
Boundary-pushing Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"Treyarch have always been risk-takers, never once have they put out a game that didn't push boundaries in one way or another."
"With Everywhere at the End of Time, James Leyland Kirby shattered the typical boundaries of the auditory medium and delivered an experience like no other."
"Push the limits, push the boundaries of soldiers today."
"The sheer existence of it will inspire other people to push the boundaries."
"He's a comedian. Comedians do lots of stuff that walks right up to the edge and sometimes crosses over the edge."
"The Treehouse segments were always so memorable to people purely because they tested the boundaries or pushed certain characters further in the extremes of their character."
"Person B wanted to push boundaries here with conversation."
"Our editor has been amazing letting us go wild and push the envelope... in terms of what we can get away with."
"They are really seriously pushing the culinary boundaries out to the extreme."
"Walking through the Great Wall of China was about bringing magic further," pushing the boundaries of illusion.
"The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage, you must be ready to reach beyond the boundaries of time itself."
"Sausage Party has been described as annihilating the boundaries of cinema."
"It pushed a lot of boundaries when you first saw you were like holy shit."
"Comedians are the ones who push the envelope, they're the ones who step outside that box all the time."
"This mature franchise revival was clearly not worried about pushing the boundaries of good taste."
"You are a comedian. We're supposed to push envelopes."
"Comedians are the canary in the mine, we push what's acceptable to talk about in society."
"He does the unthinkable why do you think that works or why do you think he's been successful i should say because he just like keeps on pushing the boundaries."
"Pushing the limits of what's humanly possible in cinema."
"Comedy should cross the line a little bit. Yes, it should be discomfort. It should be, but it also should be a relief from society."
"They're always pushing the boundaries with their food."
"Azealia Banks is one of those people who know how to push buttons and go way over the line."
"I like the idea of going trick-or-treating, and if somebody doesn't answer their door, you just break into their house."
"Find your own voice and push your own boundaries."
"I don't think there's ever such thing as too far. You remember it though, right? And we're talking about it months later."
"The smartest people know how to push the boundaries."
"Writing the word 'piss' on something is maybe the ultimate comedic move you can ever make."
"When he was 14, Michelangelo went one step too far."
"We would push the boundaries, like I said. He was just kept doing it and kept doing it and kept doing it."
"Paulo Soleri's ultimate goal was to push the boundaries of architecture."
"We are entering into an age of multidimensionality, experiencing this on various levels. Younger souls are naturally exploring these dimensions, pushing boundaries."
"In games, we have to go to the limit. We want to stay within this limit of how far, pushing the boundaries of conveying our message."
"I think art is probably good when it's like pushing boundaries and pushing boundaries is inherently uncomfortable and involves a lot of failure."
"It's astounding to witness how SpaceX continually pushes the boundaries of what's possible."
"I think it's worth it. It's what the channel is about and what I've said from day one that I want to do with it is just push bounds and see what can happen."
"Ordered them just for this video—pink fluffy slides, breaking boundaries!"
"I genuinely have incredible respect and admiration for Toyota experimenting and pushing the boundaries here."
"Pushing the boundaries of what you can and cannot do."
"Is it art? Does it push the boundaries? Is it offensive? What are you allowed to say?"
"Challenges the boundaries of what bad music can be."
"Blizzard is starting to push its own boundaries once again."
"I love when people take something and just make it fresh, make it unique, push the boundaries."
"We're not just pushing the boundaries of science, we're breaking them." - Dr. David Fiser, CERN theoretical physicist
"This is the Koenigsegg way, to experiment and push boundaries."
"Whatever it is, I'm stoked for it and I hope it pisses people off and pushes the boundaries of the genre just like they've been doing since 2004."
"You're challenging the barrier of what it is to be a human being."
"I love Dave because he's always pushed the envelope."
"I just think you should be pushing boundaries."
"A game that consistently presses the boundaries of what multiplayer means."
"This game does things that games just don't do, things you'd think games couldn't do."
"Comedy's the one thing that pushes the boundaries, that puts a mirror to society."
"Jerry Lewis was more than just a comedian; he was an explosive experimenter pushing the boundaries of cinema."
"Where the levees end, the fun begins."
"As a comedian, I feel like a good comedian pokes the bear."
"I like when they push the envelope and they push the limits."
"Every generation there's a woman rapper who pushes the boundary of lyrics."
"It was a performance artistry that transcended the boundaries of a mere music act, pushing the limits of self-expression."
"It's the fight game and you're supposed to sell a fight. There are no boundaries."
"You can't push boundaries without pissing a few people off, but sometimes that's exactly what's needed."
"Films can be anything so they can do anything and therefore it's incumbent on us as filmmakers to try and push whatever boundaries we can and not be, you know, beholden to a theoretical rule set."
"She's an experimental artist, not pushing way outside the bounds of palatability, but finding ways to work unique ideas into a palatable sound."
"Bold, brash, and smart as a whip, Jane Mansfield simply loved to push the limits of decency."
