
Self-accountability Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"You can't shortchange yourself. You're not cheating anybody but yourself."
"Hold yourselves accountable before you are held accountable."
"You can hold yourself accountable and still move on without shame."
"Ultimately pardoning people and blaming yourself is a good thing."
"It's all about the work that you put in. Don't blame genetics, just blame yourself and your hard work."
"Hold yourself accountable for your commitments to yourself."
"I've got no one to blame, but I know exactly how to fix the problem."
"Ultimately, you're the only person who has to live with that."
"Happiness starts with accountability, my life is happy because I think everything in my life is my fault."
"Practice self-accountability and show up for yourself."
"Nobody is going to do this for you. Holding yourself accountable is crucial."
"You're allowed to have made mistakes in the past, you can hold yourself accountable, learn from them, and add value to yourself."
"The only way I care is if I let myself down."
"I take accountability for how I did myself bad, how I had myself out here looking stupid."
"Before you can talk about external reparations you have to talk about internal reparations. What do we owe ourselves? What do we owe our people? What do we owe our community? What do we owe our ancestors?"
"The only person to blame is the one who looks at me in the mirror."
"Here at Dosh Industries™, we're dedicated to cleaning up every ecological disaster we caused ourselves."
"We often search elsewhere for people to hold us accountable but what if we could cultivate that accountability from within?"
"You must accept responsibility for all of your life."
"I'm all about being accountable for my own actions."
"I ought to be ready at every moment of my life to confront myself and say this is what I've done."
"Stop blaming everybody else. Look in that mirror, look who's staring back at you and do something about it."
"You can't use external factors to validate why you're not where you want to be."
"You can have any opinion of me that you want. I am responsible for my reality."
"The key to happiness is self accountability."
"Self-accountability is the only way you can ever be happy."
"Blaming other people for your problems isn't gonna help solve your problems."
"Excuses won't work for you anymore. Now you're self-accountable."
"Self-accountability, that's it. It would have been different if you would have listened."
"The best thing you can possibly do in a situation, for everybody involved, including yourself, is hold yourself accountable."
"It's always putting the onus back on what I, as an individual, am actually responsible for."
"Your life will be so much better if you start taking accountability for your life and your choices and your body and your health because then you will not be relying on everybody else to affirm you or bend a knee."
"I am accountable for my happiness and success. I hold myself accountable for that."
"It's just hard work, there is no secret sauce, there is nobody to blame, none of that, it's you exactly."
"Self-accountability goes a long way, it really just does."
"Allah clearly says in the Quran, stand out for justice even if it's against yourself."
"The opposite of a victim complex is somebody who takes accountability for their life."
"The adversary symbolizes the spark of consciousness which questions everything, manifesting the individualistic path with accountability only to the self."
"My emotional reactions to situations are my responsibility and my responsibility alone."
"Put out all you can because you're the one that has to lay your head on your pillow at night."
"You are built to last, you don't have the right to complain anymore."
"We need to hold ourselves accountable... have the highest standards."
"Blame yourself if you haven't achieved what you thought in 2023. It's not because of the devil or any village people, it's you."
"Accountability, because no one is pressing that button, no one is opening up that platform, you are."
"Don't set yourself up for potential excuses."
"A million people can stop you, but if you ain't doing nothing, you ain't got nothing to worry about."
"There's only one person that you really have to answer to, that's yourself."
"You can't blame anything except yourself for your true value and happiness."
"Just make sure that you're doing right by you. The only person, at the end of the day, that you have to make happy is yourself."
"If there is good, praise Allah, and if there is other than good, you have nobody to blame but yourself."
"You're only cheating yourself, if you want to make this thing happen for you, you can."
"I'm holding myself accountable, and I love that about myself."
"We all have to take accountability for our own actions and no one else's."
"The only person that you can blame for the temptation in your life is you."
"I had been making excuses for far too long, man."
"We have to be our own answers. We have to figure out what we need and then we have to take accountability and responsibility for that."
"You don't accept excuses anymore first and foremost not from yourself."
"The accountability of oneself, you know, like I think that's huge."
