
Imperative Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"It is not just that you can learn, it is that you must learn."
"This is why it is so imperative and important that I'm here today."
"The imperative is to reverse this decade-long aborted structural transformation."
"Absolutely crucial that you do the right thing."
"Exploration is not a choice really; it's an imperative."
"Inclusion is a national security imperative..."
"Doing so is not just an option, it's our absolute obligation."
"The most imperative thing is for us as people to start think for ourselves right now."
"They need to destroy the Heavenly Gates."
"Reason is the source of the idea of universalizability and the imperative for us."
"I think it's a moral imperative for the human race to be able to move off Earth while we have the opportunity."
"There's an imperative as a driver to disorder the entropy will increase."
"You can have your cake and eat it too. You can be as functional as you want, you can be as imperative as you want."
"Constant communication with your kids is gonna be imperative."
"It's imperative that they get some sort of points here, whether that's a field goal but preferably a touchdown."
"Making the world holy is not an option. It has to happen."
"Enjoyment is a categorical imperative. If we can be interested in things and enjoy them, we shall be freed from many of the temptations for delinquency."
"I believe veganism is the moral imperative. I believe it's the moral baseline. To be vegan is not only morally virtuous—and I do believe it is—but I believe it's the moral baseline."
"Gender neutrality most of all is an anti-violence imperative."
"Paul wasn't writing, 'Hey man, if you feel like it, then once you get some of that filling of the Holy Spirit.' Paul's no, you be constantly being filled with Holy Spirit. I'm telling you to do this, this is an imperative, this is a command."
"It's almost imperative for you to get the maximum amount of dollars."
"And it seems that just creates even more of an imperative to provide some kind of alternative to that dark narrative."
"There is a command and an imperative to awake and be awakened."
"They must be protected at all costs."
"Art is an imperative stronger than commerce."
"It is imperative that you test with screen readers."
"The Christian practice of hospitality becomes imperative in an environment where there is growing hostility."
"It is imperative that we are awake and not asleep."
"It is imperative for us to foster an inclusive environment in this community."
"Operational excellence is key here. It's imperative that we're able to do that."
"Living the life of Jesus is an absolute imperative."
"You must survive, no matter what."
"You'll know you're talking to God when everything He tells you to do is consistent with a categorical imperative."
"Connecting with others is a biological imperative."
"To be a saint is not an option; it's an imperative because only saints get to Heaven."
"It is imperative that you have love."
"The filling of the Holy Spirit is not merely a biblical invitation, it is a biblical imperative."
"The most biological imperative actually the creature can do is not die."
"The protection of civilians should be imperative."
"Communication is also very imperative while supporting any residents."
"The Christian is to be forgiving; there's no ifs, ands, or buts about it."
"They are to be respected at all costs."
"The moral, hence categorical imperative, says: 'I ought to act thus and so, even if I did not will anything else.'"
"Understand your purpose, your moral imperative."
"It's imperative that we show gratitude whenever the opportunity presents itself."
"Don't hate women and don't be a pedophile."
"Growth is not God's suggestion; growth is mandatory for you."
"The need to establish a relationship between an organism and its reality is an imperative, a biological imperative, a life imperative."
"The imperative only makes sense if it is possible that it be obtained."
"The exploration imperative is still there."
"A categorical imperative is an action that's objectively necessary and is the imperative of morality."
"We have a moral imperative to get it right."
"It's no longer 'Why should I change?' It's imperative that there must be a change."
"The imperative of creating blue oceans today is more important than it was yesterday."
"There's only one moral absolute that I'm aware of, and that is that it is absolutely immoral for someone with a few bucks to spare to not go to the fundraiser."
"He views it as really an imperative."
"It's absolutely imperative we remain within the parameters of the law."
"You have to love yours. That to me is a racial imperative."
"Protection of the Jewish state in Israel is an imperative for Christians."
"It's imperative that people find a means to bring voice to that spark, to that impulse."
"I believe that we have to get gender equality here in the United States. It is imperative."
"Be not deceived; that's not a suggestion, it's an imperative."
"The universe is purposefully asking you to pick up and take control because it's imperative that you do."