"It doesn't get any wilder than Werner Herzog, a director with no limits, the very embodiment of 'they don't make them like they used to.'"
"...it dared to push the boundaries of what could be done visually as well as from a writing perspective."
"...I think something like this can be made and should be made, but I think they can't handle it. It won't push it going to the furthest edge, you know, this is meant to be social commentary."
"Takahata was one of the first to really push the boundaries of what animation could express."
"I really hope they will continue pushing the boundaries in terms of innovation and all those Industries there they're playing in."
"Pushing the envelope and testing boundaries is a characteristic of the rebel archetype."
"In comedy, you push the envelope. If there's a consensus going, 'Nah,' you go, 'All right, [__] it.' That's what we do with comics."
"You're always trying to push the envelope"
"...radically push the limits of Form and Function."
"She's just doing shit that pushes the boundaries that makes you think that makes you take down all walls."
"It's never been done before and I think it transcends running sport and it really truly pushes the boundaries as we've never seen before."
"It pushed boundaries, it bent the rules, and ultimately, they're just pretty cool."
"At some point you're like okay, this is the party, right? So I'm excited to be working with a group of people that are willing to edge to that line."
"Try new things, don't be afraid to push the boundary because that's truly where innovation comes from."
"The line between actually very serious and actually very funny is actually very thin. Let's cross it, shall we?"
"Fox continues to push boundaries and pave the way for future generations of Talent."
"I love being able to see where people push the boundaries and how just insane it could be from all walks of life."
"South Park changed and challenged the boundaries of network television."
"South Park has made a name for itself by pushing the envelope of what they can put on television."
"There's a fine line between genius and insanity - I have erased this line."
"I really like to push boundaries with my art I am very much looking forward to seeing how these artists are gonna like freak out freak out."
"Not only do we want to make great music, but we want to make great music that takes people out of a comfort zone."
"Just when you think the peak of audacity has been reached, now there's a height, there's a higher peak. Just when you think the limit of cheek has been achieved, no, no, a new limit gets created."
"They pushed the boundaries in the show."
"That was using the rules, I think, right to the edge."
"I think he's made a career on pushing the boundaries of what's possible in filmmaking."
"Hans Zimmer is always pushing the boundaries of music in general."
"I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea and I definitely push the boundaries sometimes but for the amount of people that are purchasing these it's making me go like wow."
"There's a sense of wonder about these land speed records it's just pushing boundaries that don't need to be pushed and I love it."
"George Carlin knew where he could take those swings and when and why because he actually was a proponent for like, you know, pushing boundaries and attacking the bourgeoisie and like the power structure that surrounds us and dominates us."
"He would always push the boundaries of comedy."
"The Koenigsegg way is to experiment and push boundaries."
"Freddie Mercury pushed the boundaries of art and music."
"Far from your typical love story."
"It pushed the boundaries of what could be accomplished on the silver screen."
"Eventually he's gonna cross the line, it's gonna be great."
"...it was considered pushing the limits but against all odds even to this day, this song is still massively popular."
"from constructing a human-sized magnetic cage in 2014 to attempting to teleport data from one location to another CERN is forever pushing the boundaries of modern science and technology."
"Ari shaffir is a comic who can push boundaries test audiences and offend his viewers."
"Absolutely. Nothing is sacred with them."
"A little bit out of my comfort zone, but I think because they're that Western style, it kind of adds a little bit of edge to them."
"Marvel was pushing the boundaries."
"Iger has set foot into a realm no blader should tread."
"That sketch was like, 'Oh, they'll never let us do this.'"
"Don't be afraid to stand out. You're not afraid to push boundaries."
"You're not afraid to push the boundaries."
"What men like about you is that you test the boundaries."
"You tend to live life on the edges."
"Bionicle truly is a series that pushes the boundaries of the distinction between sci-fi and fantasy."
"From gifted creative minds dropping some of the most boundary-pushing and important albums in hip-hop history to whatever this is."
"We are still going to be the people who push the envelope."
"...we want to hear about people going out and pushing their boundaries all that kind of stuff."
"You're always pushing the envelope."
"Push a joke to the level where you think that should be too much and then push it over that hump."
"My theory of life's exploration is to run edges."
"Every time The Onion goes too far, I go look at the comments and everybody's saying it's too far, really, yeah, everybody goes like, 'Maybe he's gone too far.'"
"My choice for the number one spot is really a personal choice. There is no music that's the wildest humanly possible. That depends for each of us on the expectations we have for a piece of music and how far beyond those boundaries the piece seems to have gone."
"...the inventor of the discomfort zone."
"A glimpse into what happens when boundaries are pushed and convention defined."
"I hope you all have too, now I think it's time to see how far we can push the envelope."
"Tesla's always pushing the boundary."
"It's so easy to do obviously with you know live action film but to do this with animation talk about the boundaries you're gonna have to get through in order to do that like my goodness that is awesome."
"It was one of the first shows that really felt like it was seriously pushing the envelope."