"Delete the number; hold yourself accountable. Valuable time for you to process everything."
"Blame your own laziness before society or luck." - A reflection on personal responsibility.
"It's much easier to be unconscious and to be the victim because then it's somebody else's fault."
"Accountability of oneself comes from the analysis of oneself and one's own actions."
"You're the one holding yourself accountable."
"We have to speak the truth even if it's against ourselves."
"If we want to become sovereign... we have to start being accountable for our own lives."
"You are responsible for your own thoughts, beliefs, ideas, ideals, choices, behaviors, and actions."
"You're your own accountability partner."
"Your fears go down, and your confidence goes up each time you say 'I am responsible'."
"I like being reminded of that because I will have success again in my life right, and then there's only one person who can mess it up, and it's me."
"You'll never be mad at yourself or holding yourself accountable, ready."
"There are multiple sides to every story but one thing that is undeniable uh in this case is that it's no one's fault but my own, oh and that I picked wrong."
"You get to a level where, like, levels out where you feel like where you no longer blame anybody but yourself, right?"
"The only person that can affect whether if you showed up or not, the only person that can affect that is you."
"When you don't blame yourself, you learn to own your mistakes, understand, and transcend them."
"Don't blame nobody but yourself. Okay? This is how you're going to grow. This is how we're going to change. This is how we're going to level up."
"We should take ourselves into account before we're taken into account... keeping our books straight before we go to bed."
"I'm gonna do this because I said I'm gonna do it"
"As the late great don shula said, strong men blame themselves weak men blame others."
"If all you do is just Comfort yourself and tell yourself it's okay it's fine you're basically saying it's okay that you're just betrayed yourself and what you said you were gonna do."
"Decide on what you want for yourself, write it down, make it a contract."
"You have to be able to assume a great deal of risk. You have to be willing to be completely self-accountable. And you also have to be able to compete successfully in the market Marketplace."
"No one teaches you to be accountable for yourself."
"I have to take it, I can't turn it around and blame others, it's me."
"Holding yourself accountable is the most important thing."
"You got to hold yourself accountable as a man."
"I need to follow what I say because if I don't, I'm letting myself down and at the end of the day, that's who I'm gonna be with for the rest of time."
"The only person you're letting down is yourself."
"Take accountability for yourself and leave the situation for whatever you think that you could amount to into the future."
"Your accountability has got to come from inside of yourself."
"All good is from Allah and the duas of my mother and father, and any bad that has come has come from me and my own mistakes."
"The only person you are responsible to is yourself."
"Do justice even if it goes against you... even if it goes against your own self, your kin."
"Stand up for the truth, even if it is against us."
"I'm fully accountable for our results from last season."
"Stand forth for justice, even against yourselves."
"You the problem and you the solution."
"The one thing I took away from his content is the one thing he preached a lot: self-accountability."
"If you take complete self-accountability and you self-reflect, you can learn a whole bunch."
"At the end of the day, you have to answer to yourself, and you might as well make yourself happy."
"You are where you are today because of you."
"As women, we should hold other women accountable and hold ourselves accountable for when we're doing something that's negative to society or to ourselves."
"You're the only person you're going to be letting down if you're not true to yourself."
"I'm able to take self-accountability. I am fully aware that I've been through the nitty-gritty of things."
"It's a very lonely journey; it starts with the accountability mirror."
"It's been a pleasure, the only problems I've had were because of me."
"Stop with the excuses, it's between you and you."
"You have to take accountability for your own life."
"The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you."
"Accountability: I analyze my behavior and what parts of me resonated with these men I deemed problematic."
"Accountability is for you to take among yourself."
"You're in control, and there's only one person to blame."
"You're the only person who you need to hold yourself accountable for is you."
"Find an organization system/planner that works for you and is wonderful for productivity and self-accountability."
"We have to be accountable for ourselves, no matter what everybody else is doing in this world."
"Speak the truth even if it's against yourself or your kin."
"Do justice even if it's against yourselves."
"O ye who believe, stand up as witnesses to Allah in justice, even against yourselves, against your parents, or against your kin, whether one is rich or poor."