."
"Every game's been a sellout and I think that is the superstar effect."
"Little Nas X isn't the Antichrist here on earth. His music video isn't going to turn an entire generation into devil worshipers."
"Tyler Perry and his approach to comedy, unintentional or otherwise, has inspired my own approach to comedy."
"2020 has been a crazy year. If there's one bright spot, it is Taylor Swift."
"I still can't believe it. We thank you on behalf of all fandom for bringing Sarah Michelle Gellar back."
"From drill they were able to get noticed by Drake, one of the biggest names in the world."
"I just love hearing people scream with joy every time I walk out on stage." - EUGENE LEVY
"Chris Farley's death... he was just killing his genius."
"Look at what they've done for flaw look at what they've done to the slot."
"Kanye's influence and one-of-a-kind artistic ability have made him Inseparable from hip-hop."
"Beyonce is one of those characters that can kick the door wide open and make the world see and make things that are not popular popular and make things trend."
"How many young girls also want biracial kids just because of Kim Kardashian?"
"The Rich and Famous say it, it's going to hold more Credence because our people are dick riders."
"Harry and Megan actually did flip the script."
"That's the kind of superstardom that almost wipes away what went on with Conor McGregor..."
"Tessa Thompson has killed it like she's killing it."
"When srk appeared on screen for the first time the crowd went wild."
"One of the greatest awards is the love, respect, and acceptance from millions of followers all over the world."
"The show made an instant star of its young creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, whose singular vision transformed Broadway."
"Punk's success in spite of everything changed the perception of who could and couldn't be a star."
"2021 gave humanity the middle finger by taking Betty White from the world."
"I mean, who can forget this Sportmax Vanity Fair look, or the time the Internet collectively decided she wore a suit better than Michael B Jordan."
"Women truly do run this country and that woman's name is Taylor Swift."
"Lady Gaga's greatest gift and innovation to pop music and pop culture isn't her music it isn't her fashion and it isn't her art it's what she gave to the fans."
"I'm a hundred percent against his point that Kanye has no influence."
"Chris Pratt, every time he pops up, magnificent."
"Sinatra with a cold is Picasso without paint, Ferrari without fuel. Only worse."
"I don't usually weep when celebrities pass away but yeah, I gotta say I did weep for Stan Lee as well as Carrie Fisher."
"The media have long decried Donald Trump as a populist, and now they are doing the same to PewDiePie."
"How the [ __ ] are you gonna sell me on that guy bro how the [ __ ] are you gonna sell me I'm gonna tell you on Robert Pattinson bro I hated the guy until I saw him in one movie."
"You know how public I've been about how Will Smith has changed my life."
"That was probably the coolest thing anyone were more stars struck by anyone than David Blaine kind of."
"He was a Disney Channel star, you'd see his face every time you turned on the TV."
"Elon started supporting more and more, so our community by seeing him, that video played a huge role in what we're seeing today."
"Hollywood should be looking into cloning Tom Cruise because after him, who the [__] is next?"
"Hip-hop stops and pays attention when Jay-Z drops an album."
"Even Zendaya, who was already top-notch... they're gonna be so just famous and even more cherished."
"People have opinions on Chappelle. I even talked about him publicly and got some uproar in my replies about it, but like I think the way he talks about stuff is just like this guy fully kind of gets it."
"Russell's over the target here and his massive audience most certainly and demonstrably shows he's not alone."
"People just ignore[d] it because of his numbers because of his status."
"Relationships since people can't help but be overly interested in celebrity couples."
"I do find it worrying as someone who loves film and someone who loves cinema; just look at movie stars, really, how many great or new movie stars have been produced recently?"
"Elon in the next 30, 60, 90 days is gonna get hit up from every different angle."
"Harry stole people's hearts from the very beginning."
"This symbiotic relationship between the BTS Army and BTS... they build each other up."
"BTS and army continue to lift each other up."
"Bing's admission of regret sheds light on the potential pressures his sons faced growing up in the shadow of immense fame."
"Sometimes you just never know until you meet your heroes what they're actually going to be like."
"If I get 90 Day Fiance stars cameos, it's whatever, right? But if we get a Lord of the Rings star's cameo, big up. That's a game changer."
"He was everything to us and we want you to know how much he loved his fans, performing live and bringing people from all walks of life together with laughter."
"They've gotten so big they surpass the fame from what they do and just become like an icon."
"The illest part about DMX is DMX doesn't have to do anything but show up as DMX every [ __ ] time."
"Kennedy had been on a roll thanks in large part to a major feud with The Undertaker."
"One of the reasons she actually suffered from mental health issues after the show."
"But she has the most fame. That's why that's such a tough look for her."
"The part that I want to isolate is the final one with musk I think what musk is doing you know 100 there's the argument of what he's taking from public."
"Wow does he absolutely bring it as Tony Stark."
"Jake Paul good for boxing, great for so many reasons, but first and foremost just bringing like 70 million of my fans to this sport."
"It's just crazy, you know, it's Cristiano Ronaldo." - Fernando Calas
"I won't say that anything is impossible anymore, it's just crazy, you know, it's Cristiano Ronaldo." - Fernando Calas
"Michael J. Fox is raising a lot more than just hope."
"BTS are literally like seven godlike figures, man. They hold the power, they are the power."
"Catherine Zeta-Jones can do it all. She definitely left her mark on the movies."
"I've got a lot of more people knocking at my door asking for games now and autographs I'm sure."
"Now they see the gain, they see the prestige, they see the way it could actually position her as maybe more of a star."
"Jamie Foxx is a better example... just Jamie Foxx in different things."
"You're not getting any interviews if he's not involved you know that it's a dominoes thing once it's like Jordans in he's producing it with us."