"I've always wanted to branch out and do things that are innovative, do things that just push boundaries and push limits."
"Few pushed the boundaries of design quite like this."
"This movie has balls, and taking on a very taboo subject which is violence and murder of children which most horror movies do not have anywhere near the balls to go there."
"She pushed the boundaries of what seemed possible and in doing so inspired countless others."
"You're breaking barriers and boundaries."
"I want to push at the edges of what's considered acceptable."
"Every scene that comes up is sort of like wow we got away with that."
"Such amazing tracks on here that really pushed the limits of what music can do."
"Mr. Nice Guy was pushing boundaries. No Cap."
"Kendrick London walk a fine line between genius and insanity."
"It's completely blurring the line between what's possible and what's not possible."
"Being uncomfortable is actually the key to a lot of things, if that's pushing boundaries, that's out of comfort zone."
"...and they are still pushing boundaries and pushing buttons and still just being ridiculously funny but yeah no sign of getting less clever less raunchy and most importantly less funny."
"Science fiction has always been a space where things could go on that could not go on in the rest of the culture."
"She's still pushing boundaries, and that's always been the thing about Madonna. She does what she wants."
"Tyra was one of them people that really pushed the envelope in the ways that she could."
"Jimbo's drag is supposed to push boundaries and empower people."
"There is a big difference and I don't think there's hypocrisy in cheering on for Ilia Melanin and saying that he is pushing the bounds of sports because he truly is doing that."
"I think it really pushes the boundaries of how we see electric cars today."
"BTS continues to prove themselves by pushing the envelope pushing themselves to the Limit"
"That's what comedians do. You know, some of the best truth tellers. And obviously, you gotta push the envelope."
"He's really pushing the envelope."
"This was so much fun. It pushes boundaries. I absolutely adored this main character."
"The greatest writers have been the ones who tried to push boundaries."
"Ralph Bakshi took animation into a more adult vein, pushing boundaries."
"We are breaking boundaries, we're doing something a little bit different."
"With architecture, the ideas that we push the boundaries with what's being able to be built, how do we do that? We do it by testing new ideas, realizing new ideas."
"It gives us the opportunity to really push the boundaries of what we do on a daily basis to make this the nicest car that we have put out to date."
"Let's push boundaries, is what I'm getting out of this song."
"Artists with a unique power to astonish, thrill, challenge, provoke, and shock push boundaries, ask new questions, and see the world afresh."
"Music can be taken to that nth degree; it just opens up the boundaries for everybody else."
"The Tilly 60 is part of IQUNIX's new Super Series, designed to really push the boundaries of design."
"This often happens with movies, as a lot of the times these are boundary-pushing pieces of work that shape the future generations of pop culture."
"We have to push the boundaries; we have to take risks."
"It's great to see that they're pushing the boundaries of what they can do with a camera."
"A huge kudos to Danessa Myricks for always testing the boundaries here, releasing something new and fresh to the market."
"They imagined and they accomplished, pushing the boundaries of what's capable at the edge."
"If people don't push the limit, people don't push the boundary on what people have done, then it's stagnation and that's what's boring."
"I like breaking stuff apart and shifting boundaries. I like proving new concepts."
"A vital figure and arguably the face of this new style is the one and only Charli XCX, an iconoclast bent on pushing those boundaries."
"I just commend Rammstein for their creativity and the way that they push boundaries."
"Art is supposed to give over a message, and the art itself is pushing the limits."
"The band is a band highly intent on change and ever onward pressing as far you know into through the boundaries as one can possibly go."
"Isn't that the whole point of the arts? Pushing boundaries, doing things people say you can't do, for the sake of self-expression."
"We like to make videos online that just kind of push the boundaries."
"It's certainly pushing the envelope in terms of what a beer can be."
"Their energy gives us energy to continue to push the boundaries."
"I do love Sam Smith because they really do push the boundaries."
"The gays aren't afraid of pushing the boundaries because just being us is pushing boundaries."
"We go faster than light at some point."
"You guys have pushed the boundaries in quality and content, a truly international channel."
"It's about exploring uncharted territories and pushing the boundaries."
"I like that you're not afraid to push boundaries and test limits."
"He was a revolutionary artist who loved to push the envelope."
"This story is never going to end, as long as there are cavers, there'll be people pushing out the boundaries of the known world deep under these mountains."
"It was a series that did a lot of things very unique and really did push the boundaries for its demographic."
"The artist really blurs the boundaries between abstraction and figurative painting."
"I'm the type that always says you have to push boundaries and in art you can do that."
"I push boundaries, but I've learned from it."
"They're at the forefront of just gaming, of pushing the boundaries."
"Make it your own, push boundaries in your own way."
"Having that healthy disregard for the impossible and really pushing the bounds of what can be done."
"TXT are known for their red carpet style, they are known for pushing boundaries."
"This movie's gonna push boundaries."
"Black Mirror is definitely very clever; they push a lot of boundaries and make you think."