
Industry Disruption Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Changing the way games are sold is a big disruption to everybody...but this is a necessary step forward for the games industry if we want to enable developers to invest in building better games."
"This industry has been heavily disrupted by technology and automation."
"Imagine Elon Musk and his electric car revolution taking on the petrol states."
"Sacred cows make the best... and how am I going to come up with new answers? By going outside of the industry." - Monroe Associates philosophy
"This sector to me is one of the most important in blockchain as the supply chain is set to be completely disrupted by blockchain technology."
"Bogle's low-cost and better-performing Index Fund disrupts the mutual fund industry."
"If you build Great Tech, they'll let you come in and destroy the industry on their behalf just to partner with you."
"In a nutshell Tesla has killed General Motors and we're now witnessing them breathe their final breath."
"The breakup of the long-standing Bell System forever changed the telephone industry and telecommunications as a whole."
"Tesla has in its crosshairs trillions of dollars of industry. Big oil, legacy auto, utilities and more."
"It’s going to completely disrupt the freight industry."
"Cryptocurrency is the only industry that we have right now that is going to disrupt every other predatory third-party industry in the United States."
"It's almost like Tesla's disrupting an entire industry or two."
"Blockchain has the potential to disrupt hundreds of industries, reducing fees and removing middlemen."
"I'm looking for the kind of game that scares the industry, starves other franchises, and [messes] up stocks."
"The audacious rise of Elon Musk's SpaceX has totally disrupted the industry."
"Tesla when they first came out with this cylindrical cell battery pack idea everybody in the industry thought they were crazy."
"The Tesla brand has turned the automotive industry completely on its head in the space of only a few short years."
"Every time you buy a Tesla product, that's a torpedo at the fossil fuel industry of R&D."
"Tesla has completely flipped the automotive industry on its head."
"2021 showed that altcoins are not just a method to pump Bitcoin. DeFi is here to stay, it's disrupting the banking industry."
"This impeachment was aimed at you, at the American people."
"You made it, kid. Get out there, bet. You deserve it. You're up with the day."
"Blockchain technology is disrupting every single industry in the world, spreading faster than anything else."
"Additive manufacturing throws much of our knowledge out the window."
"If the price is anywhere near where it's supposed to be, it's going to just destroy Intel."
"The disruptive force of Lemonade: Transforming the insurance industry, one policy at a time."
"SpaceX has become a major disrupter in the Aerospace industry."
"What if Marvel made a deal with Amazon to deliver direct to the customer and are burning the comic shops to justify the move?"
"It just goes to show, I think Tesla has seen a huge opportunity here and realized, dude, it's imploding right now, this is our opportunity to gain a staggering advantage over everyone else in the industry."
"Uber destroys taxis and everything, so good."
"We've disrupted this 2,000-year-old tradition."
"Sony wasn't even supposed to be part of this gaming market."
"BTS are able to stay on the charts while actually making money from their music. That's what makes the industry mad."
"We're trying to do things differently from the rest of the industry."
"Netflix blows up blows blockbuster out of the water and it's it's absolutely massive."
"Nobody does Real Estate the way that I do. That's why I think I can create the Robin Hood of real estate."
"Distribution has been disrupted, which is fundamentally what the internet did to all industries."
"Tesla just makes every other car feel outdated."
"You are now living in a time when you're going to be able to make your own movie without having to sell it to a bloated Studio or network without having to have an agent."
"The CEO of Theranos faces a fraud trial on Wednesday after multiple reschedules and delays. The now defunct company once reached a 9 billion valuation promising to disrupt the lab testing industry."
"So essentially by 2030 essentially, EVs were going to disrupt all of internal combustion engine, the whole industry."
"Self-publishing is a threat to traditional publishing 100%, absolutely is."
"2022 is the year that Wall Street finally sees what's been evident to others for quite some time: Tesla has slowly been digging the grave of Legacy Automotive."
"2022 is the year that this total annihilation becomes blatantly obvious."
"Tesla is not like a traditional Legacy automotive manufacturer."