"Nothing's created the amount of hostile social media attacks like Johnny, not even close."
"Drake is to me... it's undeniable that he wanted the greatest artist of all time."
"She truly was one of Hololive's shining stars, and the absence left by her retirement can still be felt. We miss you, Coco."
"Beyoncé broke the internet after announcing the release of her seventh album 'Renaissance,' her first solo album since 'Lemonade' in 2016."
"Imagine if Mr. Beast just quit YouTube out of nowhere."
"The death of Princess Diana was felt as deeply personal by many due to parasocial intimacy."
"Lady Gaga, we can't ask for less... she just really is on a different level."
"Joel McHale is the reason that's nice exists."
"The fact is that Kobe Bryant was such a part of everybody's life. It's obviously a tragic, tragic incident."
"Bitcoin broke 44,000 dollars because Elon Musk has bought 1.5 billion dollars worth of bitcoin."
"It's always good to see Patrick Stewart on screen... he still got it."
"Emily Blunt is a clear testament to the fact that beauty does not solely come from physical appearance but also from attitude, confidence, and self-care."
"In the blink of an eye, Little Pump exploded into the Limelight."
"If he walks out on stage right now, I would get baptized tomorrow, okay."
"It's all about vibes and perception. When a kid sees Andrew Tate on a private jet, they're like, 'I want that!'"
"The Disaster Artist had successfully put Tommy waso firmly in the mainstream."
"I honestly hope that you find those people on YouTube and you support them and you subscribe and you are engaging under all their videos."
"Without Brock Lesnar, this show is an absolute waste of time."
"In stripping Diana of the title Her Royal Highness, royalty lost one of its star performers."
"Usher Raymond the fourth, it's the biggest to me. He had the best halftime show, man. That's just my personal opinion."
"Everything with crypto Bitcoin Dogecoin Coinbase has come to a screeching halt and has gone down significantly since Elon's SNL appearance."
"What finally took him down was lung disease."
"Fame has taken a toll on Gypsy Rose Blanchard."
"Method Man is the reason why all shows now have a dump button."
"All of the positive things that Harry and Megan have brought to the world."
"Kevin Hart, you have blown my socks to smithers."
"Keanu's sacrifice benefited everyone but him."
"I surrender, Beyonce's the greatest." - A statement of admiration and respect for Beyonce's talent.
"If this was a rapper or athlete, everywhere it would be the bomb cyclone."
"Who has the culture in their hand, though? Drake."
"Tom Cruise is our greatest living movie star and arguably America's greatest export."
"Mr. Beast existing in this world is better than him not existing."
"I was blown away by Lady Gaga's raw honesty in Apple TV's 'The Me You Can't See' regarding the harrowing SA and PTSD she suffered."
"A worldwide outpouring of grief followed the news of his passing; several websites crashed, and sales of his music drastically increased."
"Are people thinking for themselves, or are we just influenced by celebrities and blue ticks on Twitter?"
"I love fran... she's so effervescent and I love that she's funny and I love that she doesn't hold that back at all."
"Blake also lived a colorful lifestyle and made her Mark as an actress and a woman of value."
"Taylor Swift is a person who did she change? What has she done? She's affected dozens of cities, made money for thousands, millions probably of people."
"Sylvester Stallone made my childhood and my life very, very fun."
"Millions fell in love with Quentin Simon the moment they saw his face."
"I remind everybody who's listening to this, when Muhammad Ali could talk, America didn't like him. When he couldn't talk, that's when you fell in love with him."
"When you have a voice and you have millions of people who follow you, you have to be really careful what you say."
"He's brought us so many years of entertainment."
"PewDiePie is famous. Are we gonna blame Barack Obama for everything that anyone's done?"
"Zendaya shut it down. Her tribute was to Joan of Arc, so when I saw this, I audibly asked, I literally couldn't speak."
"Zendaya brings in most people into that show."
"Somehow Audrey Hepburn gives us hope and inspiration; the world is a better place for her special touch of magic."
"The only thing that ever changed was Betty White's unbelievably cheerful nature."
"I think this was the winning look of the entirety of Venice and I think everybody knew that, everybody knows that."
"This is yours truly standing next to the man. It is still shocking. It is still the biggest deal in the world for me."
"Chris Rock and Will Smith created about 10 billion dollars worth of attention."
"Without Elon Musk, bitcoin will be fine; if Elon Musk chooses to attack bitcoin, I actually think bitcoin gets stronger."
"When high-profile celebrities like Kanye West make anti-semitic comments it contributes to normalizing and accepting anti-Semitism in society."
"It makes a lasting impression in the subconscious mind and their identification, their persona is meshed, it's enmeshed, it's totally, it's totally like everything that Cardi B says and does the kids begin to imitate."
"You lose something and you never get it back, that privacy, that sense of yourself, that ability to identify yourself with intimate things, to define your own narrative."
"He's real when he addresses why people love them because they're real."
"I I I I can tell you exactly why that happened, it's because people were bringing up the fight, like 'Oh this fight's your second coming.' I'm like dog my numbers aren't that much better than before the fight."
"Kenya became a star because of Real Housewives of Atlanta."
"There's only one Dwayne the rock Johnson I mean his whole career if it wasn't for that Herculean like charisma and charm this dude can patent just charm the pants off of anybody like anybody when he smiles you'll melt."
"Having Chef Ramsay come into our lives, it's meant the world."
"The outpouring from all of Ross's fans has been amazing."
"No one had the persona, the power, and the superstardom of Eddie Murphy."
"Look at this stage in your career, because right now, Timothy Chalamet is kind of the chosen one."
"Taylor Swift is genuinely a phenomenon. She is not a SCoP. People actually really like her." - Michael Knowles