
Referendum Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"It was this House that decided to give the British public the referendum in 2016."
"If you campaign in a referendum saying will respect the result and implement it, if you repeat that in a promise in a manifesto and then vote in a different way, I don't think the use of a word like betrayal is too strong."
"I do think, genuinely believe, that if you campaign in a referendum saying will respect the result and implement it, if you repeat that in a promise in a manifesto and then vote in a different way, I don't think the use of a word like betrayal is too strong."
"Delivering the referendum result requires this house to respect the voice of the people as expressed in that historic vote."
"He didn't say that straight after the result of the referendum. He and his ilk have done a lot of damage to our country."
"If Ukraine was so confident that the majority of the Crimean people were going to vote to stay in Ukraine, why did they prevent the referendum from taking place?"
"Sugar does exactly the same thing so we know mechanically how that works."
"Isn't it interesting that those that want to cancel the referendum and break their word now claim to be on the side of democracy?"
"I personally promised repeatedly that whatever the result of that referendum was, I would respect it."
"A confirmatory referendum was among the ideas on the table."
"I think leave won against another referendum."
"It's also the site where the act of free choice was done in 1969 in which Western New Guinea was given a referendum to vote for integration into Indonesia or Not by 10,22 tribal representatives."
"To even contemplate giving away these sort of powers to this sort of body without a referendum will be quite simply catastrophic."
"If it did come to a second referendum, you really wouldn't be fearful at all."
"A second referendum would be another big win for leave."
"I think what a second referendum would do is actually come his damage you know people's faith in the entire system of governance in this country."
"The government leaflet said the result of your decision is final and it will be implemented. Should people not believe what they're told?" - Nigel Farage
"This was a referendum that had very little to do with citizenship and far more to do with women's enfranchisement."
"Musk proposed having internationally supervised referendums. I think that's a great idea, that would be the only credible way to find out."
"A referendum has to top every other form of democratic procedure for legitimacy, right? If you want the most accurate reading of what the public thinks, you ask them all to tell you. That's surely the primary form."
"People who voted in the 2016 referendum thought their vote would actually count for something."
"Common sense tells you that the only way to get past Brexit is a second referendum. I mean, Parliament is just not going to agree to any deal that comes back."
"I'm absolutely in favor of having another vote, another referendum on this issue."
"We've just voted in an independence referendum. We have voted for independence."
"I'm personally want the best result but whatever result we get is going back to the people."
"I am determined that there will be an independence referendum in this parliament."
"They want a referendum on which system is better."
"It seems to me that if they wanted to do something like this, they should at least have a referendum."
"We have to respect the right to Scotland to have that Independence referendum."
"The referendum I think was so important; it actually properly gathered the opinion and the voice of Falkland Islanders."
"The biggest tragedy perhaps for the last vote of the referendum was that many young people in Britain didn't bother to vote."
"Facing a Now or Never moment, Washington voters approved the new stadium referendum."
"If we reached a position where the British people in a referendum had voted to do something and a prime minister ignored them, I don't think he'd last very long."
"The country has voted to leave the EU."
"People want to be heard, and I think the referendum has given a voice to a section of society that perhaps felt left behind and unheard."
"Let the people of Scotland have their say."
"We're proving here is that there should not be a referendum on Europe."
"The referendum was a victory for working-class power."
"We need a people's vote, we need a ratification referendum, and we will campaign for it."
"The country voted, and the country voted to leave."
"I became Prime Minister immediately after that referendum."
"It's one thing to sort of live in a climate of hatred. It's another thing to have that actually thrust into your face in a way that this referendum did."
"99.8 percent of the residents voted in favor of the Island's remaining a territory of the United Kingdom."
"I don't doubt that many people will be angry if this deal is voted down tonight, but we cannot put that back. We must put that back to the British people so they can decide is this the future for the country that they want."
"The only way now to solve this matter is to get it back where it began, in effect, which is to the people, to put that deal to a confirmatory referendum."
"Scotland did not vote for Brexit in any form and, unlike others, will not vote for Brexit in any form."
"...to resolve this once and for all if the Prime Minister really believes in no deal let him put it to the people and asked our people if that is the price they want to pay."
"The referendum result was not just about membership of the EU; it was a vote to change the way that this country works, and who it works for, forever."
"It's the Brexit Party that ensures that the wishes of seventeen point four million people will be respected."
"Trust is paramount and the single biggest thing that the government can do now to restore trust in our system is to deliver the result of the referendum."
"...an open-ended delay would mean disregarding the votes of the 74 7.4 million people who voted to leave."
"We find ourselves debating a proposition that seeks to confound the referendum result again."
"It was a referendum on the war... on its purpose... and on emancipation."
"This Scottish referendum is probably the most important political event in the history of these islands certainly since the Second World War."
"The referendum was held precisely because the democratic system was not working."
"If we have a hung parliament then it will enable us to regroup and prevent certainly will lead to a second referendum."
"We have a plan which will be put to the British people in an in-out referendum."
"The duty of politicians is to implement the result of the referendum and not to suggest that the public got it wrong."
"We should keep faith with the people by delivering on the vote that they gave in 2016."
"The British people want us to get on with a deal that honors the referendum and allows us to come together again as a country."
"The beauty of a referendum is that every voter has an equal voice."
"Delivering the referendum result requires this house respect the voice of the people."
"In the referendum of 2016, the biggest democratic exercise in our history, the British public withdrew that consent."
"The referendum was a vote to bring our EU membership to an end and to create a new role for our country in the world."
"As soon as a majority of people in Northern Ireland show evidence of wanting there to be a border poll, the British government... is honor bound and legally bound... to allow there to be a referendum on Irish unification."
"I do trust that you will make an informed decision and all the best in the upcoming referendum."
"82 percent of Berliners said no thank you to the zero referendum."
"Sure enough, billionaire Sir James Goldsmith had a new demand: a referendum not just on the single currency but on the whole question of Britain's involvement in Europe."
"For the first time, there's a strong possibility of a referendum on reunification."
"We are one United Kingdom, there will be one in/out referendum and that will be decided on a majority of those who vote."
"The question read: Should Scotland be an independent country?"
"This referendum won't change who we are; it will reveal who we are."
"A referendum or direct democratic vote by the people of Scotland."
"The Scottish Parliament should have the right to hold another referendum if there is a significant and material change in the circumstances."
"The referendum in South Africa supports the creation of a new constitution for a multicultural society."
"The only meaningful choice that ever been offered was that referendum... the only time where you could really make a difference with your vote."
"I do believe the British people, in view of all that's happened, must have the last final word at the ballot box in a referendum."
"Surely the way to protect democracy is to put any Brexit deal to a confirmatory referendum."
"The more I learnt about it, the more I marveled at the fact that Remain got as much as 48% of the vote."
"We have got to stop talking about race and actually get back to the referendum and start talking about those issues."
"The Welsh devolution referendum of 2011 gave directly lawmaking powers to the Welsh Assembly."
"Fulfilling a referendum result is not extreme; it's actually honoring the result of something the British people voted for."
"That's what they are asking you to say yes to at this referendum: the same opportunity for their children to make a good life for themselves."
"This referendum is about positive empowerment, recognition through a voice."
"This is a very safe referendum proposal; it upholds the Constitution while at the same time recognizing indigenous people."
"I am happy if this ends up being a referendum on what's going to be good for blue-collar workers."
"The 2023 voice referendum has been another chapter in the long struggle for indigenous rights."