"Tesla is disrupting and revolutionizing the industry."
"I wanna upset people, I wanna disrupt the business, that's what the Zone have done."
"Challenge your urge or your necessity to do everything perfectly..."
"They're gonna be worried as hell about this. This is a direct threat and competitor to Fox News Corp."
"We're disrupting a very old industry, and it's really exciting. People want to see change."
"Coronavirus has impacted pretty much every single industry, not just event cancellations but travel restrictions and, of course, the health concern itself."
"D5 is really just the entire financial services industry without centralized organizations."
"You broke every rule, every trend, and you're still one of the most successful rappers in the game."
"Shake up the whole industry and just keep on giving selves opportunities."
"Software 2.0 is eating software 1.0 methodologically, one area at a time."
"They're really launching a she said to mix up and shake up the whole cruise industry."
"Tesla is about to shake up the automotive industry in a way that I don't think even the big automotive players are really understanding."
"Ripple is in their eyes on the disrupter 50 list."
"Legacy players are being disrupted by nimble, agile innovators."
"When you find a stagnant industry, leverage technology to deliver a 10x better solution."
"Tesla is going to put Uber and Lyft out of business."
"Elon has an opportunity to break the monopoly of these silicon valley blue church discourse chokers."
"The Steam Deck though - it’s not sneaking in the back door - it’s a trojan horse and Microsoft and Sony have let it in the house with open arms."
"Tesla is just completely changed the face of the automotive industry. It's not a car company, it's a tech company now."
"It's just impossible... No insurance company will be able to compete with Tesla insurance."
"Once upon a time, the original iPhone, original iPod, being good examples of completely transformative devices that disrupted entire industries."
"This movement is all about its gradual, all hard-fought iterations step by step in a very unsexy way towards a product that will eventually create the new Amazons, the new Google's, the new Facebook's, the new banks of the future."
"The gaming industry is massively disrupting with blockchain."
"It's pretty incredible to watch you guys essentially just rip out that centralized infrastructure create an interface for the decentralized world."
"I think people will see this as disruptive for the entire auto industry and really seeing Tesla as an innovator that's uh well in front of their competitors."
"Tesla: not a car company, but a battery company disrupting multiple industries."
"Oatly... They're disrupting the dairy industry essentially."
"This is a $2,200 laptop... it's a small company building an entirely bespoke laptop that genuinely could and seems to already be changing an entire industry."
"Fenty didn't just meet overlooked needs, it sent a message to those century-old companies."
"R1 is making a small dent in the industry by convincing our audience that, hey look it can do x amount of things that your phone can do but much faster and intuitive."
"Man is crazy my voice is still just a little bit anyways well it's also crazy is that if the 330 I was released just 10 years ago it would have completely upended the entire affordable loudspeaker industry."
"If we see new companies emerging in the banking space using this first principles design, if they change the rules, then the branch model of banking will be obsolete."
"The only way you can get a story going for Tesla that has any heft to it is if you told the story of Tesla being that the electric car business is different from a traditional car."
"I'm a rebel in the industry; I'm a rebel in this world."
"Players along the IU value chain need to prepare strategically and make the right moves to thrive amid the disruptions these trends could cause."
"We're gonna put so many coaches out of business."
"Yet one Oregonian startup, Akimoto, has done the seemingly impossible: bring a vehicle to market that goes against most of the industry norms."
"This is going to disrupt the entire truck industry."
"That shook up the entire industry like it seems like for a few weeks that was the biggest news in Finance."
"Uber had become so successful so quickly that it had bulldozed the traditional taxi cab industry."
"Tesla is really doing something that no other car company has done in quite some time."
"We've disrupted an industry and we've brought about some awareness."
"Netflix was a disruptor trying to change the business."
"We see a huge disruption happening for many industries, including our own, driven by AI."
"The old world is not coming back, and the fact that software companies are disrupting all these old industries, it's got everyone's attention."
"If you don't wake up every morning and ask yourself how can I disrupt my own industry, someone else will do it for you."
"Tesla is all set to disrupt insurance, and it's all because of data."