
Advertising Effectiveness Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"I feel like we should talk about which ads are good and which ads are bad rather than all ads are bad or all ads are good."
"Sharing becomes even more important than traditional advertising."
"Quickly launch a survey and ask the users who clicked on your ads what mattered most to them? Was it the free shipping? The 15% discount? Or maybe the product reviews?"
"Instagram ads are really good. I've bought so much crap."
"Video by far is the best converting advertising copy type."
"Tv ads are not as impactful as they were back in the day."
"Advertisers are paying for those eyeballs. With David's content all 20 million eyeballs are watching while the ad gets read."
"Good ads explain the unique selling proposition, educate or entertain, have a great offer and urgency, and are not boring."
"The tours were maybe a better answer to how much we spend on advertising because it is in a way advertising."
"Long-form always works better than snappy slogans."
"If the person looking at it can tell it's an ad, you've done it all wrong."
"Lookalike audiences can significantly magnify your reach for new customers."
"Ads with a higher click-through rate tend to perform better in the long run."
"Advertisers aren't paying for millions of views on their ads if they're not working."
"What's gonna perform the best always is gonna be remarketing."
"The better that your ad extensions are and your advertisements are it's going to help your overall quality score."
"Facebook Ads still works? If you just take a look right now... they're still seeing year on year growth on their active user base and advertising revenue."
"What didn't work was your ad sucked. The platform's working just fine. That's why it's doing trillions. You suck." - Gary Vaynerchuk
"Some businesses are definitely much better off by running paid advertisements."
"Billboards make that so simple and easy I really feel like they're one of the best things you can get in the game."
"People don't think of things three-dimensionally. TikTok's winning because you're just getting a lot more eyeballs for the price."
"What happens next to this whole Gary V era, where a lot of people have won off of the thesis, is enough money comes in where the ads don't work anymore."
"That's what you've got to look for and they're cheap to advertise."
"We're also going to talk about a new sleeper biden ad which is really effective and they're putting a lot of money behind it because it's actually doing so well right now."
"TikTok advertising is truly one of the most profitable forms of marketing."
"Your copy has to be good, that's the difference. The copy has to be good."
"People generally distrust or ignore typical ads but when it's a content creator with a loyal fan base personally promoting something, that's probably going to be a lot more effective than a normal ad."
"And that is a better NFL advertisement than any NFL advertisement I have seen in 10 years."
"Advertising actually does work, especially through ad reads in the middle of a YouTube channel."
"YouTube ads are quickly becoming one of the most profitable and powerful forms of advertising."
"Retargeting is amazingly powerful... increase the frequency with which you're showing your message."
"Great advertising excites you with possibility and reassures you with certainty."
"Spark ads on TikTok can increase results by 2X, 3X, or even 4X."
"My click-through rates are between five and eight percent."
"Content is one of the most important inputs to making Facebook ads work."
"Her commercial was the best made commercial in my eyes."
"Paid media is absolutely amazing because you can retarget that audience for your stuff."
"I think it's a memorable, clean ad that really pitches their product."
"Neuromarketing, how you study the brain in order to more effectively sell crap to people."
"Babel was one of the top language learning apps in the world and when they advertise their services being scientifically engineered to kick-start your Learning Journey let me tell you it shows."
"The key to successful advertising is finding a way to marry the needs of the advertiser with the needs of consumers."
"Commercials, these TV ads, can be used in a way to really connect to people on an emotional level."
"Targeting abroad has worked significantly better for me."
"If an advert is entertaining and good, should it have not been put out?"
"The presentation of everything shown here - advertising all the features. Graphics look decent."
"Yoda is actually just a really well-placed ad campaign for the Food Network."
"If advertising didn't work, companies wouldn't spend nearly a trillion dollars on it every year."
"The volume is there, he's getting more engagement out of this ad versus if I were to do it, I'd be just throwing away that turned money, correct?"
"Advertising, when done right, can lead a company to take a huge chunk of the market."
"An instant icon and a walking advertisement for the human military."
"Understanding how to leverage Google ads, how to leverage that audience, that reach, and make money is a skill that has made me millions of dollars every single year since 2014."
"Massive returns: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x your money on Facebook ads."
"This is particularly important because while people think about ads as awareness campaigns, they can be really effective in the consideration or decision stages of the buyer's Journey as well."
"You'll put an end once and for all to wasting money and that idea that Facebook ads just don't work because they do."
"I can't think of a smarter piece of advertising that can exist."
"This is believable, and that's why I think this commercial hits way harder."
"Good ads, the ones that consistently perform good, they bring in a good ROI, they're usually from two to three percent."
"If you advertise the right people on Facebook, your sponsored ads, your campaigns can perform very, very well."
"Make sure that you have conversion tracking set up so that you can understand which shopping ads are actually bringing in purchases and revenue for your business."
"Personal recommendation counts more than any number of Google adverts or social media posts."
"Most Google ads will convert between a one to three percent conversion rate."
"The video ad views are the thing that's actually driving user acquisition behavior."